MSNBC Propaganda Arm of Hamas?

You have memory issues because every media outlet except Fox was doing the Body Count Boogie from day one and blasting Israel even though they all knew Hezballah started it.
And let's not forget about how Hezballah Spent international money turning residential basements into military facilities.
So what. Israel started that war with an extra-judicial assassination and then 2 members of the IDF were captured................IN LEBANON!

Oh, so suddenly I'm right concerning the media.

Start another thread.
of course the parent company NBC gets in on the act...

Meet the Press

July 27, 2014

DAVID GREGORY: Let me ask you about the price to Israel, this ongoing conflict. The staggering number of dead civilians on the Palestinian side in Gaza and the fact that just this week you had condemnation from around the world by the targeting of a U.N. school that killed children and those civilians who were fleeing a safe place to go in the fighting. Was this a mistake on the part of Israel even though the U.N. says this was clearly marked and that the Israeli forces knew the GPS coordinates of this school?

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: Well, first of all, Hamas is responsible for the death of civilians. We're not targeting a single civilian. We're responding to Hamas action and we're telling the civilians to leave. Hamas is telling them to stay. Why is it telling them to stay? Because it wants to pile up their own dead bodies. They not only want to kill our people, they want to sacrifice their own people.

GREGORY: But where can they go? You say they should leave. Where can they reasonably go?

NETANYAHU: I'll get to it. I’ll tell you, there are plenty of places they can go to but Hamas is making sure that they don't go anywhere. Now, let me tell you about the school. Secretary General of the United Nations before this incident took place, said that, admitted that two U.N. schools in Gaza were used to stockpile rockets, and he condemned Hamas -- he condemned Hamas for allowing, turning these schools into military targets, legitimate military targets. Now we still do not target schools.

These schools, the [sic] of these schools were used to attack us. Our forces responded, but our initial investigation now doesn't show that it's our fire, it actually shows that it may have been Hamas rocket fire. That's still being investigated. But the important thing to understand is that the reason we have civilians killed is not because Israel is targeting civilians but because Hamas is using civilians as human shields. We use missiles to protect our people. They use their people to protect their missiles.

Read more: Benjamin Netanyahu Confronts NBC?s David Gregory Over Claim That Israel Targeted a U.N. School | NewsBusters

Jew on the brain:cuckoo:....

"Keep it right here on the morning Jew"

Is there really any doubt?

Joe Scarborough took aim at Israel's bombardment of Gaza on Thursday, saying that, despite his history of support for the country, he could not condone the killing of so many Palestinian civilians.

“This continued killing of women and children in a way that appears to be indiscriminate is asinine," he said, adding, "The United States of America, we cannot be associated with this if this continues.

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