Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

when I force them to talk about fonts it means I won
It means you have nothing of value to add. Which is 99% of your posts.
You are a very impressive Idiot

You are a very impressive Idiot

You're trying too hard to convince everyone that you're in reality, one of Putin's Russian internet trolls. I on the other hand have more faith in humanity and I'm willing to go out on a limb here in your defense, ok?

Don't let me down here.
Special Counsel Mueller will see you now.

Please watch your step on the way in...

Look: I hate to be the one to piss in your mama's cornbread, but even the internet thinks you people are idiots. The following two screen captures were taken on my own computer, using both Google and Bing, where the I simply typed "Mueller is a" and allowed the "autofill" to complete the search.

Maybe you'd like to explain how what I'm showing you is "biased" or some kind of "conspiracy"? Maybe you'd like to try it for yourself? Gawd, you people are out of touch.


Nothing to do with my stand but hey, we know you are a big piece of shit.
suffer bitch

Ted Lieu @tedlieu
As a former prosecutor, I find it significant that Deputy AG Rosenstein specifically chose to repeat the words "this indictment" instead of saying "this investigation." His very specific word choice suggests there may be other indictments that include Americans who conspired. …

9:14 PM - Feb 16, 2018

and....? Not sure what your point is.
My pointy is you are a boring pompous Trump swallower Gimp , dude ...Trump told you the Russians did not interfere and he was wrong Right LOL

LOL! So you have no fucking clue what my position is. LOL! What a fuckin retard you are.
you are struggling

Nope, if there is Russian interference we need to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. We need to stop outside interference in our elections, it is dangerous to our democracy. I have been for the investigation form day one, you are a partisan shit that just makes stupid ASSumptions because you aren't bright enough to think for yourself.
Oh, this is going to be interesting.

Fake news is reporting Rosenstein is going to announce these charges today.

I can't wait to see what these charges are. So now buying adds disparaging Hillaryous is now a crime. Free speech unless you're Russian.

Rosenstein stated no person contacted by Russians knew they were being contacted by Russians who were trying to influence the election.

Go pound sand, libtardos, if they had any thing on Trump they'd have announced it.

Going into this cold. Yours is the first comment read, and the only one I'm responding to, since you're OP.

Fake news is reporting Rosenstein is going to announce these charges today.

I can't wait to see what these charges are. So now buying adds disparaging Hillaryous is now a crime. Free speech unless you're Russian.

Well, Libtardo, the Russians don't possess the level of free speech enjoyed by those in the states, so DERRRP, pretty much 'YEAH', dumb dumb. Are you this obtuse on purpose? If so, try to stop being lame. This is a petty, stupid, partisan comment that has little value to anything but like minded idiots. Rational individuals should likely ignore this moron on principle.

Rosenstein stated no person contacted by Russians knew they were being contacted by Russians who were trying to influence the election.

AND... That simply means the 'handpicked' best people by the Orange Virus were inadvertently swayed because they're apparently unqualified and too stupid to lead. Great job. I feel so fantastic about the state of our current national security now. Is the American public supposed to simply accept these inept, amateur hour antics from people that are supposed to represent the public interest? If you're okay with this, then you're not a smart person, period.

See, people other than 'Libtardos' who actually have an interest in this topic will likely try to learn even more, jizzbucket. Your ridiculous attempt at a damage control thread is telling. Fuck off with your partisan meltdown because your great Orange leader is yet again exposed to be the gargantuan dip shit he displays himself to be on the daily. Sorry you voted for mediocrity. However you are only to blame for the ensuing shitstorm as a consequence.

Tell me, what's going to happen if these particular things actually lead to the impeachment of your beloved Orange Leader? You gonna meltdown pretty hard, aren't ya, snowflake? Please don't shoot up any schools, Libtardo, I'm sure you're better than that. However, I've been wrong before.
Nope, if there is Russian interference we need to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. We need to stop outside interference in our elections, it is dangerous to our democracy. I have been for the investigation form day one, you are a partisan shit that just makes stupid ASSumptions because you aren't bright enough to think for yourself.
First, you're still in denial: Nope, if there is Russian interference

It is no longer IF there is russian interference. We have to determine to what extent the russians interfered since 2014, including spending $1.5 million a month on an indicted troll operation, and $100,000 in facebook ads paid for in rubles.
Nope, if there is Russian interference we need to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. We need to stop outside interference in our elections, it is dangerous to our democracy. I have been for the investigation form day one, you are a partisan shit that just makes stupid ASSumptions because you aren't bright enough to think for yourself.
First, you're still in denial: Nope, if there is Russian interference

It is no longer IF there is russian interference. We have to determine to what extent the russians interfered since 2014, including spending $1.5 million a month on an indicted troll operation, and $100,000 in facebook ads paid for in rubles.

so did facebook conspire with the Russians accepting that monies
Nope, if there is Russian interference we need to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. We need to stop outside interference in our elections, it is dangerous to our democracy. I have been for the investigation form day one, you are a partisan shit that just makes stupid ASSumptions because you aren't bright enough to think for yourself.
First, you're still in denial: Nope, if there is Russian interference

It is no longer IF there is russian interference. We have to determine to what extent the russians interfered since 2014, including spending $1.5 million a month on an indicted troll operation, and $100,000 in facebook ads paid for in rubles.
$100k in facebook ads. you do know this is 0.004% of their overall traffic and facebook even said so, right.
Nope, if there is Russian interference we need to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. We need to stop outside interference in our elections, it is dangerous to our democracy. I have been for the investigation form day one, you are a partisan shit that just makes stupid ASSumptions because you aren't bright enough to think for yourself.
First, you're still in denial: Nope, if there is Russian interference

It is no longer IF there is russian interference. We have to determine to what extent the russians interfered since 2014, including spending $1.5 million a month on an indicted troll operation, and $100,000 in facebook ads paid for in rubles.

I'm not in denial, I am waiting for an investigation to end, I do this on many issues and investigations, I will wait for real evidence by a special prosecutor, just like I did when Clinton was investigated. I waited, you want to play partisan politics, you go right ahead.
Nope, if there is Russian interference we need to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. We need to stop outside interference in our elections, it is dangerous to our democracy. I have been for the investigation form day one, you are a partisan shit that just makes stupid ASSumptions because you aren't bright enough to think for yourself.
First, you're still in denial: Nope, if there is Russian interference

It is no longer IF there is russian interference. We have to determine to what extent the russians interfered since 2014, including spending $1.5 million a month on an indicted troll operation, and $100,000 in facebook ads paid for in rubles.
$100k in facebook ads. you do know this is 0.004% of their overall traffic and facebook even said so, right.

He knows only what his left wing websites tell him, nothing more.

Soon as we find out who, and how much, then we can work on cleaning up outside influence on elections. Working off BS info and speculation leads to more misinformation and just more unsubstaniated propaganda
It is no longer IF there is russian interference. We have to determine to what extent the russians interfered since 2014, including spending $1.5 million a month on an indicted troll operation, and $100,000 in facebook ads paid for in rubles.

so did facebook conspire with the Russians accepting that monies

Actually YES, but they probably are not criminally liable. They are among the many including americans, who were not named in the Mueller indictment.

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