MSNBC guest says it is impossible for black people to succeed

Yet Matthew, Tank and William Joyce have a higher number of rep points than I. I guess their brand of racism has a larger following on this board.

Might have something to do with the proportion of posts which are about race. Posts like this are gonna get reps.

As bad as Bush was, we can now say that Obama is him on steroids in nearly every way.:eek:

Excuse #1
Maybe there should be a law taking rep away from whites and giving it to blacks.
Yet Matthew, Tank and William Joyce have a higher number of rep points than I. I guess their brand of racism has a larger following on this board.

Might have something to do with the proportion of posts which are about race. Posts like this are gonna get reps.

As bad as Bush was, we can now say that Obama is him on steroids in nearly every way.:eek:

Excuse #1

Wow. I'm surprised you replied. Usually when I've beaten you through logic you don't respond.

You're still wrong, but this is progress.
Wow, if you didn't think that 60 percent(of the whole population) of the murders and rapes within THE US doesn't already make them "Assholes" then someone is brainwashed. :( I hope you get better soon Sherry.

Brainwashed would be hating an entire group of people based on narrow-minded I hope I don't catch what SJ and you have.:D

How is posting crime stats and iq charts that are based on scientific data=narrow minded...Please go explore for yourself, a good place to start is look at the sat scores of the races....You will find with each one that blacks are at the bottom. No matter. Than ask who has the narrow-minded thinking...

I don't hate blacks, but I do not think that we should be part of the same society. I understand that many here will disagree with me, but this is what I believe.

You're free to believe whatever you want and define the world to fit into your warped ideology...I'll take a pass on any concern you have for me.:thup:
Wrong. Herman Cain is a stereotypical popular black conservative. He is speaking the only way a black conservative can if they want to be popular in white conservative circles. He has to show he's a "good Negro", not like the other darkies. It's the only way he can get that pat on the head.

I'm sure you already know but you have some serious issues, I don't know whether it stems from an inferiority complex or what, but you are making a case that you are grade A crazy like Matthew.

There's no such thing as inferiority/superiority between humans. Do you believe otherwise?

lol no but nice try but those conditions do exist in some minds

I think people project themselves onto Cain when he comes out the way he does. Again what about Mayor Micheal Nutter, he said similar things, is he just looking for a "pat on the head" when they come out and say these things? Or does he get a pass because he is a democrat.

When you start saying he is only doing this to get a pat on the head it reflects on your thinking. Cain has shown none of that infact, he has pissed off a lot of whites and blacks alike.

It is very simple minded or again, you inserting your own issues onto him.

It's getting obvious you are just looking for more fuel for your hate which is pretty pathetic. Nobody in their right mind would ostricize themselves the way Cain is I believe though only temporarily for a "pat on the head". It's a ridiculous assumption to make.

Cain in his interviews has shown he doesn't give a damn what people think and thats what I like about him.

You just are a very angry person, I understand though. You are from a different generation than me and from what I understand the military was not a good place for black people. Some say still it isn't, I don't know. I'm not in the military and I'm not black, but I have a black friend, wow isn't that crazy, who's uncle is a drill sergeant so I've heard about the shit they constantly say.

So yea you've been exposed to a lot of racism, no matter how much you want to fuck with these peoples heads it ain't going to work on me. I know it isn't an inherited characteristic, maybe you don't but it isn't just so you do know.
Wow, if you didn't think that 60 percent(of the whole population) of the murders and rapes within THE US doesn't already make them "Assholes" then someone is brainwashed. :( I hope you get better soon Sherry.

Brainwashed would be hating an entire group of people based on narrow-minded I hope I don't catch what SJ and you have.:D

How is posting crime stats and iq charts that are based on scientific data=narrow minded...Please go explore for yourself, a good place to start is look at the sat scores of the races....You will find with each one that blacks are at the bottom. No matter. Than ask who has the narrow-minded thinking...

I don't hate blacks, but I do not think that we should be part of the same society. I understand that many here will disagree with me, but this is what I believe.

because to a large extent that is pseudo science...
Man you have to be white... I scam enough with Affirmative action lol you just trying to get people riled up
I'm sure you already know but you have some serious issues, I don't know whether it stems from an inferiority complex or what, but you are making a case that you are grade A crazy like Matthew.

There's no such thing as inferiority/superiority between humans. Do you believe otherwise?

lol no but nice try but those conditions do exist in some minds

I think people project themselves onto Cain when he comes out the way he does. Again what about Mayor Micheal Nutter, he said similar things, is he just looking for a "pat on the head" when they come out and say these things? Or does he get a pass because he is a democrat.

When you start saying he is only doing this to get a pat on the head it reflects on your thinking. Cain has shown none of that infact, he has pissed off a lot of whites and blacks alike.

It is very simple minded or again, you inserting your own issues onto him.

It's getting obvious you are just looking for more fuel for your hate which is pretty pathetic. Nobody in their right mind would ostricize themselves the way Cain is I believe though only temporarily for a "pat on the head". It's a ridiculous assumption to make.

Cain in his interviews has shown he doesn't give a damn what people think and thats what I like about him.

You just are a very angry person, I understand though. You are from a different generation than me and from what I understand the military was not a good place for black people. Some say still it isn't, I don't know. I'm not in the military and I'm not black, but I have a black friend, wow isn't that crazy, who's uncle is a drill sergeant so I've heard about the shit they constantly say.

So yea you've been exposed to a lot of racism, no matter how much you want to fuck with these peoples heads it ain't going to work on me. I know it isn't an inherited characteristic, maybe you don't but it isn't just so you do know.

Louis Farakhan and the Nation of Islam have been preaching black self-reliance and black family unity for decades. Nutter, Farakhan and others say it to the black community. Cain says it to whites about blacks, big difference.

The military is what you make it. I learned a highly valuable trade, got my college degree, traveled the world and had lots of fun. You work your ass off and it can be very dangerous. I met racist and race was sometimes an issue, but this is America.
Maybe there should be a law taking rep away from whites and giving it to blacks.

No thanks. I scam enough with affirmative action.
You serve your masters well, and you will be rewarded.

Actually, you'll be thrown under the bus when your utility is over. But that won't stop you from blindly parroting what you're told.

Which "masters" would that be?

This post right here by Daveman is an example of one of the reasons why blacks hate white conservatives.

I did 20 years in the military, graduated from college, supported and raised a family, own my home plus rental property, paid for my kids to go to college without the use of government grants or loans and yet I don't have enough independent thought, logic or reasoning skills to develop my own opinions. Hahaha.
Yeah, white conservatives like Janeane Garofalo and Charles Sherrod. I hate how they talk about educated, successful blacks as if the blacks didn't have enough skills to develop their own opinions.
Man you have to be white... I scam enough with Affirmative action lol you just trying to get people riled up

Because AA was meant to be used by lower income minorities, from poorer schools. I'm black , but I've never been poor or gone to a poor school, plus I tested well on national tests. Do you think I was the only upper-middle class black kid who used affirmative action?
Yeah, white conservatives like Janeane Garofalo and Charles Sherrod. I hate how they talk about educated, successful blacks as if the blacks didn't have enough skills to develop their own opinions.

They fit right in with the white conservatives on this board, daveman and yourself included.
Yeah, white conservatives like Janeane Garofalo and Charles Sherrod. I hate how they talk about educated, successful blacks as if the blacks didn't have enough skills to develop their own opinions.

They fit right in with the white conservatives on this board, daveman and yourself included.

Charles Sherrod fits in with white conservatives on this board?

That's some funny stuff right there.
Yeah, white conservatives like Janeane Garofalo and Charles Sherrod. I hate how they talk about educated, successful blacks as if the blacks didn't have enough skills to develop their own opinions.

They fit right in with the white conservatives on this board, daveman and yourself included.

Charles Sherrod fits in with white conservatives on this board?

That's some funny stuff right there.

Cain and the other coons can develop their own opinions. They can buck dance and sing for that pat on the head as well.

"Herman Cain Serenades Crowd With His Rendition Of ‘Impossible Dream’ In Tennessee"

Herman Cain Sings | Audio | Impossible Dream | Mediaite

Did he follow up with his version of Mammy?
Man you have to be white... I scam enough with Affirmative action lol you just trying to get people riled up

Because AA was meant to be used by lower income minorities, from poorer schools. I'm black , but I've never been poor or gone to a poor school, plus I tested well on national tests. Do you think I was the only upper-middle class black kid who used affirmative action?
you are lucky to be a very light skinned mulatto mongrel with a higher IQ than others of your darker shade of shit colored black ape like species !!:eusa_angel:
It did while I was in for 20 years. If your Housing allowance was $1900 per month, why live in a place that costs $1900 per month. Live in the hood for $500 a month, get a roommate and pocket $1650.

Now prove me wrong.

I'm beginning to think that you're a white racist plant whose goal is to make black people look like complete fucking assholes.

Nope. That's just you way of coping. Put a hidden camera in a black barbershop, hair salon or church and listen to our opinions of whites when we think it's only us listening.

answer the question, why exactly do you hate 'white' people?
No thanks. I scam enough with affirmative action.
You serve your masters well, and you will be rewarded.

Actually, you'll be thrown under the bus when your utility is over. But that won't stop you from blindly parroting what you're told.

Which "masters" would that be?

This post right here by Daveman is an example of one of the reasons why blacks hate white conservatives.

I did 20 years in the military, graduated from college, supported and raised a family, own my home plus rental property, paid for my kids to go to college without the use of government grants or loans and yet I don't have enough independent thought, logic or reasoning skills to develop my own opinions. Hahaha.
Racists are stupid. You're a racist.

Do the math.

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