Mr & Mr Buttigieg

I have heard Lincoln slept with men . That's what they did in Lincolns time, two men shared a bed when they traveled...common practice . They didn't screw each other, they innocently shared the same space.
I have heard Lincoln slept with men . That's what they did in Lincolns time, two men shared a bed when they traveled...common practice . They didn't screw each other, they innocently shared the same space.

That's a different kettle of corn from the op
I have heard Lincoln slept with men . That's what they did in Lincolns time, two men shared a bed when they traveled...common practice . They didn't screw each other, they innocently shared the same space.

It was common ever more recently. I was watching a film yesterday even from the 1940's which showed the 3 stooges, 3 men, sharing the same bed and there was nothing gay about those fellows.
I have heard Lincoln slept with men . That's what they did in Lincolns time, two men shared a bed when they traveled...common practice . They didn't screw each other, they innocently shared the same space.

It was common ever more recently. I was watching a film yesterday even from the 1940's which showed the 3 stooges, 3 men, sharing the same bed and there was nothing gay about those fellows.
Its funny how the media plays ever single angle. Accept the truth The MAGA catholic school kid, Erich Sandman kid. He sued CNN for like a bazillion dollars....and won, mind you.
I have heard Lincoln slept with men . That's what they did in Lincolns time, two men shared a bed when they traveled...common practice . They didn't screw each other, they innocently shared the same space.

It was common ever more recently. I was watching a film yesterday even from the 1940's which showed the 3 stooges, 3 men, sharing the same bed and there was nothing gay about those fellows.
We do this re-writing history. I know that the cowboy era (1865 to 1890s) was rich and infused with all-sorts of stuff.. Gunslingers, Blacks...The movie "Blazing saddles' was probably closer to the truth than we would admit.
I have heard Lincoln slept with men . That's what they did in Lincolns time, two men shared a bed when they traveled...common practice . They didn't screw each other, they innocently shared the same space.

It was common ever more recently. I was watching a film yesterday even from the 1940's which showed the 3 stooges, 3 men, sharing the same bed and there was nothing gay about those fellows.

When we had a lot of guests at my house when I was a kid, my Mom, Dad, aunt and uncle all slept on the same sofa bed. My cousins slept with me and my brother ."Sleeping together" had nothing to do with sex back then.
I don't know if this will make sense to many relates to Buttigieg overall....regardless of sexual prefs.

If a Democrat wins, that Democrat will, in every occasion possible, empower government over "Citizen".
They will seat judges who will pass opinions and decisions which lean decidedly in favor of government.

Of course, this is EXACTLY OPPOSITE to the intent of the Constitution.

Democrats have become highly successful at endowing and empowering themselves through manipulation of government, which of course, is funded by you and me.

They loath Trump largely because he is FAR more a Constitutionalist than your average Progressive Democrat. Or let me add that at least it seems that way during his 1st term.

I was studying an opinion from the Ninth Circuit tonight on a case involving FOIA and this is frighteningly obvious from the opinions. Trump is 100% spot on to try to place as many fair, apolitical, Constitutionally guided judges in as many courts as possible. It is one of the best things he can do for the country in his 2 terms.

A lefty may mark this as "funny", but it only points out that they do not want fair, apolitical judges. They want to crush the system, and the citizenry in favor of government power in a few hands.
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I don't know if this will make sense to many relates to Buttigieg overall....regardless of sexual prefs.

If a Democrat wins, that Democrat will, in every occasion possible, empower government over "Citizen".
They will seat judges who will pass opinions and decisions which lean decidedly in favor of government.

Of course, this is EXACTLY OPPOSITE to the intent of the Constitution.

Democrats have become highly successful at endowing and empowering themselves through manipulation of government, which of course, is funded by you and me.

They loath Trump largely because he is FAR more a Constitutionalist than your average Progressive Democrat.

I was studying an opinion from the Ninth Circuit tonight on a case involving FOIA and this is frighteningly obvious from the opinions. Trump is 100% spot on to try to place as many fair, apolitical, Constitutionally guided judges in as many courts as possible. It is one of the best things he can do for the country in his 2 terms.

The Dems really are clueless about the Constitution. They actually think that the 2nd Amendments purpose is to ensure that the Army (aka the militia) has the Right to Bear Arms.
Was just curious if Buttigieg would still get the PC Dem vote - Yes, I believe - but the nomination, no chance. Predict he will fade away and not be a factor at the Dem convention.

For another prediction, it will be Trump/Pence vs Bloomberg/Klobuchar. Mini Mike & Amy will lose, partly because many Bernie folk will stay home.
Was just curious if Buttigieg would still get the PC Dem vote - Yes, I believe - but the nomination, no chance. Predict he will fade away and not be a factor at the Dem convention.

For another prediction, it will be Trump/Pence vs Bloomberg/Klobuchar. Mini Mike & Amy will lose, partly because many Bernie folk will stay home.

I don't see Mini Mike getting the nomination, although his continued presence in the race make it a very joyful year for media buyers as he is on TV constantly.

Bloomberg is a nut. I don't know if the people nationwide know about his fight against large sized sodas, or his famous stop-and-body-cavity searches he ordered the NYPD to do on the streets to urban youths. But people will hear about it
If America elected ANY of the crazies put up by the rabid Left, it would surely get what it deserves.

Also. if ANY Leftist candidate gets elected, America was already gone.

Generations of having it all, protected under a 'Justice for all Constitution' and living in luxury has blinded too many Americans to the fact that underneath the glitter is human nature and the propensity for corruption to rise again and threaten liberty.

A population unwilling to rise up and sacrifice for freedom in the face of tyrants, is a soon to be oppressed population. Proven by history.
There was the lady in Iowa who did not know Mayor Pete was a homosexual. When she found out she then dropped him and backed another candidate.
I wonder what percentage of Democrat voters would never vote for a gay man married to another man? Probably small in our enlightened era, but could be a factor.
It's not enlightenment to accept perversion as normal. It's political correctness and fear.

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