Mueller files new charges against Manafort and Gates


(CNN)Special counsel Robert Mueller has filed new charges against former Donald Trump campaign officials Paul Manafort and Rick Gates.

The 32-count indictment, filed in Alexandria, Virginia, includes tax and bank fraud charges.

This story is breaking and will be updated.
Hopefully since the FISA warrant was based off a fake dossier, the charges will be thrown out.
Why would you hope to have charges of illegal acts thrown out?

I mean seriously, they are criminals. You do not even question that fact - simply hope for guilty men to walk free for political gain that does not even apply to you. Something has gone seriously wrong with partisans - even more than usual.
"Trump Tower...Adoption Meetings....Russian Money....What the hell you smirking about dipshit, you're sorry azz is under the bus next!"

Read: Mueller’s new indictment of Paul Manafort and Rick Gates

The new indictment has 32 counts of tax, financial, and bank fraud charges.

A federal grand jury in Virginia approved a new set of charges from special counsel Robert Mueller against former Trump campaign aides Paul Manafort and Rick Gates Thursday afternoon.

Mueller had indicted Manafort and Gates on a combined 12 counts last October in Washington, DC, but he has now assembled a “superseding indictment” with a combined 32 counts of tax, financial, and bank fraud charges against the two men — in Virginia rather than Washington.

There have been reports that Gates was close to making a plea deal with Mueller’s team, but that seems not to have panned out. Read the new indictment here!

But, but, but what has become of it?

Nice...Mueller has tax paperwork in his hands.

The nothing burger is frying on the skillet and the Feds are cutting the onions, tomatoes and prepping the lettuce. :abgg2q.jpg:

All this shows is that Mewler has nothing on the Trump administration.

(CNN)Special counsel Robert Mueller has filed new charges against former Donald Trump campaign officials Paul Manafort and Rick Gates.

The 32-count indictment, filed in Alexandria, Virginia, includes tax and bank fraud charges.

This story is breaking and will be updated.
Hopefully since the FISA warrant was based off a fake dossier, the charges will be thrown out.
Why would you hope to have charges of illegal acts thrown out?

I mean seriously, they are criminals. You do not even question that fact - simply hope for guilty men to walk free for political gain that does not even apply to you. Something has gone seriously wrong with partisans - even more than usual.
If we had a special prosecutor with an unlimited budget on our ass 24 hours a day, most of us could be indicted for something.
It would seem that Mueller is not getting what he wanted out of those 2. I would think this actually bodes well for Trump in general - if Mueller was getting good info from those 2 against Trump then I don't think we would see him seeking more charges. There was enough there already to force a flip from the both of them. This may mark Mueller as going directly from them rather than a bigger fish.

Of course, this may also just mean that there was not enough to get them to flip in the first place but I do not imagine how that would be the case. They were facing significant jail time already - not sure how much more this will pressure them into giving something more up.
This piling on is sickening to me. I doubt anything he is accused of ever harmed a single person.
Russian collusion still nowhere to be seen

Duh, you don't see what Mueller sees--------yet...

What Mewler sees is no evidence against the Trump administration.
Between Flynn and Manafort, Trump couldnt have picked people with more ties to the Kremlin. Mueller now has at least 100 charges against 19 people surrounding Trump.
This all could culminate around this law: title 18 of US code, section 201. Because Trump became a "public official" in July 2016 when he became the party's nominee. Its the anti-bribery law, quid pro quo. The quid is Russian meddling, and the quo part could be just being nice to Russia or not implementing sanctions, etc. Trump became subject to the anti-bribery law on July 21, 2016.

(CNN)Special counsel Robert Mueller has filed new charges against former Donald Trump campaign officials Paul Manafort and Rick Gates.

The 32-count indictment, filed in Alexandria, Virginia, includes tax and bank fraud charges.

This story is breaking and will be updated.
Hopefully since the FISA warrant was based off a fake dossier, the charges will be thrown out.
Why would you hope to have charges of illegal acts thrown out?

I mean seriously, they are criminals. You do not even question that fact - simply hope for guilty men to walk free for political gain that does not even apply to you. Something has gone seriously wrong with partisans - even more than usual.
If we had a special prosecutor with an unlimited budget on our ass 24 hours a day, most of us could be indicted for something.

In your instance for being a Russian plant with false pretenses.

(CNN)Special counsel Robert Mueller has filed new charges against former Donald Trump campaign officials Paul Manafort and Rick Gates.

The 32-count indictment, filed in Alexandria, Virginia, includes tax and bank fraud charges.

This story is breaking and will be updated.

I hear he also has dossier with him jaywalking with Russian hookers.
Russian collusion still nowhere to be seen

Duh, you don't see what Mueller sees--------yet...

What Mewler sees is no evidence against the Trump administration.
Between Flynn and Manafort, Trump couldnt have picked people with more ties to the Kremlin. Mueller now has at least 100 charges against 19 people surrounding Trump.
This all could culminate around this law: title 18 of US code, section 201. Because Trump became a "public official" in July 2016 when he became the party's nominee. Its the anti-bribery law, quid pro quo. The quid is Russian meddling, and the quo part could be just being nice to Russia or not implementing sanctions, etc. Trump became subject to the anti-bribery law on July 21, 2016.

The 13 hackers Mewler just indicted are not "people around Trump," you fucking douchebag, and Flynn has no ties to Russians of any kind. A party nominee is not a "public official," moron. You have to be on the government payroll to be a "public official."

Anything you post can be ignored since you're such an obvious and astounding liar.

(CNN)Special counsel Robert Mueller has filed new charges against former Donald Trump campaign officials Paul Manafort and Rick Gates.

The 32-count indictment, filed in Alexandria, Virginia, includes tax and bank fraud charges.

This story is breaking and will be updated.
Hopefully since the FISA warrant was based off a fake dossier, the charges will be thrown out.
Why would you hope to have charges of illegal acts thrown out?

I mean seriously, they are criminals. You do not even question that fact - simply hope for guilty men to walk free for political gain that does not even apply to you. Something has gone seriously wrong with partisans - even more than usual.
If we had a special prosecutor with an unlimited budget on our ass 24 hours a day, most of us could be indicted for something.

In your instance for being a Russian plant with false pretenses.

Was that intended to convey some kind of intelligable thought?
Russian collusion still nowhere to be seen

Duh, you don't see what Mueller sees--------yet...

What Mewler sees is no evidence against the Trump administration.
Between Flynn and Manafort, Trump couldnt have picked people with more ties to the Kremlin. Mueller now has at least 100 charges against 19 people surrounding Trump.
This all could culminate around this law: title 18 of US code, section 201. Because Trump became a "public official" in July 2016 when he became the party's nominee. Its the anti-bribery law, quid pro quo. The quid is Russian meddling, and the quo part could be just being nice to Russia or not implementing sanctions, etc. Trump became subject to the anti-bribery law on July 21, 2016.

The 13 hackers Mewler just indicted are not "people around Trump," you fucking douchebag, and Flynn has no ties to Russians of any kind. A party nominee is not a "public official," moron. You have to be on the government payroll to be a "public official."

Anything you post can be ignored since you're such an obvious and astounding liar.
I convey nothing but truth:
Any person who has been nominated becomes legally a public official. Trump is subject to laws on public officials after July 21, 2016.
Flynn was on RT payroll.
Flynn had contact with Kislyak.
Flynn visited GRU, the russian military spy agency.
And now Rick Gates will plead guilty, likely within a few days or today.

(CNN)Special counsel Robert Mueller has filed new charges against former Donald Trump campaign officials Paul Manafort and Rick Gates.

The 32-count indictment, filed in Alexandria, Virginia, includes tax and bank fraud charges.

This story is breaking and will be updated.
Hopefully since the FISA warrant was based off a fake dossier, the charges will be thrown out.
Hopefully you will one day grow a brain.

These latest charges are for crimes committed during the campaign and during the transition.

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