Mueller files new charges against Manafort and Gates

Please quote the language where it says that. I quoted the definition of "public official," according to the statute, and Trump doesn't match the description.

Definition. According to Black's Law Dictionary a "public official" is "[o]ne who holds or is invested with a public office; a person elected or appointed to carry out some portion of a government's sovereign powers." "Public officer" is defined in a similar way. For this research, the terms "public officials" and "public officers" are interchangeable.

Public official. Any person elected to public office, whether or not that person has taken office,
It doesn't say "whether or not that person has taken office." Furthermore, you claimed he was a public official before he was elected.
Your own source proves you wrong, moron:

(1)the term “public official” means Member of Congress, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner, either before or after such official has qualified, or an officer or employee or person acting for or on behalf of the United States, or any department, agency or branch of Government thereof, including the District of Columbia, in any official function, under or by authority of any such department, agency, or branch of Government, or a juror;

When Trump got the nomination, he was given classified presidential level briefings. Which makes him a public official when it comes to the presidential transition act.
Please quote the language where it says that. I quoted the definition of "public official," according to the statute, and Trump doesn't match the description.
Public official is defined in (b) (1) of 18 U.S. Code § 201, or rather both (a) and (b). To a lay-person such as myself, it appears to say the anti-bribery law applies to anybody nominated for public office. This law was modified in 1962 to cover those who assume office under a corrupt commitment.

Witnesses being flipped:

IYou must be a dumbass, because it obviously says nothing of the sort. I quoted the definition. Here it is again:

(1)the term “public official” means Member of Congress, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner, either before or after such official has qualified, or an officer or employee or person acting for or on behalf of the United States, or any department, agency or branch of Government thereof, including the District of Columbia, in any official function, under or by authority of any such department, agency, or branch of Government, or a juror;

Public official. Any person elected to public office, whether or not that person has taken office,
It doesn't say "whether or not that person has taken office." Furthermore, you claimed he was a public official before he was elected.

No I did not. Put up or shut up.
You are correct. It was your crony dudmuck:

"This all could culminate around this law: title 18 of US code, section 201. Because Trump became a "public official" in July 2016 when he became the party's nominee."

(CNN)Special counsel Robert Mueller has filed new charges against former Donald Trump campaign officials Paul Manafort and Rick Gates.

The 32-count indictment, filed in Alexandria, Virginia, includes tax and bank fraud charges.

This story is breaking and will be updated.

Even if you give Trump all the benefit of the doubt

It shows the people he personally trusted and selected to run his campaign were corrupt and engaged in illegal activities

At best it shows him to be an out of touch worst, they will plea bargain and reveal what Trump knew and what he directed them to do

(CNN)Special counsel Robert Mueller has filed new charges against former Donald Trump campaign officials Paul Manafort and Rick Gates.

The 32-count indictment, filed in Alexandria, Virginia, includes tax and bank fraud charges.

This story is breaking and will be updated.

Good! It's about time that Mueller shows us something for the millions he's cost us looking for Russians trying to sway our elections! One tax cheat and bank fraud person down out of about 103,500 in this country! Good work, Bob! That'll sure protect our next election!
Mueller is rolling through Filthy Don's Swamp Rats like Sherman did the Hucklefvck traitors on his March to the Sea!

'Merica, It's Mueller Time!
Mueller is rolling through Filthy Don's Swamp Rats like Sherman did the Hucklefvck traitors on his March to the Sea!

'Merica, It's Mueller Time!
Yet can't tie Trump himself to any Russian Collusion. You fail.

How do you know what Manafort will say to save his ass?
Manafort was only brought in to secure the delegates for Trump. Once he was done, he was dismissed from the campaign. Trump had nothing to do with any collusion himself. Even if it was any collusion, as famed legal professor Alan Dershowitz said, it's not a crime.
Gates worked with Podestas group to lobby the Obama admin and is accused of laundering upwards of $30m through maybe 2014, but yeah this ought to lead to impeaching Trump, NOT!

(CNN)Special counsel Robert Mueller has filed new charges against former Donald Trump campaign officials Paul Manafort and Rick Gates.

The 32-count indictment, filed in Alexandria, Virginia, includes tax and bank fraud charges.

This story is breaking and will be updated.
Hopefully since the FISA warrant was based off a fake dossier, the charges will be thrown out.
You are here all day teaching us about patriotism , protecting America, family values, Jesus, the bible....and you want a crook to get away ? Why you cons are so hypocrite ?
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I love it in the 3rd act when the heroes turn the tables on the villains... just when you thought all hope was lost.

Mueller bitch slaps 32 more counts on Manafort...

At least Trump will go down as a president, thanks Obama!
Manafort was only brought in to secure the delegates for Trump. Once he was done, he was dismissed from the campaign. Trump had nothing to do with any collusion himself. Even if it was any collusion, as famed legal professor Alan Dershowitz said, it's not a crime.
Manafort was there when they changed the RNC platform, changing to a pro russian ukraine policy.

Based on how much money Manafort owed to russians, and nobody named Boris breaking Manaforts knees over a $30 million debt. I can presume Manafort paid the russians back in some other way.
Mueller is rolling through Filthy Don's Swamp Rats like Sherman did the Hucklefvck traitors on his March to the Sea!

'Merica, It's Mueller Time!
Yet can't tie Trump himself to any Russian Collusion. You fail.

How do you know what Manafort will say to save his ass?
Manafort was only brought in to secure the delegates for Trump. Once he was done, he was dismissed from the campaign. Trump had nothing to do with any collusion himself. Even if it was any collusion, as famed legal professor Alan Dershowitz said, it's not a crime.

No, he was dismissed when his activities became public

He was heavily involved in Trumps campaign and would be aware of any involvement Trump may have had with the Russians

If Trump is clean, he has nothing to fear from what Manafort may say
Now that Gates has accepted Mueller's "plea deal" - it obviously means that Gates had enough "valuable information" to have been offered a "plea deal".
Gates is now at Mueller's mercy. Will Manafort flip - or just die in prison? Even if Trump pardons him, some states can still prosecute him - namely New York.
Gates is now at Mueller's mercy. Will Manafort flip - or just die in prison? Even if Trump pardons him, some states can still prosecute him - namely New York.

Gates is another chip for Mueller to play

He is slowly and methodically building a case against Crooked Donnie
Yes, not one of which has the slightest thing to do with what Mueller is supposed to be investigating. This is a total witch hunt and waste of money.

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