Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

No. They said they were, "unwitting participants".

The Witch Hunt claims that these phantom "Russians" organized rallies against Hillary. The "unwitting participants" were those who attended.

Is it illegal now to have rallies that oppose party members?

What does the Grand Inquisitor say?

It's a component of their meddling, dope and these aren't "phantom Russians". They were identified by name.

If nothing else, you dopes should be starting to see that the Russian effort was huge and highly organized across many fronts.

They are "phantom" in that they can never be arrested or prosecuted. Not that the "charges" can stand in any court. This is farce that the Inquisition hopes will distract from the absolute corruption of the DOJ and FBI.

It failed.

So, have you figured out which acts violated which laws yet?

You know such as USCode(301BS) states "Any post on electronic media that opposes the aims and goals of the GLORIOUS PEOPLES DEMOCRAT PARTY shall be prohibited and those who do so shall be sent to forced labor camps for a duration not less than twenty years.)

They can certainly be arrested and extradited to the US if they were to travel outside of Russia.
That aside. The indictments explain the extent to which Russia was committed to their efforts here. IMO, that is more imortant.
The Witch Hunt claims that these phantom "Russians" organized rallies against Hillary. The "unwitting participants" were those who attended.

Is it illegal now to have rallies that oppose party members?

What does the Grand Inquisitor say?

It's a component of their meddling, dope and these aren't "phantom Russians". They were identified by name.

If nothing else, you dopes should be starting to see that the Russian effort was huge and highly organized across many fronts.
Even when we stop blaming republicans they can’t help keep defending Russia.

One of them even argued Russia has the freedom of speech and freedom to prefer trump

That tells me they aren’t intellectual enough to understand the laws unless fox rush and trump agree then they’ll deny deny deny
this from the person yet to cite a single law you continue to reference.

you keep using that word...i do not think it means what you think it means.

Read the indictments, dope.

Here is the farce of an indictment;

TEXT: Full Mueller indictment on Russian election case

Go ahead and show which acts violated actual laws?

Hint: Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada might just have a wee bit of trouble getting any legitimate court to criminalize Facebook posts based on political views....

Sure, loser.
This just goes to show they're taking their talking points from some ditto-head, and never read the 37 page indictment, which explains every in micro detail, of every law broken, how it was broken, when it was broken, who broke it, and what proof they have to substantiate the indictment.

They even have an American who pleaded guilty, and confessed to being the guy who provided the Russians with their stolen and made up identities. Both acts of which are felonies under the law.

Well Comrade, then you could simply cut and paste.

I'll help you, here is the farce of an indictment:

TEXT: Full Mueller indictment on Russian election case

Shall I hold my breath while awaiting one of you Stalinists coming up with something?

Come back to me when you've read the indictment, it's all in there, I don't have the time to teach you how to read. Start around page 34 where it states count 1 and count 2 of the indictment.
Stunt double...a Face Book post is not illegal..a series of legal acts...intended to influence the election..would be a criminal Mueller has charged.

Which "illegal acts," Comrade?

List them and the laws they violated.

This is the way of the Witch Hunt from the very start - innuendo, rumor, and gossip. Even with these absurd "indictments" no one can point to what laws were broken.
***yawn*** Well..Comrade..since you are the one defending Russian the indictments..I need list nothing...and the question of whether the law was broken is one for a jury..not for you and your partisan blather.
show me how the russians helped trump. show me the ads the russians ran on facebook or anywhere else and then show me how these ads overwhelmingly pushed trump on us.

and i do wish we'd all stop the fucking "comrade" shit. this desire to paint people who disagree with us in the most extreme terms possible is a huge contributor to keeping the very trolling the russians *are* doing going strong.

You're not simply disagreeing, comrade. You're ignorant of some the most basic information and in turn making stupid assertions.

The key findings from the US intelligence report on the Russia hack, decoded

"The ODNI report states conclusively that Putin personally ordered the email hacks of Democratic Party officials as part of a broader campaign to influence the US election in Trump’s favor. This seems to have sprung, in part, from Putin’s paranoia concerning perceived US attempts to undermine his government.

The report explains that Putin was incensed about a series of scandals that embarrassed his government, such as the Panama Papers leak, which revealed (among other things) a secret $2 billion account held by Putin personally. The Russian hacking campaign was designed in part to throw a similar kind of dirt on the United States, which he held responsible for his embarrassment.

“Putin publicly pointed to the Panama Papers disclosure and the Olympic doping scandal as US-directed efforts to defame Russia, suggesting he sought to use disclosures to discredit the image of the United States and cast it as hypocritical,” the ODNI report states."
Fuck you.

Here is the farce of an indictment;
TEXT: Full Mueller indictment on Russian election case
Go ahead and show which acts violated actual laws?
Hint: Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada might just have a wee bit of trouble getting any legitimate court to criminalize Facebook posts based on political views....

^ ^ ^ Not an attorney who would know a lick about what is and isn't a a crime provable beyond a reasonable doubt in a US court of law.

But did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night! :)
They can certainly be arrested and extradited to the US if they were to travel outside of Russia.
That aside. The indictments explain the extent to which Russia was committed to their efforts here. IMO, that is more imortant.

Mueller knows his chances are between slim and none that any of those Russians will travel to where they can extradited to the USA. But that wasn't his point. Mueller had to prove his investigation wasn't a witch hunt by showing there were underlying crimes he was investigating. Since collusion isn't a crime, he showed conspiracy to commit identity theft, and conspiracy to commit wire fraud serves to justify the investigations underlying crime requirement.

Mueller has many other indictments up his sleeve. How do I know? Mueller hasn't leaked any of his moves in advance, and has repeatedly taken everybody by surprise, with each indictment or guilty plea providing another piece of the Russian puzzle.
This is why Trump is in complete denial! All this action going on, but in his mind; "there's no collusion!" Sick! :102:

So you're crediting Trump with being right? Nicely done, thanks for manning up to how wrong you were
Sooo ... how many internet trolls have we arrested yet?

The clock is ticking, and the special internet troll prosecuter has to justify his budget at some point.
Stunt double...a Face Book post is not illegal..a series of legal acts...intended to influence the election..would be a criminal Mueller has charged.

Which "illegal acts," Comrade?

List them and the laws they violated.

This is the way of the Witch Hunt from the very start - innuendo, rumor, and gossip. Even with these absurd "indictments" no one can point to what laws were broken.
***yawn*** Well..Comrade..since you are the one defending Russian the indictments..I need list nothing...and the question of whether the law was broken is one for a jury..not for you and your partisan blather.
show me how the russians helped trump. show me the ads the russians ran on facebook or anywhere else and then show me how these ads overwhelmingly pushed trump on us.

and i do wish we'd all stop the fucking "comrade" shit. this desire to paint people who disagree with us in the most extreme terms possible is a huge contributor to keeping the very trolling the russians *are* doing going strong.

You're not simply disagreeing, comrade. You're ignorant of some the most basic information and in turn making stupid assertions.

The key findings from the US intelligence report on the Russia hack, decoded

"The ODNI report states conclusively that Putin personally ordered the email hacks of Democratic Party officials as part of a broader campaign to influence the US election in Trump’s favor. This seems to have sprung, in part, from Putin’s paranoia concerning perceived US attempts to undermine his government.

The report explains that Putin was incensed about a series of scandals that embarrassed his government, such as the Panama Papers leak, which revealed (among other things) a secret $2 billion account held by Putin personally. The Russian hacking campaign was designed in part to throw a similar kind of dirt on the United States, which he held responsible for his embarrassment.

“Putin publicly pointed to the Panama Papers disclosure and the Olympic doping scandal as US-directed efforts to defame Russia, suggesting he sought to use disclosures to discredit the image of the United States and cast it as hypocritical,” the ODNI report states."
Fuck you.


I know it stings but don't jump in the pool if you can't swim.
They can certainly be arrested and extradited to the US if they were to travel outside of Russia.
That aside. The indictments explain the extent to which Russia was committed to their efforts here. IMO, that is more imortant.

Mueller knows his chances are between slim and none that any of those Russians will travel to where they can extradited to the USA. But that wasn't his point. Mueller had to prove his investigation wasn't a witch hunt by showing there were underlying crimes he was investigating. Since collusion isn't a crime, he showed conspiracy to commit identity theft, and conspiracy to commit wire fraud serves to justify the investigations underlying crime requirement.

Mueller has many other indictments up his sleeve. How do I know? Mueller hasn't leaked any of his moves in advance, and has repeatedly taken everybody by surprise, with each indictment or guilty plea providing another piece of the Russian puzzle.
Mueller is no joke...he's playing at the highest of levels..and may be the only one in this whole mess who knows exactly where he is going..and just how to get there.
They can certainly be arrested and extradited to the US if they were to travel outside of Russia.
That aside. The indictments explain the extent to which Russia was committed to their efforts here. IMO, that is more imortant.

Mueller knows his chances are between slim and none that any of those Russians will travel to where they can extradited to the USA. But that wasn't his point. Mueller had to prove his investigation wasn't a witch hunt by showing there were underlying crimes he was investigating. Since collusion isn't a crime, he showed conspiracy to commit identity theft, and conspiracy to commit wire fraud serves to justify the investigations underlying crime requirement.

Mueller has many other indictments up his sleeve. How do I know? Mueller hasn't leaked any of his moves in advance, and has repeatedly taken everybody by surprise, with each indictment or guilty plea providing another piece of the Russian puzzle.
Mueller is no joke...he's playing at the highest of levels..and may be the only one in this whole mess who knows exactly where he is going..and just how to get there.

Mueller, at this point, is likely to go down in history as just another patsy for an ambitious politician.
Which "illegal acts," Comrade?

List them and the laws they violated.

This is the way of the Witch Hunt from the very start - innuendo, rumor, and gossip. Even with these absurd "indictments" no one can point to what laws were broken.
***yawn*** Well..Comrade..since you are the one defending Russian the indictments..I need list nothing...and the question of whether the law was broken is one for a jury..not for you and your partisan blather.
show me how the russians helped trump. show me the ads the russians ran on facebook or anywhere else and then show me how these ads overwhelmingly pushed trump on us.

and i do wish we'd all stop the fucking "comrade" shit. this desire to paint people who disagree with us in the most extreme terms possible is a huge contributor to keeping the very trolling the russians *are* doing going strong.

You're not simply disagreeing, comrade. You're ignorant of some the most basic information and in turn making stupid assertions.

The key findings from the US intelligence report on the Russia hack, decoded

"The ODNI report states conclusively that Putin personally ordered the email hacks of Democratic Party officials as part of a broader campaign to influence the US election in Trump’s favor. This seems to have sprung, in part, from Putin’s paranoia concerning perceived US attempts to undermine his government.

The report explains that Putin was incensed about a series of scandals that embarrassed his government, such as the Panama Papers leak, which revealed (among other things) a secret $2 billion account held by Putin personally. The Russian hacking campaign was designed in part to throw a similar kind of dirt on the United States, which he held responsible for his embarrassment.

“Putin publicly pointed to the Panama Papers disclosure and the Olympic doping scandal as US-directed efforts to defame Russia, suggesting he sought to use disclosures to discredit the image of the United States and cast it as hypocritical,” the ODNI report states."
Fuck you.


I know it stings but don't jump in the pool if you can't swim.
Damn sure not going to jump in with a dumbass boat anchor.
Trump isn't the traitor shithead, it was Hillary and the FBI that colluded with Moscow to corrupt our election.

Now you, you're a traitor.

The 37 page Mueller indictment was the work of all those deep state intelligence community agents. And it is a slam dunk the russians meddled in the 2016 election to hurt Hillary and help elect Trump.
/——/ “Charges Deal Don A Big Win,” written by Michael Goodwin of the @nypost, succinctly states that “the Russians had no impact on the election results.” There was no Collusion with the Trump Campaign. “She lost the old-fashioned way, by being a terrible candidate. Case closed.”
They can certainly be arrested and extradited to the US if they were to travel outside of Russia.
That aside. The indictments explain the extent to which Russia was committed to their efforts here. IMO, that is more imortant.

Mueller knows his chances are between slim and none that any of those Russians will travel to where they can extradited to the USA. But that wasn't his point. Mueller had to prove his investigation wasn't a witch hunt by showing there were underlying crimes he was investigating. Since collusion isn't a crime, he showed conspiracy to commit identity theft, and conspiracy to commit wire fraud serves to justify the investigations underlying crime requirement.

Mueller has many other indictments up his sleeve. How do I know? Mueller hasn't leaked any of his moves in advance, and has repeatedly taken everybody by surprise, with each indictment or guilty plea providing another piece of the Russian puzzle.
Mueller is no joke...he's playing at the highest of levels..and may be the only one in this whole mess who knows exactly where he is going..and just how to get there.

Mueller, at this point, is likely to go down in history as just another patsy for an ambitious politician.
OK..I'll bite..which politician? Obama is out of the equation..likewise Clinton. So whose water is Mueller carrying?
Trump isn't the traitor shithead, it was Hillary and the FBI that colluded with Moscow to corrupt our election.

Now you, you're a traitor.

The 37 page Mueller indictment was the work of all those deep state intelligence community agents. And it is a slam dunk the russians meddled in the 2016 election to hurt Hillary and help elect Trump.
/——/ “Charges Deal Don A Big Win,” written by Michael Goodwin of the @nypost, succinctly states that “the Russians had no impact on the election results.” There was no Collusion with the Trump Campaign. “She lost the old-fashioned way, by being a terrible candidate. Case closed.”
In an odd twist of fate..I agree with you. Hillary was a horrible candidate..and her endgame sucked.

Of me..that was never the point anyway---the fact that a cabal of Russian oligarchs are active players in our electoral process..irks me. I want some pay back.
If the media was liberal why didn’t it uncover all this stuff about trump before the election?
If you would love that, then list the specific acts and the federal statutes violated by these act?

Posting things critical of Hillary outrages the Stalinist democrats, but violates no actual laws.
Again...if you are curious as to the facts alleged in the indictments and their basis in them...and make up your own mind. Hey..I got an about YOU list the laws alleged to have been violated..and rebut them point by point--that would be cool!

Here here.

This just goes to show they're taking their talking points from some ditto-head, and never read the 37 page indictment, which explains every in micro detail, of every law broken, how it was broken, when it was broken, who broke it, and what proof they have to substantiate the indictment.

They even have an American who pleaded guilty, and confessed to being the guy who provided the Russians with their stolen and made up identities. Both acts of which are felonies under the law.

Well Comrade, then you could simply cut and paste.

I'll help you, here is the farce of an indictment:

TEXT: Full Mueller indictment on Russian election case

Shall I hold my breath while awaiting one of you Stalinists coming up with something?
Again republicans are insisting that we read over every word when they never do. Strawman they call this
Trump isn't the traitor shithead, it was Hillary and the FBI that colluded with Moscow to corrupt our election.

Now you, you're a traitor.

The 37 page Mueller indictment was the work of all those deep state intelligence community agents. And it is a slam dunk the russians meddled in the 2016 election to hurt Hillary and help elect Trump.
/——/ “Charges Deal Don A Big Win,” written by Michael Goodwin of the @nypost, succinctly states that “the Russians had no impact on the election results.” There was no Collusion with the Trump Campaign. “She lost the old-fashioned way, by being a terrible candidate. Case closed.”
In an odd twist of fate..I agree with you. Hillary was a horrible candidate..and her endgame sucked.

Of me..that was never the point anyway---the fact that a cabal of Russian oligarchs are active players in our electoral process..irks me. I want some pay back.
..Agree and I want ANY American involved to pay a price
They can certainly be arrested and extradited to the US if they were to travel outside of Russia.
That aside. The indictments explain the extent to which Russia was committed to their efforts here. IMO, that is more imortant.

Mueller knows his chances are between slim and none that any of those Russians will travel to where they can extradited to the USA. But that wasn't his point. Mueller had to prove his investigation wasn't a witch hunt by showing there were underlying crimes he was investigating. Since collusion isn't a crime, he showed conspiracy to commit identity theft, and conspiracy to commit wire fraud serves to justify the investigations underlying crime requirement.

Mueller has many other indictments up his sleeve. How do I know? Mueller hasn't leaked any of his moves in advance, and has repeatedly taken everybody by surprise, with each indictment or guilty plea providing another piece of the Russian puzzle.

Mueller is playing three dimensional chess while Donald and his pals are sitting on a floor in the Romper Room floor engaging in a zesty game of Hungry Hippo.

And with his Magic Mirror, Bob sees Michael and Don Junior and Paul and George and Jared and Russian Trolls and and oh look - there's Donald J Dotard himself!


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