MSNBC host mocks Romney's adopted black grandchild

No, she doesn't need to call the Romneys, she has apologized several times. You have no right to demand anything. You all want this to drag on and on just because.

She doesn't need to call the Romneys, if she was sincere, she would speak to the person or persons she offended. But she doesn't need to do anything. The tears also mean nothing. Neither good or bad.

You seem to keep posting about it, so you are helping to drag it along.

I'm just upating those of you who want the story to continue. Btw, don't ever think that I would take your advice about anything so please stop attempting to tell me what to post.

Of course the tears mean nothing to an extreme rwn like you.

I find there are those that can turn them off or on at the drop of a hat. Maybe your experience is difference, I really don't care either way. Tears in an apology make no difference in how I would view an apology. Tears make a big difference when tragedy or death or real pain are involved. Sorry, I didn't direct you to post or not, and the fact is if you post or not makes little difference in my life and I would never attempt to give an ignorant person, such as yourself advice, I was merely making a statement of fact.

Have whatever day you want to have, mine is and will be great.
She doesn't need to call the Romneys, if she was sincere, she would speak to the person or persons she offended. But she doesn't need to do anything. The tears also mean nothing. Neither good or bad.

You seem to keep posting about it, so you are helping to drag it along.

I'm just upating those of you who want the story to continue. Btw, don't ever think that I would take your advice about anything so please stop attempting to tell me what to post.

Of course the tears mean nothing to an extreme rwn like you.

I find there are those that can turn them off or on at the drop of a hat. Maybe your experience is difference, I really don't care either way. Tears in an apology make no difference in how I would view an apology. Tears make a big difference when tragedy or death or real pain are involved. Sorry, I didn't direct you to post or not, and the fact is if you post or not makes little difference in my life and I would never attempt to give an ignorant person, such as yourself advice, I was merely making a statement of fact.

Have whatever day you want to have, mine is and will be great.

I hope your day is great. Now get the fuck away from me.
She doesn't need to call the Romneys, if she was sincere, she would speak to the person or persons she offended. But she doesn't need to do anything. The tears also mean nothing. Neither good or bad.

You seem to keep posting about it, so you are helping to drag it along.

I'm just upating those of you who want the story to continue. Btw, don't ever think that I would take your advice about anything so please stop attempting to tell me what to post.

Of course the tears mean nothing to an extreme rwn like you.

I find there are those that can turn them off or on at the drop of a hat. Maybe your experience is difference, I really don't care either way. Tears in an apology make no difference in how I would view an apology. Tears make a big difference when tragedy or death or real pain are involved. Sorry, I didn't direct you to post or not, and the fact is if you post or not makes little difference in my life and I would never attempt to give an ignorant person, such as yourself advice, I was merely making a statement of fact.

Have whatever day you want to have, mine is and will be great.

I watched the apology, she wasn't crying about the fact that they mocked Romney's family. In fact, she didn't even apologize for that, she apologized for crossing the self imposed line of no family. She didn't get emotional until she apologized to everyone else who isn't Romney because the entire segment mocked the very idea trans racial adoptions. I think she sincerely regrets that part because her type does really believe that particular canard.
It was about the best apology imaginable considering the initial lapse.

A good apology. I'm ready to move on from the topic.

Won't say I won't ever revisit it if the MSNBC hosts don't seem to have learned enough from their recent rash of apology-worthy moments.

But MHP's apology had just as much content and feeling as I could have hoped.
Oh that Melissa Perry Harris. What a bitch. How dare her call Mitt Romney's grandson "gorgeous". No wonder right wingers are outraged. I suspect "gorgeous" doesn't even approach what they call him behind closed doors.
Oh that Melissa Perry Harris. What a bitch. How dare her call Mitt Romney's grandson "gorgeous". No wonder right wingers are outraged. I suspect "gorgeous" doesn't even approach what they call him behind closed doors.

It was inappropriate to use Romney's family photo as fodder for a comedy segment.

MHP has correctly apologized for crossing that line.

Be as big as she was.
Oh that Melissa Perry Harris. What a bitch. How dare her call Mitt Romney's grandson "gorgeous". No wonder right wingers are outraged. I suspect "gorgeous" doesn't even approach what they call him behind closed doors.

Your post would make more sense if Perry hadn't been wrong, and admitted it.

Actually, it probably wouldn't, but at least you could pretend it did.
[ame=]Sesame Street - One Of These Things - Letters and numbers - YouTube[/ame]
I'm just upating those of you who want the story to continue. Btw, don't ever think that I would take your advice about anything so please stop attempting to tell me what to post.

Of course the tears mean nothing to an extreme rwn like you.

I find there are those that can turn them off or on at the drop of a hat. Maybe your experience is difference, I really don't care either way. Tears in an apology make no difference in how I would view an apology. Tears make a big difference when tragedy or death or real pain are involved. Sorry, I didn't direct you to post or not, and the fact is if you post or not makes little difference in my life and I would never attempt to give an ignorant person, such as yourself advice, I was merely making a statement of fact.

Have whatever day you want to have, mine is and will be great.

I watched the apology, she wasn't crying about the fact that they mocked Romney's family. In fact, she didn't even apologize for that, she apologized for crossing the self imposed line of no family. She didn't get emotional until she apologized to everyone else who isn't Romney because the entire segment mocked the very idea trans racial adoptions. I think she sincerely regrets that part because her type does really believe that particular canard.

She was teary from beginning to end, she felt bad about it and said so once again. The show then went on and it was pretty good. She had Ralph Nader on and great discussions.
You're so forgiving of bigotry towards Christians and blacks.

Would you be this forgiving if the victim had been the unfortunate child of two homos?
I'm just upating those of you who want the story to continue. Btw, don't ever think that I would take your advice about anything so please stop attempting to tell me what to post.

Of course the tears mean nothing to an extreme rwn like you.

I find there are those that can turn them off or on at the drop of a hat. Maybe your experience is difference, I really don't care either way. Tears in an apology make no difference in how I would view an apology. Tears make a big difference when tragedy or death or real pain are involved. Sorry, I didn't direct you to post or not, and the fact is if you post or not makes little difference in my life and I would never attempt to give an ignorant person, such as yourself advice, I was merely making a statement of fact.

Have whatever day you want to have, mine is and will be great.

I hope your day is great. Now get the fuck away from me.

Love you to!
I'm just upating those of you who want the story to continue. Btw, don't ever think that I would take your advice about anything so please stop attempting to tell me what to post.

Of course the tears mean nothing to an extreme rwn like you.

I find there are those that can turn them off or on at the drop of a hat. Maybe your experience is difference, I really don't care either way. Tears in an apology make no difference in how I would view an apology. Tears make a big difference when tragedy or death or real pain are involved. Sorry, I didn't direct you to post or not, and the fact is if you post or not makes little difference in my life and I would never attempt to give an ignorant person, such as yourself advice, I was merely making a statement of fact.

Have whatever day you want to have, mine is and will be great.

I watched the apology, she wasn't crying about the fact that they mocked Romney's family. In fact, she didn't even apologize for that, she apologized for crossing the self imposed line of no family. She didn't get emotional until she apologized to everyone else who isn't Romney because the entire segment mocked the very idea trans racial adoptions. I think she sincerely regrets that part because her type does really believe that particular canard.

Anyone can turn on and off tears, she should apologize to the Romney family, but we know that won't happen. As always it was for show and ratings. MSNBC is getting very good at that, it's the only time anyone watches.
We're angry with reason. There's no excuse for the phoniness the media let that lying rat get away with. None.

Elections should be based on information.

The election of Obama wasn't.

And we're mad.

We want better for America.


Whatever is the world coming to.

Obama got elected because Bush fucked up everything. people were more upset about their underwater mortgages, busted 401K's and kids coming home in body bags than the fact that Obama misattributed his parent's relationship to Selma.

Embellished? Is that what we call outright lying now?

Well, no, lying is what you call Mitt Romney saying his Dad marched with Doctor King when his Lily white Mormon Ass wouldn't have been caught dead near black folks.

Saying that Selma created a world where an interracial couple could live in peace is a slight embellishment if that couple got together before Selma.

Of course, there were civil rights actions IN Selma before 1961 as well, so he wasn't exactly "lying".
The Bible does not say a goddamned thing about eternal punishment, which is why you are the idiot.

The Old Testament didn't say much about eternal punishment because the Hebrews didn't believe in an afterlife.

Mt. 25:46 "They will go away to eternal punishment."

Heb. 6:2 "… the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment."

Jude 7 The people of Sodom and Gomorrah serve as an example of those who suffer the "punishment of eternal fires."

Dan. 12:2 "… some to everlasting life, other to shame and everlasting contempt."

2 Th. 1:9 "…they will be punished with everlasting destruction."

Gal. 1:8 If someone preaches another gospel, he is to be "eternally condemned."

Is. 66:24 Those that rebelled against God, "Their worm will not die, nor will the fire be quenched."

Rev. 14:10-11 "And the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever"

Mk. 3:29 Those who blaspheme will be guilty of an "eternal sin."

The Bible is the combination of the Old and the New Testament, idiot.

By the way, if I were to interpret the verses you cited the way you want I would be forced to conclude that they have always been punished because eternal means without beginning or end. Since the sentence structure precludes that interpretation, I have to assume that the verse means something slightly different than that they will always be punished, and conclude that it is referring to the place, not the condition.

Thanks for proving me right, by the way. It is always easier to let the people who think they know what the Bible says prove that they don't than actually show them.

Nice attempt to weasel your way out of being wrong.

The bible says sinners will be punished for the rest of eternity.

Your bible is a mean-spirited book of angry verses, and I know you get upset when someone points that out to you.

You need to get Disney to write you a new bible with a singing Virgin Mary and all the icky parts taken out.

Whatever is the world coming to.

Obama got elected because Bush fucked up everything. people were more upset about their underwater mortgages, busted 401K's and kids coming home in body bags than the fact that Obama misattributed his parent's relationship to Selma.

Embellished? Is that what we call outright lying now?

Well, no, lying is what you call Mitt Romney saying his Dad marched with Doctor King when his Lily white Mormon Ass wouldn't have been caught dead near black folks.

Saying that Selma created a world where an interracial couple could live in peace is a slight embellishment if that couple got together before Selma.

Of course, there were civil rights actions IN Selma before 1961 as well, so he wasn't exactly "lying".

C'mon. I thought you actually cared about getting historical facts correct. Don't let me down on this.

Whatever is the world coming to.

Obama got elected because Bush fucked up everything. people were more upset about their underwater mortgages, busted 401K's and kids coming home in body bags than the fact that Obama misattributed his parent's relationship to Selma.

Embellished? Is that what we call outright lying now?

Well, no, lying is what you call Mitt Romney saying his Dad marched with Doctor King when his Lily white Mormon Ass wouldn't have been caught dead near black folks.

Saying that Selma created a world where an interracial couple could live in peace is a slight embellishment if that couple got together before Selma.

Of course, there were civil rights actions IN Selma before 1961 as well, so he wasn't exactly "lying".

The apple fell far from the tree. Mitt is not like his father. Remember, Mitt's father was the first politician to release his tax records for public scrutiny. Mitt released one that was doctored to present himself in a good light. But it didn't work. He paid 13% on 22 million dollars of income. He could have paid less because America's tax system is so skewed to the wealthy. So he paid more on the only tax return he released strictly for show.

And the Mormon church was not happy with Mitt's father's stance on civil rights.
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Oh that Melissa Perry Harris. What a bitch. How dare her call Mitt Romney's grandson "gorgeous". No wonder right wingers are outraged. I suspect "gorgeous" doesn't even approach what they call him behind closed doors.

It was inappropriate to use Romney's family photo as fodder for a comedy segment.

MHP has correctly apologized for crossing that line.

Be as big as she was.

Perhaps. But it is hypocritical when Right wingers are outraged at Romney's grandson being called gorgeous while saying "get over it" when Obama's daughters, Wife, mother and father, grandparents, aunts, uncles and brothers and sisters are constantly under attack from the most base comments from seemingly everyone on the right. That is a true double standard.

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