MSNBC Claims YouTube Has Become RightWing


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Youtube is not right wing. Matter of fact Youtube is becoming more noticeably left wing.

The problem with the left wing is they have gone over the cliff and anything that isn't 100% leftist ideology is right wing to them.

We no-longer can say the truth. We must repeat their lies or we are accused of being radical MAGA terrorists.
Everything that they don't like is said by them to be Cheap Fakes. A made up term they're all repeating like parrots:

Leftwing democrats LIED to youtube about all aspects of that deadly COVID vaccine. Now youtube does not trust the liberal democrats.
Youtube is not right wing. Matter of fact Youtube is becoming more noticeably left wing.

The problem with the left wing is they have gone over the cliff and anything that isn't 100% leftist ideology is right wing to them.

We no-longer can say the truth. We must repeat their lies or we are accused of being radical MAGA terrorists.
Everything that they don't like is said by them to be Cheap Fakes. A made up term they're all repeating like parrots:

you know I'm a conservative MW, but Mark Dice is dog ####
you know I'm a conservative MW, but Mark Dice is dog ####
Mark Dice rubs some people the wrong way.

I'm not a conservative.

I'm a left-leaning moderate (JFK Democrat), but I'm also a realist, and have had tons of training in the military and civil service on communist propaganda and spotting security risks.

Democrats are the worst security risk in America.

Kids these days don't even know how to spot a communist. They just call them Democratic/Socialists.
Mark Dice rubs some people the wrong way.

I'm not a conservative.

I'm a left-leaning moderate (JFK Democrat), but I'm also a realist, and have had tons of training in the military and civil service on communist propaganda and spotting security risks.

Democrats are the worst security risk in America.

Kids these days don't even know how to spot a communist. They just call them Democratic/Socialists.
Mark Dice attacked Mormons, and he all did was regurgitate what is pastor tells him
Youtube is not right wing. Matter of fact Youtube is becoming more noticeably left wing.

The problem with the left wing is they have gone over the cliff and anything that isn't 100% leftist ideology is right wing to them.

We no-longer can say the truth. We must repeat their lies or we are accused of being radical MAGA terrorists.
Everything that they don't like is said by them to be Cheap Fakes. A made up term they're all repeating like parrots:

Made-up Stories, No Believable Content
My YouTube seems non-political. I believe YouTube becomes what you make of it. I don't go there for political matters, other than on a rare occasional to see and hear a politician or candidate for myself rather than to rely on the print media. I hit YouTube quite often and the recommendations mostly deal with court hearings, camping, sports and transportation. Also head there to catch a couple of sermons each week from two of my favorite pastors.
My YouTube seems non-political. I believe YouTube becomes what you make of it. I don't go there for political matters, other than on a rare occasional to see and hear a politician or candidate for myself rather than to rely on the print media. I hit YouTube quite often and the recommendations mostly deal with court hearings, camping, sports and transportation. Also head there to catch a couple of sermons each week from two of my favorite pastors.
YouTube uses data mining techniques that are designed to show you what you've been talking about or looking at on other websites.

However, if you do a search they show you only what they want you to see. They won't go to what you want to see when you enter it in the search box like they used to 5 years ago.

These people cannot face the truth:

YouTube uses data mining techniques that are designed to show you what you've been talking about or looking at on other websites.
Exactly. Fortunately, the "Don't Recommend Channel" option prevents the garbage provided by the likes of CNN and FOX News from showing up.

There are plenty of good news sources on the web. I wouldn't recommend any that are video based. I much rather refer to a financial or industrial trade site for economic and industry news. It has been my experience that local news sources are available throughout the country. These are better at sticking with the journalistic practices of who, what, when, where, and unopinionated why. Most countries have English language news sources which are better sources of information on what's happening elsewhere.

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