Mueller Is Coming for Trump

Yep there are going to be some very upset and angry libs in a few months. Actually you all should be wanting this witch hunt to stop in order to have the DNC focus on stopping Trump's rapid reversal of Obamaism. But you are all as clueless as Obama.
They can't even manufacture FAKE EVIDENCE CORRECTLY.

Remember when Hillary's Cybersecurity expert planted a false BEACON PING on Trump Tower Server and Russian Alpha Bank Server and then grew impatient because our intelligence community didn't "NOTICE IT" and then her and her team of "Experts" had to come out and say, hey, we think there is something suspicious over here, and you better take a look at it during the campaign?

And then Trump and Russian Alpha Bank turned the tables on them and gave our Intelligence Community full access to inspect Both Servers?


Tell you what, Mueller needs to subpoena this bitch right here.\

Profile : All People: School of Informatics and Computing: Indiana University

If he doesn't he is a damn phoney.

He also needs to investigate Lynch and Rice, and Subpoena the records Obama and his Cronies tried to steal and seal for his "Presidential Library."

If he is not willing to conduct an impartial investigation and take it wherever it may lead him, he needs to step down.

None of these people need to be investigated. We liberals here do not give conspiracy.theories credence.

You? A liberal? Have they changed the definition of what one is? Liberals believe in individual freedoms and rights. Pseudo liberals believe it's all about the collective. As far as you leftards not giving conspiracy theories any credence? Are you not touting that Trump and the Rooskies conspired to leak the damning e-mails showing the corruptness and criminality of the DNC?? What cracks me up about douches like you is that you are not concerned about the corruption of the DNC but the fact that it was revealed and that is most telling to me.

I really don't think you are in any position to tell me what I am or am not concerned with. Those emails didn't show anything that was proven to be true. Those leaks got a man shot at a pizza parlor for fake news. So much for your rant.

Yeah, I am in a position to say as much. The e-mails were definitely proven to be legit and it resulted in the firing of Debbie Wasserman and Donna Brazile. Wkileleaks is 100 percent accurate and leftards PRAISED Wikileaks when they revealed correspondence between Bush and Blair (The Downing Street memos) showing that Iraq was going to be invaded regardless.

NOW? Leftards say the e-mail dump isn 't convenient. BTW, no one was shot at the staged event that was "Comet Pizza and Ping Pong" and the alleged shooter was an, what else do ya got? Thus far you haven't shown me diddly squat but defelction.

No you are not in any such position

So, where is your outrage about what was revealed? Or are you simply pissed that all the disgusting criminality of the DNC came to light? So, who was shot at "Comet Pizza" owned by the queer/pedophile James Alefanits whose venue was used to raise money for the DNC???? Here is some art that was displayed in his "kid friendly" pizza this appropriate???

Trump didn't expose anything. His accusations remain unproven and unfounded
His accusation got it to ultimately stop as soon as the deep state participants got named. Another win for Trump!

His accusation stopped nothing. Hs claims were investigated and found to have no merit.
I didn't know they made spam bots so repetitive.

IM2's accusation stopped nothing. His claims were investigated and found to have no merit.

Bee boop, beep bop, boop.


If IM2 is a paid troll? The ones paying him are not getting the "bang for the buck"..........

Who would be paying me to troll Dale?

Federal government routinely hires internet trolls, shills to monitor chat rooms, disrupt article comment sections
That's what Trump said about the white house tapes. And he only has until june 23rd. How long before the Lynch indictment? Days? Weeks? Months? or Years?
From what I hear.....months not years. It's pretty cut and dry. You have heard the media tell us about Trump and his team hiring outside counsel but they haven't told us about the Obama team layering up, but they are big time. Lynch has hired one of the most expensive attorneys in DC.
His accusation got it to ultimately stop as soon as the deep state participants got named. Another win for Trump!

His accusation stopped nothing. Hs claims were investigated and found to have no merit.
I didn't know they made spam bots so repetitive.

IM2's accusation stopped nothing. His claims were investigated and found to have no merit.

Bee boop, beep bop, boop.


If IM2 is a paid troll? The ones paying him are not getting the "bang for the buck"..........

Who would be paying me to troll Dale?

Federal government routinely hires internet trolls, shills to monitor chat rooms, disrupt article comment sections
Natural News? You are phyucking kidding
They can't even manufacture FAKE EVIDENCE CORRECTLY.

Remember when Hillary's Cybersecurity expert planted a false BEACON PING on Trump Tower Server and Russian Alpha Bank Server and then grew impatient because our intelligence community didn't "NOTICE IT" and then her and her team of "Experts" had to come out and say, hey, we think there is something suspicious over here, and you better take a look at it during the campaign?

And then Trump and Russian Alpha Bank turned the tables on them and gave our Intelligence Community full access to inspect Both Servers?


Tell you what, Mueller needs to subpoena this bitch right here.\

Profile : All People: School of Informatics and Computing: Indiana University

If he doesn't he is a damn phoney.

He also needs to investigate Lynch and Rice, and Subpoena the records Obama and his Cronies tried to steal and seal for his "Presidential Library."

If he is not willing to conduct an impartial investigation and take it wherever it may lead him, he needs to step down.

None of these people need to be investigated. We liberals here do not give conspiracy.theories credence.

You? A liberal? Have they changed the definition of what one is? Liberals believe in individual freedoms and rights. Pseudo liberals believe it's all about the collective. As far as you leftards not giving conspiracy theories any credence? Are you not touting that Trump and the Rooskies conspired to leak the damning e-mails showing the corruptness and criminality of the DNC?? What cracks me up about douches like you is that you are not concerned about the corruption of the DNC but the fact that it was revealed and that is most telling to me.

I really don't think you are in any position to tell me what I am or am not concerned with. Those emails didn't show anything that was proven to be true. Those leaks got a man shot at a pizza parlor for fake news. So much for your rant.

Yeah, I am in a position to say as much. The e-mails were definitely proven to be legit and it resulted in the firing of Debbie Wasserman and Donna Brazile. Wkileleaks is 100 percent accurate and leftards PRAISED Wikileaks when they revealed correspondence between Bush and Blair (The Downing Street memos) showing that Iraq was going to be invaded regardless.

NOW? Leftards say the e-mail dump isn 't convenient. BTW, no one was shot at the staged event that was "Comet Pizza and Ping Pong" and the alleged shooter was an, what else do ya got? Thus far you haven't shown me diddly squat but defelction.

No you are not in any such position
The only position you are in is doggy style being Putin's Bitch and a shill for our enemies.
His accusation stopped nothing. Hs claims were investigated and found to have no merit.
I didn't know they made spam bots so repetitive.

IM2's accusation stopped nothing. His claims were investigated and found to have no merit.

Bee boop, beep bop, boop.


If IM2 is a paid troll? The ones paying him are not getting the "bang for the buck"..........

Who would be paying me to troll Dale?

Federal government routinely hires internet trolls, shills to monitor chat rooms, disrupt article comment sections
Natural News? You are phyucking kidding

CIA-Sponsored Trolls Monitor Social Media & Interact With Users to Discredit Factual Information - Top US & World News | Susanne Posel

Yes, There Are Paid Government Trolls On Social Media, Blogs, Forums And Websites - Filming Cops

Federal government routinely hires internet trolls, shills to monitor chat rooms, disrupt article comment sections
That's what Trump said about the white house tapes. And he only has until june 23rd. How long before the Lynch indictment? Days? Weeks? Months? or Years?
From what I hear.....months not years. It's pretty cut and dry. You have heard the media tell us about Trump and his team hiring outside counsel but they haven't told us about the Obama team layering up, but they are big time. Lynch has hired one of the most expensive attorneys in DC.
And not only that Obama pulled all of the records that would be needed to prosecute Lynch for his "LIBRARY" thinking no one would notice.

Seriously, Obama should have known better than to play the part of Richard Nixon on Steroids and conduct illegal surveillance on political opponents.

The only thing that might save him is actually his skin color. And I am not kidding. I don't think anyone would want to put him in jail or try him for treason, simply because I think it would be too much for the country to handle.

But Mueller needs to subpoena the records Obama tried to sneak off with for his so called "LIBRARY"

Mueller can let Obama off with a stupid "NO INTENT" excuse that no one will believe, but Obama, Lynch, Rice, Clinton, Lerner, Holder, Koskinen, and Powers all committed crimes, and Comey covered for every single one of them.

They need investigated.
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From what I hear.....months not years. It's pretty cut and dry. You have heard the media tell us about Trump and his team hiring outside counsel but they haven't told us about the Obama team layering up, but they are big time. Lynch has hired one of the most expensive attorneys in DC.

Has Lynches lawyer, hired a lawyer yet?
The only thing that might save him is actually his skin color. And I am not kidding. I don't think anyone would want to put him in jail or try him for treason, simply because I think it would be too much for the country to handle
Maybe so...but we will all know what he did or tried to do and that counts for something. Maybe this will be the beginning of the end for special treatment of black politicians. That would be a long over due need.
His accusation stopped nothing. Hs claims were investigated and found to have no merit.
I didn't know they made spam bots so repetitive.

IM2's accusation stopped nothing. His claims were investigated and found to have no merit.

Bee boop, beep bop, boop.


If IM2 is a paid troll? The ones paying him are not getting the "bang for the buck"..........

Who would be paying me to troll Dale?

Federal government routinely hires internet trolls, shills to monitor chat rooms, disrupt article comment sections
Natural News? You are phyucking kidding
His accusation stopped nothing. Hs claims were investigated and found to have no merit.
I didn't know they made spam bots so repetitive.

IM2's accusation stopped nothing. His claims were investigated and found to have no merit.

Bee boop, beep bop, boop.


If IM2 is a paid troll? The ones paying him are not getting the "bang for the buck"..........

Who would be paying me to troll Dale?

Federal government routinely hires internet trolls, shills to monitor chat rooms, disrupt article comment sections
Natural News? You are phyucking kidding

BTW, before I found this forum, I posted on the Yahoo news boards a lot. When I started revealing the lies of Sandy Hoax, I would get attacked by the trolls...but the cool thing was that you could look up the posting history of those that attacked me and guess what? Under that ID, the only topic that they posted about was news articles about gun crimes and gun control and how the "state" should be the only ones to have them...coinkydink? I think not.......
From what I hear.....months not years. It's pretty cut and dry. You have heard the media tell us about Trump and his team hiring outside counsel but they haven't told us about the Obama team layering up, but they are big time. Lynch has hired one of the most expensive attorneys in DC.

Has Lynches lawyer, hired a lawyer yet?

Lynch should be thinking about it...along with Eric Holder and James about the sleaziest of the sleazes???
Until Facebook and Twitter make it illegal for people from other countries to sign up for their services, I am not sure what Lefty is complaining about.

The DNC hacking myth has no evidence. It was a lie from the start. And their only complaint after that was bout MEAN TWEETS which they say....LOL cost them the election?

Seriously, Clinton had an army of paid trolls, and they Dare try to pull that shit?
Until Facebook and Twitter make it illegal for people from other countries to sign up for their services, I am not sure what Lefty is complaining about.

The DNC hacking myth has no evidence. It was a lie from the start. And their only complaint after that was bout MEAN TWEETS which they say....LOL cost them the election?

Seriously, Clinton had an army of paid trolls, and they Dare try to pull that shit?

Leftards always see themselves as victims but anything that is underhanded that they do is justifiable......
What happened to 'RUSSIAN COLLUSION' which is what all of these 18 months of surveillance, and 10 months of Investigations, through 5 different teams was supposed to be about?

Now they are looking if someone forgot to log a phone call, or forgot to check off the right deduction?

Now we are looking at how the Russians attacked our elections.

And how did they "ATTACK OUR ELECTIONS"?

Be specific.....and please provide ACTUAL EVIDENCE.

And don't say "alleged mean Tweets and Facebook posts about Hillary"

Since you seem so far out of the loop...

What we know about the attempts of Russia to influence our election

  • They hacked the DNC server and slowly leaked the information to assist Trump
  • They made attempts to probe voting machines to see where they are vulnerable
As a citizen.....Doesn't that outrage you?

Where is the evidence?

[James Clapper] He stressed that he could only speak for the intelligence community, not for state or local agencies or for government entities authorized under Title Three of the 1968 “Wiretap Act.”
But Clapper then went on to say that to his knowledge there was “no evidence” of “collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians.”
“We did not include any evidence in our report – and I say ‘our,’ that’s NSA, FBI and CIA, with my office, the Director of National Intelligence – that had anything, that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was no evidence of that included in our report.”
“I understand that,” said interviewer Chuck Todd. “But does it exist?”
“Not to my knowledge.”
“If it existed, it would have been in this report?”
“This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government.,” Clapper replied, “but at the time I – we had no evidence of such collusion.”
Obama’s Intelligence Chief Says ‘No Evidence’ of Trump-Russian Collusion; Media Focus on Wiretap Denial
At OJ's trial, they didn't have evidence to prove he was guilty, but that doesn't mean it didn't exist.
Mueller is there to investigate SPECIFIC charges and to determine whether they have any basis or not, whether or not any of the findings are criminal in nature, not to do a proctology exploration just fishing around trying to find something not knowing what you seek to find! Anything Mueller investigates he needs to tie its relevance to the case and give good reason why he needs to look there, not turn up an unpaid parking ticket from 1994 and say: BUSTED! WE FOUND SOMETHING ON TRUMP!!

Mueller is operating under the same rules as Ken Starr.

What did Paula Jones have to do with Whitewater? NOTHING. Case closed.

What did Monica Lewinsky have to do with Paula Jones?
Now THAT was a witch hunt
Your hero, Slick Willy, signed a bill making it legal to bring up a defendant's sexual history in sexual harassment/sexual assault lawsuits. Why don't you ask Slick how it's relevant?
Mueller Is Coming for Trump

The special counsel’s expanding probe will reveal loads of dirt from the president’s financial past

What you don’t know can hurt you very badly, and there is a great deal that Republicans do not know about Donald Trump. From shady business dealings to questionable tax schemes to potential Russian collusion, the president is dogged by scandals whose depth and significance remain unclear. With few exceptions, Republicans are eager to protect Trump from serious inquiries, running interference where they can while pushing through their legislative agenda as quickly and secretively as possible. The GOP isn’t quite sure what it’s helping Trump to cover up—but as long as he promises to sign its bills, the party will condone his outrageous misdeeds.

This strategy now appears poised to backfire spectacularly. On Wednesday, both the New York Times and the Washington Post reported that special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating Trump’s inner circle for financial crimes. This aggressive shift toward Trump associates’ personal dealings is disastrous news for the president, his allies, and his enablers. At long last, federal investigators will probe Trump’s sprawling network for wrongdoing, picking up where reporters left off, only this time with subpoena power. And Trump can only stop them by firing Mueller—a blatant obstruction of justice that would likely be more damaging than any crime the president may have committed in the past.

So you're basically admitting that they have nothing on "collusion" or "obstruction of justice" so Mueller will have to probe Trump's businesses? So it was all a scam? All the allegations you on the left have been making for the past year?

Mueller was just named to head the investigation 4 weeks ago. He hasn't even set up his complete staff yet.Pretty silly to try talking about what the investigation was, when it isn't even defined what it will be.

I thought this was about "collusion" and "obstruction of justice", Bulldog! Now you don't even know what Mueller is going to investigate? It's obvious this isn't about something Trump did to win the election at this point...that talking point has died with a whimper.

This is an investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election

There are a lot of charges that could come out of it
Failing to report foreign contacts, improper financial dealings with a country under US sanctions, collusion, cover-up, treason

All of those accusations have already been discredited. There's no collusion, no cover-up, no treason, no improper financial dealings, and U.S. sanctions are irrelevant to the issue.
What happened to 'RUSSIAN COLLUSION' which is what all of these 18 months of surveillance, and 10 months of Investigations, through 5 different teams was supposed to be about?

Now they are looking if someone forgot to log a phone call, or forgot to check off the right deduction?

Now we are looking at how the Russians attacked our elections.

And how did they "ATTACK OUR ELECTIONS"?

Be specific.....and please provide ACTUAL EVIDENCE.

And don't say "alleged mean Tweets and Facebook posts about Hillary"

Since you seem so far out of the loop...

What we know about the attempts of Russia to influence our election

  • They hacked the DNC server and slowly leaked the information to assist Trump
  • They made attempts to probe voting machines to see where they are vulnerable
As a citizen.....Doesn't that outrage you?

Where is the evidence?

[James Clapper] He stressed that he could only speak for the intelligence community, not for state or local agencies or for government entities authorized under Title Three of the 1968 “Wiretap Act.”
But Clapper then went on to say that to his knowledge there was “no evidence” of “collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians.”
“We did not include any evidence in our report – and I say ‘our,’ that’s NSA, FBI and CIA, with my office, the Director of National Intelligence – that had anything, that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was no evidence of that included in our report.”
“I understand that,” said interviewer Chuck Todd. “But does it exist?”
“Not to my knowledge.”
“If it existed, it would have been in this report?”
“This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government.,” Clapper replied, “but at the time I – we had no evidence of such collusion.”
Obama’s Intelligence Chief Says ‘No Evidence’ of Trump-Russian Collusion; Media Focus on Wiretap Denial
At OJ's trial, they didn't have evidence to prove he was guilty, but that doesn't mean it didn't exist.

They actually did have the evidence, but two other things they had is an actual crime and a dead body.

So where's the crime, asshole?

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