MSNBC host mocks Romney's adopted black grandchild

Those are kind of the only two choices on the menu....

Well, there's purgatory, which is like temporary Hell. I guess he only wants some people to be tortured for eons instead of eternity. That's so much better.

Are you sure? Can you prove it using actual references from the Bible, or am I supposed to take your word for it like all of the other bullshit you spout.

I'm sure none of these places actually exist...

I was just critical of what a mean-spirited douhebag you would be to want someone tortured for a very long time because of the kind of sex they were having.

One would need to be a Quantum Douchebag.

The Bible does not say a goddamned thing about eternal punishment, which is why you are the idiot.
George Romney got Obama born! :eusa_angel:

He has a lot to answer for!

Hey, thanks for bringing that up.

Did Mitt Romney Lie About Father Marching With MLK?

Romney claimed that his father marched with Martin Luther King.

In 1978, Mitt Romney would tell the Boston Globe that he and his father both marched with Martin Luther King.

The problem is, Mitt Romney’s father, George Romney, the former governor of Michigan, never marched with Martin Luther King.

George Romney led a march of 10,000 people to protest racist events in Selma. He got Obama born!

Mitt isn't his father. His father was forced out his job standing up for African Americans and believed in paying workers what they deserved, not cutting their pay to line his pocket.
Mitt isn't a terrible man, but he isn't half the man his father was.

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Are you sure? Can you prove it using actual references from the Bible, or am I supposed to take your word for it like all of the other bullshit you spout.

I'm sure none of these places actually exist...

I was just critical of what a mean-spirited douhebag you would be to want someone tortured for a very long time because of the kind of sex they were having.

One would need to be a Quantum Douchebag.

The Bible does not say a goddamned thing about eternal punishment, which is why you are the idiot.

True, it only says the fires of Hell will be eternal, but nothing about it being occupied for all eternity.

My guess is it has been used for more than just Earthly human beings as the Bible describes the existence of nonhuman sentient beings.

Revelation 4 ASV - After these things I saw, and behold, a - Bible Gateway

The book of Revelations chapter 4

2 Straightway I was in the Spirit: and behold, there was a throne set in heaven, and one sitting upon the throne;

3 and he that sat was to look upon like a jasper stone and a sardius: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, like an emerald to look upon.

4 And round about the throne were four and twenty thrones: and upon the thrones I saw four and twenty elders sitting, arrayed in white garments; and on their heads crowns of gold.

5 And out of the throne proceed lightnings and voices and thunders. And there was seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God;

6 and before the throne, as it were a sea of glass like a crystal; and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, four living creatures full of eyes before and behind.

7 And the first creature was like a lion, and the second creature like a calf, and the third creature had a face as of a man, and the fourth creature was like a flying eagle.

8 and the four living creatures, having each one of them six wings, are full of eyes round about and within: and they have no rest day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come

9 And when the living creatures shall give glory and honor and thanks to him that sitteth on the throne, to him that liveth for ever and ever,

10 the four and twenty elders shall fall down before him that sitteth on the throne, and shall worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and shall cast their crowns before the throne, saying,

11 Worthy art thou, our Lord and our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power: for thou didst create all things, and because of thy will they were, and were created.
Are you sure? Can you prove it using actual references from the Bible, or am I supposed to take your word for it like all of the other bullshit you spout.

I'm sure none of these places actually exist...

I was just critical of what a mean-spirited douhebag you would be to want someone tortured for a very long time because of the kind of sex they were having.

One would need to be a Quantum Douchebag.

The Bible does not say a goddamned thing about eternal punishment, which is why you are the idiot.

The Old Testament didn't say much about eternal punishment because the Hebrews didn't believe in an afterlife.

Mt. 25:46 "They will go away to eternal punishment."

Heb. 6:2 "… the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment."

Jude 7 The people of Sodom and Gomorrah serve as an example of those who suffer the "punishment of eternal fires."

Dan. 12:2 "… some to everlasting life, other to shame and everlasting contempt."

2 Th. 1:9 "…they will be punished with everlasting destruction."

Gal. 1:8 If someone preaches another gospel, he is to be "eternally condemned."

Is. 66:24 Those that rebelled against God, "Their worm will not die, nor will the fire be quenched."

Rev. 14:10-11 "And the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever"

Mk. 3:29 Those who blaspheme will be guilty of an "eternal sin."
But that's not the only reason he's an idiot, surely!

Of course it isn't, but it is wonderful to bitch slap the idiot when he assumes he knows how I think.

Guy, you're a fucking crazy person. I don't care how you think.

But the Bible and Christianity talk endlessly about punishing people eternally. Its why I rejected it as a mean-spirited stupidity.

don't know if there's a God or not, but I don't believe the universe is so poorly designed that it's Yahweh....
I'm sure none of these places actually exist...

I was just critical of what a mean-spirited douhebag you would be to want someone tortured for a very long time because of the kind of sex they were having.

One would need to be a Quantum Douchebag.

The Bible does not say a goddamned thing about eternal punishment, which is why you are the idiot.

The Old Testament didn't say much about eternal punishment because the Hebrews didn't believe in an afterlife.

Mt. 25:46 "They will go away to eternal punishment."

Heb. 6:2 "… the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment."

Jude 7 The people of Sodom and Gomorrah serve as an example of those who suffer the "punishment of eternal fires."

Dan. 12:2 "… some to everlasting life, other to shame and everlasting contempt."

2 Th. 1:9 "…they will be punished with everlasting destruction."

Gal. 1:8 If someone preaches another gospel, he is to be "eternally condemned."

Is. 66:24 Those that rebelled against God, "Their worm will not die, nor will the fire be quenched."

Rev. 14:10-11 "And the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever"

Mk. 3:29 Those who blaspheme will be guilty of an "eternal sin."

Surely the extreme Religious Righters here know all of this already... :eusa_whistle:

Nice research.
The Bible does not say a goddamned thing about eternal punishment, which is why you are the idiot.

The Old Testament didn't say much about eternal punishment because the Hebrews didn't believe in an afterlife.

Mt. 25:46 "They will go away to eternal punishment."

Heb. 6:2 "… the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment."

Jude 7 The people of Sodom and Gomorrah serve as an example of those who suffer the "punishment of eternal fires."

Dan. 12:2 "… some to everlasting life, other to shame and everlasting contempt."

2 Th. 1:9 "…they will be punished with everlasting destruction."

Gal. 1:8 If someone preaches another gospel, he is to be "eternally condemned."

Is. 66:24 Those that rebelled against God, "Their worm will not die, nor will the fire be quenched."

Rev. 14:10-11 "And the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever"

Mk. 3:29 Those who blaspheme will be guilty of an "eternal sin."

Surely the extreme Religious Righters here know all of this already... :eusa_whistle:

Nice research.

Lol, that is bullshit 'research', fuck, the lying bastard doesn't even give the translation he used.

Literal translations do not carry these 'eternal punishment' statements in part because the concept of 'end of the world', 'eternity' etc was often hyperbole, for example the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem was described as a world ending event, and it did end the Jewish world as they knew it then.

From JoeB's own references, the Jude comment is plainly hyperbole as no one thinks the fires of Sodom are still burning.

Also what the eternal punishment will be is undefined and could be merely eternal shame and not a reference to an eternal burning in flames, etc. The Greek Orthodox Church, if I recall correctly, believes the punishment in hell to be very quick, and their period in Purgatory even quicker.

Christian views on Hell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Eastern Orthodox church teaches that heaven and hell are being in God's presence[38][39] which is being with God and seeing God, and that there no such place as where God is not, nor is hell taught in the East as separation from God.[40] One expression of the Eastern teaching is that hell and heaven are being in God's presence, as this presence is punishment and paradise depending on the person's spiritual state in that presence.[38][41] For one who hates God, to be in the presence of God eternally would be the gravest suffering.[42][43][44] Aristotle Papanikolaou [5] and Elizabeth H. Prodromou [6] wrote in their book Thinking Through Faith: New Perspectives from Orthodox Christian Scholars that for the Orthodox: "Those theological symbols, heaven and hell, are not crudely understood as spatial destinations but rather refer to the experience of God's presence according to two different modes. "[45] Some Eastern Orthodox express personal opinions that appear to run counter to official church statements, in teaching hell is separation from God.[46][47][48][49][50]

The Eastern Orthodox church rejects the teaching of purgatory.[51]

Contrary to Western Christianity, the Eastern Orthodox church believes in mystery and Apophatic Theology, not in Scholasticism.[citation needed] Because this is so, there is no single official teaching of the church. The Eastern Orthodox doctrine of hell is derived from the universal sayings and teachings of the saints and Church Fathers. These sayings and teachings are not in agreement on all points, and no Ecumenical council accepted by the Eastern Orthodox church has formulated doctrine on hell,[citation needed] so there is no single official teaching

Few Christian theologians believe in an eternal punishment in the fires of hell any more.

We know that there will be a judgment that will send people to where they will go, and it is a final 'eternal' judement as in you don't have the ability to avoid the hell fire afterwards. But there is nothing concrete that says people will be there all eternity, in fact the Bible says that God forgives, and if people sincerely repent in Hell, I doubt that God would leave them there.

The Bible also says that God's will is never defeated and that He wills that all men will be saved...and so they will. But some will have to learn their lessons the hard way before they will be prepared to stand in the presence of God.

And Joe is once again full of shit, but if you want to swallow it that is your bidness.
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Wow I don't know where you studied theology, but you're way off base.

Yes, Christian churches do still maintain that the fires of hell are eternal, and that once judgement is passed, there is no escaping them. God can't be righteous and truthful without judging humanity, and punishing the guilty. The punishment for rejection of Christ is eternal damnation. Yup, eternal.
She just apologized again before today's show. I tuned in just because I wanted to see whether she addressed it, probably like a lot of other people. She was very sincere in her apology, she cried.

The panel she had on last week were several comedians and it took a bad turn there but I believe she'll be forgiven.
No, I don't obsess over the man's every utterence like you guys who suffer from severe ODS do.

So you're ignorant and somehow it's someone elses fault.

No, I just don't prioritize my life on being angry that the country elected a guy you didn't like.

What does that have to do with people knowing what the man says.

And no you just prioritize your life on being angry and hating people who are decent and caring instead.
No, I just don't prioritize my life on being angry that the country elected a guy you didn't like.

We're angry with reason. There's no excuse for the phoniness the media let that lying rat get away with. None.

Elections should be based on information.

The election of Obama wasn't.

And we're mad.

We want better for America.


Whatever is the world coming to.

Obama got elected because Bush fucked up everything. people were more upset about their underwater mortgages, busted 401K's and kids coming home in body bags than the fact that Obama misattributed his parent's relationship to Selma.

Embellished? Is that what we call outright lying now?
Most African American Democrats are such hateful Bigots. Not sure why though. One guess is that the Democratic Party has worked very hard inciting such hate for many years. Class Warfare and Race-Baiting are big parts of their Party Platform. Divide & Conquer i guess. Shame on em.
She just apologized again before today's show. I tuned in just because I wanted to see whether she addressed it, probably like a lot of other people. She was very sincere in her apology, she cried.

The panel she had on last week were several comedians and it took a bad turn there but I believe she'll be forgiven.

I don't buy into tears, however I am glad she apologized, she said something very insensitive and unkind. I hope she calls on the Romney's and asks forgiveness. That would be a true apology.

Glad this non-story is finally over.
She just apologized again before today's show. I tuned in just because I wanted to see whether she addressed it, probably like a lot of other people. She was very sincere in her apology, she cried.

The panel she had on last week were several comedians and it took a bad turn there but I believe she'll be forgiven.

I don't buy into tears, however I am glad she apologized, she said something very insensitive and unkind. I hope she calls on the Romney's and asks forgiveness. That would be a true apology.

Glad this non-story is finally over.

Did Megan Kelly call Santa and apologize for using him as a racist example? No! She did not.
she was raised by her white morman family who adopted her.

how do you think she felt about that baby she saw on robmoneys lap?
She just apologized again before today's show. I tuned in just because I wanted to see whether she addressed it, probably like a lot of other people. She was very sincere in her apology, she cried.

The panel she had on last week were several comedians and it took a bad turn there but I believe she'll be forgiven.

I don't buy into tears, however I am glad she apologized, she said something very insensitive and unkind. I hope she calls on the Romney's and asks forgiveness. That would be a true apology.

Glad this non-story is finally over.

Did Megan Kelly call Santa and apologize for using him as a racist example? No! She did not.

Yeah, you must be a NBC-viewer nutter. You have no idea how stupid you sound, huh? No idea at all. :cuckoo:
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