MSNBC 85% Opinion, CNN 2nd, Fox 3rd


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2011
According to the study, CNN’s ratio of reporting to opinion is 56 percent to 46 percent, followed by Fox News with 45 percent to 55 percent, and MSNBC with 15 percent to a whopping 85 percent.

“That study tells me that the sun rises in the East,” Krauthammer said. “Everybody knows that MSNBC is all opinion. Even the slogan ‘Lean Forward’ is just a way of saying ‘lean left.’”

“People want to believe that [Fox is biased] because Fox has such influence,” he added. “They have to say that it’s nothing except opinion. But, in fact, it’s not. Just watch it for one day. You see the [Bret] Baier show — six o’clock evening news. It’s the best news on television, network or cable.”

Read more: Study showing MSNBC more opinionated than Fox, CNN is no surprise, Krauthammer says [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller
Sending reporters out to do real Investigative Journalism costs too much.

Media Moguls found out a long time ago that hiring "pundits" to come on air and give "opinions" is much cheaper. All the media outlets do it.

Don't like it? Do what I did and cut your Cable TV. (More than a year now)
that was based on three days ONLY of broadcasting.

those days were right before the sequester.

Why did they pick those three random dates?
Sending reporters out to do real Investigative Journalism costs too much.

Media Moguls found out a long time ago that hiring "pundits" to come on air and give "opinions" is much cheaper. All the media outlets do it.

Don't like it? Do what I did and cut your Cable TV. (More than a year now)

No thanks. I prefer to explore outside the bubble.
that was based on three days ONLY of broadcasting.

those days were right before the sequester.

Why did they pick those three random dates?

Ot does no matter what dates
uts the same every day
that was based on three days ONLY of broadcasting.

those days were right before the sequester.

Why did they pick those three random dates?

The dates don’t matter. The shows are fairly consistent in the airing and you are going to need to provide some proof of bias to discount the study.

I find this information mildly interesting though. Personally, it is not the ratio of talking heads to news heads that interests me in media bias. What is really interesting is how the news itself is portrayed. Everything from the stories selected to the verbiage that is used reflects how biased the media really is. The sad part is that the media outlets do not even care that it is blatant anymore. They simply flaunt that they are completely biased. The one redeeming factor that Fox has, and the only thing that makes them worth watching at any given moment, is that they have debates between people on both sides. That, at least, provides a little entertainment.

The reality is though; television news outlets are completely worthless. Unlike print news (which is worthless for completely different reasons) the visual media relies on quick snippets of news, flashes of interest and never really going onto real depth. Because of this, the vast (VAST) majority of new is utterly false. They can claim that it is true because on its surface, it is. But the sad reality is that ‘truth’ is really a lie through omission and selective facts. Our political process is so broken mostly because of this. People simply are not interested in depth anymore. That would require thought and effort.
that was based on three days ONLY of broadcasting.

those days were right before the sequester.

Why did they pick those three random dates?

The dates don’t matter. The shows are fairly consistent in the airing and you are going to need to provide some proof of bias to discount the study.

I find this information mildly interesting though. Personally, it is not the ratio of talking heads to news heads that interests me in media bias. What is really interesting is how the news itself is portrayed. Everything from the stories selected to the verbiage that is used reflects how biased the media really is. The sad part is that the media outlets do not even care that it is blatant anymore. They simply flaunt that they are completely biased. The one redeeming factor that Fox has, and the only thing that makes them worth watching at any given moment, is that they have debates between people on both sides. That, at least, provides a little entertainment.

The reality is though; television news outlets are completely worthless. Unlike print news (which is worthless for completely different reasons) the visual media relies on quick snippets of news, flashes of interest and never really going onto real depth. Because of this, the vast (VAST) majority of new is utterly false. They can claim that it is true because on its surface, it is. But the sad reality is that ‘truth’ is really a lie through omission and selective facts. Our political process is so broken mostly because of this. People simply are not interested in depth anymore. That would require thought and effort.

Well stated
It is the same as the rash of stories that claim the conservative movement is dead.
We have 30 GOP gov.
The house is inpowered by the GOP and by area the conservatives are in control by 75%+ (simply put the country is "red")
Kepp telling the same lie over and over and will become the truth
that was based on three days ONLY of broadcasting.

those days were right before the sequester.

Why did they pick those three random dates?

Are you freaking serious??? OMG!!

I'm half-way appalled that they call it "opinion". In the case of MSNBC --- "propaganda" is the only truely suitable word...

"Your transparent partisan network is even worse than my transparent partisan network!"

Great. The glory days of American journalism.

MSNBC is very weak in the ratings as well. Their content and format is indicative of way too many outlets leaning to the left.
this poll was based on three days of broadcasting.

One day in late Nov 2012

and two days in Mid Dec 2012

remember the fiscal CLIFF?

Nothing going on but republicans planning their vactions instead of responding to what needed to be done
that was based on three days ONLY of broadcasting.

those days were right before the sequester.

Why did they pick those three random dates?

Are you freaking serious??? OMG!!

I'm half-way appalled that they call it "opinion". In the case of MSNBC --- "propaganda" is the only truely suitable word...

Fox needs to "revamp" some of there programming
MSNBC is 100% out of control, biased, and causing more hate than any other media outlet in this country
It is sad that any-one conducts them selves as they do
Its one study and I think its flawed becuase of the dates it picked to use.

Three days of programing ?

really ?
So Fox has the most news allegedly...Why then is this the case?

STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All

seawatch that is an opioin
let me add
the study stated nothing about the ay other item but 1
is it news
or is it opinion

Let me add one other item

If I was to ask you "has BHO created any jobs"
your answer would be yes
we are 4 million jobs short of 2008 levels still

I could ask you who saved GM?
you answer would be BHO probably
An Inconvenient Truth: It Was George W. Bush Who Bailed Out the Automakers : The New Yorker
Bottom line is the tax payer did in 2008 with GWB making the event occur

So before you use some biased opinion on Fox news, check on your own house first
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MSNBC is very weak in the ratings as well. Their content and format is indicative of way too many outlets leaning to the left.

in reality it is fallen to the left
there is more hate on MSNBC than I would have ever in my lifetime guessed
Pew made some ridiculous conclusions on what is opinion and what is news. And of course the Rush Limbaughs and Glenn Becks distorted the conclusions even more....

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