MSNBC host mocks Romney's adopted black grandchild

As much as the Democrats would like to forget about it, the Romneys have a long history fighting for Civil Rights.


George Romney got Obama born! :eusa_angel:

He has a lot to answer for!

Hey, thanks for bringing that up.

Did Mitt Romney Lie About Father Marching With MLK?

Romney claimed that his father marched with Martin Luther King.
In 1978, Mitt Romney would tell the Boston Globe that he and his father both marched with Martin Luther King.
The problem is, Mitt Romney’s father, George Romney, the former governor of Michigan, never marched with Martin Luther King.

Lol, its funny how you libtards get so stupid when it suits you. Now you pretend to not understand what a metaphor is. Romney's dad marched in the Civil Rights movement, and like a veteran of the Vietnam war might say he 'fought with General Westmoreland' the vet doesn't mean he was shoulder to shoulder with Westmoreland, and neither did Romney mean he was actually in MLK's immediate vicinity when they marched. MLK did not lead ALL the marches for Civil Rights, dumb ass. And Romney's father was in some of those marches.

Of course any reader realizes that you are simply diverting attention from the fact that the Romney family is very liberal for a Mormon family and always has been. That is why the Wall Street bankers gave hundreds of millions of dollars to let Romney buy the GOP nomination in 2012. They wanted a sure loser so they could keep their bought and paid for President in office.

Lol, its funny how you libtards get so stupid when it suits you. Now you pretend to not understand what a metaphor is. Romney's dad marched in the Civil Rights movement, and like a veteran of the Vietnam war might say he 'fought with General Westmoreland' the vet doesn't mean he was shoulder to shoulder with Westmoreland, and neither did Romney mean he was actually in MLK's immediate vicinity when they marched. MLK did not lead ALL the marches for Civil Rights, dumb ass. And Romney's father was in some of those marches.

Of course any reader realizes that you are simply diverting attention from the fact that the Romney family is very liberal for a Mormon family and always has been. That is why the Wall Street bankers gave hundreds of millions of dollars to let Romney buy the GOP nomination in 2012. They wanted a sure loser so they could keep their bought and paid for President in office.

Given the contempt most Vietnam vets had for Westy, I don't think many say that.

And if Wall Street likes Obama So much, why did the rich dump billions to nominate and support Romney to start with.

I mean, I think it's nice to see a conservatard finally figure out that Wall Street is not your friend... but you are still letting your ODS confuse you.
I love seeing Leftytoons show their true colors. And it wasn't just her. Everyone at that desk participated. And for almost ten minutes. All of them should be fired.

That's how he rolls.

And it wasn't just

So I'm a racist for what Tank said?

No, you are a racist for what YOU say, idiot.

OK, what did I say? Oh, that's right. I pointed out the GOP is 90% white and hates blacks, Hispanics and Muslims.

Lol, its funny how you libtards get so stupid when it suits you. Now you pretend to not understand what a metaphor is. Romney's dad marched in the Civil Rights movement, and like a veteran of the Vietnam war might say he 'fought with General Westmoreland' the vet doesn't mean he was shoulder to shoulder with Westmoreland, and neither did Romney mean he was actually in MLK's immediate vicinity when they marched. MLK did not lead ALL the marches for Civil Rights, dumb ass. And Romney's father was in some of those marches.

Of course any reader realizes that you are simply diverting attention from the fact that the Romney family is very liberal for a Mormon family and always has been. That is why the Wall Street bankers gave hundreds of millions of dollars to let Romney buy the GOP nomination in 2012. They wanted a sure loser so they could keep their bought and paid for President in office.

Given the contempt most Vietnam vets had for Westy, I don't think many say that.

And if Wall Street likes Obama So much, why did the rich dump billions to nominate and support Romney to start with.

I mean, I think it's nice to see a conservatard finally figure out that Wall Street is not your friend... but you are still letting your ODS confuse you.

Absolutely hilarious. I love posts that make me laugh out loud. Right, left, it doesn't matter. Biting humor is greatly appreciated.
No, he said they were going to hell.

Where they were going to be tortured for all eternity.

Which frankly, sounds a lot more malicious than anything that Bashir suggested.

I am pretty sure he said they wouldn't go to heaven, not that they would go to hell.

Those are kind of the only two choices on the menu....

Well, there's purgatory, which is like temporary Hell. I guess he only wants some people to be tortured for eons instead of eternity. That's so much better.

Are you sure? Can you prove it using actual references from the Bible, or am I supposed to take your word for it like all of the other bullshit you spout.
I am pretty sure he said they wouldn't go to heaven, not that they would go to hell.

Those are kind of the only two choices on the menu....

Well, there's purgatory, which is like temporary Hell. I guess he only wants some people to be tortured for eons instead of eternity. That's so much better.

Are you sure? Can you prove it using actual references from the Bible, or am I supposed to take your word for it like all of the other bullshit you spout.

I'm sure none of these places actually exist...

I was just critical of what a mean-spirited douhebag you would be to want someone tortured for a very long time because of the kind of sex they were having.

One would need to be a Quantum Douchebag.

George Romney led a march of 10,000 people to protest racist events in Selma. He got Obama born!

Well, no.

Selma happened in 1963. Obama was born in 1961.

And it's kind of arrogant to think that a protest by a self-serviing politician really helped all that much.

Obama is the one who said Selma got him born.

But you knew that, right?

No, I don't obsess over the man's every utterence like you guys who suffer from severe ODS do.
Well, no.

Selma happened in 1963. Obama was born in 1961.

And it's kind of arrogant to think that a protest by a self-serviing politician really helped all that much.

Obama is the one who said Selma got him born.

But you knew that, right?

No, I don't obsess over the man's every utterence like you guys who suffer from severe ODS do.

Yeah, coz being aware of what a lying scumbag Obama is constitutes ODS. Hey, we already knew that's how Obama apologists feel so no worries.
Well, no.

Selma happened in 1963. Obama was born in 1961.

And it's kind of arrogant to think that a protest by a self-serviing politician really helped all that much.

Obama is the one who said Selma got him born.

But you knew that, right?

No, I don't obsess over the man's every utterence like you guys who suffer from severe ODS do.

So you're ignorant and somehow it's someone elses fault.
No, I don't obsess over the man's every utterence like you guys who suffer from severe ODS do.

So you're ignorant and somehow it's someone elses fault.

No, I just don't prioritize my life on being angry that the country elected a guy you didn't like.

We're angry with reason. There's no excuse for the phoniness the media let that lying rat get away with. None.

Elections should be based on information.

The election of Obama wasn't.

And we're mad.

We want better for America.
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So you're ignorant and somehow it's someone elses fault.

No, I just don't prioritize my life on being angry that the country elected a guy you didn't like.

We're angry with reason. There's no excuse for the phoniness the media let that lying rat get away with. None.

Elections should be based on information.

The election of Obama wasn't.

And we're mad.

We want better for America.


Whatever is the world coming to.

Obama got elected because Bush fucked up everything. people were more upset about their underwater mortgages, busted 401K's and kids coming home in body bags than the fact that Obama misattributed his parent's relationship to Selma.
No, I just don't prioritize my life on being angry that the country elected a guy you didn't like.

We're angry with reason. There's no excuse for the phoniness the media let that lying rat get away with. None.

Elections should be based on information.

The election of Obama wasn't.

And we're mad.

We want better for America.


Whatever is the world coming to.

Obama got elected because Bush fucked up everything. people were more upset about their underwater mortgages, busted 401K's and kids coming home in body bags than the fact that Obama misattributed his parent's relationship to Selma.

If the media had covered what a lying scumbag Obama is, then maybe it would have been President Hillary and the U.S. would have competent leadership.

Obama doesn't just embellish stories. He can't tell the truth. He doesn't know it. But the nation went through the looking glass to elevate the illusion he projected.

But keep on defending him. I wouldn't expect anything less.
Good lord, I'm no fan of Obama...

But I think Hillary is probably worse.

If the media had covered what a lying scumbag Obama is, then maybe it would have been President Hillary and the U.S. would have competent leadership.

Obama doesn't just embellish stories. He can't tell the truth. He doesn't know it. But the nation went through the looking glass to elevate the illusion he projected.

But keep on defending him. I wouldn't expect anything less.

Are we getting a little hysterical.

A politician lied. OMG, how horrible.

They're politicians. They all lie.

The last politician who was honest with us was Walter Mondale, who told us we'd have to raise taxes. He lost 49 states and Reagan raised taxes, anyway.

The GOP lost to this guy twice because they didn't offer anything better to vote for.

in 2008, they offered angry Grandpa, and in 2012, they offered the "Guy who lays you off*"

(*This was Huckabee's description for Romney, and it was spot on!)

I have my own criticisms of Obama. He didn't have the experience when he got the job, he's not a skilled deal maker, and he's way too tenative in his decision-making.

That said, he's still a damn sight better than Romney would have been.

If the media had covered what a lying scumbag Obama is, then maybe it would have been President Hillary and the U.S. would have competent leadership.

Obama doesn't just embellish stories. He can't tell the truth. He doesn't know it. But the nation went through the looking glass to elevate the illusion he projected.

But keep on defending him. I wouldn't expect anything less.

Are we getting a little hysterical.

A politician lied. OMG, how horrible.

They're politicians. They all lie.

The last politician who was honest with us was Walter Mondale, who told us we'd have to raise taxes. He lost 49 states and Reagan raised taxes, anyway.

The GOP lost to this guy twice because they didn't offer anything better to vote for.

in 2008, they offered angry Grandpa, and in 2012, they offered the "Guy who lays you off*"

(*This was Huckabee's description for Romney, and it was spot on!)

I have my own criticisms of Obama. He didn't have the experience when he got the job, he's not a skilled deal maker, and he's way too tenative in his decision-making.

That said, he's still a damn sight better than Romney would have been.

No. He's not.

But that's irrelevant. If the media had done its job we could have had Hillary. Romney would have been better than her, but that wasn't in the cards.

Obama isn't just an ordinary liar.

He's the most dishonest American politician I know of. I suppose it's possible that there's a more dishonest American politician lurking out there somewhere, but it would be hard to be more thoroughly dishonest than Obama.

Obama is indefensible. And the media is indefensible for the way they protected him. Not just protected -- elevated.
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Read as a liberal would, the above post proclaims Comrade Obama to be the best president ever. Provided one ignores that he's the best liar ever. Still, He has achieved a superlative in Lib-lingo.
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