Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

Trump admitted obstruction of justice live on TV during his Lester Holt interview yet the Trump cult still think he’s completely innocent.

You just can’t make shit like this up.
You have to read it to believe it.

Post it kid. If you're referring to him firing Comey you're a bigger idiot than I know you are now.
Mr. President, with the recent indictments, what are the new sanctions against Russia and Russian oligarchs
going to be?

every American should be paying very close attention to the answer...
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Yet the Trumpidiots still insist there’s “ no Russian connection”.
If there were we would have heard about it this morning...Trump's attorneys are celebrating right now...Breaking news it's over...

Where do u think Mueller got all those names...God? This is just phase 1. He still needs to interview the Liar in Chief...who by the traveling alone these days.

Maybe Melanie is divorcing his fat ass?

Good lord. EVERY piece of information communicated is scooped up by the NSA. Every text, every phone call, every Social Media post.
View attachment 177209 Imagine being this stupid after all the indictments, guilty pleas and credible evidence linking the Trump campaign to Russia and still calling the investigation a “ hoax”
Just make sure you have a lot of drugs to take once Mueller releases his final report.

A meme from a story dated from way back in July, stating "Mueller expands probe to Trump's business transactions"?


I actually believe that "Reasonable" will kill himself if Mueller finds nothing on Trump.
That you think Trump hasnt done anything wrong like money laundering and that 11 of his people had direct contacts with Russians yet he didn’t direct them or have anything to do with it... is beyond the scope of human comprehension.
Dopes like you know nothing about Donald Trump of the last 45 years or you wouldn’t take the stance you do.

Yeah we know Trump is a liberal and you are pissed because he has a (R) after his name and is now president

Really? WOW!


Wait, you are trying to make the case that Bill Clinton kept his vows? You don't out much do you?
Yet Bob Mueller continues to work methodically and purposefully.
Don't be stupid...Mueller is shutting it down...this is it...some Russians sitting in their underwear on outdated computers....BUUUAAAAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his prosecutors haven’t concluded their investigation into whether President Donald Trump or any of his associates helped Russia interfere in the 2016 election, according to a person with knowledge of the probe.

Friday’s indictment of a St. Petersburg-based “troll farm” and 13 Russian nationals should be seen as a limited slice of a comprehensive investigation, the person said. Mueller’s work is expected to continue for months and also includes examining potential obstruction of justice by Trump, said the person, who requested anonymity to discuss an investigation that is largely confidential.

Mueller Still Investigating Possible Collusion, Source Says

tick tock

You idiots are pissing yourselves in fear because your man Mulehead hasn't been able to come up with a single shred of evidence trying Trump to Russia.. The IG report is going to be somewhat more interesting though. Can't wait for that one to come out.

Tick fucking tock. :biggrin:
I see you know NOTHING about how federal investigations work. They don’t go after the top guy first and work down the food chain... they do just the opposite.

I don't know, it's hard for me to see any Trump ties to Russia, except for the Flynn thing,

and the Manafort thing,

And the Tillerson thing,

and the Sessions thing,

and the Kushner thing,

and the Carter page thing,

and the Roger Stone thing

and the Felix Sater thing,

and the Boris Epshteyn thing,

and the Rosneft thing,

and the Gazprom thing,

and the Sergey Gorkov thing,

and the Azerbaijan thing,

and the Donald Trump Jr. thing,

and the Sergey Kislyak thing,

and the Russian Affiliated Interests thing,

and the Russian Business Interests thing,

and the Emoluments clause thing,

and the Alex Schnaider thing,

and the DNC hack thing,

and the Guccifer 2.0 thing,

and the Mike Pence "I don't know anything" thing,

and the Russian mysteriously dying thing,

and the Trump's public request to hack Hillary's email thing,

and the Trump's house sale for $100 million at the bottom of the housing bust to the Russian fertilizer King thing,

and the Russian Fertilizer King's plane showing up in Concord, NC during Trump rally campaign thing,

and the Nuñes sudden flight to the White House in the night thing,

and the Nuñes personal investments in the Russian winery thing,

and the Cypress bank thing,

and the Trump not releasing his tax returns thing,

and the Republican party's rejection of an amendment to require Trump to show his taxes thing,

and the election hacking thing,

and the GOP platform change to the Ukraine thing,

and the Steele Dossier thing,

and the Leninist Bannon thing,

and the Sally Yates can't testify thing,

and the intelligence community's investigative reports thing,

and the Trump's constant reassurance that the Russian connection is all "fake news" thing,

So there's probably nothing there since the swamp has been drained, these people would never lie and all of this must be normal just a bunch of separate dots with absolutely no connection.

I want more ALT-Facts in my DOPer world..
I’m always amazed how little the cult knows. Every time I come to this forum they’re asking for links on common basic information that’s been available for weeks.
Then I turn to Fox News on occasion for laughs and see they avoid the Russian investigation like the plague and if they even mention it, they have that nazi Sebastian Gorka or some Trump tool putting it now.
It’s not surprising many employees at Fox revolted and complained how the station wasn’t carrying any vital information on the Russian investigation.
It’s their job to avoid talking critically about it and to post only news that will make fat boy happy.
Mr. President, with the recent indictments, what are the new sanctions against Russia and Russian oligarchs
going to be?

every American should be paying very close attention to the answer...

Why should their be new sanctions for what?

Fake sock accounts on FB posting truthful memes like this?

Just makes more people for Mueller to flip.
Indeed. With Bannon giving up Kushner and Ivanka in countless hours of testimony he had this week in front of Mueller ( he hated those two) and these Russian Nationals being squeezed which members of the White House they worked with, theres going to be plenty more indictments coming down the road on the Trump Crime Family.

"Indeed. With Bannon giving up Kushner and Ivanka in countless hours of testimony he had this week in front of Mueller"

Prove it secret squirrel.
Lol. I see you’re real proud of not knowing anything that has gone down in the White House this past year. Bannon hasn’t concealed his contempt for Jarvanka, and how he feels they are a detriment with their lack of experience and political knowledge.
Are you really also questioning Bannon didn’t spend many hours testifying in front of Mueller this week?
There is film with him going into Mueller’s chambers and him leaving.
It’s funny Trump whores always know so little about what the hell is going on.

You just keep digging a deeper hole. Proud? No, unlike you I'm not a partisan and I don't speculate and pretend I'm right. I don't care what Bannon did, but you have NO idea what he did or didn't say. You strut around here pounding your chest but never, and I mean NEVER can prove anything. That truly makes you look stupid.
Thanks for proving once again how uninformed you are and take offense to those who are informed.
It’s no secret Bannon hated Jarvanka and even wanted them out of the White House.
He’s done interviews explaining his distaste of them.
Do you really think he wouldn’t dish all the dirt he has on them to Mueller?
You are an incredibly uninformed stupid man but the amusing thing is you appear proud of it.
I'm Bobby Mueller and I was warrantlessly hired to take down the elected POTUS. After a year I found some naughty Russian boys sending out mixed messages on the internet.
Can I go now?
Just makes more people for Mueller to flip.
Indeed. With Bannon giving up Kushner and Ivanka in countless hours of testimony he had this week in front of Mueller ( he hated those two) and these Russian Nationals being squeezed which members of the White House they worked with, theres going to be plenty more indictments coming down the road on the Trump Crime Family.

"Indeed. With Bannon giving up Kushner and Ivanka in countless hours of testimony he had this week in front of Mueller"

Prove it secret squirrel.
Lol. I see you’re real proud of not knowing anything that has gone down in the White House this past year. Bannon hasn’t concealed his contempt for Jarvanka, and how he feels they are a detriment with their lack of experience and political knowledge.
Are you really also questioning Bannon didn’t spend many hours testifying in front of Mueller this week?
There is film with him going into Mueller’s chambers and him leaving.
It’s funny Trump whores always know so little about what the hell is going on.

You just keep digging a deeper hole. Proud? No, unlike you I'm not a partisan and I don't speculate and pretend I'm right. I don't care what Bannon did, but you have NO idea what he did or didn't say. You strut around here pounding your chest but never, and I mean NEVER can prove anything. That truly makes you look stupid.
Thanks for proving once again how uninformed you are and take offense to those who are informed.
It’s no secret Bannon hated Jarvanka and even wanted them out of the White House.
He’s done interviews explaining his distaste of them.
Do you really think he wouldn’t dish all the dirt he has on them to Mueller?
You are an incredibly uninformed stupid man but the amusing thing is you appear proud of it.

You just keep digging a deeper hole. Proud? No, unlike you I'm not a partisan and I don't speculate and pretend I'm right. I don't care what Bannon did, but you have NO idea what he did or didn't say. You strut around here pounding your chest but never, and I mean NEVER can prove anything. That truly makes you look stupid.
Don't get it, mostly every one knows that Russia tried to mess with us, that something is being done to try & stop them is good, yes?
lets not just assume Trump is involved. Happy to have some push back on Russia getting involved in our elections.
Breaking just now, more will surly follow.
where is the "more to surly follow"? if there is anything to this story more will surly

Eat that Orange Turd!
Is it ok if I assume you mean trump? lol...what does trump have to do with any of this?
What does Trump have to do with all of this!
No you didn’t just say that.
Thanks for proving my point you cult members love being kept in the dark from facts and seek out the media making certain you’ll stay as uninformed as you are.
Trump admitted obstruction of justice live on TV during his Lester Holt interview yet the Trump cult still think he’s completely innocent.

You just can’t make shit like this up.
You have to read it to believe it.

Team Douche is making all the thangs up, LIES, to cover their crimes..

BULLSHIT - What they said was that no Americans were involved in this troll farm operation, not that no one was involved in Kremlin's other operations.

there isn't anyone on the planet more tedious than trumptards......

Mueller Indicts Trump’s Claim That Russian Interference Is ‘Fake News’

Russia probe lawyers think Mueller could indict Trump

Too bad for you butthurt snowflakes that that is as close as you will ever get.
Trump not indicted, DOJ says no Americans were involved. Swing and a miss you hack libtards here let me laugh in your face :auiqs.jpg:
Just makes more people for Mueller to flip.
Indeed. With Bannon giving up Kushner and Ivanka in countless hours of testimony he had this week in front of Mueller ( he hated those two) and these Russian Nationals being squeezed which members of the White House they worked with, theres going to be plenty more indictments coming down the road on the Trump Crime Family.

"Indeed. With Bannon giving up Kushner and Ivanka in countless hours of testimony he had this week in front of Mueller"

Prove it secret squirrel.
Lol. I see you’re real proud of not knowing anything that has gone down in the White House this past year. Bannon hasn’t concealed his contempt for Jarvanka, and how he feels they are a detriment with their lack of experience and political knowledge.
Are you really also questioning Bannon didn’t spend many hours testifying in front of Mueller this week?
There is film with him going into Mueller’s chambers and him leaving.
It’s funny Trump whores always know so little about what the hell is going on.

You just keep digging a deeper hole. Proud? No, unlike you I'm not a partisan and I don't speculate and pretend I'm right. I don't care what Bannon did, but you have NO idea what he did or didn't say. You strut around here pounding your chest but never, and I mean NEVER can prove anything. That truly makes you look stupid.
Thanks for proving once again how uninformed you are and take offense to those who are informed.
It’s no secret Bannon hated Jarvanka and even wanted them out of the White House.
He’s done interviews explaining his distaste of them.
Do you really think he wouldn’t dish all the dirt he has on them to Mueller?
You are an incredibly uninformed stupid man but the amusing thing is you appear proud of it.


What are you a 19 year old girl?

Thanks for proving once again how uninformed you are and take offense to those who are informed.
It’s no secret Bannon hated Jarvanka and even wanted them out of the White House.
He’s done interviews explaining his distaste of them.
Do you really think he wouldn’t dish all the dirt he has on them to Mueller?
You are an incredibly uninformed stupid man but the amusing thing is you appear proud of it.
Tell us specifically what it is that you know that no one else does, show the proof and how you came by it, and the "everyone knows blah blah blah" routine isn't going to cut it
RE: 13 Russians Indicted By Mueller For Election Tampering
※→ Reasonable, et al,

I can agree that some of this speculation might be accurate. But, back, immediately after the election, there were some serious allegations made with no reason to believe that any of it was true.

Based on what we know now, it is just as likely that Americans, unhappy with the Presidential Election, created the allegations in order to damage the President and the White House ability to function. It is just as likely that the Special Prosecutor is an unwitting marionette to further damage the government.

There are basically three kinds of crimes Mueller’s team might uncover. The first is crimes directly related to the election — if the Trump team engaged in a criminal conspiracy to help hack Hillary Clinton’s email (stealing documents is illegal) or violated campaign finance laws by soliciting help from a foreign source, for example. The second kind is crimes committed during the investigation itself: witness intimidation, perjury, obstruction of justice, and the like. And the third is crimes committed by Trumpworld members even before they joined the campaign.

Trump could soon be forced into a terrible choice. Either he risks a close associate or family member going to jail — or potentially making a deal with federal prosecutors in return for testimony that could incriminate others — or he uses the presidential pardon power to shield them from federal charges.

It’s clear that Mueller has the legal authority to bring charges against any of Trump’s family members or associates. But there’s (yet another) legal debate as to whether it’s constitutional for prosecutors to indict the president himself on criminal charges. ( Ken Starr and many others have said yes he can that no person is above the law.) No president has ever been indicted on serious criminal charges by a state or federal attorney, so we have no Supreme Court precedent to answer the question — just legal theory.

Mueller would likely sidestep that whole minefield and do something that’s clearly within his powers: make a report to the House of Representatives that documents evidence of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” the constitutional standard for impeachment. If the evidence in Mueller’s report really were damning, it would put a lot of pressure on the House to begin impeachment proceedings.

I think I all need to look at facts and not speculate beyond the actual facts and events.

I don't see a connection yet between the indited Russians and the Moscow Government (not an agent of a foreign power).

I don't see a conspiracy between the indited Russians and Americans to knowingly further or advance some evil agenda. What do the Russian get out of this? Usually (not always) a crime in cyberspace is committed for some sort of gain.

I'm not a Sherlock Holmes. I wish someone would fit the pieces together for me and explain who did what to whom? Why they did it? What damage did they cause? Who was injured? Who profited and how?

I want to know how these indictments uncovered a threat to national security?

The Allegation was:

• U.S. Intelligence Community was confident that the Russian Government directed recent hacking of e-mails with the intention of interfering with the U.S. election process.

• It was claimed that Russian leadership favored presidential candidate Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton, and that Russian president Vladimir Putin personally ordered an "influence campaign" to harm Clinton's electoral chances and "undermine public faith in the US democratic process.​

I don't want to hear about some scam that a Russian mini-cyber mafia is doing. I want to feel confident that the resources that America layed down on this investigation either "proves" or "disproves" that there is cause to believe that the Allegations were true.

I did not know that it was illegal to lie on the internet and social media. We better be careful about that, because once we make it a crime, we'll have to live with it.

Most Respectfully,
Breaking just now, more will surly follow.
where is the "more to surly follow"? if there is anything to this story more will surly

Eat that Orange Turd!
Is it ok if I assume you mean trump? lol...what does trump have to do with any of this?
What does Trump have to do with all of this!
No you didn’t just say that.
Thanks for proving my point you cult members love being kept in the dark from facts and seek out the media making certain you’ll stay as uninformed as you are.

Dude, seriously. You need to learn to think for yourself and quit letting your sock-puppet media tell you what to believe.

They're lying to you and people are laughing at you.

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