Moving sucks

how many friends ( or soon not to be friends ) did you keel haul into helping?
how many friends ( or soon not to be friends ) did you keel haul into helping?


Two volunteered and I accepted their help yesterday, but I didn't ask anyone.

Still in process. All the furniture, appliances and other big heavy stuff is done. Now it's just the never ending piles of crap that we keep discovering in the old place and thats all over the kids bedrooms.
Don't forget to notify Readers Digest and Publishers Clearinghouse, as well as the DMV.

:eusa_think: I wonder if :beer: & pizza stills hire a crew?
I'm looking at the same thing in the next couple months. Most of my stuff has already been moved to a storage unit, so there won't be much to move out of my room in the apartment. I've already talked to a cousin of mine about driving a U-Haul for me when I move to PA. He's up for it, or so he says. Hopefully that'll happen soon.
how many friends ( or soon not to be friends ) did you keel haul into helping?


Two volunteered and I accepted their help yesterday, but I didn't ask anyone.

Still in process. All the furniture, appliances and other big heavy stuff is done. Now it's just the never ending piles of crap that we keep discovering in the old place and thats all over the kids bedrooms.

How long were you there? I'll never forget doing 'trash or treasure' to 12 years of accumulation before moving from Seattle to FL. Some guy got my table saw for $10.
Hope he pays it forward.
I had a friend who moved every year or two. I have a big moving truck with lift, dollies & pads. She roped me into a move & tried a second one before I put my foot down. Her last move was 3 moves in one. She moved 2 of her business locations into another & moved her residence the same week. Once she shafts her landlord's & vendors, she up-roots & latches on to the next sucker. She changed phone numbers every year. Now I am always busy or out of town when she calls.
I had a friend who moved every year or two. I have a big moving truck with lift, dollies & pads. She roped me into a move & tried a second one before I put my foot down. Her last move was 3 moves in one. She moved 2 of her business locations into another & moved her residence the same week. Once she shafts her landlord's & vendors, she up-roots & latches on to the next sucker. She changed phone numbers every year. Now I am always busy or out of town when she calls.

Her name wasn't 'Wilma', was it?
Over the course of 20 years in the military I moved 30 times. Nine different bases and 21 different moves around the bases. I clear out all the clutter proir to moving, give it all to Goodwill. I have it down to an art. My kids can pack a house in no time flat. In the military it seems you are always moving or helping someone move, you have to get victims for the next move. All I can say is moving sucks.
I myself haven't moved since 1989. I am always helping friends move for the exercises. I just charge for my fuel & expenses for my moving truck. If I ever move I have so many people who owe me a move that I should not have to lift a finger.
how many friends ( or soon not to be friends ) did you keel haul into helping?


Two volunteered and I accepted their help yesterday, but I didn't ask anyone.

Still in process. All the furniture, appliances and other big heavy stuff is done. Now it's just the never ending piles of crap that we keep discovering in the old place and thats all over the kids bedrooms.

see, theres your problem, you move and LEAVE the kids.....:lol:

oh and when we moved last we went to home depot and bought, I mean hired some 'street help'.
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My sister in law moves every year. They suck off each relative that will take them..which is usually about a year. Then they move on again. Good thing she has lots of relatives. They did this twice to us...and this is the last time. They cost us money we don't really have with her lies.
When I leave my house it will be with the minimum.. The wife can keep the rest.
I want some Freedom!
Think William Wallace.....

A big move sucks.. I'm in the Real Estate biz, I see what people go thru all the time.
I feel for you... .. .


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