Move over Covid here comes the Nipah Virus

Wisconsin newspapers today are lauding a new approach whereby more time will be spent with the patient. Nature is always already experimenting with gain of function.
Nature experimenting isn't the same as humans intentionally experimenting with "gain of function". Human alledged intervention is evil and extremely recklace, as such was the alledged case with COVID-19. We see the results of that now.
Nature experimenting isn't the same as humans intentionally experimenting with "gain of function". Human alledged intervention is evil and extremely recklace, as such was the alledged case with COVID-19. We see the results of that now.
They were indeed doing things, but the SARS-CoV-2 spike sequence shows no deliberate intervention, including in those places where evidence should be there. Nonetheless, the communists knew what they had in 2013 when they pulled RaTG13 from nature. It was nasty enough without manipulation, though they never linked the sucker to human disease. That virus is 96.1% similar to SARS-CoV-2, close enough to be suspicious.
At any rate, Nipah virus uses SLAM and nectin-4 for entry. Daszak attended the Nipah conference. Daszak (Eco Health Alliance) has co-authored with Wuhan ‘bat lady’ Zheng-li Shi. Ralph Baric (Chapel Hill, North Carolina) has co-authored with Zheng-li Shi.

On Ha Shev’s thread, and due to defensins, we have shown some links to nectin-4. Nipah is a paramyxovirus. So too is measles morbillivirus and canine distemper morbillivirus. When one notes that canine distemper infects wild Florida mink, it may be recalled that it also infects a proven reservoir of SARS-CoV: palm civet.

Florida Everglades Mink / CDV

Mar 2017 Japan-Thailand: CDV / Nectin-4
Selamectin has been used on a proven reservoir of SARS-CoV.

Aug 2008 U. Of California, Davis: Selamectin / CDV / Ferret
I'm seeing alot more Chinese actors and actresses on American TV, so I wonder if the Chinese nation is becoming more influencing and predominant in our nation ? Now I want everyone to know that I'm not against Chinese actor's and actresses, and I'm not against Chinese visitor's or Chinese Americans at all, but what I am against is the Chinese government somehow becoming to interwoven into our market's, government and infrastructure.
I’ve noticed this as well, and like you it’s strictly an observation and wondering about the “why” factor. If the CCP is behind the reason for the increase, it corresponds with Chinese investors buying US land in the midwest and west for years now, and lots of it.

He who controls the farmlands controls the people. I’m afraid CCP is very much aware of this necessity to life and how moves to control all of it are in play.
I’ve noticed this as well, and like you it’s strictly an observation and wondering about the “why” factor. If the CCP is behind the reason for the increase, it corresponds with Chinese investors buying US land in the midwest and west for years now, and lots of it.

He who controls the farmlands controls the people. I’m afraid CCP is very much aware of this necessity to life and how moves to control all of it are in play.
Yes, economic dependency is the goal of Chinese communism. The hopelessly-indebted Udihe people are a prime example of Chinese violence.
I’ve noticed this as well, and like you it’s strictly an observation and wondering about the “why” factor. If the CCP is behind the reason for the increase, it corresponds with Chinese investors buying US land in the midwest and west for years now, and lots of it.

He who controls the farmlands controls the people. I’m afraid CCP is very much aware of this necessity to life and how moves to control all of it are in play.
After Covid we should be showing China the door with the other end of our boot. It should be over this love affair between our government and there's, not unless we have already been doomed, and we just don't realize it yet, and that we don't give a crap about the hundreds of thousands of our citizen's who have died as a result of our relationship with the Chinese.
I’ve noticed this as well, and like you it’s strictly an observation and wondering about the “why” factor. If the CCP is behind the reason for the increase, it corresponds with Chinese investors buying US land in the midwest and west for years now, and lots of it.

He who controls the farmlands controls the people. I’m afraid CCP is very much aware of this necessity to life and how moves to control all of it are in play.
That is why they released the Kung Flu (COVID). They knew it would wreak havoc on our economy.
Show one study where Chinese communists (or anyone else) used ivermectin for SARS-CoV in a civet, its natural reservoir, or both viruses infected lab mice who breath through a ventilator. Nipah is a similar infection close to measles-distemper in Florida mink. Selamectin has been used on a ferret, though not a coronavirus-infected ferret, whereas these animals are air-quality sentinels/monitors par excellence. We can’t find a single report by the Chinese communists showing that they have tested Large Spotted Civets in Mojiang County, home of SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative, even though civets have been treated for parasites using similar pharmaceuticals. None should be asked to adapt to such absurdities.
That is why they released the Kung Flu (COVID). They knew it would wreak havoc on our economy.
Deliberately seeding the virus at Wuhan would deflect attention away from more relative locations such as the nasty Flower and Animal Market at Kunming.
Show one study where Chinese communists (or anyone else) used ivermectin for SARS-CoV in a civet, its natural reservoir, or both viruses infected lab mice who breath through a ventilator. Nipah is a similar infection close to measles-distemper in Florida mink. Selamectin has been used on a ferret, though not a coronavirus-infected ferret, whereas these animals are air-quality sentinels/monitors par excellence. We can’t find a single report by the Chinese communists showing that they have tested Large Spotted Civets in Mojiang County, home of SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative, even though civets have been treated for parasites using similar pharmaceuticals. None should be asked to adapt to such absurdities.
Uhhh put that in layman's terms please. Not many understand all of the technical aspects that you carry on here with, so simplifying your post might help most IMO. Thanks
Uhhh put that in layman's terms please. Not many understand all of the technical aspects that you carry on here with, so simplifying your post might help most IMO. Thanks
1.) Infect a civet with either SARS-CoV or SARS-CoV-2.
2.) Treat the civet with ivermectin, like humans in India were treated with ivermectin.
3.) See what happens.
Deliberately seeding the virus at Wuhan would deflect attention away from more relative locations such as the nasty Flower and Animal Market at Kunming.
Finding this stuff out is imperative in my opinion, because if so then we need to take heavy measures to separate ourselves from such a formidable enemy in the world. The longer we wait, the worse it's gonna get, because as China has shown recently by it's action's, that it hates parts of this nations multiculturalism, and so it has instructed it's business sectors to ban certain influences that had come from western culture's. The allowing of our culture to become super weakened in the world's eye, has become a serious problem for us on the world stage. We are therefore toying or playing with our own destruction whether it be by infiltration or by a direct assault from an opposing military force eventually.
As long as the closest relative virus comes from Yunnan and the communists clam up about what they know, the economic opportunists will prosper; Wal Mart’s “Chinese section”. If it was known where SARS-CoV-2 came from, that location, that animal situation, would be forever stigmatized. If it was deliberately seeded, they would know that the virus targets elderly and obese from what they learned with SARS-CoV. Obese targets are not that plentiful for Asians. The Communists are not giving up To public scrutiny, their statistics for SARS-CoV obese patients.
The pneumonia and deaths of the Mojiang miners happened in spring of 2012, though it would be four years before a publication would emerge in 2016. By then. Wuhan ‘bat lady’ and Ralph Baric’s co-author would have collected almost 300 strains:


(see references 3 and 8)

So, since Atlanta Zoo gorillas link to Zoetis vaccine, the chron of this spinoff from Pfizer argues for closer scrutiny. Ebola would arise in December 2013:

’....On 22 May 2013 the Wall Street Journal reported that Pfizer plans to sell its majority stake in the company....Zoetis IPO (initial public offering) on 1 Feb 2013 sold 86.1 million shares for U.S. $2.2 billion....In Nov 2014, activist-investor Bill Ackman disclosed that Pershing Square Capital Management had taken an 8.5% stake in the company, amassing approximately 41.8 million shares, causing the share price to hit its highest price since the IPO.(Ref: 11 Nov 2014, Bloomberg, Ackman’s Pershing Square Takes Stake in Drugmaker Zoetis).’

The URL for this Bloomberg report is pre-sabotaged:
This Indian report links Zoetis to Nipah:

The Hindu, 6 Sep 2021, Covishield-Like Vaccine Reports Success in Monkey Trials Against Nipah Virus
’....HeV-sG, a soluble form of the HeV receptor binding glycoprotein, was marketed by Zoetis, Inc. in Australia as an equine vaccine against Hendra virus, which belongs to the same genus as Nipah virus.’

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