Mueller Arguably The Most Incompetent Person On The Planet

Obama turned the FBI into the Corrupt Democratic Party's secret police,
aaaand the Press is defending it.
It amazes me how outraged conservatives were when Obama criticized a couple of cops

Now they are demonizing the whole FBI


I was thinking that it's funny how Democrats and lefties have been screaming for several years that our nation's law enforcement is inherently racist.

Now they're wagging their fingers and telling us that questioning the integrity of law enforcement is damaging to the nation.

Partisans gon' partisan.

Democrats oppose abuses of law enforcement powers at the local level. Bad cops, abuses of power, actions against citizens

Republicans attack those agencies that are challenging their abuses

Maybe they're lying, maybe they're not.

For the republican base who don't have faith in the same political team as you do, this represents the opposition of abuses at the federal level, while the democrat attacks on local police look like a bunch of ideologues playing the race card to avoid having to acknowledge that some of the factors contributing to crime and incarceration rates are factors that are unflattering to some of their constituents, and factors that are unflattering to some of their policies.

Your problem, and the problem with all similarly closed-minded partisans, is that you can't seem to wrap your mind around the fallibility of your own perspective, and in stead you treat your own morals and interpretations as though they're obviously factually correct. They are not.
It’s wonderful to see The Demon Hoarde on The Left Deny Facts and Cling To Lies

Like their Father.

The Father of Lies.

Liars cannot enter in to The Kingdom of heaven, so y’all can join Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Mueller, McCabe & Obama in Hell!
Don't like lies?? Well here's some truth The vile moron in our WH now is THE most dangerous person on this planet He is on the way to disrupt everything good about America A racist, he needs to be removed
Would you agree you are a dumbass? That’s the most insane thing I’ve heard so far!! Where the hell are your facts? Go back to your left closet. Trump is the one to expose all of the corrupt bs and this will make history. Do have all the facts? SMH
I see the white trash KKK'ers have arrived Welcome Jlo
Obama turned the FBI into the Corrupt Democratic Party's secret police,
aaaand the Press is defending it.
It amazes me how outraged conservatives were when Obama criticized a couple of cops

Now they are demonizing the whole FBI


I was thinking that it's funny how Democrats and lefties have been screaming for several years that our nation's law enforcement is inherently racist.

Now they're wagging their fingers and telling us that questioning the integrity of law enforcement is damaging to the nation.

Partisans gon' partisan.

Democrats oppose abuses of law enforcement powers at the local level. Bad cops, abuses of power, actions against citizens

Republicans attack those agencies that are challenging their abuses

Maybe they're lying, maybe they're not.

For the republican base who don't have faith in the same political team as you do, this represents the opposition of abuses at the federal level, while the democrat attacks on local police look like a bunch of ideologues playing the race card to avoid having to acknowledge that some of the factors contributing to crime and incarceration rates are factors that are unflattering to some of their constituents, and factors that are unflattering to some of their policies.

Your problem, and the problem with all similarly closed-minded partisans, is that you can't seem to wrap your mind around the fallibility of your own perspective, and in stead you treat your own morals and interpretations as though they're obviously factually correct. They are not.
Republicans are one paranoid group
Fox News and talk radio feeds the paranoia

They are the victims, everyone is out to get you
The media is an enemy of the state. Scientists and Historians twist facts to challenge your beliefs. There is a secret Deep State in government dedicated to destroying Republican Power
Now the FBI and CIA are using their powers to destroy Republicans
Obama turned the FBI into the Corrupt Democratic Party's secret police,
aaaand the Press is defending it.
It amazes me how outraged conservatives were when Obama criticized a couple of cops

Now they are demonizing the whole FBI


I was thinking that it's funny how Democrats and lefties have been screaming for several years that our nation's law enforcement is inherently racist.

Now they're wagging their fingers and telling us that questioning the integrity of law enforcement is damaging to the nation.

Partisans gon' partisan.

Democrats oppose abuses of law enforcement powers at the local level. Bad cops, abuses of power, actions against citizens

Republicans attack those agencies that are challenging their abuses

Maybe they're lying, maybe they're not.

For the republican base who don't have faith in the same political team as you do, this represents the opposition of abuses at the federal level, while the democrat attacks on local police look like a bunch of ideologues playing the race card to avoid having to acknowledge that some of the factors contributing to crime and incarceration rates are factors that are unflattering to some of their constituents, and factors that are unflattering to some of their policies.

Your problem, and the problem with all similarly closed-minded partisans, is that you can't seem to wrap your mind around the fallibility of your own perspective, and in stead you treat your own morals and interpretations as though they're obviously factually correct. They are not.
Republicans are one paranoid group
Fox News and talk radio feeds the paranoia

They are the victims, everyone is out to get you
The media is an enemy of the state. Scientists and Historians twist facts to challenge your beliefs. There is a secret Deep State in government dedicated to destroying Republican Power
Now the FBI and CIA are using their powers to destroy Republicans
Memo deliberately misleading Organized effort by repubs to destroy Muelleur
Obama turned the FBI into the Corrupt Democratic Party's secret police,
aaaand the Press is defending it.
It amazes me how outraged conservatives were when Obama criticized a couple of cops

Now they are demonizing the whole FBI


I was thinking that it's funny how Democrats and lefties have been screaming for several years that our nation's law enforcement is inherently racist.

Now they're wagging their fingers and telling us that questioning the integrity of law enforcement is damaging to the nation.

Partisans gon' partisan.

Democrats oppose abuses of law enforcement powers at the local level. Bad cops, abuses of power, actions against citizens

Republicans attack those agencies that are challenging their abuses

Maybe they're lying, maybe they're not.

For the republican base who don't have faith in the same political team as you do, this represents the opposition of abuses at the federal level, while the democrat attacks on local police look like a bunch of ideologues playing the race card to avoid having to acknowledge that some of the factors contributing to crime and incarceration rates are factors that are unflattering to some of their constituents, and factors that are unflattering to some of their policies.

Your problem, and the problem with all similarly closed-minded partisans, is that you can't seem to wrap your mind around the fallibility of your own perspective, and in stead you treat your own morals and interpretations as though they're obviously factually correct. They are not.
Republicans are one paranoid group
Fox News and talk radio feeds the paranoia

They are the victims, everyone is out to get you
The media is an enemy of the state. Scientists and Historians twist facts to challenge your beliefs. There is a secret Deep State in government dedicated to destroying Republican Power
Now the FBI and CIA are using their powers to destroy Republicans

I've known a lot of paranoid right wingers, in my lifetime. I'm not going to argue that "republicans aren't paranoid" after having seen plenty of counterexamples.

On the other hand, Democrats are currently taking to the streets in virtually every major city to protest against fucking Nazi's. I've been reading articles for over a year about how our president is going to bring about a fascist police state. I've been reading articles and posts from lefties on this board about how Trump -wants- to start a nuclear war, about how he wants to genocide the non whites. Nancy fucking Pelosi's been on TV talking about how Trump's trying to "make America white again".

Dems have been playing this game for years. Remember Paul Ryan rolling grandma off the cliff? Remember how several ads against George W. Bush in the 2000 election were trying to imply that his election would increase the risk of truck draggings of black people?

Sorry, but democrats and lefties are no less paranoid or fear-monger'y than republicans and righties. You would do yourself a solid if you could just accept the absolute fucking FACT that no political party under the sun is innocent of any common form of rhetorical bullshit, including your party.
It’s wonderful to see The Demon Hoarde on The Left Deny Facts and Cling To Lies

Like their Father.

The Father of Lies.

Liars cannot enter in to The Kingdom of heaven, so y’all can join Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Mueller, McCabe & Obama in Hell!
Don't like lies?? Well here's some truth The vile moron in our WH now is THE most dangerous person on this planet He is on the way to disrupt everything good about America A racist, he needs to be removed
Would you agree you are a dumbass? That’s the most insane thing I’ve heard so far!! Where the hell are your facts? Go back to your left closet. Trump is the one to expose all of the corrupt bs and this will make history. Do have all the facts? SMH
I see the white trash KKK'ers have arrived Welcome Jlo
Ok so you are calling me a racist?
It amazes me how outraged conservatives were when Obama criticized a couple of cops

Now they are demonizing the whole FBI


I was thinking that it's funny how Democrats and lefties have been screaming for several years that our nation's law enforcement is inherently racist.

Now they're wagging their fingers and telling us that questioning the integrity of law enforcement is damaging to the nation.

Partisans gon' partisan.

Democrats oppose abuses of law enforcement powers at the local level. Bad cops, abuses of power, actions against citizens

Republicans attack those agencies that are challenging their abuses

Maybe they're lying, maybe they're not.

For the republican base who don't have faith in the same political team as you do, this represents the opposition of abuses at the federal level, while the democrat attacks on local police look like a bunch of ideologues playing the race card to avoid having to acknowledge that some of the factors contributing to crime and incarceration rates are factors that are unflattering to some of their constituents, and factors that are unflattering to some of their policies.

Your problem, and the problem with all similarly closed-minded partisans, is that you can't seem to wrap your mind around the fallibility of your own perspective, and in stead you treat your own morals and interpretations as though they're obviously factually correct. They are not.
Republicans are one paranoid group
Fox News and talk radio feeds the paranoia

They are the victims, everyone is out to get you
The media is an enemy of the state. Scientists and Historians twist facts to challenge your beliefs. There is a secret Deep State in government dedicated to destroying Republican Power
Now the FBI and CIA are using their powers to destroy Republicans
Memo deliberately misleading Organized effort by repubs to destroy Muelleur

Mueller investigation deliberately misleading Organized effort by democrats to overturn an election that they can't get over losing.

Wow. Argument by unsubstantiated assertion sure is easier than actually backing up my points. I don't think I'll make a habit of it, but I can see why you'd do this. Such a breeze! I hardly had to engage my brain at ALL!
Obama turned the FBI into the Corrupt Democratic Party's secret police,
aaaand the Press is defending it.
It amazes me how outraged conservatives were when Obama criticized a couple of cops

Now they are demonizing the whole FBI


I was thinking that it's funny how Democrats and lefties have been screaming for several years that our nation's law enforcement is inherently racist.

Now they're wagging their fingers and telling us that questioning the integrity of law enforcement is damaging to the nation.

Partisans gon' partisan.

Democrats oppose abuses of law enforcement powers at the local level. Bad cops, abuses of power, actions against citizens

Republicans attack those agencies that are challenging their abuses

Maybe they're lying, maybe they're not.

For the republican base who don't have faith in the same political team as you do, this represents the opposition of abuses at the federal level, while the democrat attacks on local police look like a bunch of ideologues playing the race card to avoid having to acknowledge that some of the factors contributing to crime and incarceration rates are factors that are unflattering to some of their constituents, and factors that are unflattering to some of their policies.

Your problem, and the problem with all similarly closed-minded partisans, is that you can't seem to wrap your mind around the fallibility of your own perspective, and in stead you treat your own morals and interpretations as though they're obviously factually correct. They are not.
Republicans are one paranoid group
Fox News and talk radio feeds the paranoia

They are the victims, everyone is out to get you
The media is an enemy of the state. Scientists and Historians twist facts to challenge your beliefs. There is a secret Deep State in government dedicated to destroying Republican Power
Now the FBI and CIA are using their powers to destroy Republicans
You are absolutely correct. They are. DNC has always been the victim & cry babies. Please!!! Wake up!
It’s wonderful to see The Demon Hoarde on The Left Deny Facts and Cling To Lies

Like their Father.

The Father of Lies.

Liars cannot enter in to The Kingdom of heaven, so y’all can join Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Mueller, McCabe & Obama in Hell!
Don't like lies?? Well here's some truth The vile moron in our WH now is THE most dangerous person on this planet He is on the way to disrupt everything good about America A racist, he needs to be removed
Would you agree you are a dumbass? That’s the most insane thing I’ve heard so far!! Where the hell are your facts? Go back to your left closet. Trump is the one to expose all of the corrupt bs and this will make history. Do have all the facts? SMH
I see the white trash KKK'ers have arrived Welcome Jlo
Ok so you are calling me a racist?
most republicans are Are you an exception? Black perhaps that has lost his mind?
It’s wonderful to see The Demon Hoarde on The Left Deny Facts and Cling To Lies

Like their Father.

The Father of Lies.

Liars cannot enter in to The Kingdom of heaven, so y’all can join Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Mueller, McCabe & Obama in Hell!
Don't like lies?? Well here's some truth The vile moron in our WH now is THE most dangerous person on this planet He is on the way to disrupt everything good about America A racist, he needs to be removed
Would you agree you are a dumbass? That’s the most insane thing I’ve heard so far!! Where the hell are your facts? Go back to your left closet. Trump is the one to expose all of the corrupt bs and this will make history. Do have all the facts? SMH
I see the white trash KKK'ers have arrived Welcome Jlo
Ok so you are calling me a racist?
most republicans are Are you an exception? Black perhaps that has lost his mind?

Most republicans are racist? You haven't met many republicans, I take it.
It amazes me how outraged conservatives were when Obama criticized a couple of cops

Now they are demonizing the whole FBI


I was thinking that it's funny how Democrats and lefties have been screaming for several years that our nation's law enforcement is inherently racist.

Now they're wagging their fingers and telling us that questioning the integrity of law enforcement is damaging to the nation.

Partisans gon' partisan.

Democrats oppose abuses of law enforcement powers at the local level. Bad cops, abuses of power, actions against citizens

Republicans attack those agencies that are challenging their abuses

Maybe they're lying, maybe they're not.

For the republican base who don't have faith in the same political team as you do, this represents the opposition of abuses at the federal level, while the democrat attacks on local police look like a bunch of ideologues playing the race card to avoid having to acknowledge that some of the factors contributing to crime and incarceration rates are factors that are unflattering to some of their constituents, and factors that are unflattering to some of their policies.

Your problem, and the problem with all similarly closed-minded partisans, is that you can't seem to wrap your mind around the fallibility of your own perspective, and in stead you treat your own morals and interpretations as though they're obviously factually correct. They are not.
Republicans are one paranoid group
Fox News and talk radio feeds the paranoia

They are the victims, everyone is out to get you
The media is an enemy of the state. Scientists and Historians twist facts to challenge your beliefs. There is a secret Deep State in government dedicated to destroying Republican Power
Now the FBI and CIA are using their powers to destroy Republicans

I've known a lot of paranoid right wingers, in my lifetime. I'm not going to argue that "republicans aren't paranoid" after having seen plenty of counterexamples.

On the other hand, Democrats are currently taking to the streets in virtually every major city to protest against fucking Nazi's. I've been reading articles for over a year about how our president is going to bring about a fascist police state. I've been reading articles and posts from lefties on this board about how Trump -wants- to start a nuclear war, about how he wants to genocide the non whites. Nancy fucking Pelosi's been on TV talking about how Trump's trying to "make America white again".

Dems have been playing this game for years. Remember Paul Ryan rolling grandma off the cliff? Remember how several ads against George W. Bush in the 2000 election were trying to imply that his election would increase the risk of truck draggings of black people?

Sorry, but democrats and lefties are no less paranoid or fear-monger'y than republicans and righties. You would do yourself a solid if you could just accept the absolute fucking FACT that no political party under the sun is innocent of any common form of rhetorical bullshit, including your party.
They do it too!

Rings hollow

There are heartfelt beliefs among Democrats that Republicans are in the hands of Big Business, Big Oil and Big Racists. Most can be supported with Republican legislation as evidence
No Democrats do not have fantasies that everything is a conspiracy stacked against them
LOL this is hilarious, look at them desperately trying to keep the stupid thing alive after yesterday.

It's over, morons
Yesterday had nothing to do with Mueller investigating Trump

It is over....that is all, fruit loop

Why do you want it to be over?

Trump has not been exhonerated yet
Don't you want Mueller to clear him?

Of course not - they are pooping bricks at this point because they see his obstruction and obvious consciousness of guilt in doing so.


Don't like lies?? Well here's some truth The vile moron in our WH now is THE most dangerous person on this planet He is on the way to disrupt everything good about America A racist, he needs to be removed
Would you agree you are a dumbass? That’s the most insane thing I’ve heard so far!! Where the hell are your facts? Go back to your left closet. Trump is the one to expose all of the corrupt bs and this will make history. Do have all the facts? SMH
I see the white trash KKK'ers have arrived Welcome Jlo
Ok so you are calling me a racist?
most republicans are Are you an exception? Black perhaps that has lost his mind?

Most republicans are racist? You haven't met many republicans, I take it.
Liberal I am not. I hold fast to many concepts that are foreign to your left jack ass fascim. Race is not even an issue here but you are making it one. I could be a black Jlo from the hood! So, That would make me racist against your white trashy ass? I always look at a persons heart not the color of their skin. My faith disallows racism. Also, did you watch the state of the union? You’re a dumb fuck; no matter the color of your skin. So, yes I am a republican and racist against the color of your black heart.
Last edited:
Don't like lies?? Well here's some truth The vile moron in our WH now is THE most dangerous person on this planet He is on the way to disrupt everything good about America A racist, he needs to be removed
Would you agree you are a dumbass? That’s the most insane thing I’ve heard so far!! Where the hell are your facts? Go back to your left closet. Trump is the one to expose all of the corrupt bs and this will make history. Do have all the facts? SMH
I see the white trash KKK'ers have arrived Welcome Jlo
Ok so you are calling me a racist?
most republicans are Are you an exception? Black perhaps that has lost his mind?

Most republicans are racist? You haven't met many republicans, I take it.
Probably not most. But most Republicans are indifferent to racial injustice
However, their is a substantial racist base within the Republican Party
Obama turned the FBI into the Corrupt Democratic Party's secret police,
aaaand the Press is defending it.
It amazes me how outraged conservatives were when Obama criticized a couple of cops

Now they are demonizing the whole FBI


I was thinking that it's funny how Democrats and lefties have been screaming for several years that our nation's law enforcement is inherently racist.

Now they're wagging their fingers and telling us that questioning the integrity of law enforcement is damaging to the nation.

Partisans gon' partisan.

Democrats oppose abuses of law enforcement powers at the local level. Bad cops, abuses of power, actions against citizens

Republicans attack those agencies that are challenging their abuses

Maybe they're lying, maybe they're not.

For the republican base who don't have faith in the same political team as you do, this represents the opposition of abuses at the federal level, while the democrat attacks on local police look like a bunch of ideologues playing the race card to avoid having to acknowledge that some of the factors contributing to crime and incarceration rates are factors that are unflattering to some of their constituents, and factors that are unflattering to some of their policies.

Your problem, and the problem with all similarly closed-minded partisans, is that you can't seem to wrap your mind around the fallibility of your own perspective, and in stead you treat your own morals and interpretations as though they're obviously factually correct. They are not.
Republicans are one paranoid group
Fox News and talk radio feeds the paranoia

They are the victims, everyone is out to get you
The media is an enemy of the state. Scientists and Historians twist facts to challenge your beliefs. There is a secret Deep State in government dedicated to destroying Republican Power
Now the FBI and CIA are using their powers to destroy Republicans

Don't forget the FBI's off-site "Secret Society" ~ !!
The FBI's 'secret society,' explained - CNNPolitics

I was thinking that it's funny how Democrats and lefties have been screaming for several years that our nation's law enforcement is inherently racist.

Now they're wagging their fingers and telling us that questioning the integrity of law enforcement is damaging to the nation.

Partisans gon' partisan.

Democrats oppose abuses of law enforcement powers at the local level. Bad cops, abuses of power, actions against citizens

Republicans attack those agencies that are challenging their abuses

Maybe they're lying, maybe they're not.

For the republican base who don't have faith in the same political team as you do, this represents the opposition of abuses at the federal level, while the democrat attacks on local police look like a bunch of ideologues playing the race card to avoid having to acknowledge that some of the factors contributing to crime and incarceration rates are factors that are unflattering to some of their constituents, and factors that are unflattering to some of their policies.

Your problem, and the problem with all similarly closed-minded partisans, is that you can't seem to wrap your mind around the fallibility of your own perspective, and in stead you treat your own morals and interpretations as though they're obviously factually correct. They are not.
Republicans are one paranoid group
Fox News and talk radio feeds the paranoia

They are the victims, everyone is out to get you
The media is an enemy of the state. Scientists and Historians twist facts to challenge your beliefs. There is a secret Deep State in government dedicated to destroying Republican Power
Now the FBI and CIA are using their powers to destroy Republicans

I've known a lot of paranoid right wingers, in my lifetime. I'm not going to argue that "republicans aren't paranoid" after having seen plenty of counterexamples.

On the other hand, Democrats are currently taking to the streets in virtually every major city to protest against fucking Nazi's. I've been reading articles for over a year about how our president is going to bring about a fascist police state. I've been reading articles and posts from lefties on this board about how Trump -wants- to start a nuclear war, about how he wants to genocide the non whites. Nancy fucking Pelosi's been on TV talking about how Trump's trying to "make America white again".

Dems have been playing this game for years. Remember Paul Ryan rolling grandma off the cliff? Remember how several ads against George W. Bush in the 2000 election were trying to imply that his election would increase the risk of truck draggings of black people?

Sorry, but democrats and lefties are no less paranoid or fear-monger'y than republicans and righties. You would do yourself a solid if you could just accept the absolute fucking FACT that no political party under the sun is innocent of any common form of rhetorical bullshit, including your party.
They do it too!

Rings hollow

There are heartfelt beliefs among Democrats that Republicans are in the hands of Big Business, Big Oil and Big Racists. Most can be supported with Republican legislation as evidence
No Democrats do not have fantasies that everything is a conspiracy stacked against them

Democrats don't have fantasies that everything is a conspiracy stacked against them!? LMFAO!

White hetero-normative racist patriarchy, anyone? Systemic racism? Systemic sexism? Corporations colluding to rob the working class while the white men running them conspire to keep women and brown folks out of their CEO club?


Holy mother of fuck, you're so blind it's mind boggling.

Also, when I point out that the democrats are just as guilty of this shit as the republicans, I'm not trying to defend the republicans. I don't identify as a republican and I'm not interested in trying to pretend that they're not, by and large, typical slimy politicians. I'm simply trying to point out what a hypocrite you are for siding with people who are every bit as guilty of every accusation that you use to imply their moral superiority over their opponents.
It amazes me how outraged conservatives were when Obama criticized a couple of cops

Now they are demonizing the whole FBI


I was thinking that it's funny how Democrats and lefties have been screaming for several years that our nation's law enforcement is inherently racist.

Now they're wagging their fingers and telling us that questioning the integrity of law enforcement is damaging to the nation.

Partisans gon' partisan.

Democrats oppose abuses of law enforcement powers at the local level. Bad cops, abuses of power, actions against citizens

Republicans attack those agencies that are challenging their abuses

Maybe they're lying, maybe they're not.

For the republican base who don't have faith in the same political team as you do, this represents the opposition of abuses at the federal level, while the democrat attacks on local police look like a bunch of ideologues playing the race card to avoid having to acknowledge that some of the factors contributing to crime and incarceration rates are factors that are unflattering to some of their constituents, and factors that are unflattering to some of their policies.

Your problem, and the problem with all similarly closed-minded partisans, is that you can't seem to wrap your mind around the fallibility of your own perspective, and in stead you treat your own morals and interpretations as though they're obviously factually correct. They are not.
Republicans are one paranoid group
Fox News and talk radio feeds the paranoia

They are the victims, everyone is out to get you
The media is an enemy of the state. Scientists and Historians twist facts to challenge your beliefs. There is a secret Deep State in government dedicated to destroying Republican Power
Now the FBI and CIA are using their powers to destroy Republicans

Don't forget the FBI's off-site "Secret Society" ~ !!
The FBI's 'secret society,' explained - CNNPolitics
My favorite was the Pizza Parlor that Hillary used for sex slaves
Would you agree you are a dumbass? That’s the most insane thing I’ve heard so far!! Where the hell are your facts? Go back to your left closet. Trump is the one to expose all of the corrupt bs and this will make history. Do have all the facts? SMH
I see the white trash KKK'ers have arrived Welcome Jlo
Ok so you are calling me a racist?
most republicans are Are you an exception? Black perhaps that has lost his mind?

Most republicans are racist? You haven't met many republicans, I take it.
Probably not most. But most Republicans are indifferent to racial injustice
However, their is a substantial racist base within the Republican Party
Oh my gosh, are you kidding? Then you have not a clue about the history of slavery.

I was thinking that it's funny how Democrats and lefties have been screaming for several years that our nation's law enforcement is inherently racist.

Now they're wagging their fingers and telling us that questioning the integrity of law enforcement is damaging to the nation.

Partisans gon' partisan.

Democrats oppose abuses of law enforcement powers at the local level. Bad cops, abuses of power, actions against citizens

Republicans attack those agencies that are challenging their abuses

Maybe they're lying, maybe they're not.

For the republican base who don't have faith in the same political team as you do, this represents the opposition of abuses at the federal level, while the democrat attacks on local police look like a bunch of ideologues playing the race card to avoid having to acknowledge that some of the factors contributing to crime and incarceration rates are factors that are unflattering to some of their constituents, and factors that are unflattering to some of their policies.

Your problem, and the problem with all similarly closed-minded partisans, is that you can't seem to wrap your mind around the fallibility of your own perspective, and in stead you treat your own morals and interpretations as though they're obviously factually correct. They are not.
Republicans are one paranoid group
Fox News and talk radio feeds the paranoia

They are the victims, everyone is out to get you
The media is an enemy of the state. Scientists and Historians twist facts to challenge your beliefs. There is a secret Deep State in government dedicated to destroying Republican Power
Now the FBI and CIA are using their powers to destroy Republicans

Don't forget the FBI's off-site "Secret Society" ~ !!
The FBI's 'secret society,' explained - CNNPolitics
My favorite was the Pizza Parlor that Hillary used for sex slaves
My favorite is when Trump pissed on Hillary
Would you agree you are a dumbass? That’s the most insane thing I’ve heard so far!! Where the hell are your facts? Go back to your left closet. Trump is the one to expose all of the corrupt bs and this will make history. Do have all the facts? SMH
I see the white trash KKK'ers have arrived Welcome Jlo
Ok so you are calling me a racist?
most republicans are Are you an exception? Black perhaps that has lost his mind?

Most republicans are racist? You haven't met many republicans, I take it.
Probably not most. But most Republicans are indifferent to racial injustice
However, their is a substantial racist base within the Republican Party
No that’s incorrect as well. Have you read about the history of slavery. ?!!!!

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