Mueller Hauled Before FISA Court To Explain Crimes

The CRIMINAL FBI exposed for FISA Court Abuses & other crimes during this investigation committed at least 7t FISA Court Abuses / crimes during Milueller's time as FBI Director.

During that same time, evidence shows he and Weinstein hid evidence and knowingly sent innocent men to prison.

Ohr's testimony proves Mueller was brought in by Comey BEFORE the investigation officially began & before Mueller was appointed SC. He was working with Our and Steele on the Dossier.

Ohr made it clear that he ensured Mueller, Lynch, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, & McCabe all knew the HILLSRY-PURCHASED RUSSIAN-AUTHORED dossier was untrustworthy, debunked, unusable AND that Steele hated Trump.

Later under oath the FBI LIED to the FISA Court when asked if there was anything about Steele that would make the dossier questionable. The FBI said 'No' ... Hiding the fact Steele hated Trump.

The CRIMINAL FBI exposed for FISA Court Abuses & other crimes during this investigation committed at least 7t FISA Court Abuses / crimes during Milueller's time as FBI Director.

During that same time, evidence shows he and Weinstein hid evidence and knowingly sent innocent men to prison.

Ohr's testimony proves Mueller was brought in by Comey BEFORE the investigation officially began & before Mueller was appointed SC. He was working with Our and Steele on the Dossier.

Ohr made it clear that he ensured Mueller, Lynch, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, & McCabe all knew the HILLSRY-PURCHASED RUSSIAN-AUTHORED dossier was untrustworthy, debunked, unusable AND that Steele hated Trump.

Later under oath the FBI LIED to the FISA Court when asked if there was anything about Steele that would make the dossier questionable. The FBI said 'No' ... Hiding the fact Steele hated Trump.


Damn it man, there is nothing worse than a FUSA ABISES. How can these people still be walking the streets after preforming a FUSA ABISES? :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
From your article:

Most of the omissions occurred in FBI work that pre-dated Mueller’s arrival, the sources said. But the court wanted assurances the new sheriff in town was going to stop such widespread abuses.
Mueller told the court the FBI had created a new system called the Woods Procedures — named for the FBI lawyer who drafted them — to ensure FISA warrant applications were accurate and did not omit material information, according to Anderson’s congressional interview.

Taken at face value it seems Mueller cleaned up the situation you are concerned about.

But let's be real.

Yes....Let's be real...Mueller is an untrustworthy crook.

Howie Carr: Mueller's hands dirty in old FBI frame-up

We rightfully watch every last rich or connected Russian calling or operating in this country. If your campaign is talking turkey with Russian operatives you are going to get caught. Contacts continued even after our intelligence community decided to go public with a warning about Russian interference. We were spying on Russia, Russia spies on us, it's Trump's fault his campaign tried to team up with Putin.

View attachment 244545
Is this the kind of stuff you read for news? It's no wonder you can't tell what's real.
Mueller has already costed us tax payers millions of dollars for falsely knowingly putting innocent people in jail. That's his creditbility.
Innocent rich people who can afford excellent lawyers never go to jail.
Mueller put 4 innocent men in jail. When they proved they were innocent years later. They were set free costing us 101 million dollars. One died in jail.
75 Incidences of Mueller Concealing Exculpatory Evidence from The FISA Court.

Why isn't he Disbarred?

Why isn't he Prosecuted?
The CRIMINAL FBI exposed for FISA Court Abuses & other crimes during this investigation committed at least 7t FISA Court Abuses / crimes during Milueller's time as FBI Director.

During that same time, evidence shows he and Weinstein hid evidence and knowingly sent innocent men to prison.

Ohr's testimony proves Mueller was brought in by Comey BEFORE the investigation officially began & before Mueller was appointed SC. He was working with Our and Steele on the Dossier.

Ohr made it clear that he ensured Mueller, Lynch, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, & McCabe all knew the HILLSRY-PURCHASED RUSSIAN-AUTHORED dossier was untrustworthy, debunked, unusable AND that Steele hated Trump.

Later under oath the FBI LIED to the FISA Court when asked if there was anything about Steele that would make the dossier questionable. The FBI said 'No' ... Hiding the fact Steele hated Trump.


The CRIMINAL FBI exposed for FISA Court Abuses & other crimes during this investigation committed at least 7t FISA Court Abuses / crimes during Milueller's time as FBI Director.

During that same time, evidence shows he and Weinstein hid evidence and knowingly sent innocent men to prison.

Ohr's testimony proves Mueller was brought in by Comey BEFORE the investigation officially began & before Mueller was appointed SC. He was working with Our and Steele on the Dossier.

Ohr made it clear that he ensured Mueller, Lynch, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, & McCabe all knew the HILLSRY-PURCHASED RUSSIAN-AUTHORED dossier was untrustworthy, debunked, unusable AND that Steele hated Trump.

Later under oath the FBI LIED to the FISA Court when asked if there was anything about Steele that would make the dossier questionable. The FBI said 'No' ... Hiding the fact Steele hated Trump.


Damn it man, there is nothing worse than a FUSA ABISES. How can these people still be walking the streets after preforming a FUSA ABISES? :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

From your article:

Most of the omissions occurred in FBI work that pre-dated Mueller’s arrival, the sources said. But the court wanted assurances the new sheriff in town was going to stop such widespread abuses.
Mueller told the court the FBI had created a new system called the Woods Procedures — named for the FBI lawyer who drafted them — to ensure FISA warrant applications were accurate and did not omit material information, according to Anderson’s congressional interview.

Taken at face value it seems Mueller cleaned up the situation you are concerned about.

But let's be real.

Yes....Let's be real...Mueller is an untrustworthy crook.

Howie Carr: Mueller's hands dirty in old FBI frame-up

We rightfully watch every last rich or connected Russian calling or operating in this country. If your campaign is talking turkey with Russian operatives you are going to get caught. Contacts continued even after our intelligence community decided to go public with a warning about Russian interference. We were spying on Russia, Russia spies on us, it's Trump's fault his campaign tried to team up with Putin.

View attachment 244545
Is this the kind of stuff you read for news? It's no wonder you can't tell what's real.
Mueller has already costed us tax payers millions of dollars for falsely knowingly putting innocent people in jail. That's his creditbility.
Innocent rich people who can afford excellent lawyers never go to jail.
Mueller put 4 innocent men in jail. When they proved they were innocent years later. They were set free costing us 101 million dollars. One died in jail.

Who? Whitey Bulger?

See, I didn't read the whole thread so I do not know if it was addressed, but let me put forth WHY what Easy has brought forth is soooooooooo important!

Leftists on here have pointed out that the abuses happened BEFORE Mueller was in office, and he was just answering for the abuses that happened BEFORE he was installed.


But here is the rest of the story--------------->

Because of these abuses, Mueller created a procedure to satisfy the court that these abuses would never happen again, and it was named "The Woods Procedure." If you have no clue, look it up, and he and his team were the authors.

This procedure had to be followed to acquire ANY warrant from the FISA court, for anyone. The court said, OK!

Fast forward to the fiasco known as spygate. Under testimony from Bruce Ohr, it has been proven that he (Ohr) had spoken with Weismen about the dossier, and that it was NOT credible, while also being informed that the dossier was an opposition research piece done by the Clinton team.

Now then, if we also look into testimony from those on high from the FBI, it was stated by more than one person that there would NOT have been a FISA warrant without the inclusion of the dossier. (doubt me? Look it up yourselves)

So therefore-------->with Muellers team aware when they were installed, that the Woods Procedure could NOT have been followed to secure the FISA warrant by the testimony of those involved, it had to make the FISA warrant null and void. In other words------->the FBI acquired evidence ILLEGALLY, according to the procedure Bob Mueller himself put in place!

Now, let us put our thinking caps on, all of us, both Left and Right, just for a second------------->Do ANY of you find it strange, that just as a new AG is about to be installed that is NOT recused from the investigation, thus taking the lead from Rosenstein, that Bob Mueller is wrapping it all up?


Add to that, they got Trump, he is done, just ask the Leftists. So why then are the Democrats opening NEW investigations into everything other than Russia, he is already done, no need to, correct! He is already out of there!

If you can't put 2 and 2 together, you should not even be commenting on this board, honestly. I have a feeling that MANY Leftists on this board are smarter than what they are pretending to be, and know that unless they are very lucky, a huge sh** storm is brewing and coming their way.

As I have said in at least 2 other threads------------>this last month, will be the BEST month the Left will have for the next 24 months or so, and it wasn't all that good either-)
75 Incidences of Mueller Concealing Exculpatory Evidence from The FISA Court.
Because He didn't do that! The jerk who started this thread lied in his OP, FOOL!
Why isn't he Disbarred?
Because he did nothing wrong re: the topic you dummies are accusing him of, but more importantly, is Mueller a member of the bar?
Why isn't he Prosecuted?
Where's the fucking indictment, shit for brains? You're 22 slices short of a loaf!
From your article:

Most of the omissions occurred in FBI work that pre-dated Mueller’s arrival, the sources said. But the court wanted assurances the new sheriff in town was going to stop such widespread abuses.
Mueller told the court the FBI had created a new system called the Woods Procedures — named for the FBI lawyer who drafted them — to ensure FISA warrant applications were accurate and did not omit material information, according to Anderson’s congressional interview.

Taken at face value it seems Mueller cleaned up the situation you are concerned about.

But let's be real.

Yes....Let's be real...Mueller is an untrustworthy crook.

Howie Carr: Mueller's hands dirty in old FBI frame-up

We rightfully watch every last rich or connected Russian calling or operating in this country. If your campaign is talking turkey with Russian operatives you are going to get caught. Contacts continued even after our intelligence community decided to go public with a warning about Russian interference. We were spying on Russia, Russia spies on us, it's Trump's fault his campaign tried to team up with Putin.

View attachment 244545
Is this the kind of stuff you read for news? It's no wonder you can't tell what's real.
Mueller has already costed us tax payers millions of dollars for falsely knowingly putting innocent people in jail. That's his creditbility.

Mueller doesn't put people in jail. He gets the facts and a trial with a jury either convicts or acquits.

From your article:

Most of the omissions occurred in FBI work that pre-dated Mueller’s arrival, the sources said. But the court wanted assurances the new sheriff in town was going to stop such widespread abuses.
Mueller told the court the FBI had created a new system called the Woods Procedures — named for the FBI lawyer who drafted them — to ensure FISA warrant applications were accurate and did not omit material information, according to Anderson’s congressional interview.

Taken at face value it seems Mueller cleaned up the situation you are concerned about.

But let's be real.

Yes....Let's be real...Mueller is an untrustworthy crook.

Howie Carr: Mueller's hands dirty in old FBI frame-up

We rightfully watch every last rich or connected Russian calling or operating in this country. If your campaign is talking turkey with Russian operatives you are going to get caught. Contacts continued even after our intelligence community decided to go public with a warning about Russian interference. We were spying on Russia, Russia spies on us, it's Trump's fault his campaign tried to team up with Putin.

View attachment 244545
Is this the kind of stuff you read for news? It's no wonder you can't tell what's real.
Mueller has already costed us tax payers millions of dollars for falsely knowingly putting innocent people in jail. That's his creditbility.

Name one innocent person in jail

Mueller doesn't put people in jail. He gets the facts and a trial with a jury either convicts or acquits.

Carter was investigated but never charged with anything

If your innocent then you have nothing to worry about

If your guilty then your going to jail

Even that Russian girl who was affiliated with the NRA has plead guilty to being a spy

Manfort was found guilty by a jury of his peers
Dirty cops ........and politicians showing laws are for the peasants in this country.................they come in with massive force to take down a old man like Stone because he reported shit they didn't like..............hurt the ones they protect............who are guilty as hell............intimidate and bankrupt those who they want to nothing to those from the insiders club who do crimes..........and THEN SAY THIS IS JUSTICE...............

Let me be clear about my feelings about them.............FUCK MUELLER and the LOT OF THE DIRTY COPS............POLITICIANS.............

To the left know this shit is true...........and you defend

FUCK YOU TOO.........

From your article:

Most of the omissions occurred in FBI work that pre-dated Mueller’s arrival, the sources said. But the court wanted assurances the new sheriff in town was going to stop such widespread abuses.
Mueller told the court the FBI had created a new system called the Woods Procedures — named for the FBI lawyer who drafted them — to ensure FISA warrant applications were accurate and did not omit material information, according to Anderson’s congressional interview.

Taken at face value it seems Mueller cleaned up the situation you are concerned about.

But let's be real.

Yes....Let's be real...Mueller is an untrustworthy crook.

Howie Carr: Mueller's hands dirty in old FBI frame-up

We rightfully watch every last rich or connected Russian calling or operating in this country. If your campaign is talking turkey with Russian operatives you are going to get caught. Contacts continued even after our intelligence community decided to go public with a warning about Russian interference. We were spying on Russia, Russia spies on us, it's Trump's fault his campaign tried to team up with Putin.

View attachment 244545
Is this the kind of stuff you read for news? It's no wonder you can't tell what's real.
Mueller has already costed us tax payers millions of dollars for falsely knowingly putting innocent people in jail. That's his creditbility.

Mueller doesn't put people in jail. He gets the facts and a trial with a jury either convicts or acquits.

From your article:

Most of the omissions occurred in FBI work that pre-dated Mueller’s arrival, the sources said. But the court wanted assurances the new sheriff in town was going to stop such widespread abuses.
Mueller told the court the FBI had created a new system called the Woods Procedures — named for the FBI lawyer who drafted them — to ensure FISA warrant applications were accurate and did not omit material information, according to Anderson’s congressional interview.

Taken at face value it seems Mueller cleaned up the situation you are concerned about.

But let's be real.

Yes....Let's be real...Mueller is an untrustworthy crook.

Howie Carr: Mueller's hands dirty in old FBI frame-up

We rightfully watch every last rich or connected Russian calling or operating in this country. If your campaign is talking turkey with Russian operatives you are going to get caught. Contacts continued even after our intelligence community decided to go public with a warning about Russian interference. We were spying on Russia, Russia spies on us, it's Trump's fault his campaign tried to team up with Putin.

View attachment 244545
Is this the kind of stuff you read for news? It's no wonder you can't tell what's real.
Mueller has already costed us tax payers millions of dollars for falsely knowingly putting innocent people in jail. That's his creditbility.

Name one innocent person in jail

Mueller doesn't put people in jail. He gets the facts and a trial with a jury either convicts or acquits.

Carter was investigated but never charged with anything

If your innocent then you have nothing to worry about

If your guilty then your going to jail

Even that Russian girl who was affiliated with the NRA has plead guilty to being a spy

Manfort was found guilty by a jury of his peers
There were 4 Mueller put in jail by with holding evidence that would've proved their innocence. Maybe you will be so lucky to have the same done to you. Since you're supporting this kinda behavior.
There were 4 Mueller put in jail by with holding evidence that would've proved their innocence. Maybe you will be so lucky to have the same done to you. Since you're supporting this kinda behavior.

Link required...or are you just parotting something you heard on the radio
There were 4 Mueller put in jail by with holding evidence that would've proved their innocence. Maybe you will be so lucky to have the same done to you. Since you're supporting this kinda behavior.

Link required...or are you just parotting something you heard on the radio
Google it.
So you're full of shit.

What a surprise
Remain ignorant, your choice. That little incident cost us $101 million dollars.
There were 4 Mueller put in jail by with holding evidence that would've proved their innocence. Maybe you will be so lucky to have the same done to you. Since you're supporting this kinda behavior.

Link required...or are you just parotting something you heard on the radio
Google it.
So you're full of shit.

What a surprise
Remain ignorant, your choice. That little incident cost us $101 million dollars. are apparently full of shit...but we're used to it
There were 4 Mueller put in jail by with holding evidence that would've proved their innocence. Maybe you will be so lucky to have the same done to you. Since you're supporting this kinda behavior.

Link required...or are you just parotting something you heard on the radio
Google it.
So you're full of shit.

What a surprise
Remain ignorant, your choice. That little incident cost us $101 million dollars. are apparently full of shit...but we're used to it
Liberals think they are the most informed people. But you know nothing, maybe you should open your eyes and quit being ignorant. Mueller prosecuted 4 guys for murder. One died in jail before they were proven innocent. Like i said, continue being ignorant.
There were 4 Mueller put in jail by with holding evidence that would've proved their innocence. Maybe you will be so lucky to have the same done to you. Since you're supporting this kinda behavior.

Link required...or are you just parotting something you heard on the radio
Google it.
So you're full of shit.

What a surprise
Remain ignorant, your choice. That little incident cost us $101 million dollars. are apparently full of shit...but we're used to it
Still in spin from what I can gather. A real Lawyer bun fight!!

Andrew Weissman complaints dismissed

Link required...or are you just parotting something you heard on the radio
Google it.
So you're full of shit.

What a surprise
Remain ignorant, your choice. That little incident cost us $101 million dollars. are apparently full of shit...but we're used to it
Liberals think they are the most informed people. But you know nothing, maybe you should open your eyes and quit being ignorant. Mueller prosecuted 4 guys for murder. One died in jail before they were proven innocent. Like i said, continue being ignorant.

Hmmm,: the FBI definitely did but the Judge doesn't have any evidence that Mueller was involved. There is still some conjecture that he was though.

They continued to withhold the truth during commutation hearings for the men; each time the F.B.I. could have disclosed Mr. Barboza’s lie, it did not. In fact, the agency lobbied against clemency.

Much has been made about an assertion made by Michael Albano, the former mayor of Springfield, Mass., who served on the Massachusetts Parole Board in the 1980s. He has said repeatedly that he saw a letter from Mr. Mueller, written during the period while he was in the United States attorney’s office in Boston, opposing the release of one of the four men.

But no copy of that letter has ever been produced, and Mr. Dershowitz now says in a statement that several days after making his remarks on the Catsimatidis show, The Boston Globe “revealed for the first time to my knowledge that no such letter has been found. I never repeated the allegation after that.” Still, he said, “further investigation seems warranted, since absence of evidence is not conclusive evidence of absence, especially in government files.”

Perhaps. But an accusation of such gravity demands more. I found no such letter from Mr. Mueller in the commutation files in the court record. Neither did the lead trial lawyer for the plaintiffs, Ms. Balliro, who has a complete copy of the parole board files of all four men, which were produced in response to a subpoena before the trial. Other letters from federal prosecutors are in those files. But there was nothing from Mr. Mueller.

It wasn’t until the late 1990s that another federal judge, Mark Wolf, held hearings that revealed the F.B.I.’s refusal to inform the United States attorney in Boston that Mr. Bulger and his confederate Stephen Flemmi, brother of Vincent, were informants. In a report by the House Committee on Government Reform, which looked into the F.B.I.’s use of secret informants, the only reference to Mr. Mueller was a favorable one. He offered, as F.B.I. director, to work with the committee to reform the agency’s informant practices.

When Mr. Hannity and others say Mr. Mueller was responsible for the continued imprisonment of those four men, they are simply wrong — unless they have information that I, Ms. Balliro, the House investigators and the “Black Mass” authors did not and do not have. If they do, they should produce it. If they don’t, they should stop this campaign to discredit Mr. Mueller.

Nancy Gertner, a judge on the Federal District Court in Massachusetts from 1994 to 2011, is a senior lecturer at Harvard Law School.

Opinion | Smearing Robert Mueller

Mind you: it IS the NYTs.


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