Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

These "indictments" have nothing to do with ANY American's.
It clearly shows something your POS president won’t admit. That Russians not only subverted our democracy in 2016 but they’re among us right now attempting more anti democracy shenanigans.

Top Intelligence Chiefs this week: Russia is already interfering in our midterms.

Yet our Russian whore president still won’t install sanctions against Russia and is afraid to hurt Vladamir’s feelings.

No Dip Shit….

What it proves is that the Russians wanted

to spread discourse and you Whack job liberals used

their Bull Shit for an excuse for your pathetic candidates loss.

It was the Russian Whore obama that scoffed at mitt romney

over the Russians, it was the Russian Whore Obama that told

Dmitry Medvedev to tell Vladimir Putin he would have more

Flexibility after the election.. It was that fat slut hillary

that sold uranium to the Russians…..
Thank you Alex Jones for your daily conspiracy theories.

It's all fact Dip Shit...
If you and Sham Hannity says it it must be true.

That's right Butt drip...
My heart goes out to Hillary Clinton. She was so unfairly cheated out of the presidency. History will clearly reflect that.

She was both highly qualified and flawed--too smart for her own good + hubris. Similar to Nixon in many ways.

There were events beyond her control, however, it's easy to blame the outcome of a baseball game on a really bad call in the 9th and forget about leaving runners stranded in the early innings.

I understand why she had her own email server, but she must have known the risks. To not be aware how it was going to look, that was hubris which ultimately lead to moderates staying home, lower turnout in districts Obama won, and a huge number of Green and Libertarian "protest" votes in key states. It was her election to lose.

Obama's stoicism made him go out of his way to not even appear to tip the scales. (which he's being accused of anyway) -- no good deed...

It took NaziCons, Russians, and Comey to beat her. She's one hell of a woman.
If the Russians meddled in our elections we need to indict them and prosecute them. We don't need foreign influence in our elections. Outsiders that try to tell Americans who to vote for or inject their worthless opinions need to butt out.
Russia spends $1.5 million A MONTH for over 2 years warping the single brain cell of Republican Trump supporters.

they god damn sure got their moneys worth.

big problem - now they're exposed- the election is over - but the investigation ISN'T .. NOT BY A LONG SHOT

Oh, this is going to be interesting.

Fake news is reporting Rosenstein is going to announce these charges today.

I can't wait to see what these charges are. So now buying adds disparaging Hillaryous is now a crime. Free speech unless you're Russian.

Rosenstein stated no person contacted by Russians knew they were being contacted by Russians who were trying to influence the election.

Go pound sand, libtardos, if they had any thing on Trump they'd have announced it.

Sure looks like a back-door attempt by Mueller to run and hide.

The Nunes Memo made it untenable to continue the 'War on Trump,' and he needed to find a way out of the corner they had painted themselves into, before a second special prosecutor was put in place to send the conspirators to jail.

That's why Rosenstein made a point of stating "no one wittingly colluded with Russians"

There was no need to make that statement unless he was trying to create an avenue which would give them cover.

And this:

”Rosenstein said his team has not had communication with Russia about the indictments and would go through normal channels for the extradition of those indicted. However, the U.S. government has no extradition treaty with Russia. In the past, Russia has not cooperated with these requests.”
Mueller Indicts 13 Russians Accused of Election Meddling

Leaving all those dunces who wished, hoped, yearned for an attack on Trump, with egg on their ugly kissers.
/——/ OOOPSIE- This just in:
Indictment reveals Russians also organized anti-Trump rallies after election

By Alex Pappas
Published February 16, 2018

The Russians indicted for meddling in the 2016 presidential contest were also behind anti-Trump rallies after the election, prosecutors said Friday, revealing another aspect of Russia’s alleged interference as it worked to sow discord in the United States.
TRUMP: 'I really believe' Putin 'means it' when he says Russia didn't interfere in the election
13 Russians Indicted for U.S. Election Interference

So what? I believe YOU believe all the bullshit YOU post too. That doesn't mean I believe your bullshit.

he saw your big bold font and raised you a big bold font.

its gonna get ugly from here.

People that have little dicks like to use big fonts. LOL!
My heart goes out to Hillary Clinton. She was so unfairly cheated out of the presidency. History will clearly reflect that.

She was both highly qualified and flawed--too smart for her own good + hubris. Similar to Nixon in many ways.

There were events beyond her control, however, it's easy to blame the outcome of a baseball game on a really bad call in the 9th and forget about leaving runners stranded in the early innings.

I understand why she had her own email server, but she must have known the risks. To not be aware how it was going to look, that was hubris which ultimately lead to moderates staying home, lower turnout in districts Obama won, and a huge number of Green and Libertarian "protest" votes in key states. It was her election to lose.

Obama's stoicism made him go out of his way to not even appear to tip the scales. (which he's being accused of anyway) -- no good deed...

It took NaziCons, Russians, and Comey to beat her. She's one hell of a woman.
Special counsel court filing reveals new bank fraud allegations against Manafort - CNNPolitics

Special counsel Robert Mueller's office dropped more potentially damning details -- from an allegation of "additional criminal conduct" to personal financial troubles -- in a response to Paul Manafort's request to change his bail proposal on Friday.

The newly discovered alleged criminal conduct "includes a series of bank frauds and bank fraud conspiracies," a filing from the special counsel's office said on Friday night.
No new charges have been filed in open court against Manafort since he pleaded not guilty to nine counts of money laundering and making false statements about his business on October 30. But CNN has reported that additional indictments against the former Trump campaign chairman are being prepared.

In their filing Friday, prosecutors allege Manafort received a $9 million mortgage on a house of his in Fairfax, Virginia, by giving the Federal Savings Bank doctored business statements that overstated his wealth. The special counsel's office said it could show the court evidence of this bank fraud "and other bank frauds and conspiracies" at its next hearing, which has not yet been set.

Manafort proposed the house in Fairfax as one of four properties that could secure his bail. Another is an apartment he owns in Trump Tower in New York, which is at risk of foreclosure, the prosecutors said.

SWEET, Get the Criminal in jail to SING!:clap::clap:
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any red blooded American would have serious issues with Russia sending operatives INSIDE THIS COUNTRY to cast doubt in our democratic election process --

those that dont are FUCKING RUSSIANS ..


Liberals and "red-blooded Americans" are mutually exclusive, you know.
This is why Trump is in complete denial! All this action going on, but in his mind; "there's no collusion!" Sick! :102:
/——/ Who did the Ruskies collude with? BTW Rosenstein said there is no allegation in the indictment that any American was a knowing participant in the scheme — nor is there any allegation that the scheme affected the outcome of the election.

It's something totally separate obviously! Just keep living in denial babe! We all feel for ya; NOT! :1peleas:
/——/ So in desperation, Muller indicted 13 Russians not even in the country.... Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha. No desperation here folks. Move along. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
As this genius ignores the other two indictments and two guilty pleas of 4 of the serial sex offender's top people.
/——/ “
“After the election, the defendants allegedly staged rallies to support the president-elect while simultaneously staging rallies to protest his election,” Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said in a Friday press conference.

“For example, the defendants organized one rally to support the president-elect and another rally to oppose him, both in New York on the same day,” he said.”


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TRUMP: 'I really believe' Putin 'means it' when he says Russia didn't interfere in the election
13 Russians Indicted for U.S. Election Interference

So what? I believe YOU believe all the bullshit YOU post too. That doesn't mean I believe your bullshit.

he saw your big bold font and raised you a big bold font.

its gonna get ugly from here.

People that have little dicks like to use big fonts. LOL!

Hey! I used big fonts to reply to the little dick. I thought maybe he had a sight handicap.
This is why Trump is in complete denial! All this action going on, but in his mind; "there's no collusion!" Sick! :102:
/——/ Who did the Ruskies collude with? BTW Rosenstein said there is no allegation in the indictment that any American was a knowing participant in the scheme — nor is there any allegation that the scheme affected the outcome of the election.

It's something totally separate obviously! Just keep living in denial babe! We all feel for ya; NOT! :1peleas:
/——/ So in desperation, Muller indicted 13 Russians not even in the country.... Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha. No desperation here folks. Move along. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
As this genius ignores the other two indictments and two guilty pleas of 4 of the serial sex offender's top people.
/——/ “
“After the election, the defendants allegedly staged rallies to support the president-elect while simultaneously staging rallies to protest his election,” Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said in a Friday press conference.

“For example, the defendants organized one rally to support the president-elect and another rally to oppose him, both in New York on the same day,” he said.”

I can easily visualize Russian interests throwing together an anti-Trump rally, as leftists are easily manipulated: Post something about it on Craigslist, print up a few signs, then have some useful idiots there to whip up the crowd.

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