Mother of Texas school shooting victim: Meeting President Trump was like "talking to a toddler"

Was she wearing her pussy hat when she said that?
No. She was wearing her grief after just having her child murdered. I'm just trying to imagine for a second the kind of bottom feeder that would slam a woman like that in defense of Donald Trump.
Was she wearing her pussy hat when she said that?
No. She was wearing her grief after just having her child murdered. I'm just trying to imagine for a second the kind of bottom feeder that would slam a woman like that in defense of Donald Trump.
She was using her grief as a prop to support the resistance. Trump shall not be normalized under any circumstances.

Using a dead child like that is disgusting.
Was she wearing her pussy hat when she said that?
No. She was wearing her grief after just having her child murdered. I'm just trying to imagine for a second the kind of bottom feeder that would slam a woman like that in defense of Donald Trump.
She was using her grief as a prop to support the resistance. Trump shall not be normalized under any circumstances.

Using a dead child like that is disgusting.


Ya think?

You wanna see the worst example of using dead children to further your own agenda? Read this. Please note that the slimy author of this did not lose a child to a school shooting. Shocking, isn't it.
Yes, it's a horrible thing, but has nothing to do with my guns.
We are the only country in the world with this problem. Your statement shows you know what the problem is, you just hug your guns while children die. A sad state we are in.
Firearm ownership is a personal thing none of your fucking business... weasel boy
Seems like a religious commitment when you say it like that.
Na, Religion is man-made firearm ownership is a God given right....
Ah, so you are an NRA cultist then.
The NRA is not near pro-gun enough... this country needs to be better armed.
Was she wearing her pussy hat when she said that?
No. She was wearing her grief after just having her child murdered. I'm just trying to imagine for a second the kind of bottom feeder that would slam a woman like that in defense of Donald Trump.

Tipsycatlover was referring to trump trying to grab her.

Yes we know that you far left drones are upset that one of your own ran with an (R) next to his name.

But then again if it were true then you would be supporting Trump!
It has to have been a horrible thing for the parent to lose a child and see our government will do nothing to stop these shootings from happening. Only the USA has a mass shooting problem and we all know why, but the government will do nothing.
By "doing something" you mean abolishing the 2nd Amendment.
Was she wearing her pussy hat when she said that?
No. She was wearing her grief after just having her child murdered. I'm just trying to imagine for a second the kind of bottom feeder that would slam a woman like that in defense of Donald Trump.
She was using her grief as a prop to support the resistance. Trump shall not be normalized under any circumstances.

Using a dead child like that is disgusting.
It's you who is disgusting.
My little sister spoke far better English than Trump does now when she was 3 years old. So I can definitely believe it.
But she can’t beat twenty other politicians cause then you’re saying they’re all even more stupid! Right? Clinton would have been worse. LOL

Trump was easily the dumbest person on that stage at all times, certainly in terms of English skills and likely in terms of mathematical skill as well. HOWEVER, he has a certain cunning that, when coupled with his shamelessness, gave him an edge. He has a different kind of "intelligence", which I've never denied.
He kicked the snot out of twenty. I see you have no intelligence
Unless you have walked in her shoes you criticism of her is discredited.
So no one can criticise her unless they have had a child killed in a mass shooting?

Leftwingers always come up with some reason why no one can criticize their idiocies.
Was she wearing her pussy hat when she said that?
No. She was wearing her grief after just having her child murdered. I'm just trying to imagine for a second the kind of bottom feeder that would slam a woman like that in defense of Donald Trump.
She was using her grief as a prop to support the resistance. Trump shall not be normalized under any circumstances.

Using a dead child like that is disgusting.
It's you who is disgusting.
No, it's the woman who is disgusting, and all the snowflakes who defend her.
Parent of Texas shooting victim: Trump kept mentioning arming teachers

isn't the definition of childish behavior taking a meeting with the president of a country and then slamming him to the press?

I have low opinion of Trump myself. Still, I also had parents that taught me to be respectful of authority. Apparently this women's parents, failed her.
Trump doesn't deserve respect. One has to be careful about who they give respect to.
Parent of Texas shooting victim: Trump kept mentioning arming teachers

isn't the definition of childish behavior taking a meeting with the president of a country and then slamming him to the press?

A lot of people won't click on the provided link and like the majority of truly UNINFORMED people believe these headlines never read any further.

Here is the gist of what she was "alluding" to re talking to a toddler"...

Maybe if everyone had access to mental health care, we wouldn’t be in the situation,” she said she told the president.

Hart, who is an Army veteran, told the AP that she suggested employing veterans in schools to serve as guards,
and that he responded, “and arm them?”

NOW here is what supposedly her response was to his question:
It was like talking to a toddler,” she said.

REALLY? talking to a toddler based on Trump's simple statement that was a reaffirmation of what he has been calling for "and arm them."

NOTE the difference a question mark that was put after his statement "and arm them"... how do we know it was a question.
Maybe it was a declarative "and arm them!"
Remember Trump is an enthusiast for hiring military and arming them and arming teachers!

Pamela Stanich, another parent whose son was killed, praised Trump’s actions and behavior at the meeting in a Facebook post.
“[He] showed sincerity, compassion, and concern on making our schools safer across the nation,” she wrote, according to the AP. “He spent time talking to the survivors and asking on what happened and what would have made a difference. Changes are coming for the good. Thank you Mr. Trump.”

Parent of Texas shooting victim: Trump kept mentioning arming teachers

I"M going to shout now!

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