Mountain Lion Stalks Utah Man For 6 Minutes

If that were me, I'd a liked to puma pants.
Something similar happened to me when I lived in the Colorado foothills. The mountain lion had her cub with her, I was lucky, just a minute or two from home and I had my dog with me. Still a scary encounter though.
Scary as fuck, but probably not as threatening as you might think.

When a big cat runs the way this one was, with its front paws almost slapping at the ground two or three times, the cat's not interested in attacking. It's warning him off; telling him to relocate himself.

He kept saying "go get your babies" and, at one point in the video, you can see a smaller cat on the trail. Odds are that, since the guy wasn't actually threatening whatever cubs may have been there, the larger cat just wanted the perceived threat to leave without engaging in a fight to make it happen...
Years back, my teen daughter and I had an experience of our own with a mountain lion.

I know you're not supposed to run. My daughter knew you're not supposed to run..

But we went into a panic induced frenzy that included leaping 12 feet straight up into the air, turning about in mid-air and taking off like a couple of fighter jets. We both made sounds kinda like one too.

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