Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

J Galt: preaching one conspiracy theory after another.
Me: what sources do you use
JGalt: won’t say.

Trump cult: JGalt is the winner of this thread.
FISA is not legal. Neither is DACA.

That is why they have to be renewed.

They both are a temporary suspension of our rights and the law.

We are under Quasi Martial Law.

We have been under this Quasi Martial Law since 911.

Why in The Hell do you think you are allowed to be searched at an airport without a warrant?

Are you people that fucking stupid you can’t see this?

The Fusion GPS Dossier isn’t an attack on Our Democracy?

Please explain that one!!!
Research is just research

Especially when it’s full of lies and Russian Propaganda and your FBI knowing that Obama, Clinton and The DNC Paid Putin for this Russian Propaganda still used it to File False Affidavits to unlawfully apply for a FISA surveillance warrant to spy on a rival Presidential Campaign for the first time in history?

Nah, that’s not interfering in an election at all...

You must smoke some really good dope!

Information Warefare is Hell Son!

Oh, you are still stuck on the FISA thing. Ya, that was legal, actually. Even Nunes voted to reauthorize FISA

Mitch McConnell renewed FISA two years ago.
“Make no mistake, Section 702 does not allow the targeting of American citizens. Nor does it permit the targeting of anyone –no matter their nationality—who is known to be located here in the U.S.”

"Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Mark Udall (D-Colo.) last year raised alarm at the possibility of a loophole in section 702 that "could be used to circumvent traditional warrant protections and search for the communications of a potentially large number of American citizens." This is because the FISA Amendments Act does not require the government to identify targets of their surveillance."

"This is because the FISA Amendments Act does not require the government to identify targets of their surveillance."

Here's The Law The Obama Administration Is Using As Legal Justification For Broad Surveillance

The NSA collects EVERYTHING. Phone calls, Texts, Social Media posts. EVERYTHING is stored in a facility in Utah.

The Utah Data Center, also known as the Intelligence Community Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative Data Center,[1] is a data storage facility for the United States Intelligence Community that is designed to store data estimated to be on the order of exabytes or larger.[2] Its purpose is to support the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI), though its precise mission is classified.[3] The National Security Agency (NSA) leads operations at the facility as the executive agent for the Director of National Intelligence.[4] It is located at Camp Williams near Bluffdale, Utah, between Utah Lake and Great Salt Lake and was completed in May 2014 at a cost of $1.5 billion.[5]

Utah Data Center - Wikipedia

"The data center is alleged to be able to process "all forms of communication, including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Internet searches, as well as all types of personal data trails — parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases, and other digital 'pocket litter'."[6] In response to claims that the data center would be used to illegally monitor email of U.S. citizens, in April 2013 an NSA spokesperson said, "Many unfounded allegations have been made about the planned activities of the Utah Data Center, ... one of the biggest misconceptions about NSA is that we are unlawfully listening in on, or reading emails of, U.S. citizens. This is simply not the case."[4] This statement was made two months prior to the document leak that revealed the existence of the PRISM program (below). Some members of the public question the credibility of official statements like Bamford's, above, in light of the revelations made in the following two paragraphs herein, and in light of the revelations made in the following two months after his statement was made."

I'd recommend research into "Prism" and "Echelon".
Just because Nunez voted for that does not mean that it is the right thing to do.

FISA is Illegal

Once you give up your rights to The Government, allow them to have Secret Courts, Abbrogate your right to privacy and allow them to spy on you, allow them to engage in warrantless searches and seizures, they are not giving you those rights back.

BTW The Patriot Act is also Illegal and Unconstitutional!

What do you call going to The Airport being searched, and having your property seized if TSA chooses to do so?

That is search and seizure without a Warrant

Welcome to The End Times my friends

Peace and Safety!
The Fusion GPS Dossier isn’t an attack on Our Democracy?

Please explain that one!!!

That's exactly the point, moron. None of the things you dumbasses get hysterical about are crimes or even anything to be concerned about.
Oh no, who should be concerned about foreign efforts to defraud our elections. Why should anyone be concerned the countries election was attack. Preserve and defend blah blah
Research is just research

Especially when it’s full of lies and Russian Propaganda and your FBI knowing that Obama, Clinton and The DNC Paid Putin for this Russian Propaganda still used it to File False Affidavits to unlawfully apply for a FISA surveillance warrant to spy on a rival Presidential Campaign for the first time in history?

Nah, that’s not interfering in an election at all...

You must smoke some really good dope!

Information Warefare is Hell Son!

Oh, you are still stuck on the FISA thing. Ya, that was legal, actually. Even Nunes voted to reauthorize FISA
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Crazy Bernie is eerily quiet today. Is it the embezzling on vacation homes? Perhaps now his campaign is connected to Russian collusion! Wow!
Ok genius. List your media sources where you get your information from.
If I just give a list of names with the word "thing" after it and a number next to it as you did will that be proof enough for you?, in case the answer is yes her it is
media thing 1
media thing 72

there ya go, all the proof you require

Watch the coward pretend he didn’t see this post.

oh wait, I see what you did there, you tricked me into answering you by challenging my courage and I fell for it, I feel so ashamed
You’re so fucking stupid you don’t even realize I was talking to JGalt.
But I see you’re also too chickenshit to list your sources too.
The comedy never ends here with the cultists.
After one year of wasting money

That's all they got?

13 russians?


And Russians who won't be extradited!

Maybe Hillaryous can give back some Clintoon cash and ask Putin if he will send them to America.

You know, reset and all that kind of shit.
Russian Constitution doesn't allow to extradite Russian citizens abroad. I'm sure Mueller knows that and has already calculated his next step to put all the blame for alleged interference on Putin for "covering the crooks who interfered in US election" and thus to kill two birds with one stone: to make liberals happy and to secure his sorry as* (in other words to justify ZERO results of his "investigation" = witch hunting especially, since all those witches are in Russia).
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so i guess they're all gonna load up in a russian jet and come back over here and let us prosecute.


then this is just a political move and i'm so sick of those.

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