MSNBC host cries over Jan 6th Anniversary

For any true American patriot, Jan 6 is a terrible day.

The U.S. Capitol is the cathedral of our democracy. A symbol of democracy and freedom throughout the world. And you Repug Nazis desecrated it.

You people will NEVER control the White House again. And Jan 6 is the #1 reason why. So suck on that.
One party rule, it's the democrat goal.
Actually, this is what I'm saying.

.....Judges figure out what ruling they want and then go find the legal reasoning to justify it.

Constitutional interpretation being more art than science, the document's sometimes vague language and failure to foresee all contingencies (who could have predicted a human wrecking ball like Trump) gives the Justices quite a bit of latitude in making their rulings.

IOW, despite the historical record showing it was the intent of the 14th's authors that the VP and prez be included among "officer(s) of the United States,"
“While nothing in Representative McKee’s speeches mentions why his express reference to the Presidency was removed,” the court ruled, “his public pronouncements leave no doubt that his subsequent draft proposal still sought to ensure that rebels had absolutely no access to political power.”

Historical precedent also confirms that a criminal conviction is not required for an individual to be disqualified under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment. No one who has been formally disqualified under Section 3 was charged under the criminal “rebellion or insurrection” statute (18 U.S.C. § 2383) or its predecessors. This fact is consistent with Section 3’s text, legislative history, and precedent, all of which make clear that a criminal conviction for any offense is not required for disqualification. Section 3 is not a criminal penalty, but rather is a qualification for holding public office in the United States that can be and has been enforced through civil lawsuits in state courts, among other means.

despite due process arguments being manifestly made moot by virtue of the SCOTUS being the third court that will consider the evidence of the case beginning in one of CO's lower courts,
Before a lower court last month, lawyers made wide-ranging arguments during closing arguments (after 5 days of testimony and the introduction of evidence), grappling over the ins and outs of specific language in the 14th Amendment and the extent to which Trump’s actions related to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol amounted to insurrection.
GOP in uproar after Colorado court bars Trump from state ballot - Roll Call

despite the mountain of documentary and testimonial evidence of Trump's participation in an insurrection


Official Publications from the U.S. Government Publishing Office.

there should be no question in anyone's mind the the conservative Justices and their clerks are busily researching a legal rationale to justify the ruling they want.

So, perhaps more important, is the next ruling they will make on Trump's bizarre claim of presidential immunity. Then Jack Smith can go about the business of proving the grounds on which Don's disqualification from the ballot should have been upheld.
The Supreme Court is not going to support the insurrection bullshit.
Meaning what? That anyone who dares to tell the truth about Don must be destroyed?
Apparently if you point out election fraud/interference you are a violent insurrectionist and if you don't agree with one party removing opposing candidates from the the ballot, you are a Trump slave.
it's straight out of Alinski's play book.
We are about 2 generations in, these idiots haven't even read it, they were bred and brainwashed by their masters, who did.
And if we flipped parties, MagicMike and the left wing hypocrites would all suddenly get that is what they meant, literal arms against the country, not they were putting their political rivals in prison like the Democrats are doing
Which "political rivals" are you speaking of?
The one guy who tried to stage a coup to steal the election after he was defeated?
Yeah.....that's illegal.
And the one who not only stole top secret government documents but shared classified intelligence with unauthorized dinner guests AFTER he had obstructed the government's efforts to retrieve those documents?
Yep....again ILLEGAL.
Nobody is trying simply to "jail their political rivals.
That is just cult propaganda.
Trump is just dealing with the consequences of his poor choices.
Of course he's learned that his incessant bleating and whining about it is the best way to bilk you clueless cultists out of your money.
Biden going off the rails again.

“Over 140 police officers injured. Jill and I attended the funerals of police officers who died as a result of the events that day. Because of Donald Trump’s lies. They died because these lies brought a mob to Washington,” Biden claimed.

But the notoriously dishonest career politician left out one very pertinent detail, the fact that the actual number of cops who lost their lives on the fateful day was zero.
It's the result of the fascist Republican Party making itself unelectable....and Jan 6 has made you Nazis unelectable.

It's a major reason why the Republicans didn't do nearly as well as expected in 2022 and it's why you all are going to lose badly in 2024.
Democrat tyranny, it's all the rage.
I saw videos of Capitol Police being savagely beaten
I saw videos of them breaking windows and storming the halls.

The fact that some later members of the Republican Mob were able to wander the Capitol does not negate that
Explain how violence against capitol police out front and broken windows were a “threat” to Democracy. No hyperbole or connecting dot A to F

I’ll wait.
I saw videos of Capitol Police being savagely beaten
I saw videos of them breaking windows and storming the halls.

The fact that some later members of the Republican Mob were able to wander the Capitol does not negate that
But, when Leftists do it, you call it free

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