Mother Nature is Tearing Down trump's Big Beautiful Wall

again, if you really wanted to end undocumented immigration, you go after the white people who hire them.
Actually the owners of ethnic restaurants hire their illegal countrymen and women to work in the kitchens and wait tables. .... :cool:
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Sounds like shovel ready infrastructure. No doubt liberals are chomping at the bit to get to work.
Actually the problem wasn't ignoring environmental regulations but rather being forced to comply with them. Lack of maintenance (sabotage) and other factors are involved but the strange thing is that left wing Americans seem pleased by the whole thing. Hatred will do strange things to you.
Gee Joe. Why don't you tell us all how to control a pandemic??

Once it hit our shores people were going to die. Made no difference who was in the WH, who said what or who did what. People were going to die. Its a pandemic shit for brains. Your boy Biden isn't doing any better so I guess you have to blame him as well.

If you want to play the blame game then blame China. If they had locked their country down then the rest of the world wouldn't have had to suffer through THEIR virus.
Gee Joe. Why don't you tell us all how to control a pandemic??

Very simple. You do what the countries that got it under control did. You limit interpersonal contact. You practice social distancing.

The Japanese have had less than 10,000 Covid Deaths, despite being a LOT closer to China than we are. Why? they did all that stuff. They kind of had a head start in that Masking is already common over there and they do the whole bowing thing instead of shaking hands and hugging. But they kept Covid under control while Trump was calling it a hoax.

THis week, Trump got booed by his own followers for mentioning vaccines.... The right has truly become a Death Cult.

Once it hit our shores people were going to die. Made no difference who was in the WH, who said what or who did what. People were going to die. Its a pandemic shit for brains. Your boy Biden isn't doing any better so I guess you have to blame him as well.

Actually, Biden is doing a lot better, given we haven't lost as many people on his watch as Trump's, and they've both been dealing with this problem for about 7 months. We'd be past this thing by now if members of the DEATH CULT would just get their damned shots... like you guys are teaching us a lesson or something.

"Wow. I died of Covid. that'll own the libs!!!"

If you want to play the blame game then blame China. If they had locked their country down then the rest of the world wouldn't have had to suffer through THEIR virus.

Except China DID lock their country down. While I doubt they are being candid about how many people they actually lost, it was far fewer than we did because they did lock down.
Trump did a lot before the pandemic hit. He had the mask people ready to go. He had ventilators ready to go and he even had a hospital shit parked in NY harbor. A ship none of the idiots in New York used. He tried to stop flights into the US and got called a racist by you Dem idiots.

Once that virus hit people were going to die. Hell over 200,000 have died since Biden took over. I guess you blame him for those deaths as well??

Once that pandemic his our shores people were going to die. You should learn that lesson.

Oh and you still haven't told us all how to control a pandemic. Get to it smart ass.
Trump did a lot before the pandemic hit. He had the mask people ready to go. He had ventilators ready to go and he even had a hospital shit parked in NY harbor. A ship none of the idiots in New York used. He tried to stop flights into the US and got called a racist by you Dem idiots.

Okay, he stockpiled masks and sent them to red states instead of blue states.
He sent a ship that was completely unsuited to treating Covid Patients or really anything but battlefield casualties.
He stopped flights based on race. HIs panicked effort probably made it worse by all these folks fleeing to get back here before the country closed.

Once that virus hit people were going to die. Hell over 200,000 have died since Biden took over. I guess you blame him for those deaths as well??

Yes, I do blame him. I blame him for the Death Cult mentality he has encouraged in the Red Areas that if you wear a mask or get a shot, you are denying the one true God.

Shit, yesterday he tried to mention vaccine in a speech, and his cultists booed him until he backtracked and started babbling about "Freedom".

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