MSNBC Propaganda Arm of Hamas?

How often are representatives of the Palestinians given airtime in the US media compared to representatives of the Israelis?

What ya talkin' about? Virtually every time some Jew-hating leftist like you opens his mouth in the American media on the topic, he lies for . . . er . . . represents the Islamofacsists of the Middle East.

If I were to get a consensus of the liberals on this forum to stipulate to your mental retardation,

would you be willing to stop wasting time and space making an argument for that?

An anti-Semitic leftist bootlick going on about the supposed retardation of a defender of Western civilization is like a . . . well . . . an anti-Semitic leftist bootlick underscoring the obtuse depths of his very own retardation.

Let's get something straight, you Jew-hating pig, you don't fly anywhere near the altitude of my intellect. How do I know that? As you recently demonstrated, you can't even make out the dynamics of a publicly funded education system of universal choice in keeping with the imperatives of natural and constitutional law. You were dumbfounded. You don't grasp what conservatives are talking about because like the typical leftist you don't read or think about anything that doesn't jell with your sophomoric ideological contrivances.

Lefty's mind is a black-and-white echo chamber of inherently contradictory platitudes.

Like all leftist moon bats, you're a mindless conformist with the intellectual firepower of a cap gun. I've read you enough to know that you've never gotten beyond the boorish conventions of popular culture. You're a slogan. A cliché. You have all the intellectual imagination of a gnat.

In truth, lefty is an inbred, nose-picking hayseed, albeit, with an affected air and a limp wrist to go along with it, a true grotesquery.

You leftist punks are just upset because unlike others this classical liberal doesn't waste time on stroking your inflated egos of the-mundane-mistaken-for-the-profound with idle debate, as if you Pollyannaish control freaks weren't the brainwashed sheep of totalitarian thugs itching to get your Sieg Heil on, as if you weren't pathological liars. You even lie to yourselves. I grant your arguments nothing as they are nothing but the stench of wailing two-year-olds in soiled diapers.

I see right through your pretensions of enlighten: the tedious and utterly arbitrary meanderings of moral and intellectual relativism. I see right through your hypocritical, self-righteous moralizing: sentimental emotionalism masquerading as tolerance and compassion. Leftists are miserable little shrews, busy bodies. But more than that, they're murderous, tyrannical little pricks. In short, they are morally and intellectual bankrupt jackals.

Anyone who cannot make out the difference between Western civilization and the barbarism of the Islamic world, the difference between the genuine security interests of Israel and the barking madness of Islamfascists . . . the difference between good and evil . . . is a political sociopath.

We must never give them anything more than the back of our hands . . . or our heartfelt pity and even our forgiveness should they repent, but never anything else. They are the enemies of civilization, the pitchfork wielders, the know nothings of tear-it-down-and-burn, the violators of the innocent, the oppressors of the weak and vulnerable. They are thieves, liars and bullies. They are the accusers of the good. They are evil.
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How often are representatives of the Palestinians given airtime in the US media compared to representatives of the Israelis?

too often....

terrorists should not be given the time of day....

What's the measure of terrorism. Israel has killed more innocent Palestinians by FAR over the years for the purpose of advancing Israel's political agenda than have the Palestinians.

Isn't that the definition of terrorism? Killing innocent people for the sake of a political cause, or the like?

Political cause? it's good politics for Hamas when innocent people are killed ..Not so much for Israel genus. Where do you people come from?:cuckoo:
too often....

terrorists should not be given the time of day....

What's the measure of terrorism. Israel has killed more innocent Palestinians by FAR over the years for the purpose of advancing Israel's political agenda than have the Palestinians.

Isn't that the definition of terrorism? Killing innocent people for the sake of a political cause, or the like?

Political cause? it's good politics for Hamas when innocent people are killed ..Not so much for Israel genus. Where do you people come from?:cuckoo:

From hell.
The average American needs to hear the side of the Hamas freedom fighters as they struggle against Israel's brutality and fascist genocide. .. :cool:
there are a lot of israeli paid shills like this thread starter who will close their ears and cover their eyes to that.
How often are representatives of the Palestinians given airtime in the US media compared to representatives of the Israelis?

too often....

terrorists should not be given the time of day....

What's the measure of terrorism. Israel has killed more innocent Palestinians by FAR over the years for the purpose of advancing Israel's political agenda than have the Palestinians.

Isn't that the definition of terrorism? Killing innocent people for the sake of a political cause, or the like?

How often are representatives of the Palestinians given airtime in the US media compared to representatives of the Israelis?

look who the thread starter is? propagandist he says THEY are? oh the irony.:lol::lmao:

Note the political persuasion of this Jew-hater. Yep. It's lefty again!

[ame=]Why is the left so anti-Israel and anti-Semitic- - YouTube[/ame]

better get off the crack you been smoking.according to YOUR warped logic,Jewish patriotic american Ed Asner who says the same thing about Israel,is an anti-semitic jew hater as well. comedy gold :lol::D
How often are representatives of the Palestinians given airtime in the US media compared to representatives of the Israelis?

Hamas is a terrorist organization ...terrorist should get equal time in your mind? Isis and Al-quida as well ? Hamas is responsible for all the deaths genus

The reference was to Palestinian representatives, not Hamas – the mistake you make is to perceive them as the same, when in fact they're not.
look who the thread starter is? propagandist he says THEY are? oh the irony.:lol::lmao:

Note the political persuasion of this Jew-hater. Yep. It's lefty again!

[ame=]Why is the left so anti-Israel and anti-Semitic- - YouTube[/ame]

better get off the crack you been smoking.according to YOUR warped logic,Jewish patriotic american Ed Asner who says the same thing about Israel,is an anti-semitic jew hater as well. comedy gold :lol::D

Sorry. I don't speak gibberishese, Tin Man.
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The average American needs to hear the side of the Hamas freedom fighters as they struggle against Israel's brutality and fascist genocide. .. :cool:
there are a lot of israeli paid shills like this thread starter who will close their ears and cover their eyes to that.

There 's a lot of idiots like you who believe in the boggie man. Stick to the conspiracy room nutjob :cuckoo:
How often are representatives of the Palestinians given airtime in the US media compared to representatives of the Israelis?

Hamas is a terrorist organization ...terrorist should get equal time in your mind? Isis and Al-quida as well ? Hamas is responsible for all the deaths genus

The reference was to Palestinian representatives, not Hamas – the mistake you make is to perceive them as the same, when in fact they're not.

Hamas is in charge of Gaza genus which make it a terrorist state...

Hamas (Arabic: حماس* Ḥamās, "enthusiasm", an acronym of حركة المقاومة الاسلامية Ḥarakat al-Muqāwamah al-ʾIslāmiyyah, "Islamic Resistance Movement") is a Palestinian Sunni Islamic organization, with an associated military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, in the Palestinian territories and elsewhere in the Middle East including Qatar.Since 2007, it has governed the Gaza Strip, after it won a majority of seats in the Palestinian Parliament in the 2006 Palestinian parliamentary elections and defeated the Fatah political organization in a series of violent clashes. Hamas is designated as a terrorist organization by Israel and a number of Western and non-Western governments; the United States, Canada, the European Union,Jordan, Egypt and Japan classify Hamas as a terrorist organization. Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, which Saudi Arabia recognizes as terrorists

Hamas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anyone who cannot make out the difference between Western civilization and the barbarism of the Islamic world, the difference between the genuine security interests of Israel and the barking madness of Islamfascists . . . the difference between good and evil . . . is a political sociopath.
What does starving Gazan children have to do with Israeli national security?

BTW, the MSM in this country is 90% pro-Israeli and it is disgusting!
Hamas is in charge of Gaza genus which make it a terrorist state...

Hamas (Arabic: حماس* Ḥamās, "enthusiasm", an acronym of حركة المقاومة الاسلامية Ḥarakat al-Muqāwamah al-ʾIslāmiyyah, "Islamic Resistance Movement") is a Palestinian Sunni Islamic organization, with an associated military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, in the Palestinian territories and elsewhere in the Middle East including Qatar.Since 2007, it has governed the Gaza Strip, after it won a majority of seats in the Palestinian Parliament in the 2006 Palestinian parliamentary elections and defeated the Fatah political organization in a series of violent clashes. Hamas is designated as a terrorist organization by Israel and a number of Western and non-Western governments; the United States, Canada, the European Union,Jordan, Egypt and Japan classify Hamas as a terrorist organization. Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, which Saudi Arabia recognizes as terrorists
A state has sovereignty over its land.

Israel does not recognize Palestinian sovereignty, therefore it cannot be a "terrorist state".
Anyone who cannot make out the difference between Western civilization and the barbarism of the Islamic world, the difference between the genuine security interests of Israel and the barking madness of Islamfascists . . . the difference between good and evil . . . is a political sociopath.
What does starving Gazan children have to do with Israeli national security?

BTW, the MSM in this country is 90% pro-Israeli and it is disgusting!

I guess you missed the 2009 Lebanon debacle where the sole Pro-Israeli media outlet was Fox.
And I HATE Fox.
Hamas is in charge of Gaza genus which make it a terrorist state...

Hamas (Arabic: حماس* Ḥamās, "enthusiasm", an acronym of حركة المقاومة الاسلامية Ḥarakat al-Muqāwamah al-ʾIslāmiyyah, "Islamic Resistance Movement") is a Palestinian Sunni Islamic organization, with an associated military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, in the Palestinian territories and elsewhere in the Middle East including Qatar.Since 2007, it has governed the Gaza Strip, after it won a majority of seats in the Palestinian Parliament in the 2006 Palestinian parliamentary elections and defeated the Fatah political organization in a series of violent clashes. Hamas is designated as a terrorist organization by Israel and a number of Western and non-Western governments; the United States, Canada, the European Union,Jordan, Egypt and Japan classify Hamas as a terrorist organization. Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, which Saudi Arabia recognizes as terrorists
A state has sovereignty over its land.

Israel does not recognize Palestinian sovereignty, therefore it cannot be a "terrorist state".

A bunch of homicidal maniacs doesn't need to be a state, it needs to be eradicated.
I guess you missed the 2009 Lebanon debacle where the sole Pro-Israeli media outlet was Fox.
And I HATE Fox.
You got memory issues.

Not one media outlet of the MSM reported that it was Israel that started that war.

You have memory issues because every media outlet except Fox was doing the Body Count Boogie from day one and blasting Israel even though they all knew Hezballah started it.
And let's not forget about how Hezballah Spent international money turning residential basements into military facilities.
You have memory issues because every media outlet except Fox was doing the Body Count Boogie from day one and blasting Israel even though they all knew Hezballah started it.
And let's not forget about how Hezballah Spent international money turning residential basements into military facilities.
So what. Israel started that war with an extra-judicial assassination and then 2 members of the IDF were captured................IN LEBANON!

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