Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

Bannon also claimed that Mueller's investigation is sure to lead back to money laundering.

"You realize where this is going. ... This is all about money laundering," Bannon is quoted as saying in Wolff's book. "Mueller chose (senior prosecutor Andrew) Weissmann first and he is a money-laundering guy. Their path to f***ing Trump goes right through Paul Manafort, Don Jr., and Jared Kushner. ... It's as plain as a hair on your face."

Special counsel questioned Bannon this week - CNNPolitics
Dark Money
In the age of Citizens United and unlimited campaign donations, the NRA has emerged as an important "dark money" hub in Republican politics. Under its tax code designation, the NRA is a "social welfare" organization, largely exempt from disclosing its donors. To skirt disclosure, other big-dollar political players – including a SuperPAC linked to Karl Rove and a "chamber of commerce" controlled by the Koch Brothers – have routinely steered money into the NRA, confident that the gun group's spending will advance the GOP cause.

It is illegal, however, for foreign money to be used to influence U.S. elections. According to McClatchy, the heart of the FBI investigation is whether the NRA became a conduit for Russian cash, linked to the Kremlin, that bolstered Trump.

The Banker and "Godfather"
The key figure in the NRA/Russia investigation, McClatchy reports, is Alexander Torshin. Torshin is a longtime Putin ally who previously served as a top Russian senator. He is now a deputy governor of Russia's central bank, where his purview includes cracking down on the outflow of dirty money.

That's ironic, because Torshin has been linked to money laundering. Bloomberg reported
NRA Connections
Torshin helped establish a Russian gun group called Right to Bear Arms, whose president calls Torshin "a great gun lover." Torshin is also a life member of the NRA – and forged ties to its leadership after attending the NRA's national convention in 2013. McClatchy reports that, in 2015, Toshin hosted "a high-level NRA delegation" during a week-long Moscow trip "that included meetings with influential Russian government and business figures." An attendee describes a debauched week: "They were killing us with vodka and the best Russian food," he told McClatchy. "The trip exceeded my expectations by logarithmic levels."

Trump Connections
At the May 2016 NRA convention in Louisville, Kentucky, where Donald Trump accepted the group's endorsement, Torshin shared a table at dinner with the candidate's son Donald Jr. According to Bloomberg, Torshin claimed to also have met now-president Trump at the convention, and that: "He keeps photos of the event on his computer tablet."

The 2016 NRA convention came off just as Russians were actively seeking contact with the Trump campaign – just weeks earlier, a Russian conduit told Trump staffer George Papadopoulos that Russia had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton, including thousands of her emails. – and hoping to set up a meeting with Trump and Putin.

According to the New York Times, Torshin tried to set up a dinner meeting in Louisville at the time of the NRA convention with then-candidate Trump – with the aim of connecting Trump with Putin. The request was conveyed through a Trump ally in the Christian conservative world, who reportedly sent the campaign an email with the subject line: "Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite." (Trump did not attend that dinner.)

Separately, an NRA member, Paul Erickson – who had been part of the 2015 NRA delegation to Moscow – wrote an email titled, "Kremlin Connection," to Trump campaign adviser Rick Dearborn, according to the New York Times. Erickson reportedly told the campaign that Russia was "quietly but actively seeking a dialogue with the U.S." and would be seeking "first contact" at the NRA convention.

Weeks later, in early June 2016, the trio of Donald Trump Jr., then-campaign manager Paul Manafort, and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner took a meeting with a Putin-connected lawyer who had offered incriminating material on Hillary Clinton. Former Trump White House adviser Steve Bannon has dubbed that meeting "treasonous."

A Potential Game Changer
The allegation that Russia funneled money into the NRA – to directly support Trump's presidential bid – is staggering. Until now, we've understood the Russian support of Trump to have been oblique, delivered by a cadre of Facebook and Twitter trolls, and by the release of hacked DNC and Clinton campaign emails through Wikileaks.

The notion that the Kremlin was supporting Trump's presidential bid financially – and through an organization that holds itself up as a paragon of American patriotism – is almost unreal.

The Trump-Russia-NRA Connection: Here’s What You Need to Know
NRA Connections
Torshin helped establish a Russian gun group called Right to Bear Arms, whose president calls Torshin "a great gun lover." Torshin is also a life member of the NRA – and forged ties to its leadership after attending the NRA's national convention in 2013. McClatchy reports that, in 2015, Toshin hosted "a high-level NRA delegation" during a week-long Moscow trip "that included meetings with influential Russian government and business figures." An attendee describes a debauched week: "They were killing us with vodka and the best Russian food," he told McClatchy. "The trip exceeded my expectations by logarithmic levels."

Trump Connections
At the May 2016 NRA convention in Louisville, Kentucky, where Donald Trump accepted the group's endorsement, Torshin shared a table at dinner with the candidate's son Donald Jr. According to Bloomberg, Torshin claimed to also have met now-president Trump at the convention, and that: "He keeps photos of the event on his computer tablet."

The 2016 NRA convention came off just as Russians were actively seeking contact with the Trump campaign – just weeks earlier, a Russian conduit told Trump staffer George Papadopoulos that Russia had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton, including thousands of her emails. – and hoping to set up a meeting with Trump and Putin.

According to the New York Times, Torshin tried to set up a dinner meeting in Louisville at the time of the NRA convention with then-candidate Trump – with the aim of connecting Trump with Putin. The request was conveyed through a Trump ally in the Christian conservative world, who reportedly sent the campaign an email with the subject line: "Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite." (Trump did not attend that dinner.)

Separately, an NRA member, Paul Erickson – who had been part of the 2015 NRA delegation to Moscow – wrote an email titled, "Kremlin Connection," to Trump campaign adviser Rick Dearborn, according to the New York Times. Erickson reportedly told the campaign that Russia was "quietly but actively seeking a dialogue with the U.S." and would be seeking "first contact" at the NRA convention.

Weeks later, in early June 2016, the trio of Donald Trump Jr., then-campaign manager Paul Manafort, and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner took a meeting with a Putin-connected lawyer who had offered incriminating material on Hillary Clinton. Former Trump White House adviser Steve Bannon has dubbed that meeting "treasonous."

A Potential Game Changer
The allegation that Russia funneled money into the NRA – to directly support Trump's presidential bid – is staggering. Until now, we've understood the Russian support of Trump to have been oblique, delivered by a cadre of Facebook and Twitter trolls, and by the release of hacked DNC and Clinton campaign emails through Wikileaks.

The notion that the Kremlin was supporting Trump's presidential bid financially – and through an organization that holds itself up as a paragon of American patriotism – is almost unreal.

The Trump-Russia-NRA Connection: Here’s What You Need to Know

Uranium One...............nuff said. You think that Russia wants Americans armed if we are such an "enemy" to them? Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele using DNC money met with Russian officials for the debunked Trump Dossier.........the irony and jokes practically write themselves.
Uranium One...............nuff said. You think that Russia wants Americans armed if we are such an "enemy" to them? Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele using DNC money met with Russian officials for the debunked Trump Dossier.........the irony and jokes practically write themselves.

You didn't read the Mueller indictment did you?
Uranium One...............nuff said. You think that Russia wants Americans armed if we are such an "enemy" to them? Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele using DNC money met with Russian officials for the debunked Trump Dossier.........the irony and jokes practically write themselves.

You didn't read the Mueller indictment did you?

Mueller is a deep stater and neocon that covered up USA.INC's involvement in 9/11/ you REALLY believe that I would believe a fucking thing that disgusting POS would ever have to say? Do you even READ the things that I post about????
Mueller is a deep stater and neocon that covered up USA.INC's involvement in 9/11/ you REALLY believe that I would believe a fucking thing that disgusting POS would ever have to say? Do you even READ the things that I post about????
Not any more. The sound you hear is the ignore button being engaged.
Mueller is a deep stater and neocon that covered up USA.INC's involvement in 9/11/ you REALLY believe that I would believe a fucking thing that disgusting POS would ever have to say? Do you even READ the things that I post about????
Not any more. The sound you hear is the ignore button being engaged.

No big never had anything of worth to say anyhow and you couldn't debate your way out of a wet paper sack.
All these months of investigation and they indict Russian citizens for posting on social network. Gee, like millions of Americans didn't attempt to sway their friends by posting a bunch of political crap. Then there was MSNBC, CNN and other leftists outright lying about Trump and practically campaigning for Hillary. Fake news, anyone? Perfectly acceptable when it comes out of left field.

What about when Obama went to Israel and told the citizens not to vote for Netanyahu or when he went to the UK to talk people into voting against Brexit? Is that not interfering in elections? Or is it viewed differently when the person is pushing the radical views of the left?
How is that even illegal? What is the crime? Would it be illegal for an American to post on facebook?

Beats the hell out of me. It sounds like a desperate attempt to save face after wasting all that time and money going after Trump. Somebody had to be put in the hot seat and this is the best they could do. Meanwhile, countries have interfered in elections for ages. Obama interfered in the Israel election when he went there to try and talk people out of voting for Netanyahu. That was direct interference but no consequences or even criticism from the lib media.

What about Obama telling illegals to vote in the last election? Areas with extremely high populations of illegals is where Hillary got most of her votes. Isn't telling people to cheat interfering with an election?

What about the precincts that were counting Hillary's votes up to six times each? Remember that being discovered during the recount? How the hell is that not interfering with an election?

What about the fake news that still continues? CNN, MSNBC, late night talk shows and other liberal talking heads lied their asses off. They tried to help cover for Hillary weird medical condition and constantly took a negative tone on anything about Trump. How is that not interfering with an election?

Yet, they claim that a dozen Russians managed to convince Americans to vote Trump. Biggest load of bullshit ever.
All these months of investigation and they indict Russian citizens for posting on social network. Gee, like millions of Americans didn't attempt to sway their friends by posting a bunch of political crap.

It's like millions of teenage boys and girls touch each others private parts, and much more. But let Dr Nassar do the same thing, and we send him to jail for 200 years.

We don't let foreigners do what americans can, it's illegal.
^^^ very weird post^^^ YIKES^^^ is this where the left is coming from^^^really????^^^

Scary, isn't it? Leftists support perverts, as long as they are liberals. Bill Clinton spent a LOT of time on the Lolita Express and the sex island with underage sex slaves but the left acts like it's no one else's business.

If leftists want a conservative knocked out of a race or just taken down, they summon Gloria Allred or her daughter, Lisa Bloom, and sic them on the Repubs. Look what happened to Herman Cain. He proved the allegations were false, but way too late. Now, Bloom is going after conservative Scott Baio because that dingbat Eggert is jumping on the 'Me, too' bandwagon. She admitted she was 18 when she initiated sex but is now saying he was too old for her at the time. The left pulls shit like this despite blaming Monica Lewinsky for the affair with little Billy Clinton. Such double standards.

Bloom and Allred are jokes. Their whole careers are all about going after anyone on the right. Never will you see them representing someone accusing a liberal of sexual misconduct.

Just like the way they make a big deal out of a comment from Trump or accuse him of having an affair like it's a crime and then turn around and ignore the numerous allegations against Clinton and other Dems. Hell, Teddy Kennedy killed a woman and then went back to a party without reporting the car wreck and all was forgiven.

This whole Russian collusion thing was a farce from the start. The real collusion was with the left because they proved that they will lie, cheat, and sink as low as possible to get their way.

Then we had the spying on Trump during the campaign, which is the real story in all this.

The collusion accusations kicked in when Hillary was losing her shit after losing the election. The media did their best to report as if it was a real investigation and they completely left out the fact that the dossier was paid for by Hillary and the DNC and that the info in the dossier was fed to Steele by Hillary and the DNC. When they used that report to get a warrant to spy on Trump, they knew the info was total fabricated bullshit. That is a crime.

All this investigation proved is that the DNC is as corrupt as they come. Hillary needs to go down with some others.

The Russians are being served up to make the investigation look legit. They didn't do anything out of the ordinary. The Dems are the ones who are corrupt.
All these months of investigation and they indict Russian citizens for posting on social network. Gee, like millions of Americans didn't attempt to sway their friends by posting a bunch of political crap. Then there was MSNBC, CNN and other leftists outright lying about Trump and practically campaigning for Hillary. Fake news, anyone? Perfectly acceptable when it comes out of left field.

What about when Obama went to Israel and told the citizens not to vote for Netanyahu or when he went to the UK to talk people into voting against Brexit? Is that not interfering in elections? Or is it viewed differently when the person is pushing the radical views of the left?
How is that even illegal? What is the crime? Would it be illegal for an American to post on facebook?

Beats the hell out of me. It sounds like a desperate attempt to save face after wasting all that time and money going after Trump. Somebody had to be put in the hot seat and this is the best they could do. Meanwhile, countries have interfered in elections for ages. Obama interfered in the Israel election when he went there to try and talk people out of voting for Netanyahu. That was direct interference but no consequences or even criticism from the lib media.

What about Obama telling illegals to vote in the last election? Areas with extremely high populations of illegals is where Hillary got most of her votes. Isn't telling people to cheat interfering with an election?

What about the precincts that were counting Hillary's votes up to six times each? Remember that being discovered during the recount? How the hell is that not interfering with an election?

What about the fake news that still continues? CNN, MSNBC, late night talk shows and other liberal talking heads lied their asses off. They tried to help cover for Hillary weird medical condition and constantly took a negative tone on anything about Trump. How is that not interfering with an election?

Yet, they claim that a dozen Russians managed to convince Americans to vote Trump. Biggest load of bullshit ever.
With Obama interfering with israel, that gets a mostly false rating. Besides, Netanyahu is corrupt as can get.

Obama only encouraged latinos to vote, not illegals. But probably in the republican mind, all latinos are illegal.

Russian interference takes on different forms, one big one is Russian trolls. with big budget. Denying russian influence is about as un-patriotic as you can get.
NRA Connections
Torshin helped establish a Russian gun group called Right to Bear Arms, whose president calls Torshin "a great gun lover." Torshin is also a life member of the NRA – and forged ties to its leadership after attending the NRA's national convention in 2013. McClatchy reports that, in 2015, Toshin hosted "a high-level NRA delegation" during a week-long Moscow trip "that included meetings with influential Russian government and business figures." An attendee describes a debauched week: "They were killing us with vodka and the best Russian food," he told McClatchy. "The trip exceeded my expectations by logarithmic levels."

Trump Connections
At the May 2016 NRA convention in Louisville, Kentucky, where Donald Trump accepted the group's endorsement, Torshin shared a table at dinner with the candidate's son Donald Jr. According to Bloomberg, Torshin claimed to also have met now-president Trump at the convention, and that: "He keeps photos of the event on his computer tablet."

The 2016 NRA convention came off just as Russians were actively seeking contact with the Trump campaign – just weeks earlier, a Russian conduit told Trump staffer George Papadopoulos that Russia had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton, including thousands of her emails. – and hoping to set up a meeting with Trump and Putin.

According to the New York Times, Torshin tried to set up a dinner meeting in Louisville at the time of the NRA convention with then-candidate Trump – with the aim of connecting Trump with Putin. The request was conveyed through a Trump ally in the Christian conservative world, who reportedly sent the campaign an email with the subject line: "Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite." (Trump did not attend that dinner.)

Separately, an NRA member, Paul Erickson – who had been part of the 2015 NRA delegation to Moscow – wrote an email titled, "Kremlin Connection," to Trump campaign adviser Rick Dearborn, according to the New York Times. Erickson reportedly told the campaign that Russia was "quietly but actively seeking a dialogue with the U.S." and would be seeking "first contact" at the NRA convention.

Weeks later, in early June 2016, the trio of Donald Trump Jr., then-campaign manager Paul Manafort, and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner took a meeting with a Putin-connected lawyer who had offered incriminating material on Hillary Clinton. Former Trump White House adviser Steve Bannon has dubbed that meeting "treasonous."

A Potential Game Changer
The allegation that Russia funneled money into the NRA – to directly support Trump's presidential bid – is staggering. Until now, we've understood the Russian support of Trump to have been oblique, delivered by a cadre of Facebook and Twitter trolls, and by the release of hacked DNC and Clinton campaign emails through Wikileaks.

The notion that the Kremlin was supporting Trump's presidential bid financially – and through an organization that holds itself up as a paragon of American patriotism – is almost unreal.

The Trump-Russia-NRA Connection: Here’s What You Need to Know

Uranium One...............nuff said. You think that Russia wants Americans armed if we are such an "enemy" to them? Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele using DNC money met with Russian officials for the debunked Trump Dossier.........the irony and jokes practically write themselves.
Your conspiracy theories have already been written.... by boneheads like Alex Jones and Sham Hannity.
All these months of investigation and they indict Russian citizens for posting on social network. Gee, like millions of Americans didn't attempt to sway their friends by posting a bunch of political crap.

It's like millions of teenage boys and girls touch each others private parts, and much more. But let Dr Nassar do the same thing, and we send him to jail for 200 years.

We don't let foreigners do what americans can, it's illegal.
^^^ very weird post^^^ YIKES^^^ is this where the left is coming from^^^really????^^^

Scary, isn't it? Leftists support perverts, as long as they are liberals. Bill Clinton spent a LOT of time on the Lolita Express and the sex island with underage sex slaves but the left acts like it's no one else's business.

If leftists want a conservative knocked out of a race or just taken down, they summon Gloria Allred or her daughter, Lisa Bloom, and sic them on the Repubs. Look what happened to Herman Cain. He proved the allegations were false, but way too late. Now, Bloom is going after conservative Scott Baio because that dingbat Eggert is jumping on the 'Me, too' bandwagon. She admitted she was 18 when she initiated sex but is now saying he was too old for her at the time. The left pulls shit like this despite blaming Monica Lewinsky for the affair with little Billy Clinton. Such double standards.

Bloom and Allred are jokes. Their whole careers are all about going after anyone on the right. Never will you see them representing someone accusing a liberal of sexual misconduct.

Just like the way they make a big deal out of a comment from Trump or accuse him of having an affair like it's a crime and then turn around and ignore the numerous allegations against Clinton and other Dems. Hell, Teddy Kennedy killed a woman and then went back to a party without reporting the car wreck and all was forgiven.

This whole Russian collusion thing was a farce from the start. The real collusion was with the left because they proved that they will lie, cheat, and sink as low as possible to get their way.

Then we had the spying on Trump during the campaign, which is the real story in all this.

The collusion accusations kicked in when Hillary was losing her shit after losing the election. The media did their best to report as if it was a real investigation and they completely left out the fact that the dossier was paid for by Hillary and the DNC and that the info in the dossier was fed to Steele by Hillary and the DNC. When they used that report to get a warrant to spy on Trump, they knew the info was total fabricated bullshit. That is a crime.

All this investigation proved is that the DNC is as corrupt as they come. Hillary needs to go down with some others.

The Russians are being served up to make the investigation look legit. They didn't do anything out of the ordinary. The Dems are the ones who are corrupt.
Believes what he reads in the National Enquirer. Lmao
Clinton on Sex Island and Pizzagate.
Ok Leo. Prove how these indictments PROVE no collusion.
We’re all listening.

BOMBSHELL: Special Counsel Says No American Knowingly Involved In Russian Interference

In a statement that is sending shockwaves through the political world, a spokesman for General Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe announced on Friday that the counsel's 37-page indictment of Russians and Russian entities for interference in U.S. elections does not contain any allegation against any American for knowingly participating in the meddling.

"There is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity," Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said at a press conference on Friday.

Why would there be any allegation against any American in the indictment of the Russians? What is being downplayed is an indictment of a non-Russian and a plead deal. Something to do with money laundering?
Rod Rosenstein announced indictments of Russians in U.S. election meddling

"Collusion" would require at least one of the parties to be American.
American courts have no jurisdiction in foreign countries, dumbass.

They have jurisdiction over everybody who breaks US laws, no matter who or where they are. If we can extradite them into the USA the US courts can prosecute them. Example it's a crime for a foreigner to kill a US citizen overseas.

U.S. laws only cover people who are in the U.S. They do not cover foreigners residing outside the US.
Oh, this is going to be interesting.

Fake news is reporting Rosenstein is going to announce these charges today.

I can't wait to see what these charges are. So now buying adds disparaging Hillaryous is now a crime. Free speech unless you're Russian.

Rosenstein stated no person contacted by Russians knew they were being contacted by Russians who were trying to influence the election.

Go pound sand, libtardos, if they had any thing on Trump they'd have announced it.
The foreign subjects made expenditures without proper disclosure. That's a crime. Stop making things up.

What law says a foreigner isn't allowed to spend money to post on facebook?

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