Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

Yet Bob Mueller continues to work methodically and purposefully.
Don't be stupid...Mueller is shutting it down...this is it...some Russians sitting in their underwear on outdated computers....BUUUAAAAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his prosecutors haven’t concluded their investigation into whether President Donald Trump or any of his associates helped Russia interfere in the 2016 election, according to a person with knowledge of the probe.

Friday’s indictment of a St. Petersburg-based “troll farm” and 13 Russian nationals should be seen as a limited slice of a comprehensive investigation, the person said. Mueller’s work is expected to continue for months and also includes examining potential obstruction of justice by Trump, said the person, who requested anonymity to discuss an investigation that is largely confidential.

Mueller Still Investigating Possible Collusion, Source Says

tick tock

You idiots are pissing yourselves in fear because your man Mulehead hasn't been able to come up with a single shred of evidence trying Trump to Russia.. The IG report is going to be somewhat more interesting though. Can't wait for that one to come out.

Tick fucking tock. :biggrin:

you're projecting again

randians :rofl:

No projection, just stating the facts. How much longer do you really believe ol' Muelhead's "investigation" is going to go on? I know you leftards are banking everything you own on the possibility that by some miracle, he'll finally uncover the dirt on Trump.

But it ain't gonna happen. So then what? Fall back and regroup? Push the "He grabbed my pussy" narrative again?

Ya'll are pretty much screwed and you don't even know it. You're either too stupid or too bullheaded to give up your ignorant fantasy that "Hillary should have won the election."

But she didn't, and she never will be the President of this country. So suck it up, man up, and move on with your lives. Even your mentor Saul Alinsky knew you would reach this point when he wrote in his "Rules for Radicals", rule #7:

"A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."

You people have been pushing the same phony"Russia Russia Russia" narrative for over a year now, and absolutely nothing has come of it. Time to move on, pull up your big boy panties, and go on with your lives.
Pull your head out of the sand.
There was just a guilty plea announcement.
And Trump is likely being blackmailed.

what the Mueller investigation has already done:

  • Former national security adviser Michael Flynn has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russians during the 2016 campaign and is cooperating with the Mueller investigation.

  • Former foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russians during the 2016 campaign and is cooperating with the Mueller investigation.

  • Former deputy campaign chairman Rick Gates is reportedly on the verge of signing a plea agreement and cooperating with Mueller. Gates faces a variety of charges, including money laundering and other financial crimes.

  • Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort faces a variety of charges of financial crimes.

  • 13 Russians have been indicted on participating in a broad-scale attempt to throw the election to Trump.
Just makes more people for Mueller to flip.
Indeed. With Bannon giving up Kushner and Ivanka in countless hours of testimony he had this week in front of Mueller ( he hated those two) and these Russian Nationals being squeezed which members of the White House they worked with, theres going to be plenty more indictments coming down the road on the Trump Crime Family.

"Indeed. With Bannon giving up Kushner and Ivanka in countless hours of testimony he had this week in front of Mueller"

Prove it secret squirrel.

He HATES Jews... what do you think he talked to Mueller about for 20 hours?
i'm glad hillary didn't win

can't stand the woman

trump's a disaster though

like most normal people, i blame the republicans for running a six foot shitpile for president

13 indictments today, 3 guilty pleas previously and the investigaion rolls on

keep telling yourself it's nothing :thup:
we are now treated to russians being indicted by our special counel, and with exception of the special councel claiming there are no Americans involved there is nothing specific nor damning about any of this, just some wishful hoping on the part of some shamed closet hillary sycophants hurting endlessly while the special counsel investigation plods aimlessly along and Mueller looks for a face saving way out of this embarrassment....but you can keep pretending there was something in this fake news dump
View attachment 177209
Let's play Hold 'em...

Trump raises before the flop -- Mueller calls.

On the flop -

Manafort indicted - King of Clubs
Gates indicted - Jack of diamonds
Papadopolis pleads guilty - Ace of clubs

Trump bets, dares Mueller to raise. Which he cooly does... Trump re-raises. Mueller calls.

Flynn pleads guilty - Ace of diamonds

Trump bets, again dares Mueller to raise. Which he cooly does. Trump re-raises. Mueller calmly calls without hesitation.

Mueller interviews Bannon for 20 hours. - Ace of diamonds on the river.

Trump arrogantly boasts, 'Watch this' and is about to go all in when...

Mueller flashes his two hole cards to everyone still working at the WH and Trump's lawyers...


They collectively shake their heads FUCK NO! to Donald.

...Trump goes all in. Mueller calls. Trump throws down a Jack and a Two with a 'J' drawn on it in pencil...says, "full house, jacks over aces, I win." As he reaches for the pot, Mueller quietly lays his cards. Ivanka starts to cry...
Wow! So wasting tax payer money on Trump Russia hoax is a game to you. Sad!
Imagine being this stupid after all the indictments, guilty pleas and credible evidence linking the Trump campaign to Russia and still calling the investigation a “ hoax”
Just make sure you have a lot of drugs to take once Mueller releases his final report.

A meme from a story dated from way back in July, stating "Mueller expands probe to Trump's business transactions"?


I actually believe that "Reasonable" will kill himself if Mueller finds nothing on Trump.
That you think Trump hasnt done anything wrong like money laundering and that 11 of his people had direct contacts with Russians yet he didn’t direct them or have anything to do with it... is beyond the scope of human comprehension.
Dopes like you know nothing about Donald Trump of the last 45 years or you wouldn’t take the stance you do.
whitewater- 6 years, $50MM- no indictments

benghazi- 2 years, $7.8MM- no indictments

mueller- 9 months, $5MM, 13 indictments, 3 guilty pleas

cons- why is mueller pissing money away on nothing

rest of world- :rofl:

whitewater- 6 years, $50MM- no indictments

Wikipedia disagrees.

The Clintons were never charged with any crime. Fifteen other persons were convicted of more than 40 crimes, including Jim Guy Tucker, who was removed from office.[44]

  • Jim Guy Tucker: Governor of Arkansas at the time, removed from office (fraud, 3 counts)
  • John Haley: attorney for Jim Guy Tucker (tax evasion)
  • William J. Marks, Sr.: Jim Guy Tucker's business partner (conspiracy)
  • Stephen Smith: former Governor Clinton aide (conspiracy to misapply funds). Bill Clinton pardoned.
  • Webster Hubbell: Clinton political supporter; U.S. Associate Attorney General; Rose Law Firm partner (embezzlement, fraud)
  • Jim McDougal: banker, Clinton political supporter: (18 felonies, varied)
  • Susan McDougal: Clinton political supporter (multiple frauds). Bill Clinton pardoned.
  • David Hale: banker, self-proclaimed Clinton political supporter: (conspiracy, fraud)
  • Neal Ainley: Perry County Bank president (embezzled bank funds for Clinton campaign)
  • Chris Wade: Whitewater real estate broker (multiple loan fraud). Bill Clinton pardoned.
  • Larry Kuca: Madison real estate agent (multiple loan fraud)
  • Robert W. Palmer: Madison appraiser (conspiracy). Bill Clinton pardoned.
  • John Latham: Madison Bank CEO (bank fraud)
  • Eugene Fitzhugh: Whitewater defendant (multiple bribery)
  • Charles Matthews: Whitewater defendant (bribery)

Whitewater controversy - Wikipedia

How many got Clinton Pardons? More than 4?

Looks like he pardoned some of his friends........and?
View attachment 177209
Let's play Hold 'em...

Trump raises before the flop -- Mueller calls.

On the flop -

Manafort indicted - King of Clubs
Gates indicted - Jack of diamonds
Papadopolis pleads guilty - Ace of clubs

Trump bets, dares Mueller to raise. Which he cooly does... Trump re-raises. Mueller calls.

Flynn pleads guilty - Ace of diamonds

Trump bets, again dares Mueller to raise. Which he cooly does. Trump re-raises. Mueller calmly calls without hesitation.

Mueller interviews Bannon for 20 hours. - Ace of diamonds on the river.

Trump arrogantly boasts, 'Watch this' and is about to go all in when...

Mueller flashes his two hole cards to everyone still working at the WH and Trump's lawyers...


They collectively shake their heads FUCK NO! to Donald.

...Trump goes all in. Mueller calls. Trump throws down a Jack and a Two with a 'J' drawn on it in pencil...says, "full house, jacks over aces, I win." As he reaches for the pot, Mueller quietly lays his cards. Ivanka starts to cry...
Wow! So wasting tax payer money on Trump Russia hoax is a game to you. Sad!
Imagine being this stupid after all the indictments, guilty pleas and credible evidence linking the Trump campaign to Russia and still calling the investigation a “ hoax”
Just make sure you have a lot of drugs to take once Mueller releases his final report.

A meme from a story dated from way back in July, stating "Mueller expands probe to Trump's business transactions"?


I actually believe that "Reasonable" will kill himself if Mueller finds nothing on Trump.

There will no doubt be a lot of leftists on suicide watch by the time this is all over.
I don't know, it's hard for me to see any Trump ties to Russia, except for the Flynn thing,

and the Manafort thing,

And the Tillerson thing,

and the Sessions thing,

and the Kushner thing,

and the Carter page thing,

and the Roger Stone thing

and the Felix Sater thing,

and the Boris Epshteyn thing,

and the Rosneft thing,

and the Gazprom thing,

and the Sergey Gorkov thing,

and the Azerbaijan thing,

and the Donald Trump Jr. thing,

and the Sergey Kislyak thing,

and the Russian Affiliated Interests thing,

and the Russian Business Interests thing,

and the Emoluments clause thing,

and the Alex Schnaider thing,

and the DNC hack thing,

and the Guccifer 2.0 thing,

and the Mike Pence "I don't know anything" thing,

and the Russian mysteriously dying thing,

and the Trump's public request to hack Hillary's email thing,

and the Trump's house sale for $100 million at the bottom of the housing bust to the Russian fertilizer King thing,

and the Russian Fertilizer King's plane showing up in Concord, NC during Trump rally campaign thing,

and the Nuñes sudden flight to the White House in the night thing,

and the Nuñes personal investments in the Russian winery thing,

and the Cypress bank thing,

and the Trump not releasing his tax returns thing,

and the Republican party's rejection of an amendment to require Trump to show his taxes thing,

and the election hacking thing,

and the GOP platform change to the Ukraine thing,

and the Steele Dossier thing,

and the Leninist Bannon thing,

and the Sally Yates can't testify thing,

and the intelligence community's investigative reports thing,

and the Trump's constant reassurance that the Russian connection is all "fake news" thing,
All this tells anyone is that you have first hand knowledge of their things, would you care to tell us exactly what it is that that list will do to oust looks more like all those folks/things were investigated and ther is not one shred of evidence and you are trying to hide that by claiming that interviewing everyone without claiming to have proof of anything is proof there is something...that works on the left, folks with real education won't fall for that

Bwahaha you are a moron, oh look Russia also was against Trump

Indictment reveals Russians also organized anti-Trump rallies after election

Indictment reveals Russians also organized anti-Trump rallies after election

View attachment 177209
Let's play Hold 'em...

Trump raises before the flop -- Mueller calls.

On the flop -

Manafort indicted - King of Clubs
Gates indicted - Jack of diamonds
Papadopolis pleads guilty - Ace of clubs

Trump bets, dares Mueller to raise. Which he cooly does... Trump re-raises. Mueller calls.

Flynn pleads guilty - Ace of diamonds

Trump bets, again dares Mueller to raise. Which he cooly does. Trump re-raises. Mueller calmly calls without hesitation.

Mueller interviews Bannon for 20 hours. - Ace of diamonds on the river.

Trump arrogantly boasts, 'Watch this' and is about to go all in when...

Mueller flashes his two hole cards to everyone still working at the WH and Trump's lawyers...


They collectively shake their heads FUCK NO! to Donald.

...Trump goes all in. Mueller calls. Trump throws down a Jack and a Two with a 'J' drawn on it in pencil...says, "full house, jacks over aces, I win." As he reaches for the pot, Mueller quietly lays his cards. Ivanka starts to cry...
Wow! So wasting tax payer money on Trump Russia hoax is a game to you. Sad!
Imagine being this stupid after all the indictments, guilty pleas and credible evidence linking the Trump campaign to Russia and still calling the investigation a “ hoax”
Just make sure you have a lot of drugs to take once Mueller releases his final report.

A meme from a story dated from way back in July, stating "Mueller expands probe to Trump's business transactions"?


I actually believe that "Reasonable" will kill himself if Mueller finds nothing on Trump.
That you think Trump hasnt done anything wrong like money laundering and that 11 of his people had direct contacts with Russians yet he didn’t direct them or have anything to do with it... is beyond the scope of human comprehension.
Dopes like you know nothing about Donald Trump of the last 45 years or you wouldn’t take the stance you do.

I feel bad for you, I really do. You thrive on your hatred, it gives your life meaning. I don't know what he did or didn't do, what upsets you is that you keep getting asked to prove the shit you type and you can't. The only stance I have is this whole thing is a game. It's a show. You don't know what, or if Trump has done ANYTHING you only speculate and pray that he has.
i blame the republicans for running a six foot shitpile for president
See there's your mistake, you should be blaming the left as I do for running someone who could not beat a "six foot shitpile" [as you refer to it]..and that wasn't even enough for them, they had to rub our nose in it by informing the world that the candidate who could not beat [as you said] "a pile of shit" was the best and brightest they ever put forward...that is why you have trump as your president, no other reason
View attachment 177209
Let's play Hold 'em...

Trump raises before the flop -- Mueller calls.

On the flop -

Manafort indicted - King of Clubs
Gates indicted - Jack of diamonds
Papadopolis pleads guilty - Ace of clubs

Trump bets, dares Mueller to raise. Which he cooly does... Trump re-raises. Mueller calls.

Flynn pleads guilty - Ace of diamonds

Trump bets, again dares Mueller to raise. Which he cooly does. Trump re-raises. Mueller calmly calls without hesitation.

Mueller interviews Bannon for 20 hours. - Ace of diamonds on the river.

Trump arrogantly boasts, 'Watch this' and is about to go all in when...

Mueller flashes his two hole cards to everyone still working at the WH and Trump's lawyers...


They collectively shake their heads FUCK NO! to Donald.

...Trump goes all in. Mueller calls. Trump throws down a Jack and a Two with a 'J' drawn on it in pencil...says, "full house, jacks over aces, I win." As he reaches for the pot, Mueller quietly lays his cards. Ivanka starts to cry...
Wow! So wasting tax payer money on Trump Russia hoax is a game to you. Sad!
Imagine being this stupid after all the indictments, guilty pleas and credible evidence linking the Trump campaign to Russia and still calling the investigation a “ hoax”
Just make sure you have a lot of drugs to take once Mueller releases his final report.

A meme from a story dated from way back in July, stating "Mueller expands probe to Trump's business transactions"?


I actually believe that "Reasonable" will kill himself if Mueller finds nothing on Trump.
That you think Trump hasnt done anything wrong like money laundering and that 11 of his people had direct contacts with Russians yet he didn’t direct them or have anything to do with it... is beyond the scope of human comprehension.
Dopes like you know nothing about Donald Trump of the last 45 years or you wouldn’t take the stance you do.

Yeah we know Trump is a liberal and you are pissed because he has a (R) after his name and is now president
When Richard Nixon was about to be indicted he said he would never pardon himself “ because it’s not the right thing to do.”
Every last one of us know Trump would TRY to pardon himself because it’s not in his wheelhouse of “ doing the right thing.”

Did Ford lose his run for president over Pardoning Dicky?
Breaking just now, more will surly follow.

Eat that Orange Turd!
Seriously? LMGTFY

Is Fox not covering the indictment? It's "all over" the news channels I've looked at and it's "all over" the Internet.
OP posted a claim, I asked for a link to back up that claim. Too hard for you to understand? Not my job to do the OP's work.
As I wrote: Seriously?

Do you think the news that Mueller filed indictments against 13 Russians accusing them of having meddled in the 2016 election would be something that is (1) made up and (2) that looking at any news site, listening to any news radio show, or watching any news program would not be talking about?

How lazy are you? I could see the merit of your request were the OP-er to have remarked about some esoteric sh*t, but those indictments absolutely are not even close to such.
Seriously. If you're going to make a claim, back it up.
Click the link; you'll see I did.
View attachment 177209
Let's play Hold 'em...

Trump raises before the flop -- Mueller calls.

On the flop -

Manafort indicted - King of Clubs
Gates indicted - Jack of diamonds
Papadopolis pleads guilty - Ace of clubs

Trump bets, dares Mueller to raise. Which he cooly does... Trump re-raises. Mueller calls.

Flynn pleads guilty - Ace of diamonds

Trump bets, again dares Mueller to raise. Which he cooly does. Trump re-raises. Mueller calmly calls without hesitation.

Mueller interviews Bannon for 20 hours. - Ace of diamonds on the river.

Trump arrogantly boasts, 'Watch this' and is about to go all in when...

Mueller flashes his two hole cards to everyone still working at the WH and Trump's lawyers...


They collectively shake their heads FUCK NO! to Donald.

...Trump goes all in. Mueller calls. Trump throws down a Jack and a Two with a 'J' drawn on it in pencil...says, "full house, jacks over aces, I win." As he reaches for the pot, Mueller quietly lays his cards. Ivanka starts to cry...
Wow! So wasting tax payer money on Trump Russia hoax is a game to you. Sad!
Imagine being this stupid after all the indictments, guilty pleas and credible evidence linking the Trump campaign to Russia and still calling the investigation a “ hoax”
Just make sure you have a lot of drugs to take once Mueller releases his final report.

A meme from a story dated from way back in July, stating "Mueller expands probe to Trump's business transactions"?


I actually believe that "Reasonable" will kill himself if Mueller finds nothing on Trump.
That you think Trump hasnt done anything wrong like money laundering and that 11 of his people had direct contacts with Russians yet he didn’t direct them or have anything to do with it... is beyond the scope of human comprehension.
Dopes like you know nothing about Donald Trump of the last 45 years or you wouldn’t take the stance you do.

Obviously you know very little about him either. Nor do you know much about Putin.

Putin plays 5th dimension chess while riding a polar bear with his shirt off. Obviously he is so much in charge that he's deceived the hell out of us. He's like ten steps ahead of President Trump in the OODA loop.

Having his puppet Trump bomb that Syrian air base while having diner with the Chinese leader was a fantastic piece of strategy by Putin, yup.

Just makes more people for Mueller to flip.
Indeed. With Bannon giving up Kushner and Ivanka in countless hours of testimony he had this week in front of Mueller ( he hated those two) and these Russian Nationals being squeezed which members of the White House they worked with, theres going to be plenty more indictments coming down the road on the Trump Crime Family.

"Indeed. With Bannon giving up Kushner and Ivanka in countless hours of testimony he had this week in front of Mueller"

Prove it secret squirrel.
Lol. I see you’re real proud of not knowing anything that has gone down in the White House this past year. Bannon hasn’t concealed his contempt for Jarvanka, and how he feels they are a detriment with their lack of experience and political knowledge.
Are you really also questioning Bannon didn’t spend many hours testifying in front of Mueller this week?
There is film with him going into Mueller’s chambers and him leaving.
It’s funny Trump whores always know so little about what the hell is going on.
Trump admitted obstruction of justice live on TV during his Lester Holt interview yet the Trump cult still think he’s completely innocent.

You just can’t make shit like this up.
You have to read it to believe it.
  • Thanks
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Just makes more people for Mueller to flip.
Indeed. With Bannon giving up Kushner and Ivanka in countless hours of testimony he had this week in front of Mueller ( he hated those two) and these Russian Nationals being squeezed which members of the White House they worked with, theres going to be plenty more indictments coming down the road on the Trump Crime Family.

"Indeed. With Bannon giving up Kushner and Ivanka in countless hours of testimony he had this week in front of Mueller"

Prove it secret squirrel.
Lol. I see you’re real proud of not knowing anything that has gone down in the White House this past year. Bannon hasn’t concealed his contempt for Jarvanka, and how he feels they are a detriment with their lack of experience and political knowledge.
Are you really also questioning Bannon didn’t spend many hours testifying in front of Mueller this week?
There is film with him going into Mueller’s chambers and him leaving.
It’s funny Trump whores always know so little about what the hell is going on.

You just keep digging a deeper hole. Proud? No, unlike you I'm not a partisan and I don't speculate and pretend I'm right. I don't care what Bannon did, but you have NO idea what he did or didn't say. You strut around here pounding your chest but never, and I mean NEVER can prove anything. That truly makes you look stupid.
Seriously. If you're going to make a claim, back it up.

that there were indictments? :rofl:
I asked OP for a link to the claim. Someone got their panties in a wad over it.

you don't find it trollish to demand a link for breaking news. are you the only person in the country who isn't on the internet (which you clearly are) or isn't getting news on your phone?


here bubbalah... the indictment is in the link.

Read: Mueller’s indictment of Russians for interfering with US elections
My life doesn't revolve around my cell phone. Sorry to hear that yours does. There's more to life than a cell phone.

how is getting information having my live "revolve" around my cell phone?

my life REVOLVES around my family and my friends.

demanding proof of easily found news is what I've found to be a new rightwingnut way of trolling.
demanding proof of easily found news is what I've found to be a new rightwingnut way of trolling.
....Thank you!
Last edited:
View attachment 177209
Wow! So wasting tax payer money on Trump Russia hoax is a game to you. Sad!
Imagine being this stupid after all the indictments, guilty pleas and credible evidence linking the Trump campaign to Russia and still calling the investigation a “ hoax”
Just make sure you have a lot of drugs to take once Mueller releases his final report.

A meme from a story dated from way back in July, stating "Mueller expands probe to Trump's business transactions"?


I actually believe that "Reasonable" will kill himself if Mueller finds nothing on Trump.
That you think Trump hasnt done anything wrong like money laundering and that 11 of his people had direct contacts with Russians yet he didn’t direct them or have anything to do with it... is beyond the scope of human comprehension.
Dopes like you know nothing about Donald Trump of the last 45 years or you wouldn’t take the stance you do.

Yeah we know Trump is a liberal and you are pissed because he has a (R) after his name and is now president

Really? WOW!

Yet the Trumpidiots still insist there’s “ no Russian connection”.
If there were we would have heard about it this morning...Trump's attorneys are celebrating right now...Breaking news it's over...

Where do u think Mueller got all those names...God? This is just phase 1. He still needs to interview the Liar in Chief...who by the traveling alone these days.

Maybe Melanie is divorcing his fat ass?

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