Mueller Is Coming for Trump

While it is true you can do packet tracing, who exactly was doing that AT THE TIME OF THE SO CALLED INTRUSION?.

The NSA. That's what they do.
THE NSA was not Live Monitoring THE DNC Server.
That's against THE LAW, remember?

Or don't you believe Clapper and Company when they said they don't spy on America?
You apparently didn't believe Clapper when he said there was NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION.
So what exactly do you believe?

You're in IT, you know the NSA is collecting most internet traffic, and keeping at least 20% of it for future reference. So if you're on the internet, you're being recorded by the NSA. How they determine what to hold onto, and what to flush is a top secret algorithm.
His job is to find the facts.
But as of this moment THERE IS NO INVESTIGATION on TRUMP for collusion with the Russians! Now there MIGHT be according to the above for Comey firing?
Again Mueller's call and his 4 Democrat donor associates. And his good friendship with Comey!

Exactly how unhinged and violent is Lefty going to become when the most Biased Partisan Dream Team of Crooked Ambulance Chasers ever assembled is going to be forced to Admit that there is


View attachment 134415?
well they could manufacture it, you know take five years develop look alike accounts and post date every email. I mean how fking long does one have to look at things, and btw, still no one has looked at the DNC server. AMAZING.

They can't even manufacture FAKE EVIDENCE CORRECTLY.

Remember when Hillary's Cybersecurity expert planted a false BEACON PING on Trump Tower Server and Russian Alpha Bank Server and then grew impatient because our intelligence community didn't "NOTICE IT" and then her and her team of "Experts" had to come out and say, hey, we think there is something suspicious over here, and you better take a look at it during the campaign?

And then Trump and Russian Alpha Bank turned the tables on them and gave our Intelligence Community full access to inspect Both Servers?


Tell you what, Mueller needs to subpoena this bitch right here.\

Profile : All People: School of Informatics and Computing: Indiana University

If he doesn't he is a damn phoney.

He also needs to investigate Lynch and Rice, and Subpoena the records Obama and his Cronies tried to steal and seal for his "Presidential Library."

If he is not willing to conduct an impartial investigation and take it wherever it may lead him, he needs to step down.

None of these people need to be investigated. We liberals here do not give conspiracy.theories credence.

You? A liberal? Have they changed the definition of what one is? Liberals believe in individual freedoms and rights. Pseudo liberals believe it's all about the collective. As far as you leftards not giving conspiracy theories any credence? Are you not touting that Trump and the Rooskies conspired to leak the damning e-mails showing the corruptness and criminality of the DNC?? What cracks me up about douches like you is that you are not concerned about the corruption of the DNC but the fact that it was revealed and that is most telling to me.
What exactly was Obama's "deep state" Einstein?
Entrenched lifers appointed by the treasonous bastard Obama and his former heads of certain dept. within our government. Many of which are being shown the door as we speak.
Are you now pretending that Handjob and a few others are using multiple ID's, with the full approval of those who control this board
You are paranoid. I'm saying it is not possible to use multiple ID's numb nuts.
Trump didn't expose anything. His accusations remain unproven and unfounded
His accusation got it to ultimately stop as soon as the deep state participants got named. Another win for Trump!
If they are lifers, genius, they can't be shown the door
They can be shown the door to another post where they can do no harm and they can be squeezed out the door as well. Forced to decide to leave on their own due to lack of hours and any chance of promotion. Don't you know anything?
But as of this moment THERE IS NO INVESTIGATION on TRUMP for collusion with the Russians! Now there MIGHT be according to the above for Comey firing?
Again Mueller's call and his 4 Democrat donor associates. And his good friendship with Comey!

Exactly how unhinged and violent is Lefty going to become when the most Biased Partisan Dream Team of Crooked Ambulance Chasers ever assembled is going to be forced to Admit that there is


View attachment 134415?
well they could manufacture it, you know take five years develop look alike accounts and post date every email. I mean how fking long does one have to look at things, and btw, still no one has looked at the DNC server. AMAZING.

They can't even manufacture FAKE EVIDENCE CORRECTLY.

Remember when Hillary's Cybersecurity expert planted a false BEACON PING on Trump Tower Server and Russian Alpha Bank Server and then grew impatient because our intelligence community didn't "NOTICE IT" and then her and her team of "Experts" had to come out and say, hey, we think there is something suspicious over here, and you better take a look at it during the campaign?

And then Trump and Russian Alpha Bank turned the tables on them and gave our Intelligence Community full access to inspect Both Servers?


Tell you what, Mueller needs to subpoena this bitch right here.\

Profile : All People: School of Informatics and Computing: Indiana University

If he doesn't he is a damn phoney.

He also needs to investigate Lynch and Rice, and Subpoena the records Obama and his Cronies tried to steal and seal for his "Presidential Library."

If he is not willing to conduct an impartial investigation and take it wherever it may lead him, he needs to step down.

None of these people need to be investigated. We liberals here do not give conspiracy.theories credence.

You? A liberal? Have they changed the definition of what one is? Liberals believe in individual freedoms and rights. Pseudo liberals believe it's all about the collective. As far as you leftards not giving conspiracy theories any credence? Are you not touting that Trump and the Rooskies conspired to leak the damning e-mails showing the corruptness and criminality of the DNC?? What cracks me up about douches like you is that you are not concerned about the corruption of the DNC but the fact that it was revealed and that is most telling to me.

I really don't think you are in any position to tell me what I am or am not concerned with. Those emails didn't show anything that was proven to be true. Those leaks got a man shot at a pizza parlor for fake news. So much for your rant.
Why not, its being done every single day and people like Don't Taz Me Bro, are just fine with it. It must sell advertising for them
Oh that's right you got banned didn't you? Dude you deserved it. I read the post that sent you packing and it was over the top. But I get it when you only have so much intellect you need to resort to nastiness.
Clapper is not running this investigation, Einstein
That is right he was running Obama's deep state until Trump exposed Obama's dirty plan.

Trump didn't expose anything. His accusations remain unproven and unfounded.
Tell us more Vlad

Tell us how you hate American Democracy and how you want to disrupt the peaceful transition of power. Or are you an illegal alien, or Jihadist?

All you phucks are the same.


You got none.
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Why not, its being done every single day and people like Don't Taz Me Bro, are just fine with it. It must sell advertising for them
Oh that's right you got banned didn't you? Dude you deserved it. I read the post that sent you packing and it was over the top. But I get it when you only have so much intellect you need to resort to nastiness.
If I was banned, Einstein, why am I still here?
Trump didn't expose anything. His accusations remain unproven and unfounded
His accusation got it to ultimately stop as soon as the deep state participants got named. Another win for Trump!

His accusation stopped nothing. Hs claims were investigated and found to have no merit.

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