Mother of 5-Year-Old Transgender Girl Fights Texas School District Over Bathroom Access

Why do we have different bathrooms for boys and girls again? Honest question. Women and girls use stalls to pee/poop. Without exception. Are we unable to handle this business together? Is it going to provoke sexual stimulation? Do we distrust boys and men SO much that they cannot handle being in a semi-private room with any girl or woman?

What a stupid debate. Let this girl go potty where she pleases. Of all the dumb places to take a stand.
And to think you're out walking around in public unescorted.
Why do we have different bathrooms for boys and girls again? Honest question. Women and girls use stalls to pee/poop. Without exception. Are we unable to handle this business together? Is it going to provoke sexual stimulation? Do we distrust boys and men SO much that they cannot handle being in a semi-private room with any girl or woman?

What a stupid debate. Let this girl go potty where she pleases. Of all the dumb places to take a stand.
It is the democrats and their evil base through their evil propaganda pushers seeing and using and exploiting any and all opportunities to create victims where there are no victims.

All a part of the nefarious plans of destroying the country they hate with the divide and conquer strategy. That is all this is. Their sheep are always too happy to fall right in line like the possessed pieces of shit they all are.

That is all this is. The media hypes it. The morons jump on the bandwagon, and the further they are able to drive the dagger into the heart of the American ideal.

Right out of the marxist/mao play book. Doing away with Americas "olds."


Understand what ALL of this is about. The red guard in China, the Khmer Rouge under Pol Pot, the Brown Shirts under hitler, the Bolsheviks under Lenin. Now look at the groups rising under these left wingers. New Black Panthers, Blacklvesmatter, on and on and on.

All violent protests are left wing controlled and created. Watch them now say how the "Tea Party" is on the same line as those left wing groups I mentioned.

The Tea Party wants to preserve our customs and the free market that has made our country the greatest in the world. A claim that makes every pathetic left wing piece of arrogant hypocritical shit cringe.

Know what this is all about. If you think this is about bathrooms, then you are being deceived. It is not about that at all.
I guess it was a Marxist conspiracy to disregard the "olds" who believed in slavery? Lol @ you
Slavery? What the fuck are you talking about you fucking unreal loser?
The elites prop up dingbats:

"I knew my kid was different before the age of 2," Shappley said. "My child was very feminine, flamboyant and dramatic. No matter how I tried to punish, reshape or discipline her, she continued being very feminine."

"My child was very feminine, flamboyant and dramatic."

If nothing else the kid was exhibiting signs of being a progtard
The elites prop up dingbats:

"I knew my kid was different before the age of 2," Shappley said. "My child was very feminine, flamboyant and dramatic. No matter how I tried to punish, reshape or discipline her, she continued being very feminine."

"My child was very feminine, flamboyant and dramatic."

If nothing else the kid was exhibiting signs of being a progtard

I don't blame the child. This mother wanted a girl so bad that she dressed her pre preschool kid in girls clothing. Kids are just barely developing at this point, and she's making radical life forming moves for the child.
The elites prop up dingbats:

"I knew my kid was different before the age of 2," Shappley said. "My child was very feminine, flamboyant and dramatic. No matter how I tried to punish, reshape or discipline her, she continued being very feminine."

"My child was very feminine, flamboyant and dramatic."

If nothing else the kid was exhibiting signs of being a progtard

I don't blame the child. This mother wanted a girl so bad that she dressed her pre preschool kid in girls clothing. Kids are just barely developing at this point, and she's making radical life forming moves for the child.

I've raised 5 y/o' me this child is not thinking this up on it's own.
The elites prop up dingbats:

"I knew my kid was different before the age of 2," Shappley said. "My child was very feminine, flamboyant and dramatic. No matter how I tried to punish, reshape or discipline her, she continued being very feminine."

"My child was very feminine, flamboyant and dramatic."

If nothing else the kid was exhibiting signs of being a progtard

I don't blame the child. This mother wanted a girl so bad that she dressed her pre preschool kid in girls clothing. Kids are just barely developing at this point, and she's making radical life forming moves for the child.

Yeah, forget what the mother actually has to say about what her family went have your preconceived (wrong) notions...screw facts!
Mother of 5-Year-Old Transgender Girl Fights Texas School District Over Bathroom Access

The mother of a 5-year-old transgender girl in Pearland, Texas, is continuing her fight against the Pearland Independent School District to allow her daughter to use the girls' bathroom.

Kimberly Shappley -- mom of soon-to-be kindergartner, Kai Shappley -- said her fight against the school district started in May. The district allows students to use gender-neutral bathrooms, found in some areas of the school, but the mom says that isn't enough.

"I went to the campus and approached the school district to try and work with them," she told ABC News today. "I wanted to make sure Kai wouldn't be discriminated against and be able to use the girl's bathroom, but it soon became very apparent that the superintendent has a very strong, prejudiced stance against the LGBTQ community."

Coincidentally, later that month, the Obama administration issued a directive to schools saying that transgender students should be able to use bathrooms that match their gender identity.


It is never going to stop. It is only going to get worse as we can see.

Sounds like Child Abuse to me. A 5 year old kid is likely not developed enough to make a gender redefinition decision. I put this one squarely on the shoulders of the mom who seems a bit nutty from what I've seen of her.
Who do you want to bet will win when and if this goes to court?
This issue is a little different than the Pocket-Justice Obergefell mistrial. This one includes the rights of women who are victims of rape to be free from PTSD triggers in segregated hygiene chambers marked "women" outside. So...the Court is going to deliberate this one longer than the pre-decided case of Obergefell..
Why do we have different bathrooms for boys and girls again? Honest question. Women and girls use stalls to pee/poop. Without exception. Are we unable to handle this business together? Is it going to provoke sexual stimulation? Do we distrust boys and men SO much that they cannot handle being in a semi-private room with any girl or woman?

What a stupid debate. Let this girl go potty where she pleases. Of all the dumb places to take a stand.
Except it's a little boy, and the proper pronoun is HE.

OK dumbfuck. Here's a scenario for you: 17 million US women have been raped at some point in their life. When they are in showers, locker rooms or bathrooms with their delicates exposed, a man walking in on them with the full blessings of law would be a trigger for PTSD. When a door says WOMEN on it, that means WOMEN ONLY. Boys pretending to be girls or men pretending to be women ARE NOT, NOR WILL EVER BE FEMALE/WOMEN. I refuse to call any of them "she". I don't care if I'm fined a $Billion US for each offense. I'll go to jail before I call a male "she".

The stand has been taken and your deviant sex cult is going to lose this one at the Supreme Court level. You might want to read the case "Hively v Ivy Tech" (7th circuit 2016) and Justice Ginsburg's comments back in the 1970s about the civil rights laws with respect to gender segregation in bathrooms etc. before you call this one in your favor.

BTW, Trump supporters here at USMB....You should be aware that there is a youtube video of Trump in April this year stating emphatically that he believes these males should have full access to women's restrooms in Trump Tower..

There goes your him as he goes... Gonna trust him to appoint new Justices are you? HE IS TO THE LEFT OF JUSTICE GINSBURG.
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Mother of 5-Year-Old Transgender Girl Fights Texas School District Over Bathroom Access

The mother of a 5-year-old transgender girl in Pearland, Texas, is continuing her fight against the Pearland Independent School District to allow her daughter to use the girls' bathroom.

Kimberly Shappley -- mom of soon-to-be kindergartner, Kai Shappley -- said her fight against the school district started in May. The district allows students to use gender-neutral bathrooms, found in some areas of the school, but the mom says that isn't enough.

"I went to the campus and approached the school district to try and work with them," she told ABC News today. "I wanted to make sure Kai wouldn't be discriminated against and be able to use the girl's bathroom, but it soon became very apparent that the superintendent has a very strong, prejudiced stance against the LGBTQ community."

Coincidentally, later that month, the Obama administration issued a directive to schools saying that transgender students should be able to use bathrooms that match their gender identity.


It is never going to stop. It is only going to get worse as we can see.

Sounds like Child Abuse to me. A 5 year old kid is likely not developed enough to make a gender redefinition decision. I put this one squarely on the shoulders of the mom who seems a bit nutty from what I've seen of her.

Yeah, the mother of this child once thought exactly like you did...until she heard her child praying to God to take her life rather than to continue to live as a boy.
Anyone arguing about bathrooms is missing the point and playing right into the hands of the dividers.

It is not about bathrooms and the left wing should be called out for what they do.

It will not happen. Instead we need to deal with these childish brainless robots. It is a waste of time to argue logic with these morons.

We need to point out the root of all of these absurdities. That is the only issue.
Mother of 5-Year-Old Transgender Girl Fights Texas School District Over Bathroom Access

The mother of a 5-year-old transgender girl in Pearland, Texas, is continuing her fight against the Pearland Independent School District to allow her daughter to use the girls' bathroom.

Kimberly Shappley -- mom of soon-to-be kindergartner, Kai Shappley -- said her fight against the school district started in May. The district allows students to use gender-neutral bathrooms, found in some areas of the school, but the mom says that isn't enough.

"I went to the campus and approached the school district to try and work with them," she told ABC News today. "I wanted to make sure Kai wouldn't be discriminated against and be able to use the girl's bathroom, but it soon became very apparent that the superintendent has a very strong, prejudiced stance against the LGBTQ community."

Coincidentally, later that month, the Obama administration issued a directive to schools saying that transgender students should be able to use bathrooms that match their gender identity.


It is never going to stop. It is only going to get worse as we can see.

Sounds like Child Abuse to me. A 5 year old kid is likely not developed enough to make a gender redefinition decision. I put this one squarely on the shoulders of the mom who seems a bit nutty from what I've seen of her.

Yeah, the mother of this child once thought exactly like you did...until she heard her child praying to God to take her life rather than to continue to live as a boy.

Yeah right...

I'm sure a 4-5 year old child was praying to God for just that! *eye roll*
Mother of 5-Year-Old Transgender Girl Fights Texas School District Over Bathroom Access

The mother of a 5-year-old transgender girl in Pearland, Texas, is continuing her fight against the Pearland Independent School District to allow her daughter to use the girls' bathroom.

Kimberly Shappley -- mom of soon-to-be kindergartner, Kai Shappley -- said her fight against the school district started in May. The district allows students to use gender-neutral bathrooms, found in some areas of the school, but the mom says that isn't enough.

"I went to the campus and approached the school district to try and work with them," she told ABC News today. "I wanted to make sure Kai wouldn't be discriminated against and be able to use the girl's bathroom, but it soon became very apparent that the superintendent has a very strong, prejudiced stance against the LGBTQ community."

Coincidentally, later that month, the Obama administration issued a directive to schools saying that transgender students should be able to use bathrooms that match their gender identity.


It is never going to stop. It is only going to get worse as we can see.

Sounds like Child Abuse to me. A 5 year old kid is likely not developed enough to make a gender redefinition decision. I put this one squarely on the shoulders of the mom who seems a bit nutty from what I've seen of her.

Yeah, the mother of this child once thought exactly like you did...until she heard her child praying to God to take her life rather than to continue to live as a boy.
Funny that the OP didn't detail this part of the story...

Though Shappley said she found the words and actions of the superintendent and the school "hurtful," she said she would be the first to admit she "used to be one of them."

"I am a devout and conservative Christian and an ordained minister," she said and explained that she tried to force Kai into being a boy when she was a toddler.

"I knew my kid was different before the age of 2," Shappley said. "My child was very feminine, flamboyant and dramatic. No matter how I tried to punish, reshape or discipline her, she continued being very feminine."

By the age of 3, Kai began "adamantly saying and verbalizing she was a girl."

Shappley said a turning point for her came, though, when Kai -- who was called Joseph back then -- began "consistently praying for Joseph to go to heaven."

"Kai was begging the Lord to let her die," she said. "My child would pray and ask the Lord to let Joseph go to heaven and be with Jesus."​

Yeah 5 year.olds know...that's why we let.them. drive, sign contracts, you know basically not having legal rights until they become an a normal civlization.
Mother of 5-Year-Old Transgender Girl Fights Texas School District Over Bathroom Access

The mother of a 5-year-old transgender girl in Pearland, Texas, is continuing her fight against the Pearland Independent School District to allow her daughter to use the girls' bathroom.

Kimberly Shappley -- mom of soon-to-be kindergartner, Kai Shappley -- said her fight against the school district started in May. The district allows students to use gender-neutral bathrooms, found in some areas of the school, but the mom says that isn't enough.

"I went to the campus and approached the school district to try and work with them," she told ABC News today. "I wanted to make sure Kai wouldn't be discriminated against and be able to use the girl's bathroom, but it soon became very apparent that the superintendent has a very strong, prejudiced stance against the LGBTQ community."

Coincidentally, later that month, the Obama administration issued a directive to schools saying that transgender students should be able to use bathrooms that match their gender identity.


It is never going to stop. It is only going to get worse as we can see.

Sounds like Child Abuse to me. A 5 year old kid is likely not developed enough to make a gender redefinition decision. I put this one squarely on the shoulders of the mom who seems a bit nutty from what I've seen of her.

Yeah, the mother of this child once thought exactly like you did...until she heard her child praying to God to take her life rather than to continue to live as a boy.

Yeah right...

I'm sure a 4-5 year old child was praying to God for just that! *eye roll*
You are wasting your time. The moron is a shill and a robot. You would have a better time and better luck....playing pick up sticks with your buttcheeks than getting anywhere with the losers that just defend every single politically correct issue devised in the socialist think tanks.

Mother of 5-Year-Old Transgender Girl Fights Texas School District Over Bathroom Access

The mother of a 5-year-old transgender girl in Pearland, Texas, is continuing her fight against the Pearland Independent School District to allow her daughter to use the girls' bathroom.

Kimberly Shappley -- mom of soon-to-be kindergartner, Kai Shappley -- said her fight against the school district started in May. The district allows students to use gender-neutral bathrooms, found in some areas of the school, but the mom says that isn't enough.

"I went to the campus and approached the school district to try and work with them," she told ABC News today. "I wanted to make sure Kai wouldn't be discriminated against and be able to use the girl's bathroom, but it soon became very apparent that the superintendent has a very strong, prejudiced stance against the LGBTQ community."

Coincidentally, later that month, the Obama administration issued a directive to schools saying that transgender students should be able to use bathrooms that match their gender identity.


It is never going to stop. It is only going to get worse as we can see.

Sounds like Child Abuse to me. A 5 year old kid is likely not developed enough to make a gender redefinition decision. I put this one squarely on the shoulders of the mom who seems a bit nutty from what I've seen of her.

Yeah, the mother of this child once thought exactly like you did...until she heard her child praying to God to take her life rather than to continue to live as a boy.

Do you listen to 5 year Olds for medical and legal advice....Holy shit

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