MSNBC is shocked (shocked!) that cocaine was found in a place where a known cocaine addict is staying.

Imagine MSNBC's reaction if a big bag of blow was found in the Trump White House. They would have shot eggs out of their asses for two weeks!

But the corporate media will forget all about this in a day or two, and the Biden regime will blame it on "a visitor".

Banana republic.

they'll make a mess out of it like the wuhan lab leak
but it was bat
It was found prior to Hunter being at the White House that day in an area swept every day by secret service

I know you want to believe it was Hunter but “want” is all you got
Still waiting surada for you to link dentists to using cocaine in their daily practice, do you have the link or not?
It's the kind of cocaine used by dentists. Exactly where was it found?
ah the really good likely someone with a lot of money was able to afford that. Somebody that maybe gets millions of dollars from foreign Govts....hmmm....who could of done it?
How do you already know the make up of the coke? Are the lab results publicly available? Can you provide us with a link?
Look it up yourself.
so that's a no, you just made it up...gotcha.

but seriously, what is your theory behind how medical grade coke was found laying around the White House? You think a Dentist just carries that stuff around with them?
The Biden cultists on this board are already suggesting a dentist left it there. Seriously.
so that's a no, you just made it up...gotcha.

but seriously, what is your theory behind how medical grade coke was found laying around the White House? You think a Dentist just carries that stuff around with them?
The FBI said it's medical grade, stupid.

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