Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

Remember Trump's main argument for why he was sure that Russia never meddled in our election?

...because Putin told him they didn't.

Let's not avoid the issue, eddie....

Now....a question which you will not be able to which your ilk, the bovine-brained sort, run from.
When you don't answer it, you will be proving what I have said about the "investigation."

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.


So we can agree....I proved that you're a Fascist?


I can agree you have proven yourself to be a world class slack jaw GIMP for T^rump...listen to the sound from Mueller's Office

yep :laugh: (i laughed, i cried.. for my country)

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Cause Kerry brought over 13 Russians to troll us? We are being collectively stupid, Eddie. We are divided cause they are playing us. Stop thinking TRUMP and start seeing not caring, just fucking with us n you eating it up.

Just as our culture dictates we'd do.

teflon don is both a useful idiot and a traitor.

The Hidden History of Trump’s First Trip to Moscow

Remember when you said this....
"still can't answer regarding who hasn't been treated impartially, i see."

....and how easily I proved you to be a lying sack of offal?
The funniest part of this is Trump admitting yesterday that the Russians did in fact meddle in our elections

after he spent years insisting they never did.

yes and he proudly tweeted yesterday how russia's covert actions related to the 2016 election began in 2014 before trump even announced he was running.

:lol: (AS IF this was great news for him.) ^

setting aside that he had let it be known privately that he intended to run.........

these facts and indictments clearly demonstrate that the FBI was fully justified in monitoring russian operatives, and prove that FISA warrants obtained to monitor russian operatives were not obtained as some flimsy political conspiracy against trump.

trump and his associates have been caught red-handed (pun intended!) they've been caught lying to the FBI, covering-up russian contacts, obfuscating evidence, undermining the integrity of American agencies just doing their job, and out-right obstructing justice... and for WHAT??

we shall see what indictments come next! :eusa_think:
Trump's Russia "hoax" turns out to be real

"Hoax - Fake News - Witch Hunt - Russia Russia Russia" (the Orange dude has a very limited vocabulary) So will he DO anything about it? Maybe implement the sanctions 98 out of 100 Senators ordered him to do?? Perhaps call a cabinet meeting on the topic??? Nah - He'll continue to let Daddy Poot win. Why? Because he's got the goods on Donald and will likely help him to win again.

Nice column from Phil Rucker

The hackers, he suggested, may have been Chinese. Or some 400-pound guy sitting on his bed. Again and again, he insisted, Russian interference was a hoax — a fiction created by Democrats as an excuse for losing an election they should have won.

When Donald Trump finally acknowledged publicly that Russians had hacked Democratic emails and interfered in the 2016 presidential election, the then-president-elect immediately regretted it. He confided to advisers that he did not believe the intelligence. The last thing Trump wanted to do was to endorse the notion that his victory may have been caused by any force other than his own strategy, message and charisma.

“Russia talk is FAKE NEWS put out by the Dems, and played up by the media, in order to mask the big election defeat and the illegal leaks!” Trump tweeted last Feb. 26.

Another tweet, this one from May 2017: “The Russia-Trump collusion story is a total hoax, when will this taxpayer funded charade end?”

But Trump’s own Justice Department has concluded otherwise. A 37-page federal indictment released Friday afternoon spells out in exhaustive detail a three-year Russian plot to disrupt America’s democracy and boost Trump’s campaign, dealing a fatal blow to one of the president’s favorite talking points.

Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein announces the indictment of 13 Russian nationals and three Russian organizations Friday for meddling in the 2016 U.S.

A Russia “hoax” this was not.
All these months of investigation and they indict Russian citizens for posting on social network. Gee, like millions of Americans didn't attempt to sway their friends by posting a bunch of political crap. Then there was MSNBC, CNN and other leftists outright lying about Trump and practically campaigning for Hillary. Fake news, anyone? Perfectly acceptable when it comes out of left field.

What about when Obama went to Israel and told the citizens not to vote for Netanyahu or when he went to the UK to talk people into voting against Brexit? Is that not interfering in elections? Or is it viewed differently when the person is pushing the radical views of the left?
How is that even illegal? What is the crime? Would it be illegal for an American to post on facebook?

Beats the hell out of me. It sounds like a desperate attempt to save face after wasting all that time and money going after Trump. Somebody had to be put in the hot seat and this is the best they could do. Meanwhile, countries have interfered in elections for ages. Obama interfered in the Israel election when he went there to try and talk people out of voting for Netanyahu. That was direct interference but no consequences or even criticism from the lib media.

What about Obama telling illegals to vote in the last election? Areas with extremely high populations of illegals is where Hillary got most of her votes. Isn't telling people to cheat interfering with an election?

What about the precincts that were counting Hillary's votes up to six times each? Remember that being discovered during the recount? How the hell is that not interfering with an election?

What about the fake news that still continues? CNN, MSNBC, late night talk shows and other liberal talking heads lied their asses off. They tried to help cover for Hillary weird medical condition and constantly took a negative tone on anything about Trump. How is that not interfering with an election?

Yet, they claim that a dozen Russians managed to convince Americans to vote Trump. Biggest load of bullshit ever.
With Obama interfering with israel, that gets a mostly false rating. Besides, Netanyahu is corrupt as can get.

Obama only encouraged latinos to vote, not illegals. But probably in the republican mind, all latinos are illegal.

Russian interference takes on different forms, one big one is Russian trolls. with big budget. Denying russian influence is about as un-patriotic as you can get.
Fact check sites are fake news, so their "mostly false rating" is bullshit.

Posts by Bripat are based on “fake news” and they’re bullshit.

Fact check sites are only “fake news” to you because they point out the daily stream of lies and misinformation being spewed by Trump and his minions.
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When will he indict Obama for interfering in the Israeli and French elections? This is really hilarious. We and every other country in the world have been trying to influence elections in other countries since the beginning of time, and all of a sudden its illegal and offensive and terrible.

Geez, people, are you that ignorant?????
so some Russians put stuff on facebook to make crooked Hillary look crooked, and they also put stuff on facebook to make Trump look bad, and Bernie, and Rubio, and Biden, and everyone else.

No one has yet shown how one vote was changed as a direct result of the actions of the evil Russkies.

did Obama's actions affect the votes in Israel and France? Did his actions affect the brexit vote?

This whole thing is a pile of steaming useless bullshit and a total waste of time and money.
I see Mueller didn't think any of these people were a big enough threat to file a request for a FISA Surveillance warrant.

Only The Orange Menace is dangerous enough to warrant that!

You don't see that at all, dope. You have no way to know if there were warrants on any of those indicted.

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