Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

the FBI was closely monitoring which was HOW trumptards got caught red-handed. wake up, dumbos. time to get real. :itsok:

the FBI was in on the crime, moron. Comey and several others should be in jail

in on what crime? the crime of doing his job? :laugh:

make up your mind, dumbo.. did the FBI drop the ball on monitoring russian interference...were they "asleep at the switch"?? or were they just doing their job monitoring russian operatives when trumptards walked right into being under surveillance and getting CAUGHT RED-HANDED lying to the FBI about their russian contacts...

:laugh2: gawd trumptards and their apologists are the worlds biggest morons.
/——/ Why did Obozo do nothing, or did he order Putin to interfere after his re-election when he’d have more flexibility?
I don't thnk there's a clown car big enough to hold all these Russian puppets.

Just hook up a whole bunch of trailers and make it a Clown Train!

and yet still no one can tell me what actual laws were broken in the trolling of our election process.

Read the indictment, loser.
RE: Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling
※→ TyroneSlothrop, et al,

Well, whatever that means...

It was not a Hoax like Trump was screaming to his GIMP army of Slack Jaw Drool Cup carriers
john mclaughlin @jmclaughlinSAIS
Especially striking about Mueller indictment is the stark contrast between its almost clinical devotion to hard, documental fact (truth, remember that?) contrasted with a year of dissembling, chaos, spin, and falsehood infecting our politics. It’s like a political antibiotic.

5:19 AM - Feb 17, 2018

We need to sit back and wait for the outcome to be revealed. Conspiracy this → and conspiracy that → don't get excited. Certainly there is something wrong here. The indictments do not seem to be the quality of work you would normally associate with the Special Prosecutor. Such big guns for such little crimes.

AND ⇒ Certainly, our system of government is not so fragile as to be upset by social media. Most of the time, but certainly during election time, anyone who is even remotely familiar with social media, knows that it is mostly produced by trash talker. Hardliners from both sides engage in some rugged debates.

And everyone knows that politicians are not even as trustworthy as a hungry used car salesman. There is no greater snake pit than Washington DC. The mere fact that someone is charged with attempting to undermine public confidence in democracy is almost laughable. Hell, that would cover most of Congress with all the partisan politics and hidden agenda.

If we filed charges against every politician on the basis of it they "undermine public confidence" there would be no one left.

No, either this entire debacle actually undermines public confidence, by being so ludicrous --- or --- we need to open an investigation into who in Congress actually started all this nonsense.

In any event, since the ball is already rolling down hill, we need to sit back and wait for the end result. Once the Special Prosecutor is done, then we (as Americans) should begin to review the record, and identify who made what allegations; and apply:

Title 10 USC §333. Interference with State and Federal law

The President, by using the militia or the armed forces, or both, or by any other means, shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, if it—

(1) so hinders the execution of the laws of that State, and of the United States within the State, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection; or

(2) opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.​

Most Respectfully,
So why is he not arresting the people who were involved in the fake dossier?
Because there was no crime, dope.

sorry, but presenting fake "evidence" to a court is a crime. dope

What fake evidence, dope? Share the warrant affidavit that you must have seen in order to make such a claim.

the dossier has been proven false, the dossier was used as evidence before the FISA court. FBI and DOJ officials certified that it was true. they at a minimum committed perjury.

your ignorance is troubling-------------or is it simply partisan blindness?

the dossier has been proven false,

It has not, dope.

I've said this before and it continues to be true. The biggest mistake you dopes make is believing Russia did nothing and that the dossier is fake.

never said they did nothing, I am merely asking what they did and which votes were affected or changed as a result of it.

the dossier has been proven fake. try to stay up to date.
When will he indict Obama for interfering in the Israeli and French elections? This is really hilarious. We and every other country in the world have been trying to influence elections in other countries since the beginning of time, and all of a sudden its illegal and offensive and terrible.

Geez, people, are you that ignorant?????

That's your defense of Russian fraud, identity theft, hacking, and interfering in our elections? lol

tell me exactly what they did that affected the outcome of our election. specifically what did they do, where did they do it, and which votes were affected.

I get it that they may be guilty of fraud, identity theft, and hacking. but no one has yet said exactly how they influenced our election

We do know that the Obama admin tried to influence the Israeli and French elections and the brexit vote. But that's just hunky dory, right?
Rosenstien made it perfectly clear that what they did, DID NOT AFFECT THE OUTCOME OF THE ELECTION... The snowflakes around here have a problem with that...
So why is he not arresting the people who were involved in the fake dossier?
Because there was no crime, dope.

A reminder:

. When an application is made to the FISA court, the assertions in same must be certified by the FBI Director, or Deputy Director, or the Attorney General, or Deputy Attorney General, or Assistant Attorney General to the NSA.

The DoJ and the FBI had to petition the FISA court….and the initial warrant on Carter Page was renewed three times….the same process, thrice.

Know what ‘certify’ means?
a. To confirm formally as true, accurate, or genuine: The police certified tht a suspect had been arrested.

b. To guarantee as meeting a standard:

Comey, McCabe…and Sally Yates certified the applications.

Rod Rosenstein signed at least one.

FBI Deputy Dana Boente signed another.

Jail ‘em all.

Another reminder: you're a low-life lying cur.

^Another loser who claims to know something she could not possibly know.

Nothing here that isn't a fact.

When an application is made to the FISA court, the assertions in same must be certified by the FBI Director, or Deputy Director, or the Attorney General, or Deputy Attorney General, or Assistant Attorney General to the NSA.

The DoJ and the FBI had to petition the FISA court….and the initial warrant on Carter Page was renewed three times….the same process, thrice.

Know what ‘certify’ means?
a. To confirm formally as true, accurate, or genuine: The police certified tht a suspect had been arrested.

b. To guarantee as meeting a standard:

Comey, McCabe…and Sally Yates certified the applications.

Rod Rosenstein signed at least one.

FBI Deputy Dana Boente signed another.

Jail ‘em all.

Especially this:
Another reminder: you're a low-life lying cur.
do your homework and read the indictments, dumbo.

so far, it's just the TIP OF THE ICEBERG. :itsok:

yep, and the more that comes out the more guilty the Clinton/Obama team looks.

you keep telling yourself that. :laugh:

these indictments demonstrate how FBI was absolutely justified in monitoring russian contacts but somehow "clinton/obama team" is guilty of fabricating flimsy excuses to obtain FISA warrants to monitor russians? you just cried how the "team" were supposedly "asleep at the switch" yet you want to hang them for NOT being asleep at the switch??

have a good day, dumbo(s)... :itsok:

Breaking just now, more will surly follow.

Eat that Orange Turd!

Say cause and effect challenged liberals, how did you come to the conclusion this is linked to Trump?

Answer, typical emotional response. Reality is what you want it to be.

it's a long read, so you might be challenged trying to enlighten yourself, but stick with it or stay poorly educated like president dotard wants you to be:

The definitive Trump-Russia timeline of events
Follow our timeline of events on the Trump administration's ties to Russia.
03/03/2017 07:30 PM EST
Updated 12/01/2017 03:48 PM EST

The definitive Trump-Russia timeline of events

A) this isn't the be all & end all of this investigation.

B) ignorance is not a defense

C) collusion is not a crime, but conspiracy is. whether or not an outcome is changed from an illegal act, matters not whether or not that results in a crime.
Look up 'unwitting'. It has a specific legal meaning.
Look up 'unwitting'. It has a specific legal meaning.

Yes, it means dumb as shit.
Rosenstien made it perfectly clear that what they did, DID NOT AFFECT THE OUTCOME OF THE ELECTION... The snowflakes around here have a problem with that...

Wrong, that's not what he said

Rosenstein: There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election.

Rosenstein limited his comments to what was charged in the indictment, which was limited to violations of federal law, and not the effects of those violations.
When will he indict Obama for interfering in the Israeli and French elections? This is really hilarious. We and every other country in the world have been trying to influence elections in other countries since the beginning of time, and all of a sudden its illegal and offensive and terrible.

Geez, people, are you that ignorant?????

That's your defense of Russian fraud, identity theft, hacking, and interfering in our elections? lol

tell me exactly what they did that affected the outcome of our election. specifically what did they do, where did they do it, and which votes were affected.

I get it that they may be guilty of fraud, identity theft, and hacking. but no one has yet said exactly how they influenced our election

We do know that the Obama admin tried to influence the Israeli and French elections and the brexit vote. But that's just hunky dory, right?
Rosenstien made it perfectly clear that what they did, DID NOT AFFECT THE OUTCOME OF THE ELECTION... The snowflakes around here have a problem with that...
That's immaterial. It's also not true, we have no way of knowing if Trump is an illegitimate president just yet.

The fact they broke laws and tried to undermines me our democracy are the material aspects of the indictment
Or to support in any fashion your hope that this is somehow tied to Trump.
Why did you rate my post funny, when your post here supports my point, ie that Trump had nothing to do with it?
The 13 Russians indited have nothing to do with the Orange one? Didn't read the indictment did you!!!! Try these three references in the paperwork filed in Federal Court (the indictment) which puts the lie to that sophistry:

"76. On or about August 18, 2016, the real “Florida for Trump” Facebook account responded to the false U.S. persona “Matt Skiber” account with instructions to contact a member of the Trump Campaign (“Campaign Official l”) involved in the campaign’s Florida operations and provided Campaign Official 1’s email address at the campaign domain On approximately the same day, Defendants and their co-conspirators used the email address of a false U.S. persona, [email protected], to send an email to Campaign Official 1 at that email account, which read in part:"


"78. On or about August 19, 2016, a supporter of the Trump Campaign sent a message to the ORGANIZATION-controlled “March for Trump” Twitter account about a member of the Trump Campaign (“Campaign Official 2”) who was involved in the campaign's Florida operations and provided Campaign Official 2's email address at the domain On or about the same day, Defendants and their co-conspirators used the false U.S. persona [email protected] account to send an email to Campaign Official at that email account."


"79. On or about August 19, 2016, the real “Florida for Trump” Facebook account sent another message to the false U.S. persona “Matt Skiber” account to contact a member of the Trump Campaign (“Campaign Official 3”) involved in the campaign’s Florida operations. On or about August 20, 2016, Defendants and their co-conspirators used the “Matt Skiber” Facebook account to contact Campaign Official 3."

Now what did you say about the indictment not concerning the Clown-in-Chief? dipstick? Time to edify yourself by reading the indictment here, Trump Toady!
~~ Read the Full Text of Mueller's Indictment of 13 Russians ~~
When an application is made to the FISA court, the assertions in same must be certified by the FBI Director, or Deputy Director, or the Attorney General, or Deputy Attorney General, or Assistant Attorney General to the NSA.

The DoJ and the FBI had to petition the FISA court….and the initial warrant on Carter Page was renewed three times….the same process, thrice.

Know what ‘certify’ means?
Comey, McCabe…and Sally Yates certified the applications.

Rod Rosenstein signed at least one.

FBI Deputy Dana Boente signed another.

Jail ‘em all..

You know the judge does not (and legally can not) consider the certifications of the DOJ heads as evidence in the warrant application. Read the rules of federal evidence
That's immaterial. It's also not true, we have no way of knowing if Trump is an illegitimate president just yet.

The fact they broke laws and tried to undermines me our democracy are the material aspects of the indictment

Under american law and election law, how Trump won doesn't change the outcome. The punishment of election fraud, is to punish the fraud, not to overturn the election. Campaign managers have gone to jail, but the candidate continues to serve in office.
When an application is made to the FISA court, the assertions in same must be certified by the FBI Director, or Deputy Director, or the Attorney General, or Deputy Attorney General, or Assistant Attorney General to the NSA.

The DoJ and the FBI had to petition the FISA court….and the initial warrant on Carter Page was renewed three times….the same process, thrice.

Know what ‘certify’ means?
Comey, McCabe…and Sally Yates certified the applications.

Rod Rosenstein signed at least one.

FBI Deputy Dana Boente signed another.

Jail ‘em all..

You know the judge does not (and legally can not) consider the certifications of the DOJ heads as evidence in the warrant application. Read the rules of federal evidence

The veracity and lack of contamination, as was true here, is sworn to by those signing the affidavit.

When an application is made to the FISA court, the assertions in same must be certified by the FBI Director, or Deputy Director, or the Attorney General, or Deputy Attorney General, or Assistant Attorney General to the NSA.

The DoJ and the FBI had to petition the FISA court….and the initial warrant on Carter Page was renewed three times….the same process, thrice.

Know what ‘certify’ means?
Comey, McCabe…and Sally Yates certified the applications.

Rod Rosenstein signed at least one.

FBI Deputy Dana Boente signed another.

Jail ‘em all..
tRumps claims of hoax are gone. Crimes were committed. The house of cards will begin to crumble.
He's having a very bad weekend. R's in Congress are panicking. Mueller and Rosenstein are
much more safe than they were.
Because there was no crime, dope.

sorry, but presenting fake "evidence" to a court is a crime. dope

What fake evidence, dope? Share the warrant affidavit that you must have seen in order to make such a claim.

the dossier has been proven false, the dossier was used as evidence before the FISA court. FBI and DOJ officials certified that it was true. they at a minimum committed perjury.

your ignorance is troubling-------------or is it simply partisan blindness?

the dossier has been proven false,

It has not, dope.

I've said this before and it continues to be true. The biggest mistake you dopes make is believing Russia did nothing and that the dossier is fake.

never said they did nothing, I am merely asking what they did and which votes were affected or changed as a result of it.

Because there was no crime, dope.

sorry, but presenting fake "evidence" to a court is a crime. dope

What fake evidence, dope? Share the warrant affidavit that you must have seen in order to make such a claim.

the dossier has been proven false, the dossier was used as evidence before the FISA court. FBI and DOJ officials certified that it was true. they at a minimum committed perjury.

your ignorance is troubling-------------or is it simply partisan blindness?

the dossier has been proven false,

It has not, dope.

I've said this before and it continues to be true. The biggest mistake you dopes make is believing Russia did nothing and that the dossier is fake.

never said they did nothing, I am merely asking what they did and which votes were affected or changed as a result of it.

the dossier has been proven fake. try to stay up to date.

dossier has been proven fake. try to stay up to date.

the dossier has been proven fake. try to stay up to date.

It hasn't and the irony of your advice is hilarious.

A Lot of the Steele Report Has Since Been Corroborated

The Dirty Truth About the Steele Dossier

Read it for yourself.

Trump Intelligence Allegations
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