MSNBC: "Cain - "Black man who knows his place". I kid you not!

Yeah, I know you're an asshole, but can you answer the question?

It was answered moron, you just didnt like the fact.

I asked him if it was racist when conservatives oppose black liberals.

I didn't see a yes or a no.

Do you want to answer the question?
If they oppose the black liberals due to race, yes, it's racist. If they oppose black liberals based on policy, not, it's not racist.

And there's far less of the former than you want to pretend exists.
MSNBC Analyst:GOP Sees Herman Cain as a 'Black Man Who Knows His Place'

"One of the things about Herman Cain is, I think that he makes that white Republican base of the party feel okay, feel like they are not racist because they can like this guy," Finney said. "I think he giving that base a free pass. And I think they like him because they think he's a black man who knows his place. I know that's harsh, but that's how it sure seems to me."

"Thank you for spelling that out," Bashir responded.
This isn't the first time liberals have made this kind of charge about Cain and his supporters.
During an online production of NBC's Meet the Press this week, Democratic congressman Elijah Cummings of Maryland said white voters support Cain to show they aren't racist. “I think when [members of the Tea Party] can vote for a Herman Cain and hear him say the things that he says they feel like, ‘Well, you know, I can, I support this guy it shows that I’m not racist and I’m supportive,'" Cummings told host David Gregory."

But of course Obama said in his own words..
They’re going to try to make you afraid.
They’re going to try to make you afraid of me.
He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name.
And did I mention he’s black?"
Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet

Why is always the liberal media who keeps on bring this crap up?

It is called liberal guilt.
It was answered moron, you just didnt like the fact.

I asked him if it was racist when conservatives oppose black liberals.

I didn't see a yes or a no.

Do you want to answer the question?
If they oppose the black liberals due to race, yes, it's racist. If they oppose black liberals based on policy, not, it's not racist.

And there's far less of the former than you want to pretend exists.

and thus we see the whole Statist premise of you are a rascist for opposing Obama exposed for what it is...False.

Why do idiots as Caronated hitch thier wagons to such BS?

Crash and burn in spectacular fashon I guess they have to have for effect...:lol:

[ame=""]PAT TRAVERS BAND: CRASH AND BURN Live 1980 - YouTube[/ame]
MSNBC Analyst:GOP Sees Herman Cain as a 'Black Man Who Knows His Place'

"One of the things about Herman Cain is, I think that he makes that white Republican base of the party feel okay, feel like they are not racist because they can like this guy," Finney said. "I think he giving that base a free pass. And I think they like him because they think he's a black man who knows his place. I know that's harsh, but that's how it sure seems to me."

"Thank you for spelling that out," Bashir responded.
This isn't the first time liberals have made this kind of charge about Cain and his supporters.
During an online production of NBC's Meet the Press this week, Democratic congressman Elijah Cummings of Maryland said white voters support Cain to show they aren't racist. “I think when [members of the Tea Party] can vote for a Herman Cain and hear him say the things that he says they feel like, ‘Well, you know, I can, I support this guy it shows that I’m not racist and I’m supportive,'" Cummings told host David Gregory."

But of course Obama said in his own words..
They’re going to try to make you afraid.
They’re going to try to make you afraid of me.
He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name.
And did I mention he’s black?"
Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet

Why is always the liberal media who keeps on bring this crap up?

It is called liberal guilt.
you wrote" I'm guessing that about 99% of the people who can see that Herman Cain is a clueless jackass would think exactly the same thing if he were as white as Glenn Beck."

OK I'll grant you that of the ONLY 100 people in the country like you that totally disregard Cain's successes and like you are racists, yes.. 99 would would same the same thing if think the same thing if he were white??? as beck?

You and the other 99 people and that's all because after all you surely didn't vote for Obama because he was competent with less the 2 years as a senator, less then 2 years as a state representative and a history of NEVER completing what he set out to do..
Even his book had 3 due dates before he finished them with Ayers help according to ayers..
And remember Obama even told you not to be afraid of Obama because he was black!
"They’re going to try to make you afraid. They’re going to try to make you afraid of me.
He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?"

Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet
you wrote" I'm guessing that about 99% of the people who can see that Herman Cain is a clueless jackass would think exactly the same thing if he were as white as Glenn Beck."

OK I'll grant you that of the ONLY 100 people in the country like you that totally disregard Cain's successes and like you are racists, yes.. 99 would would same the same thing if think the same thing if he were white??? as beck?

You and the other 99 people and that's all because after all you surely didn't vote for Obama because he was competent with less the 2 years as a senator, less then 2 years as a state representative and a history of NEVER completing what he set out to do..
Even his book had 3 due dates before he finished them with Ayers help according to ayers..
And remember Obama even told you not to be afraid of Obama because he was black!
"They’re going to try to make you afraid. They’re going to try to make you afraid of me.
He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?"

Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet

Why would I vote for Cain when I don't agree with him on 80 or 90% of his positions on the issues?
The support for Cain isn't about race; it's about the extremist right's hatred of Romney.

You're welcome to your opinion, no matter how baseless it is.


He is almost right... He is a hack so of course he had to call anyone that likes Cain a "extremist." In the end his point is correct, Cain's support is not because of what Cain stands for through policy or even ideas, Cain's support is because most republicans and conservatives simply don't like Mitt or Perry and the Media allowed Cain to rise for the ratings.

The Media would rather sell 999 then destroy it (because it's easy) over looking at the other candidates who have depth and an actual plan.

The 999 plan was objectively analyzed to be a tax hike on 84% of Americans, with only the wealthiest getting a break.

Are you supposed to support a plan just because it's 'actual'? How about an 'actual' plan that you entirely disagree with?

Why would you support that?
you wrote" I'm guessing that about 99% of the people who can see that Herman Cain is a clueless jackass would think exactly the same thing if he were as white as Glenn Beck."

OK I'll grant you that of the ONLY 100 people in the country like you that totally disregard Cain's successes and like you are racists, yes.. 99 would would same the same thing if think the same thing if he were white??? as beck?

You and the other 99 people and that's all because after all you surely didn't vote for Obama because he was competent with less the 2 years as a senator, less then 2 years as a state representative and a history of NEVER completing what he set out to do..
Even his book had 3 due dates before he finished them with Ayers help according to ayers..
And remember Obama even told you not to be afraid of Obama because he was black!
"They’re going to try to make you afraid. They’re going to try to make you afraid of me.
He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?"
Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet

Why would I vote for Cain when I don't agree with him on 80 or 90% of his positions on the issues?
Then Don't. Pretty simple...isn't it? Leave it to a SIMP as you to even having to ask such a question. Jeeze Carbonated? Do we Conservatives have to explain everything to you?

Are YOU really that INEPT?
Last edited:
You know the answer already its NO.

But you might be able to show a republican or tea party politician call them oreo's, crackers, uncle toms House ******* etc. So school me.

But I dont think you can. Infact I think you will probably post some clown and claim he is but you cant prove it.

Prove me wrong go ahead.

Ok, so if it's not racism for a white conservative to oppose a black liberal,

then it's not racism for a white liberal to oppose a black conservative.

So why do conservatives keep accusing liberals of being racists for opposing a rightwing nut like Cain?

Why do they keep playing the RACE CARD?

You would be correct, however when you add the name calling as I stated before it becomes very racist. Why do you refuse to acknowledge words spoken.

Do you really lack that moral fiber?

I told you, I don't care what color Herman Cain is; he's a clueless rightwing jackass.
Herman Cain is black? Wow, I didn't notice.

Hold on, let me go look at a pic...................................................yep. He's black. Never noticed.

Thanks to the left wing for pointing out his race to me. I just saw a guy who has led many different groups and has a great tax plan.
Why is always the liberal media who keeps on bring this crap up?
yeah, remember that time the liberal media said whites voted for Obama because of white guilt? Remember? Dam liberals!

Wait remember the time the liberal media kept using the phrase "keeping blacks on the plantation"? That darn liberal media just keep with the plantation references, remember?

Yeah, me neither.
Herman Cain is black? Wow, I didn't notice.

Hold on, let me go look at a pic...................................................yep. He's black. Never noticed.

Thanks to the left wing for pointing out his race to me. I just saw a guy who has led many different groups and has a great tax plan.
Nice that citizens as YOU keep the rogues in check...;)
Ok, so if it's not racism for a white conservative to oppose a black liberal,

then it's not racism for a white liberal to oppose a black conservative.

So why do conservatives keep accusing liberals of being racists for opposing a rightwing nut like Cain?

Why do they keep playing the RACE CARD?

You would be correct, however when you add the name calling as I stated before it becomes very racist. Why do you refuse to acknowledge words spoken.

Do you really lack that moral fiber?

I told you, I don't care what color Herman Cain is; he's a clueless rightwing jackass.
Sure...sure Carby!

Why is always the liberal media who keeps on bring this crap up?
yeah, remember that time the liberal media said whites voted for Obama because of white guilt? Remember? Dam liberals!

Wait remember the time the liberal media kept using the phrase "keeping blacks on the plantation"? That darn liberal media just keep with the plantation references, remember?

Yeah, me neither.
Liberal MEDIA has never posted that...they don't DARE lest they be accused of being Conservative you jerk.

You are an Idiot.
Well, if Cain wins, the black people can say "The Democrats got us HALF way there, the GOP got us 100% of the way there hahaha!!!"

Cuz Obama is half black!!! I never get tired of reminding race obsessed lefties with that little detail.

If Cain wins, there are 1,000 more important things to talk about. BUT.....believe me, I'll bring up that the GOP elected the "FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT!!!".

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