Zone1 Muddling ‘Helping’ And ‘Hurting’....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
60,455 the Democrats. The only question is wheter it is on purpose.

1.When one has no principles, no integrity, no aim in life other increasing one’s power, then anything that increases that power works. Might makes right. The end justifies the means.
To allow an excuse in there, it may not be possible to discern the difference between hurting and helping.

And that, friends, is the explanation for the Democrat Party’s efforts on behalf of American blacks.

2. The motives are based on the simple fact that, without the black vote, the Democrats would never win another national election. Sooo….anything they party can do to either benefit black folks, or to appear to benefit black folks…..they’ll do it.

3. No criticism of any aspect of black existence will ever pass the lips of the Democrat/Liberal elite.
Here’s a simple example: African American women have the highest rates of obesity or being overweight compared to other groups in the United States. About 4 out of 5 African American women are overweight or obese. In 2018, non-Hispanic blacks were 1.3 times more likely to be obese as compared to non-Hispanic whites.Mar 26, 2020
Obesity and African Americans - The Office of Minority Health

Obesity is a Common, Serious, and Costly Disease
Get the latest data and facts about adult obesity in the US.

4. There is a coterie of Liberal physicians who actually tell patients that being obese is just fine, if one is black. 'White Coats for Black Lives' Calling Shots at America's Medical Schools
White Coats for Black Lives, a radical socialist organization of doctors and medical students, is set to racialize the practice of medicine.

"Medical providers must unlearn the false equivalency between weight and health, and fat people must have access to affirming healthcare free of stigma and guilt."

5. In this thread I provide a number of examples, harmful to the black community in the long run, but eschewing any criticism of any injurious behavior……just like poor parenting.
You judge the reasoning behind the Democrat imperative.
Are you a skinny human? While obesity is bad for a human I do not think a political party causes obesity, I do believe it is due to high-calorie intake.
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I'm not black, but I am fat.

For the longest time, my doctor always called me "the healthiest fat person" that he knew. LOL

Being FAT isn't a health's what MADE you fat that puts you at risk.

Some people just naturally get bigger as time goes on, as they get older, even though they may still be highly active and keep away from all the "bad foods". They are still going to be healthy, but they their metablolism has just slowed to the point, that anything they eat makes them gain weight. Regardless of how much or how little they eat. And eating less could cause more harm than good.

In my case........I started gainging weight in my 20's, no matter how little or how well I ate. I didn't have a vehicle pretty much through the entire 80's, and I walked everywhere, since I just lived one or two blocks from a good shopping center. I really didn't need a vehicle. I took the bus to work during the winter, and walked during the summer, even though work was 5 miles away from my apartment. I STILL gained weight though.

I was diagnosed diabetic in 2009. Not from food or drink, but from abusing OTC sinus/allergy meds for many years. I've had bad allergies pretty much all my life. This was before they put warnings on the stuff that it caused liver damage.

Anyway, since I developed diabetes, I cannot lose weight at all, no matter how hard I tried. I finally just gave up on it.

I've also known people who have it in their DNA, where they cannot lose weight. I had friend whose mother was a large woman, and she pretty much only ate ice cubes and those diet slushy things that were popular at the time. She never lost any weight, because her doctor kept telling her it was genetic, not because of her calorie intake....or lack of it. But as long as I knew my friend, her mother was on every kind of super strict diet she could find. And she never lost any weight.

I've been told by a few nurses that blacks have this type of DNA, and thats why most of them gain so much weight when they get older, or pass it on to their kids. It's not because they are's because their genetics are predisposed to it.

Sure, there's lots of people that DO eat for the sake of eating, and get enormous, but a lot don't. It's a question of genetics vs abusive eating habits.
I'm not black, but I am fat.

For the longest time, my doctor always called me "the healthiest fat person" that he knew. LOL

Being FAT isn't a health's what MADE you fat that puts you at risk.

Some people just naturally get bigger as time goes on, as they get older, even though they may still be highly active and keep away from all the "bad foods". They are still going to be healthy, but they their metablolism has just slowed to the point, that anything they eat makes them gain weight. Regardless of how much or how little they eat. And eating less could cause more harm than good.

In my case........I started gainging weight in my 20's, no matter how little or how well I ate. I didn't have a vehicle pretty much through the entire 80's, and I walked everywhere, since I just lived one or two blocks from a good shopping center. I really didn't need a vehicle. I took the bus to work during the winter, and walked during the summer, even though work was 5 miles away from my apartment. I STILL gained weight though.

I was diagnosed diabetic in 2009. Not from food or drink, but from abusing OTC sinus/allergy meds for many years. I've had bad allergies pretty much all my life. This was before they put warnings on the stuff that it caused liver damage.

Anyway, since I developed diabetes, I cannot lose weight at all, no matter how hard I tried. I finally just gave up on it.

I've also known people who have it in their DNA, where they cannot lose weight. I had friend whose mother was a large woman, and she pretty much only ate ice cubes and those diet slushy things that were popular at the time. She never lost any weight, because her doctor kept telling her it was genetic, not because of her calorie intake....or lack of it. But as long as I knew my friend, her mother was on every kind of super strict diet she could find. And she never lost any weight.

I've been told by a few nurses that blacks have this type of DNA, and thats why most of them gain so much weight when they get older, or pass it on to their kids. It's not because they are's because their genetics are predisposed to it.

Sure, there's lots of people that DO eat for the sake of eating, and get enormous, but a lot don't. It's a question of genetics vs abusive eating habits.


About 84,800,000 results (0.52 seconds)

Obesity means having an unhealthy amount of body fat. This puts your health in danger. Obesity puts you at greater risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, sleep apnea, some types of cancer, and stroke. Treatment involves a long-term plan for making lifestyle changes.

Obesity and Overweight | Stanford Health Care​ › healthy-living › obesity

Health Risks of Overweight & Obesity | NIDDK​ › weight-management › hea...

What are some health risks of overweight and obesity? · Type 2 diabetes · High blood pressure · Heart disease · Stroke · Sleep apnea · Metabolic syndrome · Fatty liver ...

Health Effects of Overweight and Obesity | CDC​ › healthyweight › effects

All-causes of death (mortality). · High blood pressure (hypertension). · High LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, or high levels of triglycerides (dyslipidemia) ...
You know I loves you lots............and I appreciate your intelligence.💚

But I have to disagree on a lot of this.

I didn't just pull this information out of thin air. This information was told to me by doctors, nurses, and even certified medical nutritionists over many years.

And are you going to REALLY believe ANYTHING the CDC has to spew out, especially after their COVID lies and propaganda?

Being obese isn't the same thing as being fat.
I'm not saying being fat or obese is GOOD for anyone, I'm just saying it's not as detrimental to some as it is for others......and of course, TOO much of anything isn't good for anybody.;)

But from what I've been told by medical practitioners over the still is an issue of genetics vs abusive eating habits (even good eating and no excersize).
They changed the rules on obesity, now one can be obese and only be twenty pounds overweight. I always thought that the guidelines for that perfect weight and height was unnatural and imposed a strict ideology by a govt. that wanted a specific body type of civilians. Now that the autocratic Polyslick is demanding we be skinny even though she has never proven that she is, we see the hypocrisy of her mandate and ideology, along with her hate of black people;



You know I loves you lots............and I appreciate your intelligence.💚

But I have to disagree on a lot of this.

I didn't just pull this information out of thin air. This information was told to me by doctors, nurses, and even certified medical nutritionists over many years.

And are you going to REALLY believe ANYTHING the CDC has to spew out, especially after their COVID lies and propaganda?

Being obese isn't the same thing as being fat.
I'm not saying being fat or obese is GOOD for anyone, I'm just saying it's not as detrimental to some as it is for others......and of course, TOO much of anything isn't good for anybody.;)

But from what I've been told by medical practitioners over the still is an issue of genetics vs abusive eating habits (even good eating and no excersize).
I am 265 and six foot one and it never stopped me from doing a damn thing in life.
You know I loves you lots............and I appreciate your intelligence.💚

But I have to disagree on a lot of this.

I didn't just pull this information out of thin air. This information was told to me by doctors, nurses, and even certified medical nutritionists over many years.

And are you going to REALLY believe ANYTHING the CDC has to spew out, especially after their Ylies and propaganda?

Being obese isn't the same thing as being fat.
I'm not saying being fat or obese is GOOD for anyone, I'm just saying it's not as detrimental to some as it is for others......and of course, TOO much of anything isn't good for anybody.;)

But from what I've been told by medical practitioners over the still is an issue of genetics vs abusive eating habits (even good eating and no excersize).

We agree on lots, and you certainly can make any decision about your lifestyle you wish.

We can disagree on prob.

See what you think of my next post, in a few minutes.....the OP was in preparation for this one.

I have seven posts prepared for this thread, harmful or helpful, and the rest have nothing to do with weight.

You'll probably agree with the rest of 'em.
We agree on lots, and you certainly can make any decision about your lifestyle you wish.

We can disagree on prob.

See what you think of my next post, in a few minutes.....the OP was in preparation for this one.

I have seven posts prepared for this thread, harmful or helpful, and the rest have nothing to do with weight.

You'll probably agree with the rest of 'em.
Did you gain weight on the insistence of Trump so you could look more like him?
I am 265 and six foot one and it never stopped me from doing a damn thing in life.

I'm 6-4 and been 300# since about 2018.
I still do what I wanna do, go where I wanna go......even though nowadays my knees and ankles are starting to hurt a lot.
But thats from the meds I take, not from the diabetes. I have to take vitamins to make up for them being destroyed by some of the meds I have to take.

Other than that, I'm ok. Some things are on the fritz though. Like I can't deal with taking long walks anymore, or standing all day. Or the humidity. Ugh, the humidity just wipes me out as soon as I'm out the front door.

But other than that, I try and keep on going!!
6. In response to the OP, here is the opposite view from a Rightwing source:

“The Weight of Oppression Is Heavy for Singer Lizzo
She isn’t oppressed as a successful black artist, but perhaps she is oppressed by the “body positivity” movement.
…pop singer Lizzo. She is a wealthy entertainer who is also infamous for being a purveyor of the pro-fat movement.

…. she is oppressed by the inappropriately named “body positivity” movement. This is a more reasonable claim. As a larger woman who is constantly in the celebrity headlines for berating people who don’t like her unhealthy portrayal of feminine beauty, she is suffering a sort of oppression. She is trying to convince the world that being extremely overweight is beautiful. Her supporters in the movement cheer her on,….

[I claim that those supporting her obesity are Democrats who will never say anything deemed negative to a black person....even if it would help them.]

The body positivity movement — though not as talked about as the feminist, gender identity, or critical race theory movements — is yet another facet in the struggle for identity in America….It removes bodyweight standards and healthy living entirely. It also shows a particularly grotesque push toward the ugly and obscene that is a defining feature of the culture at the moment.

Using health as the standard (i.e., a body free of diabetes, heart problems, and other lifestyle-induced diseases) seems to be a reasonable proposition. It also seems to be the most reasonable middle ground between the starvation advocates and the gluttons (though both are gluttons for punishment).
The middle ground also speaks to the hunger that the younger generation has for authenticity. Lizzo’s “confidence” feels like a put-on. She’s protesting too much. Her denial of the unhealthy state of her physique is abject denial of reality.

6. In response to the OP, here is the opposite view from a Rightwing source:

“The Weight of Oppression Is Heavy for Singer Lizzo
She isn’t oppressed as a successful black artist, but perhaps she is oppressed by the “body positivity” movement.
…pop singer Lizzo. She is a wealthy entertainer who is also infamous for being a purveyor of the pro-fat movement.

…. she is oppressed by the inappropriately named “body positivity” movement. This is a more reasonable claim. As a larger woman who is constantly in the celebrity headlines for berating people who don’t like her unhealthy portrayal of feminine beauty, she is suffering a sort of oppression. She is trying to convince the world that being extremely overweight is beautiful. Her supporters in the movement cheer her on,….

[I claim that those supporting her obesity are Democrats who will never say anything deemed negative to a black person....even if it would help them.]

The body positivity movement — though not as talked about as the feminist, gender identity, or critical race theory movements — is yet another facet in the struggle for identity in America….It removes bodyweight standards and healthy living entirely. It also shows a particularly grotesque push toward the ugly and obscene that is a defining feature of the culture at the moment.

Using health as the standard (i.e., a body free of diabetes, heart problems, and other lifestyle-induced diseases) seems to be a reasonable proposition. It also seems to be the most reasonable middle ground between the starvation advocates and the gluttons (though both are gluttons for punishment).
The middle ground also speaks to the hunger that the younger generation has for authenticity. Lizzo’s “confidence” feels like a put-on. She’s protesting too much. Her denial of the unhealthy state of her physique is abject denial of reality.

View attachment 691608

Well..........I find her oppressive as a loud-mouthed narcissist.

Aside from that, she never explains herself.
WHY is she obese? Does she have that DNA issue where she CANNOT lose weight no matter what she does?
Or can she not drive past a fast food drive thru without going in?

If her DNA is the medical issue she has, then she needs to be telling people that. Not that she's huge on purpose.

If she IS huge on purpose, then thats all on her and she should be arrested for promoting a deadly way of life.
6. And another way the Democrats go out of their way NOT to help black Americans.

Arguably, the single greatest deterrent to black success is their poor performance in school. Is it, as Democrats believe, genetic?

It is particularly simple to prove that Democrat's advancing what they consider the 'authentic' subculture, actually a pathological one that injures the group, black Americans:

Consider in the heredity vs. environment controversy: females are several times as numerous as males among blacks with high IQs. Witty and Jenkins, "Educational Achievement of a Group of Gifted Negro Children," Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 25, p. 593.

They inherit the same genes, are raised in the same homes and neighborhoods......explanations rest on the culture, the excessively 'macho' roles of males associated with and emphasizing certain sociopathologies.

You will never see the Democrat Party attempt to address these problems that limit the educational success of the black community: areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

That would be considered criticism of their black constituents.

Instead, the claim some imaginary “racism” that holds black students back.
6. And another way the Democrats go out of their way NOT to help black Americans.

Arguably, the single greatest deterrent to black success is their poor performance in school. Is it, as Democrats believe, genetic?

It is particularly simple to prove that Democrat's advancing what they consider the 'authentic' subculture, actually a pathological one that injures the group, black Americans:

Consider in the heredity vs. environment controversy: females are several times as numerous as males among blacks with high IQs. Witty and Jenkins, "Educational Achievement of a Group of Gifted Negro Children," Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 25, p. 593.

They inherit the same genes, are raised in the same homes and neighborhoods......explanations rest on the culture, the excessively 'macho' roles of males associated with and emphasizing certain sociopathologies.

You will never see the Democrat Party attempt to address these problems that limit the educational success of the black community: areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

That would be considered criticism of their black constituents.

Instead, the claim some imaginary “racism” that holds black students back.

I had black teachers in school. Never had any problems. They taught and they controlled their classrooms like all other teachers at that time.

In fact, all of the black teachers I had were loved by the students because they were strict and didn't put up with crap from anybody, and if you didn't want to learn, you weren't allowed in the classroom. We had rules we went to class by. We students knew what was what and what are limits were per teacher, and we didn't have to second guess anything, because it was all laid out of us BY the teachers on the first day of class. This allowed us to focus on our work and learning. It's amazing how much you CAN learn with you aren't focused on all the "what if's" of your teachers, their classes, and what is expected.

And of ALL teachers we had then, of ALL colors........both women and men.........if you didn't do your work, you FAILED.
If you FAILED, you're parents were called in with a meeting with that teacher. Anything resulting from that was between YOU and your PARENTS!

There weren't that many black kids in the schools I went to, but nobody gave a shit about "black and white" then. We were all people, we were all human, we were all forced to go to school!!!! We ALL read from the same books, had to do the same homework assigned, had to do what the teacher instructed............

Nobody gave a poot about racism. In fact, one of the black teachers I had was so open minded, she allowed race questions in her class, when we had free time. She was very exact and unbiased in her responses and never said anything bad about anyone, any race, any religion, or any thing. Which had the students loving her even more. And her explanations were factual and based in reality. They were never her opinion, and she would tell you where to find the information if you wanted to read it for yourself.

She was one of three teachers I had like that in all my years of school. And they were some of the best loved teachers there were. Simply because they treated us as humans learning, not like kids underneath them, or potential propaganda machines for their cause.

And these were public schools, and not the "best" public schools at that. But they had some superior teaching professionals that loved their jobs and it showed. And the kids loved them for it.

Preaching equality is one thing.............just living it every day is something completely different.
I had black teachers in school. Never had any problems. They taught and they controlled their classrooms like all other teachers at that time.

In fact, all of the black teachers I had were loved by the students because they were strict and didn't put up with crap from anybody, and if you didn't want to learn, you weren't allowed in the classroom. We had rules we went to class by. We students knew what was what and what are limits were per teacher, and we didn't have to second guess anything, because it was all laid out of us BY the teachers on the first day of class. This allowed us to focus on our work and learning. It's amazing how much you CAN learn with you aren't focused on all the "what if's" of your teachers, their classes, and what is expected.

And of ALL teachers we had then, of ALL colors........both women and men.........if you didn't do your work, you FAILED.
If you FAILED, you're parents were called in with a meeting with that teacher. Anything resulting from that was between YOU and your PARENTS!

There weren't that many black kids in the schools I went to, but nobody gave a shit about "black and white" then. We were all people, we were all human, we were all forced to go to school!!!! We ALL read from the same books, had to do the same homework assigned, had to do what the teacher instructed............

Nobody gave a poot about racism. In fact, one of the black teachers I had was so open minded, she allowed race questions in her class, when we had free time. She was very exact and unbiased in her responses and never said anything bad about anyone, any race, any religion, or any thing. Which had the students loving her even more. And her explanations were factual and based in reality. They were never her opinion, and she would tell you where to find the information if you wanted to read it for yourself.

She was one of three teachers I had like that in all my years of school. And they were some of the best loved teachers there were. Simply because they treated us as humans learning, not like kids underneath them, or potential propaganda machines for their cause.

And these were public schools, and not the "best" public schools at that. But they had some superior teaching professionals that loved their jobs and it showed. And the kids loved them for it.

Preaching equality is one thing.............just living it every day is something completely different.

This has nothing to do with the color of one's teachers, it is about the efforts the Democrat Party, the party that counts on the black vote, and supposely has the best interests of black Americans at heart, makes or doesn't make.

My considered conclusion is that they simply "make nice' with those consituents, even when actually helping address the problems would be more effacious.

See the following post.
7. Rather than demand discipline in the schools, the Democrats demand that assaults and misbehavior be ignored....if it is done by minority students.
As in Parkland, where the result was 17 slaughtered due to Obama's directives.

Rather than move to obviate or mitigate the above aspects that hold blacks back, the Democrat Party claims absurdities such as teachers, arguably the most liberal of professions, are racist.

Obama actually demanded that disruptive, violent black thugs be kept in the classroom, essentially putting an end to education for black students who wish to learn.

“Obama admin made schools more dangerous

…Marc Bruno, a teacher who got kicked in the head by a student said: “We have fights here almost every day.... The kids walk around and say, ‘We can’t get suspended — we don’t care what you say.’”

…. schools have become less respectful, more disorderly places for millions of students. The bitter irony is that the effort to limit the “school-to-prison pipeline” has likely only increased its flow.

The Obama administration issued “guidance” coercing school districts to second-guess their teachers’ judgment on how to maintain discipline and order. The Trump administration should rescind that mis-guidance, ….’ Obama admin made schools more dangerous: Column

How does keeping thugs and felons in class help the black community?

See the title of the thread?
8. Just as they did in the government school system, the Democrats have made special “adjustments” to the legal system, based, it seems, on their view that all blacks are criminals and punishments need be eliminated.

In NYC, Democrat ‘no cash bail’ law puts arrested criminals back on the street to victimize, faster than the police who arrest them can do the paperwork.

The legal community, largely if not entirely, Democrat/Liberal/Progressive, played a major role in wreaking havoc in the black community. Starting in the sixties, ordinary people, black and white, watched in stupefaction as liberal social reformers came in and jettisoned thousands of years of human knowledge to rewrite criminal laws and government welfare policies. Liberals living in monochromatically white suburbs or doorman buildings in the city said “Let’s try these new ideas that sound really cool, like school busing and deemphasizing prison!”

The smart set turned American cities into petri dishes for crime and degenerate behavior sans punishment. Thousands died, were raped, disfigured in criminal acts made possible by the Warren Court, the ACLU, liberal professors and activists, and lawyers.

Guess what color most of the victims were. the Democrats. The only question is wheter it is on purpose.

1.When one has no principles, no integrity, no aim in life other increasing one’s power, then anything that increases that power works. Might makes right. The end justifies the means.
To allow an excuse in there, it may not be possible to discern the difference between hurting and helping.

And that, friends, is the explanation for the Democrat Party’s efforts on behalf of American blacks.

2. The motives are based on the simple fact that, without the black vote, the Democrats would never win another national election. Sooo….anything they party can do to either benefit black folks, or to appear to benefit black folks…..they’ll do it.

3. No criticism of any aspect of black existence will ever pass the lips of the Democrat/Liberal elite.
Here’s a simple example: African American women have the highest rates of obesity or being overweight compared to other groups in the United States. About 4 out of 5 African American women are overweight or obese. In 2018, non-Hispanic blacks were 1.3 times more likely to be obese as compared to non-Hispanic whites.Mar 26, 2020
Obesity and African Americans - The Office of Minority Health

Obesity is a Common, Serious, and Costly Disease
Get the latest data and facts about adult obesity in the US.

4. There is a coterie of Liberal physicians who actually tell patients that being obese is just fine, if one is black. 'White Coats for Black Lives' Calling Shots at America's Medical Schools
White Coats for Black Lives, a radical socialist organization of doctors and medical students, is set to racialize the practice of medicine.

"Medical providers must unlearn the false equivalency between weight and health, and fat people must have access to affirming healthcare free of stigma and guilt."

5. In this thread I provide a number of examples, harmful to the black community in the long run, but eschewing any criticism of any injurious behavior……just like poor parenting.
You judge the reasoning behind the Democrat imperative.
Another long winded retarded post.
9. Then there is the vote-buying scheme called the welfare system, which is based on the view that minorities can’t or won’t work. It has a deleterious effect on communities….

From Peter Ferrara, “America’s Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb,” chapter five:

"Welfare’ as a wholly owned subsidiary of the government, and its main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.

Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence."

Pretty much every Democrat controlled enclave.

Prior to the War on Poverty, black families remained intact, and the vast majority of black babies were born into two-parent families, with a 28% illegitimacy rate in 1965. Then 49% in ’75; 65% in ’90; 75% in ’95.
See also Opinion | The State Against Blacks

It was LBJ paying for illegitimacy, and the Democrat mantra: "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle."

This guy committed one of the biggest mass shootings in the history of America.

He is Asian. Poli Chic spends her days dissing blacks but:

"Asian gangs for years have flown under the radar within popular culture while having little to no media attention, but in many cities of California it has been well known about the hidden Asian lifestyle.

In the city of San Francisco, there once was a conflict that occurred between American born Chinese and foreign-born Chinese, which led to battles within the Chinese underworld known as “Hock Sair Woey”.

The main players in San Francisco were the Wah Ching, Hop Sing Tong, Wo Hop To, and the Joe Boys, in which their activity led to dozens of homicides in the northern California city throughout the 1960s and 1970s.

The conflict between the rivals in San Francisco led to one of the worst mass killings in northern California, the Golden Dragon massacre where five bystanders were murder together with multiple people injured.

While many San Francisco gangs seemed to have some sort of tied to the Triads or are more traditional Chinese gangs that can be found in China, many of California’s Asian gangs have adopted American cultures, like the Bloods and Crips."

Home Invaders: Asian Gangs in America​

"Home Invaders" is the name of a type of specialized Asian gang that operates mostly against Asian families living in the United States.

The gangs are comprised of young Asian males who usually target Asian businessmen who have retained their traditional cultural distrust of banks and keep valuables and cash at home. Home Invaders generally enter through unlocked windows or doors and employ various intimidation tactics. The confrontation between offender and victim, which usually occurs in the evening, also ensures silence on the part of the victim, who fears retaliation. In Florida, authorities have reported that some Home Invaders and their victims are not Asian; in these cases, profits from the robberies are often used to buy drugs.

This was written in 1993, that's how long Asian crime has been ignored or dismessed.

Asian Gangs Learn American Ways​

Steve Lackmeyer, Jack Money

Long before the Bloods and the Crips became household names, before drive-by shootings became commonplace, Asian gangs were terrorizing their own communities in a shroud of mysticism transported from their native countries.

But just as the Asian community in general has become assimilated into American society, Asian gangs now are little different from traditional American gangs, Oklahoma City police detectives say.

Oklahoma City police detectives spoke with The Oklahoman about local Asian gangs on condition that their names not be used.

The detectives said Asian gangs they now see, and who are suspected in a Northwest Classen High School shooting, are not as secretive as they once were, have a more multicultural membership and now fight more openly amongst themselves and against other gangs.

Oldest Gangs in Town

Asian gang violence in Oklahoma dates back to statehood when members of secret societies, known as "Triads," began immigrating into America, according to research provided by Oklahoma City police detectives.

Asians cheating on entrance exams.


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