MT Greene: Space lasers

Dems and cult fucks are terrified of MTG.

As I know nothing about "Dems and cults"....I can't speak to their interests; however, for all the rest of us it ain't 'terror' that is the prevailing sentiment. Rather, it is 'entertained', 'bemused'. Even, 'condescending'.

She's a nutter, Angus. I am mildly sure you know that, without my poor avatar pointing it out.

She's a carnival barker, a howler-monkey. And as such she has become the 'badge-plate' of the MAGA-QAnon segment of Conservative identity.
Marjorie = the GOP.
The GOP = Marjorie.
The 'new' normal.

And that ain't a good look.
And I am mildly sure, Angus, that you know that too.

Other than that, I'm pretty neutral on that cracker-clown.
As I know nothing about "Dems and cults"....I can't speak to their interests; however, for all the rest of us it ain't 'terror' that is the prevailing sentiment. Rather, it is 'entertained', 'bemused'. Even, 'condescending'.

She's a nutter, Angus. I am mildly sure you know that, without my poor avatar pointing it out.

She's a carnival barker, a howler-monkey. And as such she has become the 'badge-plate' of the MAGA-QAnon segment of Conservative identity.
Marjorie = the GOP.
The GOP = Marjorie.
The 'new' normal.

And that ain't a good look.
And I am mildly sure, Angus, that you know that too.

Other than that, I'm pretty neutral on that cracker-clown.
The worst part is not that MTG gets elected, but that her party has condoned and legitimized her behavior.

For a few votes from MAGA, McCarthy has elevated MTG to positions well above her skills and experience. Loyal Republicans who have worked for years were bypassed to provide key assignments to MTG, Boebert and Gaetz.
The worst part is not that MTG gets elected, but that her party has condoned and legitimized her behavior.

That is an insightful observation, RW.
You are right.
It is the GOP 'legitimizing' her RWNJobbery that is the most insidious development.

Although, the straight-boring-farmer part of my personality .....thinks......that karma circles back.
And the elevation of MTG is gonna return to bite the GOP and McCarthy.
An amusing example....although small potatoes ... was the cut-off-at-the-knees of Sarah Huckabee's well-crafted killer tag line for her speech the other night: The bumper-sticker anagram about normalcy & crazy.

But for poor Sarah, the CrackerClown Marjorie stepped all over her applause line....before she could even give it.

(not to mention the hissy-ing between Romney and Santos.
Those are tough acts to follow for Sarah.
Poor Sarah.)



That is an insightful observation, RW.
You are right.
It is the GOP 'legitimizing' her RWNJobbery that is the most insidious development.

Although, the straight-boring-farmer part of my personality .....thinks......that karma circles back.
And the elevation of MTG is gonna return to bite the GOP and McCarthy.
An amusing example....although small potatoes ... was the cut-off-at-the-knees of Sarah Huckabee's well-crafted killer tag line for her speech the other night: The bumper-sticker anagram about normalcy & crazy.

But for poor Sarah, the CrackerClown Marjorie stepped all over her applause line....before she could even give it.

(not to mention the hissy-ing between Romney and Santos.
Those are tough acts to follow for Sarah.
Poor Sarah.)

View attachment 756227
View attachment 756230
I think the GOP is setting up a war within their party as the MAGA crazies who are more interested in personal publicity than legislating are elevated to positions above traditional Republicans who paid their dues and behave responsibly.
I think the GOP is setting up a war within their party as the MAGA crazies who are more interested in personal publicity than legislating are elevated to positions above traditional Republicans who paid their dues and behave responsibly.
I'm all for it. Let them consume each other. It's fun to watch the MAGA's take a shotgun to the GOP's hopes. :)
I'm all for it. Let them consume each other. It's fun to watch the MAGA's take a shotgun to the GOP's hopes. :)

It was amusing watching how long McCarthy’s attempt to “legitimize” MTG lasted.

As soon as the cameras were rolling, she reverted to her clown act despite being specifically warned by McCarthy

MTG said the Jews used their space laser to start the wildfires in California, idiot.
Stop laughing man your support a country that has Nazis in it’s military. The hell with the Azoz battalion
Stop laughing man your support a country that has Nazis in it’s military. The hell with the Azoz battalion
Non sequitur much?

Free advice and counsel: Start another thread if you have something you wish to convey on that particular subject.
Prove it is fake.
Or go.
Saddle up, Skippy.


Prove she is right about the Yiddish Space Lasers.
Or go.
Batter up, mon ami.


And too, they are covered under the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. Thanku, Jesus!

(ps....I highly recommend reading the book by Phillip's, 'Blood at the Root', about the culture, the terroir, that raised MTG ---- Forsyth County.

The MAGA-Fringie's Icon, Brand, Avatar, Paladin, Flag Bearer, Tip-of-the-Spear ----- Marjorie Taylor Greene, of Forsyth County, GA.
I realize you’re very full of yourself. But that’s sad.

She can say a lot of strange things. Yet, she is often more right than you ever are.

Jewish Space Laser nonsense notwithstanding.
Prove it.
Or go.
It's Adult Swim, BackAgain, not the Wading Pool.
So strap on your water-wings and dive-in.
The water's fine.
Well, you abysmal hack; first of all, you are off topic.

Secondly, maybe you’d like to start your own thread about how often you’re right about anything vs how often she’s right about things.

As a baseline, you’re mostly wrong.

So we won’t need many instances of Marjory being right.


MJT was absurd to talk about “Jewish” space lasers.
As a baseline, you’re mostly wrong.
Prove it.
Or Go.
That's the baseline of adult discussion.....being able to back up one's claims.

Reference: Captain Obvious' TED Talk about Adult Swim 101.

MJT was absurd to talk about “Jewish” space lasers.
Well, how cool is that?
Your avatar and my avatar can do a virtual high-5.

But, MJT's laser silliness, like her struggles with the English language (gazpacho, peachtree-dish, etc.) serves to hand to her opponents plenty of ammunition.

And it is an embarrassment to her caucus. I think. I hope.

Her 'fringie-ness' doesn't cover the GOP Caucus in glory or credibility or gravitas. In fact, in my opinion......she and those who embrace her look foolish.

Can we high5 again, over that?
Prove it.
Or Go.
That's the baseline of adult discussion.....being able to back up one's claims.

Zzzz. You’re very dull.
Reference: Captain Obvious' TED Talk about Adult Swim 101.

Zzzzz. Very dull you are.
Well, how cool is that?
Your avatar and my avatar can do a virtual high-5.
Nope. Avatars can’t give high fives. What you were attempting to grunt out is that we agree about that one thing. We do.
But, MJT's laser silliness, like her struggles with the English language (gazpacho, peachtree-dish, etc.) serves to hand to her opponents plenty of ammunition.

And it is an embarrassment to her caucus. I think. I hope.

Her 'fringie-ness' doesn't cover the GOP Caucus in glory or credibility or gravitas. In fact, in my opinion......she and those who embrace her look foolish.
Can we high5 again, over that?
No. Your side has much more to be embarrassed about. But you are blind to all of that because you’re just a hack.
My avatar is impressed.
Really, he (she?) is.

Avataree Back Again claims he sleeps through my avatar's postings....yet, here he is.
And seemingly more attentive than anyone else.....including me.

BackAgain painstakingly does 'pull quotes' for individual sentences of my poor avatar. THAT is notable.....AND........ he does it in his sleep!
Clearly he is impressed with my avatar's order to quote him while sleeping. Hoooya!

Everybody can high5 the BackAgain avataree.
If you want to.
My avatar is impressed.
Really, he (she?) is.

Avataree Back Again claims he sleeps through my avatar's postings....yet, here he is.
And seemingly more attentive than anyone else.....including me.

BackAgain painstakingly does 'pull quotes' for individual sentences of my poor avatar. THAT is notable.....AND........ he does it in his sleep!
Clearly he is impressed with my avatar's order to quote him while sleeping. Hoooya!

Everybody can high5 the BackAgain avataree.
If you want to.
Fraudulent little Chilli is stuck on stupid.

The poor schmuck doesn’t even have an avatar.

Your so fucking stupid that actually believed that fake news bullshit. You guzzled that grape Kool-Aid like a Jonestown socialist dufus dummy dupe. :lol:

The fact of the matter is that MTG never said that, retard. That's why you can't directly quote her saying that, dumbass.

There is an inverse relationship between intelligence and suggestibility. Since you have such a very low IQ, you are extremely suggestible. That's why it was so easy for the fake news media to brainwash your pathetic feeble mind into believing that MTG said Jews used a space laser to start wildfires in California.

You're a pathetic feeble-minded low IQ moron.
It's amazing how many people out there just swallow this cheap fast food propaganda like a freaking Big Mac.

Show where any of them made wild claims of the magnitude of Jewish Space Lasers
A wild claim the media said Greene said. She didn't. But we are getting space lasers. Chinees, Jewish or muggles the purple dimension, it happened. That is the most disconcerting thing. Let's try to at least figure out WHO and WHY.
A wild claim the media said Greene said. She didn't. But we are getting space lasers. Chinees, Jewish or muggles the purple dimension, it happened. That is the most disconcerting thing. Let's try to at least figure out WHO and WHY.

Greene spouted a crazy conspiracy theory and had to work the Jews into it
Greene spouted a crazy conspiracy theory and had to work the Jews into it
Again, with the Jewish thing. She NEVER SAID that. THE media said she said it. She didn't. LOOK IT UP! She said a wealthy group like the Rothschilds. Somebody somewhere IS making this happen. At this point does it matter?

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