Mueller Arguably The Most Incompetent Person On The Planet

Probably not most. But most Republicans are indifferent to racial injustice
However, their is a substantial racist base within the Republican Party
No that’s incorrect as well. Have you read about the history of slavery. ?!!!!
Are you talking about Republicans 150 years ago?
Most of them are dead you know
Are they really? I was speaking of the Dems and their role on slavery since we are saying that Republicans are all racist which words are so concrete they should mostly not be used; Like as in never or always as well. There is almost nearly an exception to each rule.
Slavery existed for 150 years before the Democratic Party was formed

I didn't say all Republicans are racist......only that all racists are Republicans
Probably not most. But most Republicans are indifferent to racial injustice
However, their is a substantial racist base within the Republican Party
No that’s incorrect as well. Have you read about the history of slavery. ?!!!!
Are you talking about Republicans 150 years ago?
Most of them are dead you know
Are they really? I was speaking of the Dems and their role on slavery since we are saying that Republicans are all racist which words are so concrete they should mostly not be used; Like as in never or always as well. There is almost nearly an exception to each rule.
Slavery existed for 150 years before the Democratic Party was formed

I didn't say all Republicans are racist......only that all racists are Republicans
That isn’t even a valid statement bc I am
A republican that is not a racist. Thank you very much!
you're known by the friends you keep and all racists are republican so while you say you're not, you're surrounded by them
The jury's still out on who's responsible for creating the mess. If it turns out that the underlying documents don't absolve those people in the FBI or the democrat party accused of wrongdoing, then it may be the case that THEY are the ones responsible for the revelation of US security assets and methods.

Ultimately, whichever side turns out to be bullshitting here is the side responsible for the reveal and, though everybody's got their largely politically-based predictions, you don't know which side that is.
No, the jury is not out. The jury as you say just doesn’t have balls enough to implement a consequence for all of the evil. Did you seriously not read the memo. You think lawmakers are going to stick their neck out of this wasn’t the truth? Paaleeese. It’s it that hard to admit the level of corruption that has taken place by the left?

I have the same hunch you do, but it isn't absolute knowledge. I can't prove that the memo is truthful and accurate any more than the dems can prove their collusion theory.
think we're above collusion now ,,,we're onto money laundering ...obstruction of justice,

Ah, fair enough. Allow me to correct that statement.

I can't prove that the memo is truthful and accurate any more than the dems can prove their money laundering/obstruction of justice theory.

You're welcome.
That’s didn’t clear up shit for me. A thank you was not issued.

That post wasn't meant for you, genius. Notice that the final person that I quoted before writing it was Eddie?
No that’s incorrect as well. Have you read about the history of slavery. ?!!!!
Are you talking about Republicans 150 years ago?
Most of them are dead you know
Are they really? I was speaking of the Dems and their role on slavery since we are saying that Republicans are all racist which words are so concrete they should mostly not be used; Like as in never or always as well. There is almost nearly an exception to each rule.
Slavery existed for 150 years before the Democratic Party was formed

I didn't say all Republicans are racist......only that all racists are Republicans
No that’s incorrect as well. Have you read about the history of slavery. ?!!!!
Are you talking about Republicans 150 years ago?
Most of them are dead you know
Are they really? I was speaking of the Dems and their role on slavery since we are saying that Republicans are all racist which words are so concrete they should mostly not be used; Like as in never or always as well. There is almost nearly an exception to each rule.
Slavery existed for 150 years before the Democratic Party was formed

I didn't say all Republicans are racist......only that all racists are Republicans
That isn’t even a valid statement bc I am
A republican that is not a racist. Thank you very much!
you're known by the friends you keep and all racists are republican so while you say you're not, you're surrounded by them

All racists are republican? LMFAO what a retard statement.
Not true. Dumbest thread today. Mueller investigation ain't over, yet. He'll let us know when it's time.

Biggest Question to the OP...

What has Mueller actually said to make hime the '
The Most Incompetent Person On The Planet'?

Nothing... This is just slander... Getting in hits early... This is the Trumpettes method of obstruction of justice... They are deadly in fear that they are going to be caught helping the Russians... The best they can hope at the moment is that they are the gullible fools tricked by the Russians....
Not true. Dumbest thread today. Mueller investigation ain't over, yet. He'll let us know when it's time.

Biggest Question to the OP...

What has Mueller actually said to make hime the '
The Most Incompetent Person On The Planet'?

Nothing... This is just slander... Getting in hits early... This is the Trumpettes method of obstruction of justice... They are deadly in fear that they are going to be caught helping the Russians... The best they can hope at the moment is that they are the gullible fools tricked by the Russians....
Trouble began when drumpf tricked them
Probably not most. But most Republicans are indifferent to racial injustice
However, their is a substantial racist base within the Republican Party
No that’s incorrect as well. Have you read about the history of slavery. ?!!!!
Are you talking about Republicans 150 years ago?
Most of them are dead you know
Are they really? I was speaking of the Dems and their role on slavery since we are saying that Republicans are all racist which words are so concrete they should mostly not be used; Like as in never or always as well. There is almost nearly an exception to each rule.
Slavery existed for 150 years before the Democratic Party was formed

I didn't say all Republicans are racist......only that all racists are Republicans
Probably not most. But most Republicans are indifferent to racial injustice
However, their is a substantial racist base within the Republican Party
No that’s incorrect as well. Have you read about the history of slavery. ?!!!!
Are you talking about Republicans 150 years ago?
Most of them are dead you know
Are they really? I was speaking of the Dems and their role on slavery since we are saying that Republicans are all racist which words are so concrete they should mostly not be used; Like as in never or always as well. There is almost nearly an exception to each rule.
Slavery existed for 150 years before the Democratic Party was formed

I didn't say all Republicans are racist......only that all racists are Republicans
That isn’t even a valid statement bc I am
A republican that is not a racist. Thank you very much!
Have you always struggled with the English language?
Not true. Dumbest thread today. Mueller investigation ain't over, yet. He'll let us know when it's time.

Biggest Question to the OP...

What has Mueller actually said to make hime the '
The Most Incompetent Person On The Planet'?

Nothing... This is just slander... Getting in hits early... This is the Trumpettes method of obstruction of justice... They are deadly in fear that they are going to be caught helping the Russians... The best they can hope at the moment is that they are the gullible fools tricked by the Russians....

Mueller has made very few public statements
Has it dawned on anyone that Trump and his entire team and family was under surveillance illegally 24-7 for over a year?

Has it therefore dawned on anyone knowing this, knowing that there is no better way to gather evidence on someone than by tapping 100’s of people’s cell phones, computers, land lines, and reading their every email and text messages and bugging their homes and cars and planes than that?

For God’s sake they not only spied on every thing going on in the campaign and fed that to Obama and Clinton to try to cheat their way to the White House, but they even listened in to President Trump’s Calls to world leaders like The Presidents of Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand and others and LEAKED THEM.

They even looked at all his tax returns and reviewed his Financial Disclosures

Yet for all this Wire Tapping and Spying And 7 Investigations, a Billion Dollars, and a Special Counsel full of Partisan Political Hacks and digging in to Financial Records, harassing and intimidating witnesses....


Where’s The Beef?

No charges yet of Russian Collusion?

Nothing you can pin on The President with all that Intel?

You are not going to get anything better than the Intel Mueller and The FBI already has.

Yet this guy just can’t find anything to stick.

He’s down to begging The President to allow him to interview him.

Just like Hillary Clinton who had all the advantages in the Election and 1.5 Billion Dollars, so too does Mueller and he is limited to petty leaks from his Investigation about unsubstantiated petty accusations unworthy of a jay walking fine.

I am therefore OFFICIALLY calling Mueller’s Witch Hunt DOA.

He and his team is just stealing a paycheck at this point for as long as he can.

Use your logic, it’s over or The Intelligence Committee would not have had the guts to release that Memo on FISA Abuses.

It’s over or Paul Ryan doesn’t go from being The President’s biggest critic to loyally defending him and being incensed at the Corruption in The FBI.

Politicians aren’t going to stick their necks out like that unless it’s safe to do so.

The only other reason I have seen politicians take huge political risks is like for instance when Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 emails and bleach bitted them in violation of two Federal Preservation Orders, to evade prosecution, lied about the classified emails on her server and destroyed 17 devices with a hammer when she testified to only having one.
Has it dawned on anyone that Trump and his entire team and family was under surveillance illegally 24-7 for over a year?

Only to complete morons like yourself.
It has never happened.

You don't see how you're being played the fool, do you? Of course Gowdy is going to say that. We want Mueller's "investigation" to run its course. We want enjoy the heaps of embarrassment you leftists are going to endure when it's over, and he still hasn't found a single shred of evidence.

The word "Mueller" will then become a noun, and will end up in the slang dictionary:

"They got Muellered".

"I'm gonna give you a Mueller you'll never forget."

"That guy is such a Mueller."

The word "Mueller" will then become a noun, and will end up in the slang dictionary:

You mean an adjective, dope.

Gowdy is the one who was sent to read the entire classified FISA affidavit. He's who brought back the info in the memo. Certainly he is in the best position to make that judgement. He's free to be honest now that he's not running again.
Has it dawned on anyone that Trump and his entire team and family was under surveillance illegally 24-7 for over a year?

Has it therefore dawned on anyone knowing this, knowing that there is no better way to gather evidence on someone than by tapping 100’s of people’s cell phones, computers, land lines, and reading their every email and text messages and bugging their homes and cars and planes than that?

For God’s sake they not only spied on every thing going on in the campaign and fed that to Obama and Clinton to try to cheat their way to the White House, but they even listened in to President Trump’s Calls to world leaders like The Presidents of Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand and others and LEAKED THEM.

They even looked at all his tax returns and reviewed his Financial Disclosures

Yet for all this Wire Tapping and Spying And 7 Investigations, a Billion Dollars, and a Special Counsel full of Partisan Political Hacks and digging in to Financial Records, harassing and intimidating witnesses....


Where’s The Beef?

No charges yet of Russian Collusion?

Nothing you can pin on The President with all that Intel?

You are not going to get anything better than the Intel Mueller and The FBI already has.

Yet this guy just can’t find anything to stick.

He’s down to begging The President to allow him to interview him.

Just like Hillary Clinton who had all the advantages in the Election and 1.5 Billion Dollars, so too does Mueller and he is limited to petty leaks from his Investigation about unsubstantiated petty accusations unworthy of a jay walking fine.

I am therefore OFFICIALLY calling Mueller’s Witch Hunt DOA.

He and his team is just stealing a paycheck at this point for as long as he can.

Use your logic, it’s over or The Intelligence Committee would not have had the guts to release that Memo on FISA Abuses.

It’s over or Paul Ryan doesn’t go from being The President’s biggest critic to loyally defending him and being incensed at the Corruption in The FBI.

Politicians aren’t going to stick their necks out like that unless it’s safe to do so.

The only other reason I have seen politicians take huge political risks is like for instance when Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 emails and bleach bitted them in violation of two Federal Preservation Orders, to evade prosecution, lied about the classified emails on her server and destroyed 17 devices with a hammer when she testified to only having one.
Who knew Mueller would send his #1 Son, SIL and campaign manager to meet with a Russian Spy to get dirt on Hillary. Who could be so stupid?
No that’s incorrect as well. Have you read about the history of slavery. ?!!!!
Are you talking about Republicans 150 years ago?
Most of them are dead you know
Are they really? I was speaking of the Dems and their role on slavery since we are saying that Republicans are all racist which words are so concrete they should mostly not be used; Like as in never or always as well. There is almost nearly an exception to each rule.
Slavery existed for 150 years before the Democratic Party was formed

I didn't say all Republicans are racist......only that all racists are Republicans
No that’s incorrect as well. Have you read about the history of slavery. ?!!!!
Are you talking about Republicans 150 years ago?
Most of them are dead you know
Are they really? I was speaking of the Dems and their role on slavery since we are saying that Republicans are all racist which words are so concrete they should mostly not be used; Like as in never or always as well. There is almost nearly an exception to each rule.
Slavery existed for 150 years before the Democratic Party was formed

I didn't say all Republicans are racist......only that all racists are Republicans
That isn’t even a valid statement bc I am
A republican that is not a racist. Thank you very much!
Have you always struggled with the English language?
Absolutes is what I was speaking of & thats is part of the English language. Obviously, you don’t struggle with being an asshole.
Are you talking about Republicans 150 years ago?
Most of them are dead you know
Are they really? I was speaking of the Dems and their role on slavery since we are saying that Republicans are all racist which words are so concrete they should mostly not be used; Like as in never or always as well. There is almost nearly an exception to each rule.
Slavery existed for 150 years before the Democratic Party was formed

I didn't say all Republicans are racist......only that all racists are Republicans
Are you talking about Republicans 150 years ago?
Most of them are dead you know
Are they really? I was speaking of the Dems and their role on slavery since we are saying that Republicans are all racist which words are so concrete they should mostly not be used; Like as in never or always as well. There is almost nearly an exception to each rule.
Slavery existed for 150 years before the Democratic Party was formed

I didn't say all Republicans are racist......only that all racists are Republicans
That isn’t even a valid statement bc I am
A republican that is not a racist. Thank you very much!
you're known by the friends you keep and all racists are republican so while you say you're not, you're surrounded by them

All racists are republican? LMFAO what a retard statement.
I need to say this one more time.

Mueller has 4 Phone Books Full of Surveillance, Wiretaps, Emails, Text Messages and Intel on President Trump, His Family & Team.

So why in the Hell can’t this Partisan Dumbass and his Partisan Team Find Russian Collusion in one of those “Phone Books”?

Not true. Dumbest thread today. Mueller investigation ain't over, yet. He'll let us know when it's time.
Like bad Sushi, you'll know when it's time..... when its lost it's usefulness by the smell......

The purpose of the special counsel was to dig up dirt forcing Trump to intervene thus generating a constitutional crisis forcing an impeachment.

I don't think Trump is stupid enough to fall for it.
Are you talking about Republicans 150 years ago?
Most of them are dead you know
Are they really? I was speaking of the Dems and their role on slavery since we are saying that Republicans are all racist which words are so concrete they should mostly not be used; Like as in never or always as well. There is almost nearly an exception to each rule.
Slavery existed for 150 years before the Democratic Party was formed

I didn't say all Republicans are racist......only that all racists are Republicans
Are you talking about Republicans 150 years ago?
Most of them are dead you know
Are they really? I was speaking of the Dems and their role on slavery since we are saying that Republicans are all racist which words are so concrete they should mostly not be used; Like as in never or always as well. There is almost nearly an exception to each rule.
Slavery existed for 150 years before the Democratic Party was formed

I didn't say all Republicans are racist......only that all racists are Republicans
That isn’t even a valid statement bc I am
A republican that is not a racist. Thank you very much!
you're known by the friends you keep and all racists are republican so while you say you're not, you're surrounded by them

All racists are republican? LMFAO what a retard statement.
LOL But racists are good people too ..D Trump
Mueller Arguably The Most Incompetent Person On The Planet

his peers say otherwise - Im guessing they know Mueller better than the original pine knot does.
But Trump won't be able to pardon everyone including himself for state crime convictions.

And that would probably make Sassy cry :smoochEE:
you do know the loser in that alabama senate race has a horse named sassy?

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