‘Mr. Wonderful’ slams Trump ruling: ‘You might as well find guilty every real estate developer on Earth’

Nothing bogus about this case.
There are reams and reams of evidence that prove without a doubt Trump committed business fraud for decades.
Quit your freaking incessant whining.
It's a done deal.
Trump is in the hole for half a billion dollars now....and no appeal is going to save him.
And this is just the warm up for his criminal trials.
The fake bronze shoe clerk is toast.
Get used to it.
Legal experts say you don't know what you are talking about.
Legal experts say you don't know what you are talking about.
Who told you that?
Because that is what he says, and he is a pathological liar.
Perhaps you can provide some LINKS to a few of these (ahem!) so called "legal expert's" credible statements?
Credible is the operative word here.
Who told you that?
Because that is what he says, and he is a pathological liar.
Perhaps you can provide some LINKS to a few of these (ahem!) so called "legal expert's" credible statements?
Credible is the operative word here.

Literally almost every one.

How impenetrable is that bubble?
Almost every legitimate attorney has stated the case is no good.
Every legitimate financial expert has called the judge ludicrous or worse.
Which ones specifically?
If you don't really know then you are just blindly parroting the words of Trump and the cult.
That would make you a brainwashed cultist too.
The courts shouldn’t be deciding who is to be charged. The courts are supposed to referee a fair, objective trial of the defendant where the prosecution has to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt to an objective jury. The defendant doesn’t have to prove his innocence, we don’t live under the Napoleonic Legal Code.
I guess I did word that poorly. Thanks for pointing that out. No. Courts don't decide who is charged, but they can decide whether to even hear the case.
Poor Mikey.
Leave your bubble, child
Still waiting for some links to quotes from these "legal experts."
Or has the cult not given you any actual...like...names and qualifications or anything?
I mean....they ARE supposed to be "experts" right?
Still waiting for some links to quotes from these "legal experts."
Or has the cult not given you any actual...like...names and qualifications or anything?
I mean....they ARE supposed to be "experts" right?
Who is the victim?
Is it an opinion whether a Rolex is authentic or not?

Of course it’s not.

And does that affect the value?

Of course it does.
Never said anything about a watch, Simp.

Your pathetic deflection is meaningless.
Never said anything about a watch, Simp.

Your pathetic deflection is meaningless.
You don’t understand the analogy?

Abstract thought is difficult for simple thinkers but people usually catch on some around middle school.

Dont give up! You’ll get it some day.

Until then, probably best to avoid having opinions on things you can’t understand.
Are you under the impression that if there is “no victim” then it’s okay?
If there’s no victim, then there was no crime. See you think someone can be charged for murder that never happened! You are a fking parrot poly
If there’s no victim, then there was no crime.


So if you are broke and want a car (Trump was broke, again, at the time) putting the lender at risk because you lie on the app is ok?

Trump saving millions an honest person would not save by falsifying books is victimless?

Your post is mindless simpleton crap.
Society could not function like this. We have laws for a reason.

Why do you think Mr Wonderful is on a TV blitz to admonish this decision? Take a wild guess. He and all the other dirty builders are fearful.

This is exactly why prosecutions and fines like this are issued. To send a message. Don't commit fraud.
This ruling WILL GUT THE NYC REAL ESTATE MARKET. They have no idea how bad it is going to get. As one guy stated, “it’s like being convicted of murder and no one is dead”

I saw him recently, and he nails it. These billionaires aren't stupid. It's the left ones who are corrupt. Leftists are too fucked up to know these leftists will come after anyone declared the enemy. Fail to dot an I they'll declare felony. And if that fails, they'll ensure you incriminate yourself anyway.

If there’s no victim, then there was no crime. See you think someone can be charged for murder that never happened! You are a fking parrot poly
Who is the victim of someone caught speeding?

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