Mother of 5-Year-Old Transgender Girl Fights Texas School District Over Bathroom Access

Totally agree! I think this is yet another clear example of a mentally unstable parent projecting their own (perverse) will onto a developing child.

Actually predominantly it's about a mother wanting a daughter so badly when all she keeps delivering are boys, that she will embrace the LGBT bullshit to justify her own unexpressed subconscious desire. She mistakenly calls her selected boy "my daughter" and "she". Or, he picks up early in life that she wanted a daughter (ie: doesn't want him) and tries to win her love instead by adopting a female identity. Hence why these mothers keep reporting "I didn't say a word and he started wanting to be a she!" Kids pick up adult expressed conversations and unverbalized desires even when adults don't think the kids are capable of understanding.
Ginsburg even said in the 1970s that men using women's showers/bathrooms etc. was off the table; that certain amounts of segregation of the genders was necessary even. So the LGBT cult isn't going to win this round.

Ginsburg is a Communist. What she said in the 70's has no bearing on anything. It's not like she has ethics or values. The wind has changed, so has her position.
A five year old has no concept of transgendered bull shit. The parents are dangerous loons. These people are nothing more than emotionally disturbed attention whores using and abusing their child.
Who do you want to bet will win when and if this goes to court?
Not the American people.
Ginsburg even said in the 1970s that men using women's showers/bathrooms etc. was off the table; that certain amounts of segregation of the genders was necessary even. So the LGBT cult isn't going to win this round.
This will not end here.

The girls shower/dressing rooms will certainly be the next casualty.

My granddaughters and their friends made it clear that they will castrate them if they think they should be girls.

I've already made arrangements for her advancements in this medical field.
Who do you want to bet will win when and if this goes to court?
Not the American people.
Ginsburg even said in the 1970s that men using women's showers/bathrooms etc. was off the table; that certain amounts of segregation of the genders was necessary even. So the LGBT cult isn't going to win this round.
This will not end here.

The girls shower/dressing rooms will certainly be the next casualty.

My granddaughters and their friends made it clear that they will castrate them if they think they should be girls.

I've already made arrangements for her advancements in this medical field.

Our twin's school touched base on "gender identity" and the teacher asked the class if anyone could tell the class what it of our twins "if you have a penis you are a boy, if you don't you are a girl and if you have one and think you are a girl then you are nuts." :)
Why do we have different bathrooms for boys and girls again? Honest question. Women and girls use stalls to pee/poop. Without exception. Are we unable to handle this business together? Is it going to provoke sexual stimulation? Do we distrust boys and men SO much that they cannot handle being in a semi-private room with any girl or woman?

What a stupid debate. Let this girl go potty where she pleases. Of all the dumb places to take a stand.

Pssst... Retard?

If they have a penis, they are not a girl.

Fucking leftists, stupid as dogshit, but not as pleasant to be around.
Why do we have different bathrooms for boys and girls again? Honest question. Women and girls use stalls to pee/poop. Without exception. Are we unable to handle this business together? Is it going to provoke sexual stimulation? Do we distrust boys and men SO much that they cannot handle being in a semi-private room with any girl or woman?

What a stupid debate. Let this girl go potty where she pleases. Of all the dumb places to take a stand.

Pssst... Retard?

If they have a penis, they are not a girl.

Fucking leftists, stupid as dogshit, but not as pleasant to be around.
What!? Girls don't have a penis!?
Mother of 5-Year-Old Transgender Girl Fights Texas School District Over Bathroom Access

The mother of a 5-year-old transgender girl in Pearland, Texas, is continuing her fight against the Pearland Independent School District to allow her daughter to use the girls' bathroom.

Kimberly Shappley -- mom of soon-to-be kindergartner, Kai Shappley -- said her fight against the school district started in May. The district allows students to use gender-neutral bathrooms, found in some areas of the school, but the mom says that isn't enough.

"I went to the campus and approached the school district to try and work with them," she told ABC News today. "I wanted to make sure Kai wouldn't be discriminated against and be able to use the girl's bathroom, but it soon became very apparent that the superintendent has a very strong, prejudiced stance against the LGBTQ community."

Coincidentally, later that month, the Obama administration issued a directive to schools saying that transgender students should be able to use bathrooms that match their gender identity.


It is never going to stop. It is only going to get worse as we can see.

This child should be removed from that home environment, and either adopted or fostered, the so-called Mother should be arrested for child abuse and also she should be sterilised.

Some people don't deserve to have children, this woman is one of those people.

A 5 year-old child knows nothing about sexuality, as such this child cannot have made the decision to Transgender, this decision has been made by the fucked-up woman to Transgender this child.
Mother of 5-Year-Old Transgender Girl Fights Texas School District Over Bathroom Access

The mother of a 5-year-old transgender girl in Pearland, Texas, is continuing her fight against the Pearland Independent School District to allow her daughter to use the girls' bathroom.

Kimberly Shappley -- mom of soon-to-be kindergartner, Kai Shappley -- said her fight against the school district started in May. The district allows students to use gender-neutral bathrooms, found in some areas of the school, but the mom says that isn't enough.

"I went to the campus and approached the school district to try and work with them," she told ABC News today. "I wanted to make sure Kai wouldn't be discriminated against and be able to use the girl's bathroom, but it soon became very apparent that the superintendent has a very strong, prejudiced stance against the LGBTQ community."

Coincidentally, later that month, the Obama administration issued a directive to schools saying that transgender students should be able to use bathrooms that match their gender identity.


It is never going to stop. It is only going to get worse as we can see.

This child should be removed from that home environment, and either adopted or fostered, the so-called Mother should be arrested for child abuse and also she should be sterilised.

Some people don't deserve to have children, this woman is one of those people.

^^^THAT!!!!! There is no way a 5 y/o is dreaming this stuff up, no way and no how
Why do we have different bathrooms for boys and girls again? Honest question. Women and girls use stalls to pee/poop. Without exception. Are we unable to handle this business together? Is it going to provoke sexual stimulation? Do we distrust boys and men SO much that they cannot handle being in a semi-private room with any girl or woman?

What a stupid debate. Let this girl go potty where she pleases. Of all the dumb places to take a stand.

Pssst... Retard?

If they have a penis, they are not a girl.

Fucking leftists, stupid as dogshit, but not as pleasant to be around.

What do you expect, it's GaryDog :rolleyes-41:

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