Mr. Pillow can't get to the Supreme Court to stop the steal

Nobody cares about your challenge. You fell on your face and think it Is a valid tactic to give people troll exercises, in hopes your embarrassment will fade and you can repeat your same debunked lie again. *yawn*
You chickened out. So impressive. Just what I expected. Typical liberal.
They already knew everything in the Steele Dossier except the prostitutes peeing scenario.

Paul Singer the Republican billionaire paid for it.
Another lie by the liberal media. Lie,lie,lie is all they ever do.


Fact Check:

During the Republican presidential primary, an unknown Republican “client” funded Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research on Trump, The Washington Post reports. Trump at that time was still seeking the Republican nomination for the 2016 presidential election.

That client cut off funds to Fusion GPS as the primary winded down, and the Clinton campaign hired the firm through its lawyer Mike Elias in April 2016. The DNC and Clinton campaign continued funding the project until October 2016.

Steele “authored” the Trump-Russia dossier that Fusion GPS produced using a “compilation of reports” he worked on while at the firm, and all of his work happened while the Clinton campaign was funding the opposition research.


The claim that the “Steele dossier” was funded by Republicans doesn’t hold up to the facts.
I ignored your attempt to derail the thread. Go start one yourself. Nobody is stopping you.
Why don’t you just admit your liberal media lies to you.

You know damn well it is the truth.

I suspect the reason is …


Poor Pillow Puffer. He can't get any Attorneys General to sign on to his batshit whackjob conspiracy theory and he can't figure out why. :lol:

Please, rubes. Send the man more of your money. He needs it more than you do.
The claim that the “Steele dossier” was funded by Republicans doesn’t hold up to the facts.[/i]
The problem is the facts you posted, prove that republicans funded the Steele dossier, at least in it's preliminary form.

Fact Check:

During the Republican presidential primary, an unknown Republican “client” funded Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research on Trump,
I think all that crack cocaine Lindell did a few years back may have caused permanent brain damage.
My liberal media

Good stuff. I think maybe you operate on a way more shallow level than I do.
Why don’t you simply admit the truth that you have been lied to by YOUR wonderful liberal media and are unwilling to admit you were not smart enough to avoid being deceived.

You are basically a good democrat sheeple.
Why don’t you simply admit the truth that you have been lied to by YOUR wonderful liberal media and are unwilling to admit you were not smart enough to avoid being deceived.

You are basically a good democrat sheeple.
Please send Lindell all the money you can. He needs your money more than you do.

Don't be selfish. Give until it hurts.
I’m always amazed at how when presented with reality, they just keep going.
It's not their reality. Literally. They're warned against everything you say, by the voices they trust.

You're the enemy. Enemies only lie to them.
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Trump has re-packaged his birther conspiracy into a new paradigm. Same old bullshit, different President.
He knows it works. He knows his people. He has since before Escalator Day.

As another poster has pointed out, he took one look at the talk radio crowd and said, "THIS is gonna be EASY".
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I think all that crack cocaine Lindell did a few years back may have caused permanent brain damage.
When the tribalism is evident. You keep the George Floyds and we will keep the Pillow guys. That is why you are the Village. You will be much poorer and then blame some more.
Of course you expect me to go to a liberal media outlet to get the articles I reference.

nope. i don't do bias from either side ... that's why i'm credible. you are obviously not.

The liberal media is the propaganda outlet of the Democratic Party and if you have one ounce of sense you realize that.

see above. i don't use MSNBC, huffpo, dailykos, dailybeast etc...

Be aware also that people are waking up to that fact. More and more people everyday are agreeing with Trump that the media is the enemy of the people.

uh-huh. now you go to the NY post ... a rupert murdoch rag mag. & rasmussen is a biased poll. BTW - the WSJ, also owned by murdoch has much more legitimacy - perhaps you should try that next time.

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