Mueller Enlists Top Criminal Law Expert For Russia Probe


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

Deputy solicitor general Michael Dreeben
Photo: Diego M. Radzinschi / NLJ

Special counsel Robert Mueller has recruited the Justice Department’s top criminal law expert to help with his investigation of ties between the Trump presidential campaign and Russian officials.

Deputy solicitor general Michael Dreeben, who has argued more than 100 cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and oversees the Justice Department’s criminal appellate docket, will be assisting Mueller on a part-time basis, according to sources familiar with the arrangement.

While helping Mueller, Dreeben will continue in his role in the solicitor general’s office, with other lawyers in the office pitching in to help him with upcoming criminal cases.

The move signals that Mueller is seeking advice on the complexities that have arisen already in the investigations, including what constitutes obstruction of justice.

"Michael Dreeben is to criminal law what Robert Mueller is to investigations,” former acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal said Thursday night. “Literally the very best. Yet another sign of how serious Mueller is about this matter." Now a partner at Hogan Lovells, Katyal has been a key figure in challenging President Donald Trump’s travel ban.

In 2005, Dreeben argued and lost a case for the government involving obstruction-of-justice charges against the Arthur Andersen accounting firm in the wake of the Enron scandal.

At an event marking Dreeben’s 100th Supreme Court argument in 2016, justices praised his expertise in the area of criminal law.

He argued his first case at the court in 1989 against John Roberts Jr., then in private practice, and has worked in the solicitor general’s office under Republicans and Democrats ever since.

Justice Elena Kagan, who worked with Dreeben as solicitor general before joining the high court, said she felt honored "in the company of a magnificent attorney doing a magnificent job."

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said that when Dreeben approaches the lectern at the Supreme Court, "I know he will tell it straight."

Mueller Enlists Top Criminal Law Expert for Russia Probe
Won't be long now before the trumpettes try to drag his name thru the mud.
Thats not what it says in your link ya fucken liar.

"Mueller will take on the weighty and politically precarious role of special counsel investigating Russia's efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election."
You know what is the worst part of all those political games: instead of doing their best to help the country, those "servants of American people" have been doing their best in witch hunting and investigating non-existent ties just to harm their President. At taxpayers' expense.

It's not even a level of a banana republic but of monkeys in the jungle (the level the previous president has installed so successfully).

A few days ago:
Megyn Kelly: There have been questions about this secret Russian dossier, which he says is fake, but which purports to have blackmail information in it generated by the Russians. There have been questions about the communications between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign...

Vladimir Putin: Well, this is just another piece of nonsense. Where would we get any information about him? Did we have some kind of special relationship with him. There was no relationship whatsoever. Yes, he visited Moscow in his day. But, you know, I never met him.

Interview to NBC
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You know what is the worst part of all those political games: instead of doing their best to help the country, they were doing their best in witch hunting and investigating non-existent ties just to harm their President. At taxpayers' expense.

It's not even a level of a banana republic, but of monkeys in the jungle (the level the previous president has installed so successfully).

A few days ago:
Megyn Kelly: There have been questions about this secret Russian dossier, which he says is fake, but which purports to have blackmail information in it generated by the Russians. There have been questions about the communications between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign...

Vladimir Putin: Well, this is just another piece of nonsense. Where would we get any information about him? Did we have some kind of special relationship with him. There was no relationship whatsoever. Yes, he visited Moscow in his day. But, you know, I never met him.

Interview to NBC
If Democrats can't get there way they will simply drag things out and waste money. About a year yet I figure.
You know what is the worst part of all those political games: instead of doing their best to help the country, they were doing their best in witch hunting and investigating non-existent ties just to harm their President. At taxpayers' expense.

It's not even a level of a banana republic, but of monkeys in the jungle (the level the previous president has installed so successfully).

A few days ago:
Megyn Kelly: There have been questions about this secret Russian dossier, which he says is fake, but which purports to have blackmail information in it generated by the Russians. There have been questions about the communications between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign...

Vladimir Putin: Well, this is just another piece of nonsense. Where would we get any information about him? Did we have some kind of special relationship with him. There was no relationship whatsoever. Yes, he visited Moscow in his day. But, you know, I never met him.

Interview to NBC
If Democrats can't get there way they will simply drag things out and waste money. About a year yet I figure.
You loved the Benghazi Hearings tho.
You know what is the worst part of all those political games: instead of doing their best to help the country, they were doing their best in witch hunting and investigating non-existent ties just to harm their President. At taxpayers' expense.

It's not even a level of a banana republic, but of monkeys in the jungle (the level the previous president has installed so successfully).

A few days ago:
Megyn Kelly: There have been questions about this secret Russian dossier, which he says is fake, but which purports to have blackmail information in it generated by the Russians. There have been questions about the communications between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign...

Vladimir Putin: Well, this is just another piece of nonsense. Where would we get any information about him? Did we have some kind of special relationship with him. There was no relationship whatsoever. Yes, he visited Moscow in his day. But, you know, I never met him.

Interview to NBC
If Democrats can't get there way they will simply drag things out and waste money. About a year yet I figure.
dude the cloud is gone, work will begin.
You know what is the worst part of all those political games: instead of doing their best to help the country, they were doing their best in witch hunting and investigating non-existent ties just to harm their President. At taxpayers' expense.

It's not even a level of a banana republic, but of monkeys in the jungle (the level the previous president has installed so successfully).

A few days ago:
Megyn Kelly: There have been questions about this secret Russian dossier, which he says is fake, but which purports to have blackmail information in it generated by the Russians. There have been questions about the communications between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign...

Vladimir Putin: Well, this is just another piece of nonsense. Where would we get any information about him? Did we have some kind of special relationship with him. There was no relationship whatsoever. Yes, he visited Moscow in his day. But, you know, I never met him.

Interview to NBC
If Democrats can't get there way they will simply drag things out and waste money. About a year yet I figure.
You loved the Benghazi Hearings tho.
I hated them. most everyone pleaded the fifth and 33,000 emails were deleted. why?
You know what is the worst part of all those political games: instead of doing their best to help the country, they were doing their best in witch hunting and investigating non-existent ties just to harm their President. At taxpayers' expense.

It's not even a level of a banana republic, but of monkeys in the jungle (the level the previous president has installed so successfully).

A few days ago:
Megyn Kelly: There have been questions about this secret Russian dossier, which he says is fake, but which purports to have blackmail information in it generated by the Russians. There have been questions about the communications between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign...

Vladimir Putin: Well, this is just another piece of nonsense. Where would we get any information about him? Did we have some kind of special relationship with him. There was no relationship whatsoever. Yes, he visited Moscow in his day. But, you know, I never met him.

Interview to NBC
If Democrats can't get there way they will simply drag things out and waste money. About a year yet I figure.
dude the cloud is gone, work will begin.
The cloud will be gone when scotus rules on immigration. That win will turn the tide.
You know what is the worst part of all those political games: instead of doing their best to help the country, they were doing their best in witch hunting and investigating non-existent ties just to harm their President. At taxpayers' expense.

It's not even a level of a banana republic, but of monkeys in the jungle (the level the previous president has installed so successfully).

A few days ago:
Megyn Kelly: There have been questions about this secret Russian dossier, which he says is fake, but which purports to have blackmail information in it generated by the Russians. There have been questions about the communications between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign...

Vladimir Putin: Well, this is just another piece of nonsense. Where would we get any information about him? Did we have some kind of special relationship with him. There was no relationship whatsoever. Yes, he visited Moscow in his day. But, you know, I never met him.

Interview to NBC
If Democrats can't get there way they will simply drag things out and waste money. About a year yet I figure.
You loved the Benghazi Hearings tho.
I hated them. most everyone pleaded the fifth and 33,000 emails were deleted. why?
BTW, it's what guilty pukes do.
Won't be long now before the trumpettes try to drag his name thru the mud.

Yeah, if two of the biggest leftist on the high court thinks he's a great guy, what could possibly go wrong?

Won't be long now before the trumpettes try to drag his name thru the mud.

No need. Muller wouldn't appeal to simple minded folk like you. You should wait for Larry O'Donnel to tell you what you think first so you dont look stupid. Muller is the best thing to happen to Trump and the Democrat party so far. See, you expect a political hack, but chances are if Muller is seeking advice and counsel from this man he is about as far outside politics as one could be. If something is there then it will be addressed. You will likely be board with it and have to go back to watching the Kardashians or something.

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