MSNBC’s Touré: Romney Engaging In The ‘Niggerization’ Of Obama

He cannot admit that Democrats are completely organized around the exploitation of race and class divisions, because admitting this would be admitting that the Democrats are running completely counter to the spirit and ideas that made America what it is.

Given I'm not American, it wouldn't bother me to "admit" that at all.

What I am hoping for here is a coherent and adult response to the points I made previously.

Btw, Class is a significant factor for all political parties right across the political spectrum. It is as important for Conservative parties as it is to Social Democrats, to socialists as it is to Christian Democrats.

Trying to pretend right wing parties do not take any notice of class is hardly a credible position.


You have conceded the argument.

Nobody divides, demeans and denigrates like a good Liberal.
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And what Romney is doing works on many people. I was helping a senior citizen with a computer problem this past week when the election came up. Briefly she felt that Obama (???) or maybe the democrats were responsible for women having children out of wedlock so the government would pay them. (in 2012 yet) Her feelings were so strong it amazed me. It goes back to Reagan's fictional Cadillac mom. The idea that having children to get paid is bizarre on the face of it even if some children born into that situation did receive sustenance. Do people do stupid things like having children out of wedlock, and then end up homeless or support-less, of course, but is this today, a reason to vote for Romney strikes me as absurd. Civil rights are still being fought out in the minds of many.
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Sniper Fire -

I said "wouldn't bother me", not "doesn't bother me".

As a Finn, it always delights me to come across native speakers who don't know their own language!
Sniper Fire -

I said "wouldn't bother me", not "doesn't bother me".

As a Finn, it always delights me to come across native speakers who don't know their own language!

As a Finn, you obviously know nothing about our politics if you do not understand that Democrats are completely organized around the exploitation of race and class divisions.

Why not spend your time on the FinlandMessageBoard where you aren't so much out of your element?
And what Romney is doing works on many people. I was helping a senior citizen with a computer problem this past week when the election came up. Briefly she felt that Obama (???) or maybe the democrats were responsible for women having children out of wedlock so the government would pay them. (in 2012 yet) Her feelings were so strong it amazed me. It goes back to Reagan's fictional Cadillac mom. The idea that having children to get paid is bizarre on the face of it even if some children born into that situation did receive sustenance. Do people do stupid things like having children out of wedlock, and then end up homeless or support-less, of course, but is this today, a reason to vote for Romney strikes me as absurd. Civil rights are still being fought out in the minds of many.

A person has to be rather ignorant to not understand the direct link between explosion of bastard children and growth of social programs.
MSNBC’s Touré: Romney Engaging In The ‘Niggerization’ Of Obama | Mediaite

I love the terms LIbs dream up. The new one is now "coding". I heard it mentioned a few times in the past 2 weeks.

He’s really trying to use racial coding and access some really deep stereotypes about the angry black man. This is part of the playbook against Obama, the ‘otherization,’ he’s not like us.”

I love the evolution of names as well. First it was "Negroes" , then "Coloreds", then "Blacks" and in now it evolved to African-Americans.

My point is why can't we all just be Americans. I don't go around calling myself Italian American. I'm an American first. An American of Italian descent.

Also, how does this guy derive anything racial from Romney's comment, "“take [his] campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago.”

This fool is the racist. Obama is angry and he and Biden are the ones using code: "ya'all back in chains"...not Romney. In addition, Obama came from Chicago so what's wrong with telling him to go back there. Also the implication to a lesser degree was towards Rahm Emanuel.

Hillary Fakes Southern Accent At Black Church
How soon the Libs forget Hillary's performance""

Hillary Clinton adopts a southern drawl - YouTube

Romney's response was an apt response to Obama's class division to garner votes. Toure's comments are so outlandish, they are funny and not taken seriously by anyone with common sense.
And what Romney is doing works on many people. I was helping a senior citizen with a computer problem this past week when the election came up. Briefly she felt that Obama (???) or maybe the democrats were responsible for women having children out of wedlock so the government would pay them. (in 2012 yet) Her feelings were so strong it amazed me. It goes back to Reagan's fictional Cadillac mom. The idea that having children to get paid is bizarre on the face of it even if some children born into that situation did receive sustenance. Do people do stupid things like having children out of wedlock, and then end up homeless or support-less, of course, but is this today, a reason to vote for Romney strikes me as absurd. Civil rights are still being fought out in the minds of many.

Monthly welfare checks are set up to encourage single Mom's to have more children. The more you have the higher the monthly check is.
It also makes sure that a woman must be single in order to receive that welfare check.
It breaks up the family unit of 2 parents raising their children.
Under President Clinton, welfare was reformed to help people and to get them back to work and has gotten more people off of welfare checks.
Why do Dem's always have to mess with things that are working well and then make things worse.
President Obama has gotten rid of the incentive to get back to work by using volunteer help as work. Volunteer (helping) is not getting up at a certain time and actually going to an 8 to 5 job. His voluntary relaxation policy will not help them. It puts them back into dependency again.
Lets see................Pmsnbc Toure femininely cries "racism" and somebody is supposed to care ???

Nobody besides their occuturd viewers does............
HAd Rush Limbaugh used the word "niggarization" the Left would be calling for his head. Heck, you can't even use the word "niggardly" without someone objecting.

But this is the theme going forward: Romney is speaking in code to white people so they'll vote against the black man. Like they haven't noticed he is black (half black, mullatto, whatever he is) and didnt vote for him 3 years ago. But that code speak awakens their latent racism, because this time the election is all about race, and they voted against Obama. Obama's defeat points to the latent racism in white America.

That's how it will be spun. Bet on it.
You do realize that segregation was not universal in this country, right? i went to a school system that was never segregated.

I am no expert on segregation, but it doesn't surprise me to hear it was not universal.

Nevertheless, it seems to me that globaly, minorities were not treated well in the 1950s, and that it was important for many countries to try to establish a middle class amongst minorities well.

The US needed black police, doctors, lawyers and teachers, and affirmative action was probably the best way of ensuring that happened.

But in 2012....I'm not convinced there is a widespread need for it.

btw. Thanks for the compliment, SB - they are a rarity in this place! I have spent much of my life overseas, so have had more than a few opportunities to work on my language skills!

I also appreciate your well stated opinions, even though I disagree with them on occasion. For example, a free education for Finland with a population of about 5.5 million is possible but with 330 million in the US it becomes a bit more problematic.

Many of our colleges are there to hand out useless degrees in 'basket weaving' and the only thing the students are interested in is football and party time.

I suspect, and I think you will tell me, that Colleges and Universities in Finland are serious institutions of learning.

I also have also traveled extensively, and at last count I had visited 26 foreign countries. Sadly, Finland was not one of them.
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Class Warfare & Race-Baiting: The Democratic Party Platform for decades. It is shameful, but it is what it is. We'll see if Americans buy into it this time around.
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I think the worst part of all of this is if Romney does win in November, the tone will only carry over. And thats a scary thought.

As I proud Democrat I will do my best to do an about face and support Romeny if he wins, he will be the leader of the free world and that commands a certain level of respect, this respect is gone as we currently speak. I get the feeling some on the right have no idea how to act properly and they need a good example set. Sad days indeed.

Respect is earned, sir. barack obama has done little worthy of mine.
Since republicans aren't saying anything racial, the democrats have to invent code words, which could mean just about anything.
Since republicans aren't saying anything racial, the democrats have to invent code words, which could mean just about anything.

It's the fact that they aren't discussing race means they are racist. And if they do discuss race then they are also racists. See how this works?
I think the worst part of all of this is if Romney does win in November, the tone will only carry over. And thats a scary thought.

As I proud Democrat I will do my best to do an about face and support Romeny if he wins, he will be the leader of the free world and that commands a certain level of respect, this respect is gone as we currently speak. I get the feeling some on the right have no idea how to act properly and they need a good example set. Sad days indeed.

you can honestly asy this AFTER seeing liberals go crazy on Bush?
Rather than throw around wild labels, why not say who you mean. Who are the "PC police"?

Primarily those on the American Left who drag race, class and an attempt to restrict freedom of expression into every possible situation for political gain.


Was this a trick question?


No, but it seems to have tricked you.

If you want people to know who you mean - name the people and organisations who are members of this "PC Police".

Otherwise it's a bit like talking about the Illuminati.

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