MSNBC guest says it is impossible for black people to succeed

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Somebody tell me again how the conservatives are the real racists in this country.

Goldie Taylor, writer for a website called The Grio, said if given the chance, Herman Cain would "shed" his skin color to appease conservative white voters. Taylor and other contributors to appear frequently on MSNBC to discuss issues dealing with race.

"You know, the way that he raises his candidacy is that he placates a base. And the base that he believes he is after is a right-wing, ultra-conservative base that does not want to either see racism as a dilemma or see it as a way -- or see it as an attack on them," Taylor told MSNBC's Martin Bashir.

Bashir, the host, accused Cain of wanting to be white in order to please the "base" of white voters. "Goldie you're almost saying that he's trying to denude and diminish his own ethnicity in order to win that base," Mr. Bashir said.

"That's exactly what I'm saying," Taylor said in response. "What I'm saying is that if he could shed his ethnicity today, if he could become what I would call the color of water, he would do it. He would do it in an effort to prove that he, and people just like him could fit in anywhere and have the same level of success no matter what their race, ethnicity, or gender happened to be. That just doesn't happen to be the case. And so would he shed it? I think he would."

Well if they don't work hard they won't succeed. We have more than enough bs that is aimed at giving them extra help at succeeding within this country. All blacks need to do is work hard and they may or may not succeed...It really is up to the person if you move forward or not..It is not handed to you or it shouldn't be.

The people at MSNBC are redder than the midnight sun.
Somebody tell me again how the conservatives are the real racists in this country.

Goldie Taylor, writer for a website called The Grio, said if given the chance, would "shed" his skin color to appease conservative white voters. Taylor and other contributors to appear frequently on MSNBC to discuss issues dealing with race.

"You know, the way that he raises his candidacy is that he placates a base. And the base that he believes he is after is a right-wing, ultra-conservative base that does not want to either see racism as a dilemma or see it as a way -- or see it as an attack on them," Taylor told MSNBC's Martin Bashir.

Bashir, the host, accused Cain of wanting to be white in order to please the "base" of white voters. "Goldie you're almost saying that he's trying to denude and diminish his own ethnicity in order to win that base," Mr. Bashir said.

"That's exactly what I'm saying," Taylor said in response. "What I'm saying is that if he could shed his ethnicity today, if he could become what I would call the color of water, he would do it. He would do it in an effort to prove that he, and people just like him could fit in anywhere and have the same level of success no matter what their race, ethnicity, or gender happened to be. That just doesn't happen to be the case. And so would he shed it? I think he would."


Liberty scares the hell out of many democrats.
Wow, that's a mighty small tent she's affording black people to gather under.
Did any of you commenting watch the video?

Are you suggesting the quotes are fictitious?

No. Herman Cain is a self-hating coon. She was saying it in a polite way.

Take a look in the mirror, pal. If you stripped away all the hate and bitterness you have towards white people, as well as blacks who step outside of your little box of acceptable parameters, then you wouldn't recognize yourself. How pitiful that you embrace so much negativity and allow it to define your character.

They accuse Cain of wanting to shed his race to win a base of voters???

Did they say the same when, on all forms, Obama claims black as his race, despite being half white, and he runs purely as a black candidate to win over the black voter base?
Are you suggesting the quotes are fictitious?

No. Herman Cain is a self-hating coon. She was saying it in a polite way.

as in racoon?

A coon is a black actor or actress, who takes roles that stereotypically portrays black people. They think theyve made it but they are slaves to the same images. A.k.a sellout
It comes from the term baracoons (a cage), where they used to place Africans, who were waiting to be sent to America to be slaves. They had no idea of this, so some of them were even eager waiting in the baracoons.
No. is a self-hating coon. She was saying it in a polite way.

Thats the official racist opinion right?

No, the black American community opinion. But the vast majority of us do hate white conservatives.

Understandable, but it is a mixed community. I would be curious as to any remarks you care to make in reference to the Black community calling anyone from outside the collective opinion UNCLE TOM. That also describes you. Some of your proficiencies give you away.
Are you suggesting the quotes are fictitious?

No. Herman Cain is a self-hating coon. She was saying it in a polite way.

Take a look in the mirror, pal. If you stripped away all the hate and bitterness you have towards white people, as well as blacks who step outside of your little box of acceptable parameters, then you wouldn't recognize yourself. How pitiful that you embrace so much negativity and allow it to define your character.

I'm not bitter or negative in my hatred of whites, I positively hate white people.

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