MSNBC’s Touré: Romney Engaging In The ‘Niggerization’ Of Obama

That you can probably find examples of how the 'right' has used race and class to divide people is a great deal different that an entire political party and mentality that is organized around the promotion of it.

In fact, Democrats depend on such strife and demonization for their very survival as a party.

Your amateur attempt at bifurcation argument does not counter the fact.

There's no "probably" about it.
That you can probably find examples of how the 'right' has used race and class to divide people is a great deal different that an entire political party and mentality that is organized around the promotion of it.

In fact, Democrats depend on such strife and demonization for their very survival as a party.

Your amateur attempt at bifurcation argument does not counter the fact.

There's no "probably" about it.

My point stands.
That you can probably find examples of how the 'right' has used race and class to divide people is a great deal different that an entire political party and mentality that is organized around the promotion of it.

In fact, Democrats depend on such strife and demonization for their very survival as a party.

Your amateur attempt at bifurcation argument does not counter the fact.

That really is such staggering nonsense, as I imagine you realise yourself.

The entire history of social democracy is based on the ideals of social and economic justice, and is more inclined towards assistting the working class than it is tied to any particular ethnicity or religion.

Tens of millions of white people voted for Democrats because they prefer their policies and their politicians - ths has nothing whatsoever to do with race.

At various times it has suited both parties to utilize race as a method of promoting or rubbishing various issus, and we see both parties doing that. I'm not convinced either are particularly effective, because both tend to cheapen the debate and create a backlash.

I have to say, Sinper, I'm amazed how comfortable you seem plastering the most massive and sweeping generalisations across fully half of your countryman. You really seem reduce everything down to black and white, to childish cliche and lowest-common denominator politics.

As if the GOP were some kind of angelic force of sweetness, light and honesty, and the Dems some demonic force of evil.

It's just so staggeringly childish. Why do it?

Why is that?
That you can probably find examples of how the 'right' has used race and class to divide people is a great deal different that an entire political party and mentality that is organized around the promotion of it.

In fact, Democrats depend on such strife and demonization for their very survival as a party.

Your amateur attempt at bifurcation argument does not counter the fact.

That really is such staggering nonsense, as I imagine you realise yourself.

The entire history of social democracy is based on the ideals of social and economic justice, and is more inclined towards assistting the working class than it is tied to any particular ethnicity or religion.

Tens of millions of white people voted for Democrats because they prefer their policies and their politicians - ths has nothing whatsoever to do with race.

At various times it has suited both parties to utilize race as a method of promoting or rubbishing various issus, and we see both parties doing that. I'm not convinced either are particularly effective, because both tend to cheapen the debate and create a backlash.

I have to say, Sinper, I'm amazed how comfortable you seem plastering the most massive and sweeping generalisations across fully half of your countryman. You really seem reduce everything down to black and white, to childish cliche and lowest-common denominator politics.

As if the GOP were some kind of angelic force of sweetness, light and honesty, and the Dems some demonic force of evil.

It's just so staggeringly childish. Why do it?

Why is that?

You are saying that Democrats are not organized around race and class?


The hardcore righties have had their time with calling Obama a Marxist, Communist, blah blah blah, I know.

But the Left, even its top people, has become unhinged. Looking at the polls, I don't see why, Obama is still in decent shape. But every freakin' day they're saying the most over the top stuff.

What's going on here?


Reality. I've heard the phrase "******" many times from many con's just this year, and they didn't beat around the bush - just came right out and stated it in front of God and everyone.

I have absolutely no idea what your response means.

The list of wild stuff being said by Democrats grows longer every single day, at you're saying that's the justification?


Sometimes one has to fight fire with fire! Call em out when needed. I'd like to know where those of Mormon faith, or anyone of faith are on calling out Romney's bs, lies, etc. Plenty in which to choose from!

Funny how the people who tell us to ignore skin color are the same people who are constantly reminding us about the color of people's skin.

This is madness.


The hardcore righties have had their time with calling Obama a Marxist, Communist, blah blah blah, I know.

But the Left, even its top people, has become unhinged. Looking at the polls, I don't see why, Obama is still in decent shape. But every freakin' day they're saying the most over the top stuff.

What's going on here?


Reality. I've heard the phrase "******" many times from many con's just this year, and they didn't beat around the bush - just came right out and stated it in front of God and everyone.

who cares what you heard...doesn't apply to this race baiting by the media and this administration
Reality. I've heard the phrase "******" many times from many con's just this year, and they didn't beat around the bush - just came right out and stated it in front of God and everyone.

I have absolutely no idea what your response means.

The list of wild stuff being said by Democrats grows longer every single day, at you're saying that's the justification?


Sometimes one has to fight fire with fire! Call em out when needed. I'd like to know where those of Mormon faith, or anyone of faith are on calling out Romney's bs, lies, etc. Plenty in which to choose from!

Yes, this is what I think the Democrats are trying to do. Whatever it takes.

Our divisions are getting worse and worse, and neither "side" has the balls to rise above it.

This scares me far more than any political issue.


Funny how the people who tell us to ignore skin color are the same people who are constantly reminding us about the color of people's skin.

This is madness.


It is beyond hypocrisy as well.

It is a weapon.
MSNBC’s Touré: Romney Engaging In The ‘Niggerization’ Of Obama | Mediaite

I love the terms LIbs dream up. The new one is now "coding". I heard it mentioned a few times in the past 2 weeks.

He’s really trying to use racial coding and access some really deep stereotypes about the angry black man. This is part of the playbook against Obama, the ‘otherization,’ he’s not like us.”

I love the evolution of names as well. First it was "Negroes" , then "Coloreds", then "Blacks" and in now it evolved to African-Americans.

My point is why can't we all just be Americans. I don't go around calling myself Italian American. I'm an American first. An American of Italian descent.

Also, how does this guy derive anything racial from Romney's comment, "“take [his] campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago.”

This fool is the racist. Obama is angry and he and Biden are the ones using code: "ya'all back in chains"...not Romney. In addition, Obama came from Chicago so what's wrong with telling him to go back there. Also the implication to a lesser degree was towards Rahm Emanuel.

Hillary Fakes Southern Accent At Black Church
How soon the Libs forget Hillary's performance""

Hillary Clinton adopts a southern drawl - YouTube

A story was released last month that the White House was planning on releasing accusations of Romney using racist codes.

It's funny how Obama is trying to act like he's not causing divisions but yet his paid surrogates in the media are doing his dirty work for him. What they dream up in the Oval Office comes true in his favorite media outlets like MSNBC, ThinkProgress, MediaMatters, etc.

...and I bet you think fux propaganda/news is somehow different - right!?!:lol:

Fox reports the news and spends a lot of time illustrating the bias of Obama's media sources. Basically they report what the MSM refuses to report. They have an audience they cater to.

The difference is they aren't part of the White House's propaganda machine. They come off as being more honest than CNN or NBC.
[Historically, America has been a society in which every arriving immigrant group, in order to gain acceptance, has had to pull their own weight.
Remember the tales of the signs at the plant gate reading "Help Wanted. Irish Need Not Apply"? Since then we've had Presidents named Kennedy and Reagan, and a candidate for Veep today named Ryan. Then there's Justices Scalia and Alito. The Japanese Americans, despite their native country's surprise attack on Pearl Harbor redeemed themselves with the performance of the all Nissei 442d Division. When they were told near the end of the war to have the entire division present to receive a unit citation, the presenting officer asked the division commander where all the men were, the answer he received in reply was simply "This is all that are left"
When Americans are told, via court order, to show egalitarian respect when their sight, hearing, perception, and historical memory indicate otherwise: CAIR getting all indignant and bent out of shape after being compared in court to either a Hydra and a whirlpool, or seeing a video of someone saying he "Really didn't want a job, (He) was just there to get him some Obama Bucks", equality and respect are just a little slow in coming.]

"MSNBC’s Touré: Romney Engaging In The “Niggerization” Of Obama By Calling Him Angry – Update: Romney Campaign Outraged, “Discussing Matter With Executives At MSNBC”…

Wow, just when you thought MSNBC couldn’t go any lower."
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A story was released last month that the White House was planning on releasing accusations of Romney using racist codes.

It's funny how Obama is trying to act like he's not causing divisions but yet his paid surrogates in the media are doing his dirty work for him. What they dream up in the Oval Office comes true in his favorite media outlets like MSNBC, ThinkProgress, MediaMatters, etc.

...and I bet you think fux propaganda/news is somehow different - right!?!:lol:

Fox reports the news and spends a lot of time illustrating the bias of Obama's media sources. Basically they report what the MSM refuses to report. They have an audience they cater to.

The difference is they aren't part of the White House's propaganda machine. They come off as being more honest than CNN or NBC.

They may come off as, but they aren't. I know first hand as I used to buy their tripe. I wised up and sought out real news, or as real as possible. If you want to take this to who has the most viewers, you'd have that argument BUT just cause something has the most does not necessarily mean they are the best. That would be like saying mcd's has the best burger cause they sell the most.:lol:
I think the worst part of all of this is if Romney does win in November, the tone will only carry over. And thats a scary thought.

As I proud Democrat I will do my best to do an about face and support Romeny if he wins, he will be the leader of the free world and that commands a certain level of respect, this respect is gone as we currently speak. I get the feeling some on the right have no idea how to act properly and they need a good example set. Sad days indeed.

Hey proud ass democrat, we took our cues from how your sorry asses treated Bush, don't like that? then don't dish it.
You are saying that Democrats are not organized around race and class?


Seriously...THAT is your response?

Why not read my comments and actually try and come up with a full and coherent sentence. you know...something an adult might write.
You are saying that Democrats are not organized around race and class?


Seriously...THAT is your response?

Why not read my comments and actually try and come up with a full and coherent sentence. you know...something an adult might write.

I asked you a simple question.

Can you not answer it?

why do democrat dummies fancy themselves "adult" they never sound like or act like adults, that's another democrat fantasy.

Funny how the people who tell us to ignore skin color are the same people who are constantly reminding us about the color of people's skin.

This is madness.


It is beyond hypocrisy as well.

It is a weapon.

It works on me. They've weaponized me to the point that I will only vote white for the rest of my life. they can take their race card and carry it around between their ass cheeks.
Seriously...THAT is your response?

Why not read my comments and actually try and come up with a full and coherent sentence. you know...something an adult might write.

I asked you a simple question.

Can you not answer it?

why do democrat dummies fancy themselves "adult" they never sound like or act like adults, that's another democrat fantasy.

He cannot admit that Democrats are completely organized around the exploitation of race and class divisions, because admitting this would be admitting that the Democrats are running completely counter to the spirit and ideas that made America what it is.

Funny how the people who tell us to ignore skin color are the same people who are constantly reminding us about the color of people's skin.

This is madness.


It is beyond hypocrisy as well.

It is a weapon.

It works on me. They've weaponized me to the point that I will only vote white for the rest of my life. they can take their race card and carry it around between their ass cheeks.

That's actually an important point, and a key by-product of Political Correctness. The PC Police never, ever stop to consider the possibility that their constant drilling goes far more to harden hearts against them than it does to change minds in their direction.

In other words, it makes a bad situation even worse. But they will not hear that.

He cannot admit that Democrats are completely organized around the exploitation of race and class divisions, because admitting this would be admitting that the Democrats are running completely counter to the spirit and ideas that made America what it is.

Given I'm not American, it wouldn't bother me to "admit" that at all.

What I am hoping for here is a coherent and adult response to the points I made previously.

Btw, Class is a significant factor for all political parties right across the political spectrum. It is as important for Conservative parties as it is to Social Democrats, to socialists as it is to Christian Democrats.

Trying to pretend right wing parties do not take any notice of class is hardly a credible position.

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