MTG say straight people will soon be extinct.

That is a compliment to her, try harder.
I'm telling ya. There is something in the water in the 14th Congressional District in Georgia.

I'm not even joking.

MTG is so stupid she thinks a cabal would find it easier to launch a space laser to start fires rather than use a Zippo.

Good god what a tard.
Then you can see plain as day she never claimed “Jewish space lasers” started fires.
The most she says about the claim is “I don’t know”.
She clearly builds a whole conspiracy theory around Jerry Brown, the Rothschilds, and PG&E starting fires in specific areas to benefit themselves.

To support this bullshit, she then goes on to say that people reported blue lasers causing the fires. When she says, "I don't know anything about that", then why is she repeating it? She is clearly propagating that bullshit in order to build on it as she then speculates that the blue laser lights could be coming from a solar collection satellite in space.

All this to "prove" her belief that the wildfires were started in specific locations to benefit the Rothschilds.

Whackadoo whackadoo whackadoo.
If you go on Amazon and search for "Jewish space laser", there are a zillion hilarious hats, shirts, and pins.

MTG has a beautiful family!

Blessings for them!

Embattled QAnon congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene 'openly cheated' on her husband of 25 years with a polyamorous tantric sex guru and then moved on to another affair with the manager at her gym​

Her husband is literally a cuck.
Marjorie Taylor Greene believes a missile hit the Pentagon on 9/11.

She believes the Sandy Hook and Parkland mass shootings were US government false flag operations.

Gazpacho believes California's wildfires were started by a Jewish space laser.

The Q-tard bleevs the Capitol was invaded by Antifa and the FBI.

She bleevs Comet Pizza had a pedophile ring in their non-existent basement.

And just a couple weeks ago, this font of batshittery claimed you will be zapped if you eat a cheeseburger, and the government is monitoring your bowel movements.

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