Moving the Goalposts...Again

So first, we were assured that Mueller would PROVE the known fact that Trump conspired with Putin to fix the 2016 election. THEN, we were assured that Mueller would find OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE in Trump's exercise of his legal discretion. Then we were told that despite no legal hint of same, the ENTIRE MUELLER REPORT would have to be made public. NOW, we hear that, not just the entire report, but ALL OF THE BACKUP MATERIALS must be made public.

Next one can only assume that the results of Trump's latest colonoscopy must be posted, with video, on Facebook.

Is anyone starting to see a pattern here?

Does anyone still remember that this whole sequence of events started with the Steele Dossier, a fictitious, totally discredited bit of oppo-research paid for by the Clinton campaign?

Schumer is, as Jed Clampett would put it, "lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut."
Democrats know damn well that the entire report unreacted cannot be published. They are trying to make the case that Trump is keeping the report classified. Bullshit.
Mueller's investigation resulted in several criminals being brought to justice. We should thank him for that. Unless, of course, you're a fan of people breaking the law.
Unrelated to the false charge against the President.

Sort of like Monica and Whitewater...right?

I’m sure you were aghast at those findings....right?

It’s what OICs do.
Mueller's investigation resulted in several criminals being brought to justice. We should thank him for that. Unless, of course, you're a fan of people breaking the law.
Unrelated to the false charge against the President.

Sort of like Monica and Whitewater...right?

I’m sure you were aghast at those findings....right?

It’s what OICs do.
Clinton lied to the Special Prosecutor about the sex stuff, sort of like when the General lied to the FBIand Mueller indicted him. A lie is a lie, matters not the motive behind it. In other words, your guy doesn't get to get away with it and ours doesn't.
Mueller's investigation resulted in several criminals being brought to justice. We should thank him for that. Unless, of course, you're a fan of people breaking the law.
Unrelated to the false charge against the President.

Sort of like Monica and Whitewater...right?

I’m sure you were aghast at those findings....right?

It’s what OICs do.
Clinton lied to the Special Prosecutor about the sex stuff, sort of like when the General lied to the FBIand Mueller indicted him. A lie is a lie, matters not the motive behind it. In other words, your guy doesn't get to get away with it and ours doesn't.

He shouldn't have gotten away with it.

Was just pointing out that investigations take on a momentum of their own.

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