Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

American courts have no jurisdiction in foreign countries, dumbass.

They have jurisdiction over everybody who breaks US laws, no matter who or where they are. If we can extradite them into the USA the US courts can prosecute them.

Wrong. Not legally, and especially not practically. The foreign country has to do the extradition, and if it says "fuck off USA," then there's nothing we can do about it.

Example it's a crime for a foreigner to kill a US citizen overseas.

It's a crime in the country where it occurs, so that's a really fucking stupid example.
Oh, this is going to be interesting.

Fake news is reporting Rosenstein is going to announce these charges today.

I can't wait to see what these charges are. So now buying adds disparaging Hillaryous is now a crime. Free speech unless you're Russian.

Rosenstein stated no person contacted by Russians knew they were being contacted by Russians who were trying to influence the election.

Go pound sand, libtardos, if they had any thing on Trump they'd have announced it.
The foreign subjects made expenditures without proper disclosure. That's a crime. Stop making things up.
Breaking just now, more will surly follow.

Eat that Orange Turd!
Seriously? LMGTFY

Is Fox not covering the indictment? It's "all over" the news channels I've looked at and it's "all over" the Internet.
OP posted a claim, I asked for a link to back up that claim. Too hard for you to understand? Not my job to do the OP's work.
As I wrote: Seriously?

Do you think the news that Mueller filed indictments against 13 Russians accusing them of having meddled in the 2016 election would be something that is (1) made up and (2) that looking at any news site, listening to any news radio show, or watching any news program would not be talking about?

How lazy are you? I could see the merit of your request were the OP-er to have remarked about some esoteric sh*t, but those indictments absolutely are not even close to such.
Seriously. If you're going to make a claim, back it up.
Click the link; you'll see I did.
I was referring to the OP.
What appears obvious is the chair of the GOP-led House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes, cherry-picked selective classified intelligence information to demean the work of our intelligence people in a manner intended to undercut the Mueller investigation.

Shockingly, Nunes, abetted by the White House, released this report despite warnings of FBI Director Wray, who said the memo paints a false narrative of bureau activities. Specifically, Wray, a Trump appointee, said “the FBI has grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.” Over the weekend, Nunes promised more memos. If I read this all correctly, Trump, who seems to aspire to be an autocrat and who has accomplices in Congress, is pulling out all stops to undermine the Mueller investigation. He is willing to mortgage the credibility and reputation of the FBI and the entire intelligence community to save his own skin.

Trump undermining FBI to save his skin
Actually Hilary Clinton, The DNC and Obama Solicited Knowingly Russian KGB Agents to create Russian Propaganda for them. And they paid them directly for it through Steele who was their courier and Russian DNC Clinton Liason.

The Russians are the best in the world at this, so that is why Clinton and the DNC met with them at The Ukrainian Embassy and launched the plot from there.

There was No Unwitting, it was Purposeful.


“If you ever find yourself running for President and need a little “Russian Propaganda”. I might know someone”


Oh, this is going to be interesting.

Fake news is reporting Rosenstein is going to announce these charges today.

I can't wait to see what these charges are. So now buying adds disparaging Hillaryous is now a crime. Free speech unless you're Russian.

Rosenstein stated no person contacted by Russians knew they were being contacted by Russians who were trying to influence the election.

Go pound sand, libtardos, if they had any thing on Trump they'd have announced it.
You’re lying. The indictment clearly states the Russians worked with “ unwitting members of the trump administration.”
No that has nothing to do with Trump, right?

Right. What part about 'unwitting' do you not understand? BTW the Russians also fooled unwitting Hillary operatives too.
Suggesting that Hillary, was somehow buddies with Putin is a bit ridiculous. These two people have agreed on practically nothing over the years.

The war between Hillary Clinton and Putin began in 2009, when Obama put Clinton in charge of his Russian Reset plan which was designed to improve relations between the United States and Russia in 2009. However, from the very start it was clear that Clinton did not agree with Obama and pursued a course in the opposite direction.

When mass protests against Putin erupted in Moscow in December 2011, Putin made clear who he thought was really behind them: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. With the protesters accusing Putin of having rigged recent elections, he pointed an angry finger at Clinton, who had issued a statement sharply critical of the voting results. “She said they were dishonest and unfair,” Putin fumed in public remarks, saying that Clinton gave “a signal” to demonstrators working “with the support of the U.S. State Department” to undermine his power. “We need to safeguard ourselves from this interference in our internal affairs,” Putin declared.

When Putin was making political moves in Syria to help Assad, Clinton called him a relic of the cold war, an enemy of peace. Putin said the US was on dangerous grounds in their campaign to unseat Assad.

When Obama was negotiating with Iran over the nuclear deal, Clinton accused Putin of trying to derail the talks. Putin said, the US State Dept. and CIA was trying meddle in the Iranian affairs.

These two people simple don't like each other at all.

From what I have read, I think Putin's opinion of Trump is much like the rest of the world, a loose canon but with little interest or knowledge in international affairs.

Hillary Clinton made it abundantly clear in here 2016 campaing that if she defeats Donald J. Trump she will enter the White House with the most contentious relationship with Russia of any president in more than three decades.

Trump praised Putin's "intelligence" and "no-nonsense way" in his book "Time to Get Tough. In his campaign, Trump had this to say about Putin.
"I have no relationship with him other than he called me a genius,” Trump said. “He said, ‘Donald Trump is a genius and he is going to be the leader of the party and he's going to be the leader of the world or something.’'
He says Putin has been “very nice” to him.
“Putin said good things about me. He said, ‘he’s a leader and there’s no question about it, he’s a genius.’
Trump says during a victory speech “We're going to have a great relationship with Putin and Russia.”
Trump calls Putin “a strong leader” at a rally.
At a rally in California, Trump mocked those who wanted him to “disavow” Putin’s praise of him.

Trump 'rope a doped' Putin. Hillary is a joke, just ask Putin.
Example it's a crime for a foreigner to kill a US citizen overseas.

It's a crime in the country where it occurs, so that's a really fucking stupid example.

Nope, is some islamic countries it's not a crime to kill an infidel. It's only an american crime.

So when does our government arrest these people?

Never. These folks will never see the light of day.
A cloak and dagger operation
"Krylova and Bogacheva, together with other Defendants and co-conspirators, planned travel itineraries, purchased equipment (such as cameras, SIM cards and drop phones) and discussed security measures (including "evacuation scenarios") for Defendants who travelled to the United States."

One of the more breathtaking revelations of the indictment was that Russian attempts to influence the US presidential election went well beyond "virtual" efforts on social media. It included actual Russian nationals entering the US under false pretences and posing as Americans to conduct clandestine activities, according to the document.

It's the kind of espionage activity that harkens back to the Cold War and an indication of the seriousness and sophistication behind the Russian efforts.

Crimes were committed
"Defendants, together with others known and unknown to the grand jury, knowingly and intentionally conspired to defraud the United States by impairing, obstructing and defeating the lawful functions of the Federal Election Commission, the US Department of Justice and the US Department of State in administering federal requirements for disclosure of foreign involvement in certain domestic activities."

There had been a line of argument from some Donald Trump supporters that Russian meddling efforts, even if proven, wouldn't constitute a criminal offence and a connection between Russia and the Trump campaign, if established, wouldn't be a fatal blow.

Mr Mueller's indictment lays out a number of ways in which what Russia is alleged to have done constitutes actual violations of criminal statutes - including wire fraud, identity theft and violations of election law.

Seven key takeaways from the Russian indictments
Oh, this is going to be interesting.

Fake news is reporting Rosenstein is going to announce these charges today.

I can't wait to see what these charges are. So now buying adds disparaging Hillaryous is now a crime. Free speech unless you're Russian.

Rosenstein stated no person contacted by Russians knew they were being contacted by Russians who were trying to influence the election.

Go pound sand, libtardos, if they had any thing on Trump they'd have announced it.

The charges are a big nothing burger. Some Russians made some mean internet memes about Madam Cankles. That’s “influencing an election!”

You are the big nothing burger. It again confirms our intelligence assessments that the Russians did interfere in our elections. That is why you are desperately trying to change the subject.

Posting shit on the internet isn’t interfering in our elections. You losers still can’t get over the fact America rejected Dems and Hillary.
What's it all about?
President Trump's campaign and transition teams have been accused of colluding with Russian agents to influence the US election in the Republican candidate's favour.

US intelligence agencies, including the CIA and NSA [National Security Agency], concluded with "high confidence" in 2016 that Russia was behind an effort to thumb the scale of the US election for Mr Trump.

Both the Russian and US presidents have poured scorn on suggestions of collusion, with Mr Trump calling it "the greatest political witch hunt in history".

What contact do we know about?
At least 12 Trump associates had contacts with Russians during the campaign or transition, according to an analysis of public records by CNN, with at least 19 face-to-face interactions with Russians or Kremlin-linked figures and at least 51 individual communications.

Trump aides known to have had contact with Russians include the president's son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner, his son Donald Trump Jr, former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, and the Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

The president's supporters point out that interactions with foreign nationals are routine during any White House campaign, but two Trump aides have admitted lying about the encounters.

Who's been charged?
Four people have been indicted by the special counsel: Paul Manafort, a former Trump campaign chairman; Rick Gates, a former business associate of Mr Manafort; George Papadopoulos, a former Trump campaign adviser, and Michael Flynn, the former US national security adviser.

Mr Manafort and Mr Gates have pleaded not guilty to 12 counts including money laundering and conspiracy against the US. The indictments do not mention Mr Trump or alleged Russian interference in the election.

Mr Papadopoulos is said to have attempted to set up meetings between Mr Trump and Russian representatives, and he admitted lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russians. Mr Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI over meetings he had with the Russian Ambassador, Sergei Kislyak.

Why are the Flynn charges important?
By far the most senior member of the Trump team to be indicted, Michael Flynn, admitted one count of making false statements. This was a much lesser charge than analysts say he might have faced for conducting business as a private citizen with a foreign power. Legal experts say such plea deals are only offered when a witness has incriminating evidence on someone more senior than themselves.

Mr Trump sacked Mr Flynn in February, saying he had lied to Vice-President Mike Pence about meeting with the Russian envoy to the US. Questions have been raised over how much Mr Trump knew about Mr Flynn's contacts with the Russian ambassador and when. The answers to those questions could form part of Mr Flynn's plea bargain, US media say.

How many investigations are ongoing?
As well the special counsel inquiry by Robert Mueller under the aegis of the Justice Department there are four congressional investigations:

  • The Senate and House Intelligence Committees and the Senate Judiciary Committee are investigating alleged Kremlin meddling and any collusion with Trump aides
  • The House Oversight Committee is scrutinising links between Trump associates and Russian officials

    All you need to know about Trump Russia story
What about the Don Jr meeting?
Another focal point of the press coverage, and possibly the investigation, is a June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower in New York City involving Mr Trump's son, Donald Jr, his son-in-law Jared Kushner, then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort and an influential Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya.

The meeting occurred after a Russian intermediary contacted Mr Trump Jr with a promise to provide material that would "incriminate" Hillary Clinton - the Democratic candidate - and be "very useful to your father". Mr Trump Jr replied: "I love it."

Mr Trump Jr later defended the meeting, saying Ms Veselnitskaya offered only "inane nonsense" and nothing came of it, but he also told Fox News' Sean Hannity "in retrospect, I probably would have done things a little differently".

In January 2018, in an extraordinary break from the administration he once served, Steve Bannon, a former White House chief strategist, called the meeting "treasonous" and "unpatriotic", and said the justice department would "crack Don Junior like an egg on national TV".

The president responded furiously that Mr Bannon had "lost his mind".

See our full Russia timeline.

All you need to know about Trump Russia story
Example it's a crime for a foreigner to kill a US citizen overseas.

It's a crime in the country where it occurs, so that's a really fucking stupid example.

Nope, is some islamic countries it's not a crime to kill an infidel. It's only an american crime.

So when does our government arrest these people?

It is unlikely that Russia will turn these people over to the US for prosecution but you are mistaken about the process.

The US gives notice to Russia that they want to arrest Russian citizens and extradite them to the US for trial. If Russia agrees to cooperate (ha!), they take those charged into custody and there’s a court hearing where the accused can make a case that they should not be sent back to the US for trial.

In this case, since Russia is unlikely to cooperate, they’ll likely file arrest warrants with Interpol and wait for these people to leave Russia and, hopefully, go to a more cooperative jurisdiction.
Trump Tower meeting
Investigators were likely to press Bannon over the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya and Donald Trump Jr., Trump son-in-law Kushner and then-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.
Bannon was aware of other meetings that are of interest to Mueller. For instance, Bannon was forwarded an email during the transition detailing the plan for then-incoming national security adviser Flynn to talk with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak about sanctions, according to The New York Times.
One of the other lingering questions in the Russia investigation is whether there was any collusion or cooperation between the Trump campaign's data team and the Russian government, which also used social media to target specific voters during the campaign. Both sides flatly deny any collusion.
Cambridge Analytica affiliation
Before joining the Trump campaign, Bannon was on the board of Cambridge Analytica, a data company that worked on the campaign.
Cambridge Analytica CEO Alexander Nix, who contacted WikiLeaks in June 2016 to ask about Hillary Clinton's emails, testified before the House Intelligence Committee in December. And Mueller asked for the company's emails last fall, according to The Wall Street Journal.
Just three months after Nix contacted WikiLeaks, it exchanged private messages on Twitter with Trump Jr. In most of the messages from late September 2016, which Trump Jr. later released to the public, WikiLeaks asked Trump Jr. to share its materials on social media. Trump Jr. sent an email about the conversation to Bannon and a group of other senior Trump campaign officials, according to The Atlantic, and Mueller could press for additional information on those exchanges.
Cambridge Analytica spokesman Nick Fievet said the company tried to get in touch with WikiLeaks indirectly.
Cambridge Analytica "spoke once on the phone with a speakers bureau that represents WikiLeaks' Julian Assange to ask for information after Assange claimed on British TV to possess leaked material related to the election, without saying where it had come from or what was in it," Fievet said.

Special counsel questioned Bannon this week - CNNPolitics

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