Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

That be your best? We have a long-standing system that works, for spotting known criminals trying to be entering the USA, CAN'T! How is he (Keery) involved here? As ALL ambassador visas are used for criminal ACTS. Mostly.
beats the shit out of me. what does trump have to do with 13 russian assholes trolling us?

nothing but man alive they're laughing their asses off at us right now.
You are a very impressive Idiot

You are a very impressive Idiot

Nothing to do with my stand but hey, we know you are a big piece of shit.
suffer bitch

Ted Lieu @tedlieu
As a former prosecutor, I find it significant that Deputy AG Rosenstein specifically chose to repeat the words "this indictment" instead of saying "this investigation." His very specific word choice suggests there may be other indictments that include Americans who conspired. …

9:14 PM - Feb 16, 2018

and....? Not sure what your point is.
My pointy is you are a boring pompous Trump swallower Gimp , dude ...Trump told you the Russians did not interfere and he was wrong Right LOL

LOL! So you have no fucking clue what my position is. LOL! What a fuckin retard you are.
Then why don’t you state your position you milktoast poseur.
The Russian Troll Farm who allegedly came up with this to "meddle" in our election should get hired by a Madison Ave. ad agency! Very funny!


That be your best? We have a long-standing system that works, for spotting known criminals trying to be entering the USA, CAN'T! How is he (Keery) involved here? As ALL ambassador visas are used for criminal ACTS. Mostly.
beats the shit out of me. what does trump have to do with 13 russian assholes trolling us?

nothing but man alive they're laughing their asses off at us right now.
What does Trump have to do with the 13 Russians “ working unwittingly with his staff?”
You didn’t ask that now did you.
Nothing to do with my stand but hey, we know you are a big piece of shit.
suffer bitch

Ted Lieu @tedlieu
As a former prosecutor, I find it significant that Deputy AG Rosenstein specifically chose to repeat the words "this indictment" instead of saying "this investigation." His very specific word choice suggests there may be other indictments that include Americans who conspired. …

9:14 PM - Feb 16, 2018

and....? Not sure what your point is.
My pointy is you are a boring pompous Trump swallower Gimp , dude ...Trump told you the Russians did not interfere and he was wrong Right LOL

LOL! So you have no fucking clue what my position is. LOL! What a fuckin retard you are.
Then why don’t you state your position you milktoast poseur.
milktoast poseur sounds like a bad hipster band in a cheap coffee shop.

That be your best? We have a long-standing system that works, for spotting known criminals trying to be entering the USA, CAN'T! How is he (Keery) involved here? As ALL ambassador visas are used for criminal ACTS. Mostly.
beats the shit out of me. what does trump have to do with 13 russian assholes trolling us?

nothing but man alive they're laughing their asses off at us right now.

Try a little harder with your spinning ALT-FACTS.
Oh, this is going to be interesting.

Fake news is reporting Rosenstein is going to announce these charges today.

I can't wait to see what these charges are. So now buying adds disparaging Hillaryous is now a crime. Free speech unless you're Russian.

Rosenstein stated no person contacted by Russians knew they were being contacted by Russians who were trying to influence the election.

Go pound sand, libtardos, if they had any thing on Trump they'd have announced it.

And it was reported that no Americans were involved.

So, they will claim that posts on social media swayed the election? Holy crap, you can't make this stuff up.

I saw so many posts from both sides. I found the left's posts far more ridiculous and nasty.
Watching Mueller's mind at work is a wondrous thing to behold.
Why ? Because he can count to 4 without using his fingers?

.... hate to burst your bromance bubble but all Mr. Mueller has accomplished so far is indicting a couple of douche bags on charges completely unrelated to the objective of his investigation and totally destroying the reputation of the FBI and the DOJ.

Way to go Bob, what's ACT II of your dog & puppet show gonna be? Card tricks at a half a million a pop perhaps?
The main objective of his investigation was to investigate Russian interference or attempts at interference in the election. That is what all this indictment is about.

You don't appoint special counsels for general inquiries like that. There needs to be a suspected person or group to be investigated. The place to investigate Foreign Election Interference would be in the Foreign Affairs or Intel committees. With easier access to Intel sources.
The indictment said “ Russians worked with unwitting members of the Trump Administration.”

The Trumptards concluded that makes trump innocent.
No really.

I don't conclude anything, I will wait for the investigation an
Nothing to do with my stand but hey, we know you are a big piece of shit.
suffer bitch

Ted Lieu @tedlieu
As a former prosecutor, I find it significant that Deputy AG Rosenstein specifically chose to repeat the words "this indictment" instead of saying "this investigation." His very specific word choice suggests there may be other indictments that include Americans who conspired. …

9:14 PM - Feb 16, 2018

and....? Not sure what your point is.
My pointy is you are a boring pompous Trump swallower Gimp , dude ...Trump told you the Russians did not interfere and he was wrong Right LOL

LOL! So you have no fucking clue what my position is. LOL! What a fuckin retard you are.
Then why don’t you state your position you milktoast poseur.

I have done it couple of times in this thread already, maybe you could learn to read. :dunno:

That be your best? We have a long-standing system that works, for spotting known criminals trying to be entering the USA, CAN'T! How is he (Keery) involved here? As ALL ambassador visas are used for criminal ACTS. Mostly.
beats the shit out of me. what does trump have to do with 13 russian assholes trolling us?

nothing but man alive they're laughing their asses off at us right now.

Try a little harder with your spinning ALT-FACTS.
what alt-facts?

did trump pay them to troll us? they were helping bernie, trump, and likely whoever else they could to just fuck with us but all you'll let yourself see is TRUMP cause he's in your head, rent free.

chew on that tobacee mang. i'm out.
Nothing to do with my stand but hey, we know you are a big piece of shit.
suffer bitch

Ted Lieu @tedlieu
As a former prosecutor, I find it significant that Deputy AG Rosenstein specifically chose to repeat the words "this indictment" instead of saying "this investigation." His very specific word choice suggests there may be other indictments that include Americans who conspired. …

9:14 PM - Feb 16, 2018

and....? Not sure what your point is.
My pointy is you are a boring pompous Trump swallower Gimp , dude ...Trump told you the Russians did not interfere and he was wrong Right LOL

LOL! So you have no fucking clue what my position is. LOL! What a fuckin retard you are.
Then why don’t you state your position you milktoast poseur.

Should they call in Powdered Toast MAN here for HELP?

Oh, this is going to be interesting.

Fake news is reporting Rosenstein is going to announce these charges today.

I can't wait to see what these charges are. So now buying adds disparaging Hillaryous is now a crime. Free speech unless you're Russian.

Rosenstein stated no person contacted by Russians knew they were being contacted by Russians who were trying to influence the election.

Go pound sand, libtardos, if they had any thing on Trump they'd have announced it.
You’re lying. The indictment clearly states the Russians worked with “ unwitting members of the trump administration.”
No that has nothing to do with Trump, right?
You're very tiresome, even when you're being a pedant instead of a prig.

what is tiresome are people who lie for Russians.

Then you must be damn tired of Barry Obama and Hillary who bent over backwards to lie, help and forward their interests with everything from the Crimea, to uranium, backing away from the Middle East, aiding their Iranian buddies and removing an eastern missile shield that would have kept them in check.


and it looks like the head of the fisa court

has agreed to release any and all court information that

the president wants released

yikes for the leftists --LOL

Did they issue a comment? I missed that..

yes two replies

i will look em up

and post them

put in an alert for me when you do..
Trump is talking about the claim he colluded moron. Even your link has no actual quote of Trump saying what you claim. That being said, even if Trump said there was no Russian meddling no one with any brains would blame him because the report says no one knew some of these guys were Russian operatives. Proving once again, all the left has against Trump is their baseless, seething hatred of the man.


funny you should endeavor to call anyone else a moron, you fucking simpleton MORON.

your seething hatred for rule of law in defense of your country is pathetic.

morons sell their American soul for the love of a gilded charlatan.

NO ONE with any brains, or perhaps just a spec of honesty in their veins, doesn't understand that today's indictments are focused solely on one portion of the ONGOING investigation.

SO are you a MORON or just another trumpbot liar ??

we ALREADY KNOW the trump administration had communications with Russians NOT UNWITTINGLY and Mueller knows so much MORE!

stay tuned, MORON. :itsok:

"Some defendants, posing as US persons and without revealing their Russian association, communicated with unwitting individuals associated with the Trump campaign and with other political activists to seek to co-ordinate political activities."

This is the key passage for the White House's effort to downplay the threat this indictment poses to Donald Trump and his presidency.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, in announcing the indictments, added that there was "no allegation in this indictment that any American had knowledge" of Russian activity.

Critics will highlight the "in this indictment" portion of that statement. While Mr Mueller's document asserts no Trump-connected individuals knew they were dealing with Russians, this isn't the end of the investigation.

The president, via Twitter and in a White House statement, insists this is proof that there was no collusion. :eusa_liar: It's better to say that there's no collusion alleged here. That certainly bolsters the White House's principal argument, but it doesn't cover any possible indictments to come.

What this indictment does do is devastate Mr Trump's past insistence that allegations of Russian meddling were a hoax.

Seven key takeaways from the Russian indictments

Mueller Still Investigating Possible Collusion, Source Says

They found nothing regarding Trump you panty wetting libbie. Trump never said anything about a Russian hoax you fool. Stop listening to CNN, MSNBC and The Daily Kos. They are melting your brain, or what's left of it.
Oh, this is going to be interesting.

Fake news is reporting Rosenstein is going to announce these charges today.

I can't wait to see what these charges are. So now buying adds disparaging Hillaryous is now a crime. Free speech unless you're Russian.

Rosenstein stated no person contacted by Russians knew they were being contacted by Russians who were trying to influence the election.

Go pound sand, libtardos, if they had any thing on Trump they'd have announced it.
You’re lying. The indictment clearly states the Russians worked with “ unwitting members of the trump administration.”
No that has nothing to do with Trump, right?

Right. What part about 'unwitting' do you not understand? BTW the Russians also fooled unwitting Hillary operatives too.
I'm not in denial,.

Don't you mean IF you were in denial.

I think you have issues with English and language comprehension, I think you are a Russian bot, we need to report you to the derp and dragonlady. LOL!

"If" is used to question existance or truth, when you use it, you are questioning reality, instead of acknowledging reality.

Imagine me posting "IF" Trump was elected.

Trump was elected, that is a fact. The investigation hasn't concluded and the evidence has not been revealed. So, I will wait, just like I waited with Clinton, just like I waited with Zimmerman, just like I waited with the Duke lacrosse players. Not sure why you think waiting for real evidence is denial.
what is tiresome are people who lie for Russians.

Then you must be damn tired of Barry Obama and Hillary who bent over backwards to lie, help and forward their interests with everything from the Crimea, to uranium, backing away from the Middle East, aiding their Iranian buddies and removing an eastern missile shield that would have kept them in check.


and it looks like the head of the fisa court

has agreed to release any and all court information that

the president wants released

yikes for the leftists --LOL

Did they issue a comment? I missed that..

yes two replies

i will look em up

and post them

put in an alert for me when you do..

i did already post them

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