"Mr. Morsi's associations"


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
I was out in the 100 degree Texas heat...pulling weeds out of my garden and listening to Fox on my Sirius radio...when I heard excerpts from the presidents remarks this morning and I dropped my weed puller when I heard obama refer to the Muslim brotherhood as "Mr. Morsi's associations". Workplace violence...overseas contingency operations, and now this...the politically correct moron will be the death of America.

TRANSCRIPT: President Obama?s remarks on Egypt - The Washington Post
The depths of obabbles ineffectiveness have, overtime, numbed the American people. We tend to shrug and go on with our work. Time to shrug off the numb and go after this administration before its too late.
Granny says put the whole gang on trial an' den hang `em...
Egypt's Morsi to be tried for inciting violence
Sep 1,`13 -- Egypt's top prosecutor on Sunday referred ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi to trial on charges of inciting the killing of opponents protesting outside his palace while he was in office, the state news agency said.
The military ousted Morsi on July 3 after millions took to the streets demanding that he step down. He's been held incommunicado since. Despite other accusations by prosecutors, the decision Sunday is Morsi's first referral to trial. No date was announced for the trial. Morsi will be tried in a criminal court for allegedly inciting his supporters to kill at least 10 people, use violence and unlawfully detain and torture protesters. Fourteen other members of the Muslim Brotherhood will be tried with Morsi, including top aides and leading members of his political party.

The case dates back to one of the deadliest bouts of violence during Morsi's one year in office. At least 100,000 protesters gathered outside the presidential palace on Dec. 4, protesting a decree Morsi issued to protect his decisions from judicial oversight and a highly disputed draft constitution that was hurriedly adopted by the Islamist-dominated parliament. Protesters demanded that Morsi call off a referendum scheduled days later. The next day, Islamist groups and supporters of Morsi attacked protesters who had camped outside the presidential palace, sparking deadly street battles that left at least 10 dead and sent chills among Morsi's opponents that he had relied on organized mobs to suppress the sit-in.

The state news agency said an investigation by prosecutors revealed that Morsi had asked the Republican Guard and the minister in charge of police to break up the sit-in, but they feared a bloody confrontation and declined. The agency said Morsi's aides then summoned their supporters to forcefully break up the sit-in. At least one journalist was killed in these clashes and 54 civilians were held and tortured by Morsi supporters outside the palace, before they handed them over to the police.

Officials from the Brotherhood and its political party denied using violence to quell critics and said supporters were defending the palace. They accused opponents of starting the battles and forcing away police that had been guarding the area. Those referred to trial with Morsi include the deputy leader of the Brotherhood's political party, Essam el-Erian, who is currently in hiding. They also include leading Brotherhood member Mohammed el-Beltagy, who was arrested this week, as well as leading pro-Brotherhood youth leaders who were video-taped during the street clashes on the front lines.


See also:

Egypt destroys homes for possible Gaza buffer zone
Sep 1,`13 -- Egypt's military has bulldozed 13 homes along the Gaza Strip border and caved in tunnels beneath them as a prelude to the possible creation of a buffer zone to reduce weapon smuggling and illegal militant crossings, angering residents who said they were evicted with no compensation, security officials and residents said Sunday.
The military envisions creating a building-free zone with no trees 500 meters (1,640 feet) wide and 10 kilometers (6 miles) long starting at the Rafah border crossing and ending at the Mediterranean Sea, Northern Sinai government officials said. The homes were knocked down over the last 10 days as a test of the buffer zone idea in an area called el-Sarsoriya, a few kilometers (miles) from the Rafah crossing, while explosives were used to collapse the tunnels. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media.

The move comes as Egypt's interim government and military attempt to assert more stringent state control over the largely lawless northern Sinai Peninsula, where Islamic militants have turned large areas into strongholds from which they have waged repeated attacks on security forces, Christians and tribal leaders - compounding the country's security woes following the ouster of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi in July. Homes and trees along the Gaza border have been used as cover for militants to fire at border guards.

Ehab Ghussein, a spokesman for the Hamas government in Gaza, said he feared the creation of a buffer zone would be a step toward imposing "a new blockade on Gaza and increase the suffering of its people." "Buffer zones are not needed between neighboring countries that have historical and social relations," Ghussein said, calling instead for the establishment of a free trade zone at the Egypt-Gaza border. The Egyptian military has closed much of the once-bustling tunnel system, but some remain along the 15-kilometer (9-mile) stretch of border. Residents angered by the past days' bulldozing staged a sit-in protest in Rafah Sunday.

One tribal leader claimed that many more homes were demolished and that the bulldozers showed up without notice, giving people little time to leave with their belongings. And the government has offered no compensation, he added, to residents who lost their homes. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he feared retribution from authorities. Samir Faris, who lives in Rafah, said many more people fear losing their homes if the buffer zone is expanded beyond the small area leveled so far. Most homes along the border are two to three stories high and house more than one family, he said. "Officers come to houses, tell people they must leave now because they want to expand borders," he said. "We have no objections, but first give us a clear plan."

mr morsi is being charged with crimes of inciting violence and thuggery in his country


The Morsi-Zawahiri Connection

October 25, 2013 By Raymond Ibrahim

More people, and from the least expected places, are stepping up to confirm that the now ousted Brotherhood-government of Morsi in Egypt was closely working with al-Qaeda and other jihadi/terrorist organizations in the Sinai — and all with U.S. support.

Nabil Na’im, the former leader of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad group (where Ayman Zawahiri was before merging with al-Qaeda), recently made such scandalous allegations, especially concerning the relationship between the United States government and the Muslim Brotherhood during a televised broadcast of On TV.


Indeed, there appears to be a long paper trail between Morsi and al-Qaeda.

The Morsi-Zawahiri Connection | FrontPage Magazine
Uncle Ferd tried dat in traffic court anna bailiff conked him onna head an' put him in handcuffs...
Morsi Trial Suspended in Cairo, Defense Walks Out of Court
February 16, 2014
The trail of ousted Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi and 35 others was suspended Sunday, shortly after the session began.

Defense lawyers walked out of court to protest the soundproof glass cage in which Morsi and the others were placed. It is not clear if the lawyers have quit the case or when the trial will resume.


Mohammed Morsi stands inside a glass-encased metal cage in a courtroom in Cairo

The ousted president and his co-defendants are charged with conspiring with foreign groups and undermining national security. The charges carry the death penalty.

Morsi Trial Suspended in Cairo, Defense Walks Out of Court
I was out in the 100 degree Texas heat...pulling weeds out of my garden and listening to Fox on my Sirius radio...when I heard excerpts from the presidents remarks this morning and I dropped my weed puller when I heard obama refer to the Muslim brotherhood as "Mr. Morsi's associations". Workplace violence...overseas contingency operations, and now this...the politically correct moron will be the death of America.

TRANSCRIPT: President Obama?s remarks on Egypt - The Washington Post

What a well constructed post...seems so long ago...and Obabble is still there, fumbling and stumbling.
I was out in the 100 degree Texas heat...pulling weeds out of my garden and listening to Fox on my Sirius radio...when I heard excerpts from the presidents remarks this morning and I dropped my weed puller when I heard obama refer to the Muslim brotherhood as "Mr. Morsi's associations". Workplace violence...overseas contingency operations, and now this...the politically correct moron will be the death of America.

TRANSCRIPT: President Obama?s remarks on Egypt - The Washington Post

What a well constructed post...seems so long ago...and Obabble is still there, fumbling and stumbling.

Agree..........and Obie still can't chip worth a shit!
Obama likes the Muslim Brotherhood, why else did he support them when they took over Egypt and starting killing non-muslim and any secular rivals....
I was out in the 100 degree Texas heat...pulling weeds out of my garden and listening to Fox on my Sirius radio...when I heard excerpts from the presidents remarks this morning and I dropped my weed puller when I heard obama refer to the Muslim brotherhood as "Mr. Morsi's associations". Workplace violence...overseas contingency operations, and now this...the politically correct moron will be the death of America.

TRANSCRIPT: President Obama?s remarks on Egypt - The Washington Post

That was your first problem.

This is the second one.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDKLFn0pty4]Thom Hartmann: Why Fox News has the Right to Lie to Us - YouTube[/ame]
The trained monkey doing its daily diversion tactics for its handlers.

Don't even address Obama's support for the terrorists in the Muslim Brotherhood, just show some liberal kook on the internet as a distraction.

I was out in the 100 degree Texas heat...pulling weeds out of my garden and listening to Fox on my Sirius radio...when I heard excerpts from the presidents remarks this morning and I dropped my weed puller when I heard obama refer to the Muslim brotherhood as "Mr. Morsi's associations". Workplace violence...overseas contingency operations, and now this...the politically correct moron will be the death of America.

TRANSCRIPT: President Obama?s remarks on Egypt - The Washington Post

That was your first problem.

This is the second one.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDKLFn0pty4]Thom Hartmann: Why Fox News has the Right to Lie to Us - YouTube[/ame]
I was out in the 100 degree Texas heat...pulling weeds out of my garden and listening to Fox on my Sirius radio...when I heard excerpts from the presidents remarks this morning and I dropped my weed puller when I heard obama refer to the Muslim brotherhood as "Mr. Morsi's associations". Workplace violence...overseas contingency operations, and now this...the politically correct moron will be the death of America.

TRANSCRIPT: President Obama?s remarks on Egypt - The Washington Post

For years, our government knew that the MB had terrorist ties. This isn't anything new, though might be to some low info people.

Of course, we have so many radicals in the Dem party and they knew all this, but are okay with it. Apparently, Obama is fine with dealing with terrorists, and even helping them.

It's crazy that stuff like this can come out and too many people either aren't paying attention or are so used to deep corruption in government that they brush it off as typical politics. As long as some get what they want, they could care less what goes on.

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