Mueller Arguably The Most Incompetent Person On The Planet

Would you agree you are a dumbass? That’s the most insane thing I’ve heard so far!! Where the hell are your facts? Go back to your left closet. Trump is the one to expose all of the corrupt bs and this will make history. Do have all the facts? SMH
I see the white trash KKK'ers have arrived Welcome Jlo
Ok so you are calling me a racist?
most republicans are Are you an exception? Black perhaps that has lost his mind?

Most republicans are racist? You haven't met many republicans, I take it.
Probably not most. But most Republicans are indifferent to racial injustice
However, their is a substantial racist base within the Republican Party

There's that partisan closed-mindedness again. You start by assuming that your premises are just obviously factually true, and then you just assume that anyone who disagrees with your conclusions must therefore endorse the problems as they exist ACCORDING TO YOUR PREMISE.

It's not that republicans are indifferent to racial injustice, it's that they differ in their opinions of how big a factor racism actually plays in a lot of the discrepancies that democrats and the left label as racial injustices.

Try to get your head around the fact that not everybody sees the world exactly as you do, that not everybody believes that its current state is caused by the things that you believe caused it.
Don't like lies?? Well here's some truth The vile moron in our WH now is THE most dangerous person on this planet He is on the way to disrupt everything good about America A racist, he needs to be removed
Would you agree you are a dumbass? That’s the most insane thing I’ve heard so far!! Where the hell are your facts? Go back to your left closet. Trump is the one to expose all of the corrupt bs and this will make history. Do have all the facts? SMH
I see the white trash KKK'ers have arrived Welcome Jlo
Ok so you are calling me a racist?
most republicans are Are you an exception? Black perhaps that has lost his mind?

Most republicans are racist? You haven't met many republicans, I take it.
I was one all my life until just after voting for GWB in 2000 I had had enough of them Don't love everything about dems BUT I really don't like the republican lawmakers in congress and most repubs I meet
Would you agree you are a dumbass? That’s the most insane thing I’ve heard so far!! Where the hell are your facts? Go back to your left closet. Trump is the one to expose all of the corrupt bs and this will make history. Do have all the facts? SMH
I see the white trash KKK'ers have arrived Welcome Jlo
Ok so you are calling me a racist?
most republicans are Are you an exception? Black perhaps that has lost his mind?

Most republicans are racist? You haven't met many republicans, I take it.
I was one all my life until just after voting for GWB in 2000 I had had enough of them Don't love everything about dems BUT I really don't like the republican lawmakers in congress and most repubs I meet

I don't like most of the lawmakers and a lot of the repubs I meet, either, but that don't make 'em racist.
for republicans edification.....
The Wall Street Journal yesterday in their key OpEd article praised the release of the Republican memo from the House Intelligence Committee and condemned the FBI and FISA Court in their actions involving the issuance of warrants authorizing surveillance on Carter Page. The WSJ condemns the FBI on its reliance of a former British Intelligence officer Christopher Steele and the research firm he worked for Fusion GPS in its securing of the warrants. The WSJ here and entities that voice the same opinion are really out of line they try to paint the FBI as using the pressure from their hand to subvert the scales of justice that the FBI just threw away the "rule of law" in this investigation and anyone with knowledge of widespread known facts knows this criticism of the FBI is bogus! For widespread known facts include the following. Mr. Carter Page lived in Russia for several years and had consulting contracts with major Russian Energy companies and anyone with competent knowledge of how the country of Russia works knows the highest levels of the Russian government have their tentacles in these Russian companies. And this is the really key part in 2015 the U.S. government had brought criminal charges against a Russian government employee for trying to recruit Mr. Page to be a Russian spy as it turned out the Russian government extended diplomatic immunity for the accused and the accused was deported but nevertheless these facts would raise suspicion about Mr. Page. Further, after this Mr. Page takes a role in the Trump presidential campaign and Mr. Trump himself after information, obtained through hacking widely believed to be from the hand of the Russian government, is publicly released about the DNC and Ms. Clinton's campaign manager which is really harmful to the Democrats in the 2016 Presidential election does the following. Mr. Trump in a major Rally calls on Russia to hack more and if they discover any more detrimental information to release it. This Candidate Trump remember won't release his tax returns so the American people can know if he has investments or loans with Russian citizens or companies. One or more of Mr. Trump's sons publicly alluded to the existence of Russian loans for the Trump organization. And during the 2016 Presidential election cycle Mr. Page, a member of Mr. Trumps Presidential campaign, took a plane trip to Russia. These facts alone indicate the FBI is not out of line into with looking into Mr. Page and trying to determine if he is up to anything with the Russian government. One alarming aspect of this Republican memo release is that now the U.S. government needs to release all the underlying documents to protect the precious reputation of the FBI and to be fair to this agency; even the WSJ agrees "the public should see more of the documents that are behind the competing intelligence memos to judge who is telling the truth". This is a great mess you created Republicans because this fair release will reveal U.S. security assets and methods thus weakening America!
You refuse to believe that what Hillary did was treason, sedition and what the FBI & the DOJ was collusion and that perjury charges should be handed forth? Trump did release his tax information. Also, with that said all the spying and wire tapping that was done with bogus FISA warrants & still nothing on Trump? Let’s not divert the conversation to Page.
for republicans edification.....
The Wall Street Journal yesterday in their key OpEd article praised the release of the Republican memo from the House Intelligence Committee and condemned the FBI and FISA Court in their actions involving the issuance of warrants authorizing surveillance on Carter Page. The WSJ condemns the FBI on its reliance of a former British Intelligence officer Christopher Steele and the research firm he worked for Fusion GPS in its securing of the warrants. The WSJ here and entities that voice the same opinion are really out of line they try to paint the FBI as using the pressure from their hand to subvert the scales of justice that the FBI just threw away the "rule of law" in this investigation and anyone with knowledge of widespread known facts knows this criticism of the FBI is bogus! For widespread known facts include the following. Mr. Carter Page lived in Russia for several years and had consulting contracts with major Russian Energy companies and anyone with competent knowledge of how the country of Russia works knows the highest levels of the Russian government have their tentacles in these Russian companies. And this is the really key part in 2015 the U.S. government had brought criminal charges against a Russian government employee for trying to recruit Mr. Page to be a Russian spy as it turned out the Russian government extended diplomatic immunity for the accused and the accused was deported but nevertheless these facts would raise suspicion about Mr. Page. Further, after this Mr. Page takes a role in the Trump presidential campaign and Mr. Trump himself after information, obtained through hacking widely believed to be from the hand of the Russian government, is publicly released about the DNC and Ms. Clinton's campaign manager which is really harmful to the Democrats in the 2016 Presidential election does the following. Mr. Trump in a major Rally calls on Russia to hack more and if they discover any more detrimental information to release it. This Candidate Trump remember won't release his tax returns so the American people can know if he has investments or loans with Russian citizens or companies. One or more of Mr. Trump's sons publicly alluded to the existence of Russian loans for the Trump organization. And during the 2016 Presidential election cycle Mr. Page, a member of Mr. Trumps Presidential campaign, took a plane trip to Russia. These facts alone indicate the FBI is not out of line into with looking into Mr. Page and trying to determine if he is up to anything with the Russian government. One alarming aspect of this Republican memo release is that now the U.S. government needs to release all the underlying documents to protect the precious reputation of the FBI and to be fair to this agency; even the WSJ agrees "the public should see more of the documents that are behind the competing intelligence memos to judge who is telling the truth". This is a great mess you created Republicans because this fair release will reveal U.S. security assets and methods thus weakening America!

The jury's still out on who's responsible for creating the mess. If it turns out that the underlying documents don't absolve those people in the FBI or the democrat party accused of wrongdoing, then it may be the case that THEY are the ones responsible for the revelation of US security assets and methods.

Ultimately, whichever side turns out to be bullshitting here is the side responsible for the reveal and, though everybody's got their largely politically-based predictions, you don't know which side that is.
I see the white trash KKK'ers have arrived Welcome Jlo
Ok so you are calling me a racist?
most republicans are Are you an exception? Black perhaps that has lost his mind?

Most republicans are racist? You haven't met many republicans, I take it.
Probably not most. But most Republicans are indifferent to racial injustice
However, their is a substantial racist base within the Republican Party
No that’s incorrect as well. Have you read about the history of slavery. ?!!!!
Are you talking about Republicans 150 years ago?
Most of them are dead you know
Democrats oppose abuses of law enforcement powers at the local level. Bad cops, abuses of power, actions against citizens

Republicans attack those agencies that are challenging their abuses

Maybe they're lying, maybe they're not.

For the republican base who don't have faith in the same political team as you do, this represents the opposition of abuses at the federal level, while the democrat attacks on local police look like a bunch of ideologues playing the race card to avoid having to acknowledge that some of the factors contributing to crime and incarceration rates are factors that are unflattering to some of their constituents, and factors that are unflattering to some of their policies.

Your problem, and the problem with all similarly closed-minded partisans, is that you can't seem to wrap your mind around the fallibility of your own perspective, and in stead you treat your own morals and interpretations as though they're obviously factually correct. They are not.
Republicans are one paranoid group
Fox News and talk radio feeds the paranoia

They are the victims, everyone is out to get you
The media is an enemy of the state. Scientists and Historians twist facts to challenge your beliefs. There is a secret Deep State in government dedicated to destroying Republican Power
Now the FBI and CIA are using their powers to destroy Republicans

Don't forget the FBI's off-site "Secret Society" ~ !!
The FBI's 'secret society,' explained - CNNPolitics
My favorite was the Pizza Parlor that Hillary used for sex slaves
My favorite is when Trump pissed on Hillary

Trump is into that you know
for republicans edification.....
The Wall Street Journal yesterday in their key OpEd article praised the release of the Republican memo from the House Intelligence Committee and condemned the FBI and FISA Court in their actions involving the issuance of warrants authorizing surveillance on Carter Page. The WSJ condemns the FBI on its reliance of a former British Intelligence officer Christopher Steele and the research firm he worked for Fusion GPS in its securing of the warrants. The WSJ here and entities that voice the same opinion are really out of line they try to paint the FBI as using the pressure from their hand to subvert the scales of justice that the FBI just threw away the "rule of law" in this investigation and anyone with knowledge of widespread known facts knows this criticism of the FBI is bogus! For widespread known facts include the following. Mr. Carter Page lived in Russia for several years and had consulting contracts with major Russian Energy companies and anyone with competent knowledge of how the country of Russia works knows the highest levels of the Russian government have their tentacles in these Russian companies. And this is the really key part in 2015 the U.S. government had brought criminal charges against a Russian government employee for trying to recruit Mr. Page to be a Russian spy as it turned out the Russian government extended diplomatic immunity for the accused and the accused was deported but nevertheless these facts would raise suspicion about Mr. Page. Further, after this Mr. Page takes a role in the Trump presidential campaign and Mr. Trump himself after information, obtained through hacking widely believed to be from the hand of the Russian government, is publicly released about the DNC and Ms. Clinton's campaign manager which is really harmful to the Democrats in the 2016 Presidential election does the following. Mr. Trump in a major Rally calls on Russia to hack more and if they discover any more detrimental information to release it. This Candidate Trump remember won't release his tax returns so the American people can know if he has investments or loans with Russian citizens or companies. One or more of Mr. Trump's sons publicly alluded to the existence of Russian loans for the Trump organization. And during the 2016 Presidential election cycle Mr. Page, a member of Mr. Trumps Presidential campaign, took a plane trip to Russia. These facts alone indicate the FBI is not out of line into with looking into Mr. Page and trying to determine if he is up to anything with the Russian government. One alarming aspect of this Republican memo release is that now the U.S. government needs to release all the underlying documents to protect the precious reputation of the FBI and to be fair to this agency; even the WSJ agrees "the public should see more of the documents that are behind the competing intelligence memos to judge who is telling the truth". This is a great mess you created Republicans because this fair release will reveal U.S. security assets and methods thus weakening America!

The jury's still out on who's responsible for creating the mess. If it turns out that the underlying documents don't absolve those people in the FBI or the democrat party accused of wrongdoing, then it may be the case that THEY are the ones responsible for the revelation of US security assets and methods.

Ultimately, whichever side turns out to be bullshitting here is the side responsible for the reveal and, though everybody's got their largely politically-based predictions, you don't know which side that is.
for republicans edification.....
The Wall Street Journal yesterday in their key OpEd article praised the release of the Republican memo from the House Intelligence Committee and condemned the FBI and FISA Court in their actions involving the issuance of warrants authorizing surveillance on Carter Page. The WSJ condemns the FBI on its reliance of a former British Intelligence officer Christopher Steele and the research firm he worked for Fusion GPS in its securing of the warrants. The WSJ here and entities that voice the same opinion are really out of line they try to paint the FBI as using the pressure from their hand to subvert the scales of justice that the FBI just threw away the "rule of law" in this investigation and anyone with knowledge of widespread known facts knows this criticism of the FBI is bogus! For widespread known facts include the following. Mr. Carter Page lived in Russia for several years and had consulting contracts with major Russian Energy companies and anyone with competent knowledge of how the country of Russia works knows the highest levels of the Russian government have their tentacles in these Russian companies. And this is the really key part in 2015 the U.S. government had brought criminal charges against a Russian government employee for trying to recruit Mr. Page to be a Russian spy as it turned out the Russian government extended diplomatic immunity for the accused and the accused was deported but nevertheless these facts would raise suspicion about Mr. Page. Further, after this Mr. Page takes a role in the Trump presidential campaign and Mr. Trump himself after information, obtained through hacking widely believed to be from the hand of the Russian government, is publicly released about the DNC and Ms. Clinton's campaign manager which is really harmful to the Democrats in the 2016 Presidential election does the following. Mr. Trump in a major Rally calls on Russia to hack more and if they discover any more detrimental information to release it. This Candidate Trump remember won't release his tax returns so the American people can know if he has investments or loans with Russian citizens or companies. One or more of Mr. Trump's sons publicly alluded to the existence of Russian loans for the Trump organization. And during the 2016 Presidential election cycle Mr. Page, a member of Mr. Trumps Presidential campaign, took a plane trip to Russia. These facts alone indicate the FBI is not out of line into with looking into Mr. Page and trying to determine if he is up to anything with the Russian government. One alarming aspect of this Republican memo release is that now the U.S. government needs to release all the underlying documents to protect the precious reputation of the FBI and to be fair to this agency; even the WSJ agrees "the public should see more of the documents that are behind the competing intelligence memos to judge who is telling the truth". This is a great mess you created Republicans because this fair release will reveal U.S. security assets and methods thus weakening America!

The jury's still out on who's responsible for creating the mess. If it turns out that the underlying documents don't absolve those people in the FBI or the democrat party accused of wrongdoing, then it may be the case that THEY are the ones responsible for the revelation of US security assets and methods.

Ultimately, whichever side turns out to be bullshitting here is the side responsible for the reveal and, though everybody's got their largely politically-based predictions, you don't know which side that is.
No, the jury is not out. The jury as you say just doesn’t have balls enough to implement a consequence for all of the evil. Did you seriously not read the memo. You think lawmakers are going to stick their neck out of this wasn’t the truth? Paaleeese. It’s it that hard to admit the level of corruption that has taken place by the left?
for republicans edification.....
The Wall Street Journal yesterday in their key OpEd article praised the release of the Republican memo from the House Intelligence Committee and condemned the FBI and FISA Court in their actions involving the issuance of warrants authorizing surveillance on Carter Page. The WSJ condemns the FBI on its reliance of a former British Intelligence officer Christopher Steele and the research firm he worked for Fusion GPS in its securing of the warrants. The WSJ here and entities that voice the same opinion are really out of line they try to paint the FBI as using the pressure from their hand to subvert the scales of justice that the FBI just threw away the "rule of law" in this investigation and anyone with knowledge of widespread known facts knows this criticism of the FBI is bogus! For widespread known facts include the following. Mr. Carter Page lived in Russia for several years and had consulting contracts with major Russian Energy companies and anyone with competent knowledge of how the country of Russia works knows the highest levels of the Russian government have their tentacles in these Russian companies. And this is the really key part in 2015 the U.S. government had brought criminal charges against a Russian government employee for trying to recruit Mr. Page to be a Russian spy as it turned out the Russian government extended diplomatic immunity for the accused and the accused was deported but nevertheless these facts would raise suspicion about Mr. Page. Further, after this Mr. Page takes a role in the Trump presidential campaign and Mr. Trump himself after information, obtained through hacking widely believed to be from the hand of the Russian government, is publicly released about the DNC and Ms. Clinton's campaign manager which is really harmful to the Democrats in the 2016 Presidential election does the following. Mr. Trump in a major Rally calls on Russia to hack more and if they discover any more detrimental information to release it. This Candidate Trump remember won't release his tax returns so the American people can know if he has investments or loans with Russian citizens or companies. One or more of Mr. Trump's sons publicly alluded to the existence of Russian loans for the Trump organization. And during the 2016 Presidential election cycle Mr. Page, a member of Mr. Trumps Presidential campaign, took a plane trip to Russia. These facts alone indicate the FBI is not out of line into with looking into Mr. Page and trying to determine if he is up to anything with the Russian government. One alarming aspect of this Republican memo release is that now the U.S. government needs to release all the underlying documents to protect the precious reputation of the FBI and to be fair to this agency; even the WSJ agrees "the public should see more of the documents that are behind the competing intelligence memos to judge who is telling the truth". This is a great mess you created Republicans because this fair release will reveal U.S. security assets and methods thus weakening America!

The jury's still out on who's responsible for creating the mess. If it turns out that the underlying documents don't absolve those people in the FBI or the democrat party accused of wrongdoing, then it may be the case that THEY are the ones responsible for the revelation of US security assets and methods.

Ultimately, whichever side turns out to be bullshitting here is the side responsible for the reveal and, though everybody's got their largely politically-based predictions, you don't know which side that is.
No, the jury is not out. The jury as you say just doesn’t have balls enough to implement a consequence for all of the evil. Did you seriously not read the memo. You think lawmakers are going to stick their neck out of this wasn’t the truth? Paaleeese. It’s it that hard to admit the level of corruption that has taken place by the left?

I have the same hunch you do, but it isn't absolute knowledge. I can't prove that the memo is truthful and accurate any more than the dems can prove their collusion theory.
Ok so you are calling me a racist?
most republicans are Are you an exception? Black perhaps that has lost his mind?

Most republicans are racist? You haven't met many republicans, I take it.
Probably not most. But most Republicans are indifferent to racial injustice
However, their is a substantial racist base within the Republican Party
No that’s incorrect as well. Have you read about the history of slavery. ?!!!!
Are you talking about Republicans 150 years ago?
Most of them are dead you know
Are they really? I was speaking of the Dems and their role on slavery since we are saying that Republicans are all racist which words are so concrete they should mostly not be used; Like as in never or always as well. There is almost nearly an exception to each rule.
for republicans edification.....
The Wall Street Journal yesterday in their key OpEd article praised the release of the Republican memo from the House Intelligence Committee and condemned the FBI and FISA Court in their actions involving the issuance of warrants authorizing surveillance on Carter Page. The WSJ condemns the FBI on its reliance of a former British Intelligence officer Christopher Steele and the research firm he worked for Fusion GPS in its securing of the warrants. The WSJ here and entities that voice the same opinion are really out of line they try to paint the FBI as using the pressure from their hand to subvert the scales of justice that the FBI just threw away the "rule of law" in this investigation and anyone with knowledge of widespread known facts knows this criticism of the FBI is bogus! For widespread known facts include the following. Mr. Carter Page lived in Russia for several years and had consulting contracts with major Russian Energy companies and anyone with competent knowledge of how the country of Russia works knows the highest levels of the Russian government have their tentacles in these Russian companies. And this is the really key part in 2015 the U.S. government had brought criminal charges against a Russian government employee for trying to recruit Mr. Page to be a Russian spy as it turned out the Russian government extended diplomatic immunity for the accused and the accused was deported but nevertheless these facts would raise suspicion about Mr. Page. Further, after this Mr. Page takes a role in the Trump presidential campaign and Mr. Trump himself after information, obtained through hacking widely believed to be from the hand of the Russian government, is publicly released about the DNC and Ms. Clinton's campaign manager which is really harmful to the Democrats in the 2016 Presidential election does the following. Mr. Trump in a major Rally calls on Russia to hack more and if they discover any more detrimental information to release it. This Candidate Trump remember won't release his tax returns so the American people can know if he has investments or loans with Russian citizens or companies. One or more of Mr. Trump's sons publicly alluded to the existence of Russian loans for the Trump organization. And during the 2016 Presidential election cycle Mr. Page, a member of Mr. Trumps Presidential campaign, took a plane trip to Russia. These facts alone indicate the FBI is not out of line into with looking into Mr. Page and trying to determine if he is up to anything with the Russian government. One alarming aspect of this Republican memo release is that now the U.S. government needs to release all the underlying documents to protect the precious reputation of the FBI and to be fair to this agency; even the WSJ agrees "the public should see more of the documents that are behind the competing intelligence memos to judge who is telling the truth". This is a great mess you created Republicans because this fair release will reveal U.S. security assets and methods thus weakening America!

The jury's still out on who's responsible for creating the mess. If it turns out that the underlying documents don't absolve those people in the FBI or the democrat party accused of wrongdoing, then it may be the case that THEY are the ones responsible for the revelation of US security assets and methods.

Ultimately, whichever side turns out to be bullshitting here is the side responsible for the reveal and, though everybody's got their largely politically-based predictions, you don't know which side that is.
No, the jury is not out. The jury as you say just doesn’t have balls enough to implement a consequence for all of the evil. Did you seriously not read the memo. You think lawmakers are going to stick their neck out of this wasn’t the truth? Paaleeese. It’s it that hard to admit the level of corruption that has taken place by the left?
those on the right are scared shitless they can lose their jobs if they don't start kissing drumphs butt
for republicans edification.....
The Wall Street Journal yesterday in their key OpEd article praised the release of the Republican memo from the House Intelligence Committee and condemned the FBI and FISA Court in their actions involving the issuance of warrants authorizing surveillance on Carter Page. The WSJ condemns the FBI on its reliance of a former British Intelligence officer Christopher Steele and the research firm he worked for Fusion GPS in its securing of the warrants. The WSJ here and entities that voice the same opinion are really out of line they try to paint the FBI as using the pressure from their hand to subvert the scales of justice that the FBI just threw away the "rule of law" in this investigation and anyone with knowledge of widespread known facts knows this criticism of the FBI is bogus! For widespread known facts include the following. Mr. Carter Page lived in Russia for several years and had consulting contracts with major Russian Energy companies and anyone with competent knowledge of how the country of Russia works knows the highest levels of the Russian government have their tentacles in these Russian companies. And this is the really key part in 2015 the U.S. government had brought criminal charges against a Russian government employee for trying to recruit Mr. Page to be a Russian spy as it turned out the Russian government extended diplomatic immunity for the accused and the accused was deported but nevertheless these facts would raise suspicion about Mr. Page. Further, after this Mr. Page takes a role in the Trump presidential campaign and Mr. Trump himself after information, obtained through hacking widely believed to be from the hand of the Russian government, is publicly released about the DNC and Ms. Clinton's campaign manager which is really harmful to the Democrats in the 2016 Presidential election does the following. Mr. Trump in a major Rally calls on Russia to hack more and if they discover any more detrimental information to release it. This Candidate Trump remember won't release his tax returns so the American people can know if he has investments or loans with Russian citizens or companies. One or more of Mr. Trump's sons publicly alluded to the existence of Russian loans for the Trump organization. And during the 2016 Presidential election cycle Mr. Page, a member of Mr. Trumps Presidential campaign, took a plane trip to Russia. These facts alone indicate the FBI is not out of line into with looking into Mr. Page and trying to determine if he is up to anything with the Russian government. One alarming aspect of this Republican memo release is that now the U.S. government needs to release all the underlying documents to protect the precious reputation of the FBI and to be fair to this agency; even the WSJ agrees "the public should see more of the documents that are behind the competing intelligence memos to judge who is telling the truth". This is a great mess you created Republicans because this fair release will reveal U.S. security assets and methods thus weakening America!

The jury's still out on who's responsible for creating the mess. If it turns out that the underlying documents don't absolve those people in the FBI or the democrat party accused of wrongdoing, then it may be the case that THEY are the ones responsible for the revelation of US security assets and methods.

Ultimately, whichever side turns out to be bullshitting here is the side responsible for the reveal and, though everybody's got their largely politically-based predictions, you don't know which side that is.
No, the jury is not out. The jury as you say just doesn’t have balls enough to implement a consequence for all of the evil. Did you seriously not read the memo. You think lawmakers are going to stick their neck out of this wasn’t the truth? Paaleeese. It’s it that hard to admit the level of corruption that has taken place by the left?

I have the same hunch you do, but it isn't absolute knowledge. I can't prove that the memo is truthful and accurate any more than the dems can prove their collusion theory.
think we're above collusion now ,,,we're onto money laundering ...obstruction of justice,
for republicans edification.....
The Wall Street Journal yesterday in their key OpEd article praised the release of the Republican memo from the House Intelligence Committee and condemned the FBI and FISA Court in their actions involving the issuance of warrants authorizing surveillance on Carter Page. The WSJ condemns the FBI on its reliance of a former British Intelligence officer Christopher Steele and the research firm he worked for Fusion GPS in its securing of the warrants. The WSJ here and entities that voice the same opinion are really out of line they try to paint the FBI as using the pressure from their hand to subvert the scales of justice that the FBI just threw away the "rule of law" in this investigation and anyone with knowledge of widespread known facts knows this criticism of the FBI is bogus! For widespread known facts include the following. Mr. Carter Page lived in Russia for several years and had consulting contracts with major Russian Energy companies and anyone with competent knowledge of how the country of Russia works knows the highest levels of the Russian government have their tentacles in these Russian companies. And this is the really key part in 2015 the U.S. government had brought criminal charges against a Russian government employee for trying to recruit Mr. Page to be a Russian spy as it turned out the Russian government extended diplomatic immunity for the accused and the accused was deported but nevertheless these facts would raise suspicion about Mr. Page. Further, after this Mr. Page takes a role in the Trump presidential campaign and Mr. Trump himself after information, obtained through hacking widely believed to be from the hand of the Russian government, is publicly released about the DNC and Ms. Clinton's campaign manager which is really harmful to the Democrats in the 2016 Presidential election does the following. Mr. Trump in a major Rally calls on Russia to hack more and if they discover any more detrimental information to release it. This Candidate Trump remember won't release his tax returns so the American people can know if he has investments or loans with Russian citizens or companies. One or more of Mr. Trump's sons publicly alluded to the existence of Russian loans for the Trump organization. And during the 2016 Presidential election cycle Mr. Page, a member of Mr. Trumps Presidential campaign, took a plane trip to Russia. These facts alone indicate the FBI is not out of line into with looking into Mr. Page and trying to determine if he is up to anything with the Russian government. One alarming aspect of this Republican memo release is that now the U.S. government needs to release all the underlying documents to protect the precious reputation of the FBI and to be fair to this agency; even the WSJ agrees "the public should see more of the documents that are behind the competing intelligence memos to judge who is telling the truth". This is a great mess you created Republicans because this fair release will reveal U.S. security assets and methods thus weakening America!

The jury's still out on who's responsible for creating the mess. If it turns out that the underlying documents don't absolve those people in the FBI or the democrat party accused of wrongdoing, then it may be the case that THEY are the ones responsible for the revelation of US security assets and methods.

Ultimately, whichever side turns out to be bullshitting here is the side responsible for the reveal and, though everybody's got their largely politically-based predictions, you don't know which side that is.
No, the jury is not out. The jury as you say just doesn’t have balls enough to implement a consequence for all of the evil. Did you seriously not read the memo. You think lawmakers are going to stick their neck out of this wasn’t the truth? Paaleeese. It’s it that hard to admit the level of corruption that has taken place by the left?

I have the same hunch you do, but it isn't absolute knowledge. I can't prove that the memo is truthful and accurate any more than the dems can prove their collusion theory.
think we're above collusion now ,,,we're onto money laundering ...obstruction of justice,

Ah, fair enough. Allow me to correct that statement.

I can't prove that the memo is truthful and accurate any more than the dems can prove their money laundering/obstruction of justice theory.

You're welcome.
most republicans are Are you an exception? Black perhaps that has lost his mind?

Most republicans are racist? You haven't met many republicans, I take it.
Probably not most. But most Republicans are indifferent to racial injustice
However, their is a substantial racist base within the Republican Party
No that’s incorrect as well. Have you read about the history of slavery. ?!!!!
Are you talking about Republicans 150 years ago?
Most of them are dead you know
Are they really? I was speaking of the Dems and their role on slavery since we are saying that Republicans are all racist which words are so concrete they should mostly not be used; Like as in never or always as well. There is almost nearly an exception to each rule.
Slavery existed for 150 years before the Democratic Party was formed

I didn't say all Republicans are racist......only that all racists are Republicans
But we can prove The Democrat Party laundered money through COIE Lawfirm To Fusion GPS then to Russian Agents to buy Russian Propaganda to use against President Trump.
for republicans edification.....
The Wall Street Journal yesterday in their key OpEd article praised the release of the Republican memo from the House Intelligence Committee and condemned the FBI and FISA Court in their actions involving the issuance of warrants authorizing surveillance on Carter Page. The WSJ condemns the FBI on its reliance of a former British Intelligence officer Christopher Steele and the research firm he worked for Fusion GPS in its securing of the warrants. The WSJ here and entities that voice the same opinion are really out of line they try to paint the FBI as using the pressure from their hand to subvert the scales of justice that the FBI just threw away the "rule of law" in this investigation and anyone with knowledge of widespread known facts knows this criticism of the FBI is bogus! For widespread known facts include the following. Mr. Carter Page lived in Russia for several years and had consulting contracts with major Russian Energy companies and anyone with competent knowledge of how the country of Russia works knows the highest levels of the Russian government have their tentacles in these Russian companies. And this is the really key part in 2015 the U.S. government had brought criminal charges against a Russian government employee for trying to recruit Mr. Page to be a Russian spy as it turned out the Russian government extended diplomatic immunity for the accused and the accused was deported but nevertheless these facts would raise suspicion about Mr. Page. Further, after this Mr. Page takes a role in the Trump presidential campaign and Mr. Trump himself after information, obtained through hacking widely believed to be from the hand of the Russian government, is publicly released about the DNC and Ms. Clinton's campaign manager which is really harmful to the Democrats in the 2016 Presidential election does the following. Mr. Trump in a major Rally calls on Russia to hack more and if they discover any more detrimental information to release it. This Candidate Trump remember won't release his tax returns so the American people can know if he has investments or loans with Russian citizens or companies. One or more of Mr. Trump's sons publicly alluded to the existence of Russian loans for the Trump organization. And during the 2016 Presidential election cycle Mr. Page, a member of Mr. Trumps Presidential campaign, took a plane trip to Russia. These facts alone indicate the FBI is not out of line into with looking into Mr. Page and trying to determine if he is up to anything with the Russian government. One alarming aspect of this Republican memo release is that now the U.S. government needs to release all the underlying documents to protect the precious reputation of the FBI and to be fair to this agency; even the WSJ agrees "the public should see more of the documents that are behind the competing intelligence memos to judge who is telling the truth". This is a great mess you created Republicans because this fair release will reveal U.S. security assets and methods thus weakening America!

The jury's still out on who's responsible for creating the mess. If it turns out that the underlying documents don't absolve those people in the FBI or the democrat party accused of wrongdoing, then it may be the case that THEY are the ones responsible for the revelation of US security assets and methods.

Ultimately, whichever side turns out to be bullshitting here is the side responsible for the reveal and, though everybody's got their largely politically-based predictions, you don't know which side that is.
No, the jury is not out. The jury as you say just doesn’t have balls enough to implement a consequence for all of the evil. Did you seriously not read the memo. You think lawmakers are going to stick their neck out of this wasn’t the truth? Paaleeese. It’s it that hard to admit the level of corruption that has taken place by the left?

I have the same hunch you do, but it isn't absolute knowledge. I can't prove that the memo is truthful and accurate any more than the dems can prove their collusion theory.
think we're above collusion now ,,,we're onto money laundering ...obstruction of justice,

Ah, fair enough. Allow me to correct that statement.

I can't prove that the memo is truthful and accurate any more than the dems can prove their money laundering/obstruction of justice theory.

You're welcome.
for republicans edification.....
The Wall Street Journal yesterday in their key OpEd article praised the release of the Republican memo from the House Intelligence Committee and condemned the FBI and FISA Court in their actions involving the issuance of warrants authorizing surveillance on Carter Page. The WSJ condemns the FBI on its reliance of a former British Intelligence officer Christopher Steele and the research firm he worked for Fusion GPS in its securing of the warrants. The WSJ here and entities that voice the same opinion are really out of line they try to paint the FBI as using the pressure from their hand to subvert the scales of justice that the FBI just threw away the "rule of law" in this investigation and anyone with knowledge of widespread known facts knows this criticism of the FBI is bogus! For widespread known facts include the following. Mr. Carter Page lived in Russia for several years and had consulting contracts with major Russian Energy companies and anyone with competent knowledge of how the country of Russia works knows the highest levels of the Russian government have their tentacles in these Russian companies. And this is the really key part in 2015 the U.S. government had brought criminal charges against a Russian government employee for trying to recruit Mr. Page to be a Russian spy as it turned out the Russian government extended diplomatic immunity for the accused and the accused was deported but nevertheless these facts would raise suspicion about Mr. Page. Further, after this Mr. Page takes a role in the Trump presidential campaign and Mr. Trump himself after information, obtained through hacking widely believed to be from the hand of the Russian government, is publicly released about the DNC and Ms. Clinton's campaign manager which is really harmful to the Democrats in the 2016 Presidential election does the following. Mr. Trump in a major Rally calls on Russia to hack more and if they discover any more detrimental information to release it. This Candidate Trump remember won't release his tax returns so the American people can know if he has investments or loans with Russian citizens or companies. One or more of Mr. Trump's sons publicly alluded to the existence of Russian loans for the Trump organization. And during the 2016 Presidential election cycle Mr. Page, a member of Mr. Trumps Presidential campaign, took a plane trip to Russia. These facts alone indicate the FBI is not out of line into with looking into Mr. Page and trying to determine if he is up to anything with the Russian government. One alarming aspect of this Republican memo release is that now the U.S. government needs to release all the underlying documents to protect the precious reputation of the FBI and to be fair to this agency; even the WSJ agrees "the public should see more of the documents that are behind the competing intelligence memos to judge who is telling the truth". This is a great mess you created Republicans because this fair release will reveal U.S. security assets and methods thus weakening America!

The jury's still out on who's responsible for creating the mess. If it turns out that the underlying documents don't absolve those people in the FBI or the democrat party accused of wrongdoing, then it may be the case that THEY are the ones responsible for the revelation of US security assets and methods.

Ultimately, whichever side turns out to be bullshitting here is the side responsible for the reveal and, though everybody's got their largely politically-based predictions, you don't know which side that is.
No, the jury is not out. The jury as you say just doesn’t have balls enough to implement a consequence for all of the evil. Did you seriously not read the memo. You think lawmakers are going to stick their neck out of this wasn’t the truth? Paaleeese. It’s it that hard to admit the level of corruption that has taken place by the left?

I have the same hunch you do, but it isn't absolute knowledge. I can't prove that the memo is truthful and accurate any more than the dems can prove their collusion theory.
think we're above collusion now ,,,we're onto money laundering ...obstruction of justice,

Ah, fair enough. Allow me to correct that statement.

I can't prove that the memo is truthful and accurate any more than the dems can prove their money laundering/obstruction of justice theory.

You're welcome.
That’s didn’t clear up shit for me. A thank you was not issued.
Most republicans are racist? You haven't met many republicans, I take it.
Probably not most. But most Republicans are indifferent to racial injustice
However, their is a substantial racist base within the Republican Party
No that’s incorrect as well. Have you read about the history of slavery. ?!!!!
Are you talking about Republicans 150 years ago?
Most of them are dead you know
Are they really? I was speaking of the Dems and their role on slavery since we are saying that Republicans are all racist which words are so concrete they should mostly not be used; Like as in never or always as well. There is almost nearly an exception to each rule.
Slavery existed for 150 years before the Democratic Party was formed

I didn't say all Republicans are racist......only that all racists are Republicans
Most republicans are racist? You haven't met many republicans, I take it.
Probably not most. But most Republicans are indifferent to racial injustice
However, their is a substantial racist base within the Republican Party
No that’s incorrect as well. Have you read about the history of slavery. ?!!!!
Are you talking about Republicans 150 years ago?
Most of them are dead you know
Are they really? I was speaking of the Dems and their role on slavery since we are saying that Republicans are all racist which words are so concrete they should mostly not be used; Like as in never or always as well. There is almost nearly an exception to each rule.
Slavery existed for 150 years before the Democratic Party was formed

I didn't say all Republicans are racist......only that all racists are Republicans
That isn’t even a valid statement bc I am
A republican that is not a racist. Thank you very much!

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