MSNBC’s Touré: Romney Engaging In The ‘Niggerization’ Of Obama


Aug 13, 2012
MSNBC’s Touré: Romney Engaging In The ‘Niggerization’ Of Obama | Mediaite

I love the terms LIbs dream up. The new one is now "coding". I heard it mentioned a few times in the past 2 weeks.

He’s really trying to use racial coding and access some really deep stereotypes about the angry black man. This is part of the playbook against Obama, the ‘otherization,’ he’s not like us.”

I love the evolution of names as well. First it was "Negroes" , then "Coloreds", then "Blacks" and in now it evolved to African-Americans.

My point is why can't we all just be Americans. I don't go around calling myself Italian American. I'm an American first. An American of Italian descent.

Also, how does this guy derive anything racial from Romney's comment, "“take [his] campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago.”

This fool is the racist. Obama is angry and he and Biden are the ones using code: "ya'all back in chains"...not Romney. In addition, Obama came from Chicago so what's wrong with telling him to go back there. Also the implication to a lesser degree was towards Rahm Emanuel.
How soon the Libs forget Hillary's performance""

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I think the worst part of all of this is if Romney does win in November, the tone will only carry over. And thats a scary thought.

As I proud Democrat I will do my best to do an about face and support Romeny if he wins, he will be the leader of the free world and that commands a certain level of respect, this respect is gone as we currently speak. I get the feeling some on the right have no idea how to act properly and they need a good example set. Sad days indeed.
this is just one more example of Obama and his supporters doing this

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I think the worst part of all of this is if Romney does win in November, the tone will only carry over. And thats a scary thought.

As I proud Democrat I will do my best to do an about face and support Romeny if he wins, he will be the leader of the free world and that commands a certain level of respect, this respect is gone as we currently speak. I get the feeling some on the right have no idea how to act properly and they need a good example set. Sad days indeed.

Take your blinders off, Chief.

Nobody divides, demeans and denigrates like a good Liberal.
I love the terms LIbs dream up. The new one is now "coding". I heard it mentioned a few times in the past 2 weeks.

It's been used in areas like sociology and psychology for a generation - how did you establish the politics of the person who made it up?

I love the evolution of names as well. First it was "Negroes" , then "Coloreds", then "Blacks" and in now it evolved to African-Americans.

Why do you love that?
What's more foolish is that Obama certainly knows that he can't win just on the Black vote. If women and Hispanics break more towards Romney this time around, Obama is toast. Also he already seems to have given up on the "youth vote".
I love the terms LIbs dream up. The new one is now "coding". I heard it mentioned a few times in the past 2 weeks.

It's been used in areas like sociology and psychology for a generation - how did you establish the politics of the person who made it up?

I love the evolution of names as well. First it was "Negroes" , then "Coloreds", then "Blacks" and in now it evolved to African-Americans.

Why do you love that?

Why? How about no need for it at all and that goes for "whites" as well. How about just Americans?

Why do we need to refer to each other by race?

As far the politics of who made it up..I was referring to the use of the term which lately is used by those on the left to imply something nefarious.
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Nobody divides, demeans and denigrates like a good Liberal.

see what I mean, I see very little evidence of what you speak of. Its made up baloney being put on loud speaker by many on the right.

maybe the grown ups will have to show the Republicans how its done. Im fully prepared because I am an American first, Florida State Seminole second an a Democrat third.
What's more foolish is that Obama certainly knows that he can't win just on the Black vote. If women and Hispanics break more towards Romney this time around, Obama is toast. Also he already seems to have given up on the "youth vote".

The emerging story in American politics is the Screwed Generation.

They are excited about Paul Ryan and the true hope he brings.

Here comes the next wave of conservatism.
For those who think 'liberal' has some universal meaning, you are aware that it means exactly the opposite in Europe, are you not?
Nobody divides, demeans and denigrates like a good Liberal.

see what I mean, I see very little evidence of what you speak of.
Its made up baloney being put on loud speaker by many on the right.

maybe the grown ups will have to show the Republicans how its done. Im fully prepared because I am an American first, Florida State Seminole second an a Democrat third.

You are an idiot, then.
Nobody divides, demeans and denigrates like a good Liberal.

see what I mean, I see very little evidence of what you speak of. Its made up baloney being put on loud speaker by many on the right.

maybe the grown ups will have to show the Republicans how its done. Im fully prepared because I am an American first, Florida State Seminole second an a Democrat third.

Your Seminole avatar/logo is offensive to some Native Americans so don't come off so self-righteous and smug and act like you're above it all with your "grown up" comment.
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I think the worst part of all of this is if Romney does win in November, the tone will only carry over. And thats a scary thought.

As I proud Democrat I will do my best to do an about face and support Romeny if he wins, he will be the leader of the free world and that commands a certain level of respect, this respect is gone as we currently speak. I get the feeling some on the right have no idea how to act properly and they need a good example set. Sad days indeed.

That's rich considering of behavior of the Democrat-in-Chief when it comes to refuting comments such as the one Biden made. If anyone acts improperly it's more evident on the left. You might start here on this board as an example. I see more Conservatives/Republicans trying to reason with the left. I also note that the Trolls here are almost entirely comprised of Libs, left-wingers and Democrats.
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? How about no need for it at all and that goes for "whites" as well. How about just Americans?

Why do we need to refer to each other by race?

As far the politics of who made it up..I was referring to the use of the term which lately is used by those on the left to imply something nefarious.

I agree that 'Americans' should be good enough for most usages, but it also makes sense that there are ways of referring to people by race or ethnicity. It doesn't have to be racist or derogatory.

Do you really not understand why the word used by slave owners was not one ex-slaves wanted to use?

I somehow think you do.

The word 'coding' may be mainly used by people on the left, but it comes from academia. Borrowing terms and politicising them is nothing new, nor is it the preserve of the right - but I agree it is usually silly.
lol, you are full of it. Im a FSU booster brother, and I guess you want to try and out fact me. Well, I have news for you.

The Seminole tribe of Florida and Oklahoma have given their permission to FSU to use and promote this logo. Also, FSU offers 100 full ride scholarships to members of the Seminole tribe, every year. FSU has a tight bond with the Seminole tribe, as we always have. They young man who rides Renegade is a true Seminole.
Take your blinders off, Chief.

Nobody divides, demeans and denigrates like a good Liberal.

Is this supposed to be self-ironic?

Are you supposed to be self-moronic?

No, I was pointing out that if you are going to insist people take off their blinders - probably best not to follow it with a catch-all cliche that only someone blinkered could say.

Assuming any political faction hold a monopoly on dividing or demaning is simply childish - as well you would know if you weren't blinkered.

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